Hiya it's Vlarinfan4eva here, or as other people know me as Vlarin, anyway I would like to thank everyone who wrote nice reviews on this I really appreciate it, also yes there is a sequel and it will be called 'we found love part II: Stoneybridge' and just so you know it is a crossover with wolfblood since I had Erin as a wolfblood I decided to go that way with it, anyways I hope you enjoyed 'We found love part I: Garside grange' and I'll see you next time when I start writing the sequel, but for now I will say goodbye and again thank you for all the nice reviews and I would like to give shout outs to:
River is Sherlocked and
I'd also like to say that the characters that I add in are not mine apart from Luke whom I added in this and just so you know the characters belong to either L0llyp0p, Nightfury991 or River is sherlocked, also this story will be created from a forum but I will be describing more than in the forum for those who are in the forum, anyway i again hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you other side : )xxVlarinfan4evaxx : ).