Just to keep everyone interested...Chapter One is out :D

Do NOT own Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Groaning, I stretched out my aching body as I woke up slowly to the feeling of the sun on my back and something soft yet itchy underneath me.

I feel like I went three rounds against a metal post.

About to go back to sleep with the warmth on my back. I froze at the sound of a seagull not two feet away from me.

I don't live by the beach.

Was my first thought.

I can feel wind on my butt.

Was my second thought.

I should have never took that marshmallow.

Was my third thought before my eyes cracked open to the sight of an empty beach. The sun just rising from the horizon and bathing the beach in a golden light. Not too far was a line of beach houses, hotels, and restaurants stretching down the cove as far as I could see.

Turning my head slowly from left to right. I tried not to freak out at the unfamiliar beach. Surprisingly clean and no seaweed in sight.

Oh lord, I'm not in America anymore.

I sighed and faced planted into the sand before sitting up from the sand.


Only to dive right back into the sands cool embrace when I realized that I saw something dangling down there bigger than I've ever seen unless in the disturbing pictures my sister use to show me just to see my horrified face.

Mom did NOT give me talk about the ding dong. Oh god oh god oh god

Trying not to hyperventilate, I pushed myself to my knees and looked down to speculate how different my body was.

THIS is NOT the body I was born with.

To find out I actually had a very well defined six pack was something to be very happy about. The fact that I also had smooth nearly hairless ivory skin that practically shined against the sand was also something to be proud of. The fact that I probably had a bigger willy than my brother was both something to be pleased by and horror-struck by.

Its not like I ever thought of myself as just a she. Being pansexual had its perks at least.

I thoughtfully nodded to myself before realizing I was butt naked on a beach not five feet away from the wet sand and this was probably not a nude beach.

Looking up and around also made me realize that I now had long black silky hair that reached past my shoulders to my well defined pecks.

.pecks. Yay.

Pushing my hair back to hang over one shoulder, I crawled my way through the sand, my legs felt to much like jello to even try to stand up.

Spotting a sunning couple a yard down from me, I was surprisingly quiet as I made my way over them.

I hope I don't look too ridiculous. Maybe my new spectacular hot body won't get me arrested for being nude.

I cheerfully thought as I finally got a couple feet away from them to realize they looked pretty snotty.

The man was wearing pure white boarding shorts and had a outrageously colorful Hawaiian shirt that looked surprisingly soft. The woman was in a two piece bikini with little hookah shells and pearls tied to the straps. Not to mention overly large celebrity glasses that made you look like insects.

I'm probably about to be insulted and scolded.

Wistfully looking around the beach to find the other closest occupants were three yards down playing volleyball.

Sadly looking back at the poncy couple, I shuffled around so I sat on my knees and covered my privates with as much sand as possible. Clearing my throat, I spoke my first words in this strange world.

"Excuse me. Is there a chance you could help me?" A sinfully deep voice rumbled from my lips as the couple jumped in surprise.

Oh god its like a orgasm in my throat.

Was my first awed thought.

What have I unleashed upon this world.

Was my second horrified thought.

What fucking language was that?

Was my third flabbergasted realization.

The couple didn't seemed to surprised to see me, but only the women seemed to be fascinated by new body. A shiver ran down my spine at the leering look she was giving me.

"And what help do you need young man?" The women purred as the man looked disgruntled but laid back down, probably use to his wife's antics.

"I..uh...lost my swim trunks...at sea. I was wondering if you had a spare towel or clothes I could use?" I shyly asked, controlling my voice to a lighter tone so that such a deep base won't provoke the cougar to attack.

So THIS is what my brother feels like when he gets flirted with by women in their late 20's.

I mused before the lady smirked and held up a small towel in one hand with her dainty red claw-like nails.

"I will promise to give this to you if you would stand up for me young man. Its not like everyday I get to see such perfection with such a lovely background." The women practically purred with such a sultry voice that all I wanted to do is dive into the sand and disappear.

Oh god, I feel molested. I am so sorry Zane for making fun of you.

But then, a strange surge of heat from the pit of my stomach and throughout my body before my nervous shy submissive demure could take over.

How fucking dare this weak snotty herbivore harass me!

The feeling of anger washing over me was almost therapeutic as the strength that I've never had but always needed gave me courage. Slowly standing up on my feet, I looked down at them with righteous fury.

Who does she think she is to order me? Who does she think she is to bribe me with that whimsical fucking wash clothe?!

I could only see her rapidly paling features as a warm breeze swept back my long black longs to reveal my glaring face. I must be pretty intimidating to her because as soon as she looked, she crawled backward into the sand and off her beach towel with a startled screech.

Her husband was no better after taking a peak from above his large sun glasses. He tripped over his own feet as he grabbed the bag to his left side and threw it at me.

"T-take it! She's very very dearly sorry for insulting you Hibari-san. So very sorry. We Are very s-sorry. Right honey?" The man hastily apologized as the cougar nodded furiously before he grabbed her wrist and they practically ran to the hotel directly behind them.

Confused, annoyed, and somewhat satisfied by their reaction.

Who the hell is Hibari?

I looked down at the satchel and shrugged.

They did throw it at me to use.

Crouching down and digging through the bag for decent clothes. I picked a soft white tank top and grey striped button-up long sleeved t-shirt. Slipping on a baggy pair of dark blue board shorts and tying the laces into a knot. Luckily finding a comb, I pulled back my hair in a ponytail and pulled a black baseball hat over my head. No shoes or sandals unfortunately, it isn't like bare feet stopped me before.

Well, lets see what this world has to offer.

I sighed and put the bag back onto the beach towels the snobby couple left behind before heading further down the beach to invistigate the locals.

Further down seemed to be a group of beach buffs trying to impress a flock of females who stood amongst the sidelines cheering them on.

Curious, I walked over only to haven a bunch of the girls looking over me with peaked interest like I was a new item on the menu. Stiffling the need to shiver, I walked closer to the volleyball match.

The beach buffs didn't realize my presence until they noticed that the girls they were trying to impress were looking over at me instead.

What looked like the leader with the biggest muscles and the ugliest sun tanned face, grimly served the volleyball at a deadly speed towards me.

Lord why does this happen to me? Maybe its karma for making fun of hot people all the time?

I mused, standing still with my feet planted firmly into the sand. The ball looked like it was practically floating towards me, reaching out with one hand to stop it in mid-air. Everyone stared in shock as I simply lowered the volleyball to waist height and smirked.

Good thing sis trained me in volleyball.

"You need this back Herbivore?" I asked before throwing the ball up and smacking the ball straight into his ugly face. Miscalculating my strength and direction by a large margin. Not only did the ball hit straight into the net, the net popped from its attachments, the entire thing went straight into beach buff's face.

Cackling madly on the inside from his face and my strength. I decided the town was a better option than this. Maybe a few decent people will be nice to talk to.

Still don't know the language I'm speaking. Still don't know where the hell I am.

Grumbling darkly, I was about to leave when one of them called out to me. "Hey! Our sempai is gonna be here soon! He'll pay you back for harming one of our best boxers!" He yelled angrily as he pointed down the beach to a disturbingly large sand dust ball heading straight towards us.


What in the world?

Chapter One Complete :D I know its short, but I'm just practically rewriting right now if you haven't already read my story before I revised it. It will get longer, but probably after fifth chapters. Any comments, questions, and questions will be answered in the comment section :D