Chapter 1

The sun was bright. It was a year since Frodo's return from his fateful journey, and it was Sam's wedding. Frodo watched with tears sparking in his blue eyes, as Sam kissed Rosie. He cheered. Rosie turned and threw her bouquet into the crowd. To the utmost astonishment of all the hobbits present, Pippin caught it. Frodo saw Diamond's, who stood beside him, disgruntled look and grinned.

Turning, he caught sight of a young hobbit girl standing a few paces away, beside a family of Took's. She was grinning happily and clapping hard. She wore a dark green dress and her dark blond, gentle curls cascaded over her shoulders. The afternoon sun sank into her hair and lit up her face, glinting in her grey-blue eyes.

Frodo was struck by how pretty she was. She didn't look completely hobbit. She was the right stature, but she was slender and her dress clung to her shapely curves. Her face was longer and more oval than a hobbit's too. Frodo had never been much attracted to the Hobbiton girls. In his tweens, he had shared a kiss or two with a young Brandybuck or Bolger after a couple of ales, but he had never had any sort of relationship.

He turned back to Rosie and Sam, as they descended from the podium, hand in hand. Frodo had never seen Sam look happier than he did now. The crowd parted to let the couple through, and then followed them to the Green Dragon, where the festivities were to take place.

Frodo followed slowly, deep in his thoughts. As he entered the inn, a band struck up a lively tune and Rosie and Sam took the floor. The hobbits instantly tucked into the sumptuous arrangement of food laid out. Frodo sat down at one of the tables and watched, a little wistfully, the happy couples that took to the floor and twirl in each other's arms.

A mug was pressed into his hands. 'Frodo!' cried Merry, sitting down beside him. 'Why aren't you joining in? There are barrels of ale and tables of food!'

Frodo took a deep draught of the ale and thanked his friend. 'I was deep in my thoughts,' he shrugged. The band trundled to a halt and there was much applause and calling for another tune. Frodo nudged Merry and jerked his head towards a pretty Bolger on the other side of the room.

'There's Estella,' he said, grinning. 'Ask her for a dance.'

Merry raised his eyebrows. 'Trying to get rid of me?' he asked standing and beginning to move toward Estella. 'You should get yourself a girlfriend, mate.'

Frodo laughed and stood, pushing through the throng to the table. He snatched up a roll and a hunk of cheese and placed them in a little woven basket, courtesy of a few of Rosie's friends. He added to the plate, a pastry and something that looked curiously like lembas. He was turning away when he caught sight of the girl again. She was sparsely filling her plate. Frodo liked the way her not-so-curly hair fell across her face.

He turned away from her quickly and found an empty table. He occupied himself with eating and watching the happy dancers. The bread had the same texture of lembas but quite a different taste. All the same, he liked it. He munched quietly and watched Pippin spinning Diamond in rapid circles. Soft footsteps sounded behind him and he turned to see the dark blond hobbit, standing awkwardly.

'Do you mind if I sit here?' she asked shyly. 'All the other tables are full.'

Frodo nodded, quickly swallowing a mouthful of cheese. She smiled and sat. Frodo could help but notice the grace with which she moved; an uncommon thing among hobbits. She reminded him somewhat of an elf.

She held out her hand to him across the scrubbed, wooden table. 'I'm Ayla.'

He took it. 'Frodo... Frodo Baggins.'

'Yeah... I know...' She smiled.

She bit into a roll and chewed slowly, her eyes darting around the room, before coming to rest of Frodo once more. She tugged at a one of her sleeves.

At last Frodo spoke. 'So where are you from?' he asked. 'I haven't seen you around here before.'

She shrugged. 'It's a long story. 'I'm staying with Ma Took for a couple of weeks.'

Frodo nodded. Over Ayla's shoulder, he could see Merry giving him thumbs up.

Frodo noticed that Ayla seemed to be studying him. Carefully, her eyes lingered over his pale, strangely elven features and bright blue eyes. He cocked an eyebrow and grinned. She dropped her gaze and stared, embarrassed, at her plate.

'I... uh... you live in Bag End, don't you?' she asked finally.

He nodded.

'Bilbo lived there didn't he? Bilbo Baggins, who adopted you?'

He frowned in surprise. 'How do you know that?'

She jolted. 'One of Ma Took's lads told me... I forget who.'

They lapsed into silence. Frodo took a gulp of ale. After a while, Ayla ventured, 'I've heard so much about Bag End. I've always wanted to see it. Not... not because of the rumours of treasure stuffing its halls, but because of it's... sort of...' She waved her hands about vaguely.

Frodo nodded. 'Well, why don't you come over for tea some time?' he asked, smiling.

She broke into a broad smile. 'Really? Thank you! Thank you so much! When?'

Frodo grinned. 'The day after tomorrow would be good. I'm rather busy tomorrow I'm afraid. Come at around three.'

She nodded. 'Thank you.'

Throughout the following quarter of an hour, they discussed Hobbiton, the Shire, Sam and Rosie, but she always seemed to steer clear of the topics of her heritage and residence. Frodo let it be, but reminded himself to ask her about on Thursday.

There was loud cheering and the pair looked up to see a large cake being born upon a silver platter. It was a chocolate cake, smothered in thick brown icing and decorated with tangling strands of vine and flower. It was set at a separate table to the food one. Sam and Rosie stood beside it, an elegant silver knife in their hands.

'Come on.' Frodo rose and made his way to stand near the couple. Ayla followed him. There were several songs of good wishes and then the knife sunk into the cake. The first slice, to Frodo's intense surprise was offered to him. He took with a smile, thanking Sam, his greatest friend, and kissing Rosie lightly on the cheek. Both grinned at him. The next were given to Merry and Pippin, then immediate family, then friends and so on.

The cake was rich and fudgy. Frodo savoured the taste and he ate it. Ayla rejoined him at the table and they struck up their conversation once more, complimenting the cake and the bride and groom. After a while Merry and Pippin joined them.

'Hello Ayla,' said Pippin, swinging down beside her. Merry echoed him.

Frodo looked at them in surprise. 'You know one another?'

Pippin grinned. 'Of course! She's staying at my mother's house, and unfortunately I don't have a hole of my own.'

Frodo nodded.

'So how are you two getting along?' queried Merry. 'Have you told him yet?' he added, turning to Ayla.

She shook her head. Frodo looked confused.

'Told me what?'

'Oh nothing,' said Pippin. 'Have you invited her over yet?'

Frodo frowned. 'Peregrin Took, what is going on?'

'Nothing, as he said,' put in Merry, just concealing a grin. Ayla looked uncomfortable. She licked a piece of icing from her finger and tugged at her hair. Merry put an arm around her.

Frodo opened his mouth to say something, but was then cut across by an ecstatic Sam, who swung down beside Frodo, grinning from ear to ear. 'What do you know Mr. Frodo? I'm married! And to Rosie too!'

Frodo smiled at him. 'I know Sam... I couldn't be happier for you.'

Sam caught sight the dark blond hobbit sitting among them. 'Hello Ayla!' he said cheerily.

Frodo's gaze snapped around to him. 'You know her too?' he cried.

'Of course I do, Mr. Frodo... else why would she be at my wedding?' Sam said. Luckily Frodo did not catch the sly note in his voice, nor the glances he shared with Merry and Pippin.

Frodo sighed. 'You all seem to share in a secret I know nothing about.'

'Oh dear... he guessed!' said Pippin laughingly. Ayla raised an eyebrow, smiling broadly, Merry grinned and Sam laughed outright.

'We'll tell you soon, Mr. Frodo... trust me,' Sam said, and stood to find Rosie.

Pippin jumped up and went in search of Diamond and Merry offered Ayla a dance.

'I've been teaching her, you see,' he said to Frodo as they left the table. 'Got to keep her fit,' he added teasingly.

Ayla laughed and swung her hip into Merry's making him stumble. Frodo watched as he took her carefully in his arms and began to dance to the lively tune struck up by the band. Merry said something to her and she laughed, glancing briefly his way. Their eyes caught and held for a split second, before it was broken by another vigorous twirl.

The dance lasted several minutes. Frodo's eyes followed Ayla and Merry's every move. He didn't realize the look of envy that passed across his face. Sam saw it, and grinned, as did Pippin.

They returned to the table, flushed and eyes sparkling. Merry went in search of ale and Ayla sat down. Panting, and pushing her hair out of her eyes.

'Dancing's such fun,' she said, flapping her hand to cool herself. 'I never realized that until I came here.'

Frodo laughed. Merry returned with two mugs of ale. To Frodo's everlasting surprise, Ayla grabbed one and took a deep gulp. Merry grinned at Frodo's shocked face.

'What?' she asked, reappearing from over the rim of her now half-full mug. 'You think that girls can't drink?'

Frodo's eyebrows shot up and he grinned. Grabbing his own still full mug, he raised it to his lips and gulping back a hearty amount. Ayla burst into a fit of laughter, and downed the rest of hers a couple more sips.

To Frodo and Merry's surprise, the ale seemed to have little effect on her. Besides making her a lot jollier and less shy than before. The sky was darkening outside.

Both Frodo and Ayla remembered the evening with great clarity.

As the Shire fell into night, the crowd in the Dragon became merrier. Another two barrels of ale were broken out; more food was laid on the table. The band played ever more lively tunes. At one point Pippin and Merry clambered onto a table and began singing loudly. Ayla, recalling the song, shouted happily along, and Frodo was surprised at how well she knew the song.

You can search far and wide

You can drink the whole town dry,

But you'll never find a beer so brown,

But you'll never find a beer so brown,

But you'll never find a beer so brown

Than the one we drink in our hometown!

You can drink your fancy ales,

You can drink 'em by the flagon

But the only brew for the brave and true...

Comes from the Green Dragon!

At one point in the evening, Ayla swung to the table at which Frodo sat and pulled him to his feet. 'Come and dance!' she cried. She pulled him onto the dance floor and placed his hands about her waist. The fiddlers struck up a quickening tune. Frodo remembered the gentle curves of her waist beneath his hands. He remembered her soft hair bouncing on her shoulders. He remembered her breathless laugh and wide smile.

And she remembered the brightness of his eyes, and the way they watched her as she danced. She remembered the warmth of his hands through her dress. And his dark curls sweeping across his forehead. And she remembered his lips on her hand as he wished her goodnight and the cool night air as she walked, arm in arm with Pippin, down the lane.

And she remembered wishing Pippin goodnight and the soft sheets as she slipped between them. And the last thing she thought of before she dropped off to sleep was the fair face of Frodo, and the depth of his shining, beautiful eyes.