A/N: Well this is not my story, I only help the author with some ideas, the author let me post it here so you could read it. I hope you like this story.

I don't own the characters.


Ch. 1 For the first time


"Katherine? Honey? Do you have the other stuff coming down later?"

"Yeah mom. I am actually on my way. See you in a sec. I am pulling up now."

"Ok. Bye honey."


"Back here."

Kate made her way to her mother's office toward the end of the hallway. There were so many people bustling around, Kate had to be careful not to hit anyone with the stack of boxes she was carrying.

"Oh. Why so many at once? Ever hear of trips?" Johanna Beckett, Kate's mother, came to help lighten her daughter's load.

"Why waste time? Now I do have a couple still left at the precinct for further scrutiny."

"I am sure it's solid like always."

"Never hurts to be sure."

"That's true." When Kate turned to the door, where the voice was coming from, she was taken aback.

Here stood a man, not much older than she, who held himself with a confidence she couldn't grasp. He didn't seem cocky, just sure of himself. He knew who he was and that made her stomach flutter nervously.

"You haven't met my daughter. Katherine this is Richard. Richard is assisting me on this case."

"Nice to meet you." Kate's hand stuck out like the elephant in the room and the unreturned shake sent her arm sliding back into her leather jacket. Sore subject is when she gets someone wrong. She read him as confident not jackass but, people aren't perfect.

"I hope you did a good job by my standards." Richard was all hard ball. He had no room for mistakes or petty meet and greets. His job was everything because he had so little elsewhere.

Kate stood awkwardly unable to defend herself after such a blatant blow. But unbeknownst to this Richard fellow, Johanna was all guns blazing.

"Don't doubt my daughter's abilities. You have no idea who you've just met. The top detective of the NYPD. So Mr. Castle with all due respect, she about tied this up with a pretty little bow."

Kate shaking her head, pulled her mom out of the office, leaving her vanilla musk scent trailing after her. "Mom, I thank you for defending me but you don't have to. I am a big girl and I can handle myself."

"I know you can but I don't know who he thinks he is talking to like that."

Kate hugged her mom and being the more mature out of the two went back to reconcile with Richard.

"Sorry about that. My mom is very protective of me." She pushed back some stray hairs and leaned in the doorframe.

"No worries. I notice that some things are missing." Richard set aside some boxes as if they didn't carry any weight to them.

"Yeah, well I wanted to go over them another time with fresh eyes. You can have them tomorrow if you don't mind the wait."

He turned to face her, making sure she knew she had his full attention. "If you don't mind, I would like to pour over them tonight. Mind if I join you and your lovely eyes?"

The redness in Kate's cheeks were evident. She was caught red faced and decided to fess up. "Sure. I was heading back now if you want a lift."

"That would be great. Let me get my coat."

After Richard left, Kate took a deep breath. Her light brown hair was pulled into a messy late night braid but she didn't bother combing it out. Why try to impress him? She is only there to help with the trial. So why does she care? Her golden brown eyes seemed to find anywhere else to look than at his absence. Standing poised, sure of herself now, she ignored her instant attraction and thought of all the victims who lay in the boxes.

Eddie Vanero had claimed the lives of ten women. Solid proof and enough evidence and there was no refuting this case. But trust the system and someone who believes their client is innocent and you never have a solid case. Any discrepancies can take down a tower. So her job was to find the murderer and build a solid case for the DA. And that's how she found herself here.

Johanna Beckett is the DA, District Attorney, for New York City. And Richard Castle is the ADA, Assistant District Attorney, and they rarely work the same case. But fate plays a role in this story so please strap in and open your hearts to the possibility of true love.

"So, you always work so late?" Kate tried making small talk on the way back to the precinct but trailing lightly around Richard was difficult. Better to play things safe and close to the vest. Kate has a hard job that not many can deal with so keeping emotions in check is critical but sometimes she forgets to turn the switch back on.

"Yes. You?" He turned in the passenger seat to get a better eye on her.

"A detective's job is never done. But, if I may ask, why must you have a look tonight?"

The pause he gave could be felt for miles and when he finally did speak it felt like hours had passed. "I am usually busy with other things, the sooner the better."

"I can get that." Kate pulled into the parking lot and strode into the precinct with Richard matching her every step.

An hour later, pouring over the information, she had placed together, Richard and Kate read every word as if this was the case of the century.

"I have never met someone so dedicated to their craft as me." Richard set down the file he was reading and picked up a spring roll.

"Neither have I. It's refreshing."

"Agreed. So why this?" He held out his hands to signal the conference room they were occupying.

"Why not this?" Kate gave a light smile still guarding herself.

"Well, what drives you to do what you do? I mean someone as smart as you…" The weird look Kate gave him made him explain further. "Your mom made it a point for me to know just how smart you are. She speaks of you very highly to everyone. I am no exception."

"Yeah, well, that's my mom." She laughed and pushed on. "I have always had the need for justice or so my mom tells me. She wanted me to be a lawyer actually but, I don't know, I like this side a lot more. I get to help people find peace. That is what drives me. When I was little, seven, I got lost in the park and I couldn't find my mom. I was not so much scared as I was tired. I actually fell asleep. A Detective Faley found me and brought me back to my mom. Finding me brought peace to my mom. I want to do that for others who, their loved ones can't just be returned. I just like things to be closed. No unanswered questions. For peace to be peaceful, I guess."

He stared her up and down as if he was trying to size her up. "My father was screwed by the justice system so I decided that I would do everything in my power to fix what was wrong. So I get your drive and your passion. It's inspiring."

"Thank you. Sorry about your dad not getting the justice he deserved. I think you can fix what is wrong. You have the drive that pushes you to go another day, I can see it. I believe in you." She smiled at him and the heat and attraction returned to her cheeks for all to see. She couldn't and shouldn't deny herself the company of a good man but he was still a mystery to her and she decided not to play her cards if there wasn't a fair game.

"Well, I think I have worn out my welcome. I'll get a cab back to the office. Thank you Detective Beckett for allowing me to read over your shoulder." He held out his hand as he stood and the memory of her hand out like that flashed into her head.

When she returned his shake he seemed surprised. "Anytime. I'll give you a lift, besides I am done with these so you can have them."

"Much appreciated."

"I can take them for you, they are mine now." Richard held out his arms to take the boxes from Kate but she refused. "Ok, be strong willed. I don't mind at all." He laughed but followed her after leading her to his office.

"I have never seen the offices after dark. It's eerie. You choose to stay here?"

"I like the peace and quiet, besides there isn't much awaiting me when I get home."

She set down the boxes and her eyes found him in the dark of the room. The stare they shared deepened into the room like water sliding into every nook and cranny it could possibly find.


"Kate. Call me Kate."

"Kate, call me Rick." He stepped closer and paused in front of her. "I had fun." He laughed as if he was unsure of his own statement. "Well, it was nice meeting and working with you."

"Same." She smiled and he joined her.

"So… see you at the trial?"

"I wouldn't miss it. People like Eddie think they're untouchable but they're not safe from me."

"Whoa, calm down. Trust me, he is going away for such a long time he will forget what year it is." Rick wanted to console her but he could tell she didn't need a shoulder, no, what she needed was for someone to keep Eddie locked away and he wanted to do that. He wanted justice, not just for him but for her also.

"Sorry. When I want something I believe in making it happen."

"Good to know."

"I like to think so. So, see you soon?" She gave him a coy smile and made a non-descript dash for the door.
