The Time of Consequences

The End

Disclaimer: This is a work of Fan Fiction set within the Harry Potter universe. As such all Characters and Locations belong to J.K. Rowling and this work is not being produced for commercial gain.

Chapter 57

Luna Lovegood crawled through the Swedish countryside her pale eyes burned with a determination that would have surprised any of her friends who thought they knew her. This wasn't just zoology, this to her was redemption.

It had been hard getting out of Briton. The country had been warded to stop apparition or floo travel in or out. The ministry was not the incompetent body she remembered from her first life. It was organized and efficient. With Cedric Diggory as Minister and Harry and Neville as advisors it could hardly be anything else.

The border ports had wizarding agents watching for people leaving using muggle means. She had taken a chance. She had stood on a hill watching the ferry head out. Once it was far enough from port she apparated on to it. Then left by the same method once she had been able to see Sweden.

She didn't know what she had done but it was obvious that something had happened. One of the changes she had made had altered things and brought them to the current situation.

Fudge hadn't lasted long as Minister once Malfoy was arrested. His decision to bring Lestrange out of Azkaban for questioning had sealed his downfall when she escaped. Dumbledore had his power base removed too. Crouch's house was raided and his son found. Somehow, probably to do with Bella he was freed before he could get to Azkaban.

Amelia had been encouraged to take the ministers job and she held things steady. When Fudge had applied for and got the Dada post in Harry's second year she hadn't thought much of it. He would be better than Lockheart anyway.

She had decided to stay out of school to be home schooled at least officially. She and Sirius had continued to search for and found most of the Horcruxes. Only the diary was left unaccounted.

Fudge stayed on as a Dada teacher for another two years. That should have rung alarm bells. It was during the Triwizard tournament his downfall occurred. He got drunk and tried to assault Fleur. When questioned he had no memory of the previous three years.

Cedric, had excelled in the tournament winning with ease. He had used the winnings to project himself into public life. He made announcements on his future plans, all the time making scathing comments at the ministries inability to capture Crouch and Lestrange. The two were still at large; every so often, they would appear and commit some atrocity. Just enough to destabilise things.

Looking back the pattern was clear; it was the traditionalists who were being culled. Those who would object to radical changes the most. At the time, it seemed random. Now it was clear.

She still met with Sirius, but she had no information to give him. Her past memories were no guide to this current situation. They had only blanks on the fate of the diary. They also had no idea on Voldemort's whereabouts. The assumption was, as in her previous time he had returned to being a wraith in Albania.

Harry had graduated Hogwarts with no major incidents effecting his time there. He had been dating Sally-Anne for his last two years while there, he'd had a few little dates before that but it seemed that right from the start that he was serious about Sally.

It was after Amos Diggory had been murdered that things stated to tumble. Cedric grew further in prominence he used his eulogy at his father's funeral to attack the incompetence of the ministry and announced his attention to stand as Minister of Magic.

Cedric had approached Harry to endorse him but although wishing him well Harry said he wished to stay neutral. Harry was putting all his effort into learning how to manage the Black Estates, Sirius had changed the family direction but his efforts to remove Deatheaters from influence had hit the holdings of the family.

Here, Luna was of assistance, she knew which companies to invest in both in the muggle world and wizarding one.

It was two weeks after Harry had turned down his endorsement of Cedric, that Sally-Anne was murdered.

She had been shopping in Diagon Alley, Crouch and Bella had stepped out from under invisibility cloaks and apparated her away. A day later, her mutilated body was portkeyed into the foyer of the ministry of magic.

When Luna had tried to talk to Harry he had to be stopped from hitting her by Sirius.

If her knowledge couldn't stop things like that Harry had told her she was useless and pointless and he didn't want to see her. True to his word he had never spoke to her again after that.

Harry had thrown his lot in with Diggory, It hadn't taken long after that for Amelia to step down and Cedric took over with Harry as his advisor. They brought Neville in as well, he was fanatical in his attempts to find Lestrange.

It was slow at first but society changed after that. The ministry became more authoritarian, the attacks of deatheaters more daring. The crackdowns of freedoms more restrictive, soon the ministry monitored everything. The system previously used to detect underage magic now checked for all magic. The list of prohibited spells used grew, unless you were a ministry approved employee.

Cedric's first term was coming close to an end when there was an attack on the ministry itself. Crouch was captured he freely told of their plans to destroy the Wizengamot during the vote for the minister.

Diggory took a proposal to the Wizengamot, it declared a state of emergency and proposed him as minister without need for reelection for period of the ongoing crisis.

Luna shook her head, causing her hat to wobble. How had they been so stupid? It wasn't long after that, that the wards had gone up and Briton had become Cedric's plaything.

She guessed now, the Cedric was possessed by Voldemort, either by the diary of his spirit or both. So she searched for the Snorckacks once more.

She came across the old buck in the same clearing she had found them in those years before. She took of her hat and bowed.

"Hello Luna, back so soon?"

"From my perceptive it's been nearly eighteen years, but yes I'm back."

"From ours we sent you back yesterday. I assume things didn't work out?"

"I changed history, I allowed my mother to live and gave a friend a happy childhood. I condemned thousands of people to live under a brutal dictator and although I haven't been keeping score, I'm sure more people have died than lived because of me. Please send me back."

"If we do then tomorrow you will be back again."

"Not if you take my memories, you'll have to. There will be no way I cannot make changes, unless I don't know."

"We warned you what might happen. If we do, it will affect you. You won't be quite the same person you are."

Luna just shrugged. "It can't be any worse than who I am now. Doing this I'm killing my mother and wishing my sister to be neverborn. Please do it before I reconsider."

After she disappeared a younger Snorckack came to question the pack leader. "Do you think she will return?"

"Almost certainly. At least she did the last five times. Eventually she will learn to stop messing with time. If not this one maybe the next."


Hopefully in writing this I'm putting my guilt to bed. Every time I get a follow or a fav I feel guilt. Originally I was pantsing this story. Then once it sprawled out to over a 100k words I decided to work out where the hell I was going with it.

So this is where it ended. Once I worked this out, and plotted out most of my major points in-between. It was then the whole desire to write it left me.

I doubt I will ever come back to this. I doubt I will ever write something this long.

Sorry if you were expecting more but at least you have some closure.
