A/N Thanks for the help with my question. Hope you like the last chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but I can still try to telepathically send my thoughts and ideas to influence the writers of the show.

Grace opened her eyes wide as she and Danny walked through the large glass doors into the heart of 5-0. She had never been to her father's office. Danny led her straight back to his work space. Grace saw the first two offices were empty. Steve and Catherine occupied the larger office in the back. Both looked up as the pair entered.

Danny pulled open the heavy door and Grace walked inside. Danny took her straight to his large leather chair. Grace sat down and looked at his desk. He had a blinged out picture frame that contained a picture a drawing she had made of the two of them. She remembered making the frame with him. It hadn't taken too much begging when she had asked him for the kit she wanted to make the frame. They had spent that afternoon together putting it all together. She had surprised him with the picture for the frame. When she had gotten to his apartment that weekend she had been planning on surprising with just the picture. Her idea had changed when she saw the frame kit when they had gone out to dinner at the mall. Danny saw her eyeing the frame. He watched as her little hand reached out to stroke the faux gems.

Danny lifted the lid to his laptop and invited Grace to play a game on one of her favorite websites.

"I need to go and talk to Steve," he said pointing across the way, "You should be able to see us."

Danny kissed the top of her head and saw that she was already starting her game and concentrating. Danny exited his office and went the short distance to Steve's. Steve and Catherine and been watching him and Grace since they had arrived.

Steve had known Danny long enough to know when something was wrong. Steve saw the man's face change as he left his daughter in his office. He looked like he was going to have a panic attack.

"Danny, you alright?" asked Steve as the shorter man pushed his door open.

Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes, and took a few deep breaths before answering.

"I talked to Rachel on my way over," Danny said, "I told her everything that had happened and she was pissed. . . of course not like I expected anything less from her."

"Danny what-", Steve started to say.

"What if she calls her lawyers? What if she convinces a judge that I am not safe to be around. She could use this to get her way in taking Grace to Las Vegas. Wouldn't be the first time she accused me of always putting Grace in danger."

"Hey, hey, hey," Steve said raising his voice to stop his partner, "That's not going to happen. Don't forget I was there too and if you need me to I will testify."

Danny looked up at his partner.

"I can't lose her Steve," Danny said with desperation.

"I know man."

Both turned to look through the glass at the little girl. Her focus had not left the computer screen. She was completely unaware of her father's breakdown. Steve placed a comforting hand on Danny's shoulder.

Danny looked back at Steve and saw the man inhale deeply through his nose. He then gave Danny an odd look as he sniffed again.

"Danny," he said cautiously, "You smell fruity."

Danny's already rouge colored face got redder with embarrassment. "It's that damn sunburn gel Max gave me. It helps, but smells I know."

The detective hoped that Steve would just leave it at that. The commander however took another whiff.

"Yeah there's that, but I think I smell strawberry or watermelon too."

Danny was not going to admit that he had used Disney Princess anything during his shower. Steve would never let him live that one down.

"Stop smelling me!" he shouted pushing Steve away from him.

Danny was about to leave and rejoin his daughter when Steve's cell phone rang. It was Kono calling to tell them that Gil Scates was in custody. Both men wanted to interrogate him. Steve told her he and Danny would handle it when they arrived.

"You sure, boss?" Kono asked.

Steve shot a look to Danny. Both men nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Steve hung up and turned his attention to Catherine. The navy woman had moved off to the side when Danny had entered Steve's office.

"Any chance you'd be willing to watch Grace while Danny and I take care of this?" Steve asked before Danny could.

Steve and Danny walked down the dim corridor to the interrogation room that held Gil Scates. Neither had said a word when they had left the office, entered the elevator, or when they got off several floors down. As they approached the door Steve put a hand on Danny's shoulder and turned the man toward him.

"Hey, remember we have to treat him like any other suspect," said Steve.

Danny held his hands up in his defense.

"I am a professional Steven. I can handle myself."

"Alright," Steve whispered as he opened the door.

Gil Scates sat handcuffed to the chair in the middle of the room. His eyes widened at the site of the two men he had abandoned earlier that day in the ocean. He gulped as the blond man, the father of the little girl on the boat, rushed toward him. One hand grabbed the collar of his shirt while the other made a fist and slammed hard into his jaw. Immediately Scates tasted blood in his mouth. He was just feeling pain from the blow when another slammed into his nose. Danny thought about the look on Grace's face when this son of a bitch had grabbed her as he pulled his fist back again. Danny suddenly felt the pain of his sunburns attacking his back and shoulders as he aimed it at the man's face. He remembered the coast guard yanking Grace away from his side and him feeling powerless to stop it as he once again made contact with the man's face. Danny, breathing heavily, released his shirt pushing him back little as he did. He shook his hand and rubbed it knowing he it would probably be bruised.

"You finished?" Steve asked calmly as Danny backed away.

"Yeah," the detective responded back.

"Good, because it's my turn," Steve nonchalantly said.

Scates closed his eyes as Steve took his turn to pound the man. Like Danny Steve thought about all the trouble the criminal's actions had caused for the 5-0 task force that day including throwing Chin off the roof of a building. Steve felt the man's nose crunch under his fist.

Both Danny and Steve had secretly planned to pummel the suspect. Both thought the other would try to stop him, which is why the trip down had been so silent.

"I hate it when a suspect doesn't cooperate and has to be forcibly restrained. Don't you Detective Williams?" said Steve taking a step backwards.

Danny nodded his head in agreement and added, "Yes I do because sometimes they get knocked around in the process and end up with a broken nose, black eye, and a bloody lip."

"Look," said Scates taking several deep breaths, "I didn't know you guys were cops."

"And that would have made a difference?" Steve asked giving the man his best Navy Seal death glare.

"So you are saying that if you had known we were cops then you wouldn't have taken our boat and . . .oh yes tried to kidnap my daughter," Danny said giving him a you threatened my kid and now you are a dead man stare.

It was the same look Danny planned on giving to any teenage boys who came sniffing around Grace in the next ten years or so. Now was a good a time as any to practice and see if it was effective.

"By the way," Danny continued as he walked toward the suspect, "It is bad enough that you pointed a gun at me and my partner. If you had pointed that damn thing at my daughter you would be dead right. You understand me?"

Danny poked the man's chest as he spoke. Scates could tell that Danny was not bluffing.

"Look I'll tell you guys anything you want to know," the cowardly man cried out.

He wanted to get out of this place and away from these two cops as quickly as possible.

"Good choice, Gil," Steve said as he gently pat the man's shoulder.

Scates prepared himself for another blow, but all that was thrown at him were questions about the body on the boat, and an explanation of how the boat engine had been tampered with.

Kamekona walked out of his shrimp truck carrying a massive plate piled with tuna fish meat. He set it down in front of the hungry group.

"Now this," Danny said, "this looks fabulous."

Everybody nodded in agreement.

"Now you aren't going to tell me that you don't want to ever to try and catch one of these things again?" asked Steve.

His arm was wrapped around Catherine's waist.

"Perhaps you would like bone fishing with me," Max said before Danny could answer Steve, "It is all done on land and quite enjoyable. . .I took Kamekona last week."

All eyes turned to the big man. Danny had a hard time picturing Max and Kamekona being fishing buddies.

"I'll think about it Max," Danny answered although the detective already knew he would not be accepting the offer. He still felt awkward around the medical examiner as he had offered to rub him down with sunburn gel.

All in the group picked up forks except Grace. Danny noticed the hesitation.

"Aren't you going to try it Monkey?" Danny asked giving her a pleading puppy dog face.

Grace picked up the fork and stabbed it into a small piece of meat. All eyes watched as the little girl scrunched her eyes shut and placed the fish inside her mouth. She chewed, swallowed and, to Danny's relief, didn't regurgitate it.

"Not bad," Grace said reaching her fork out for another piece.

Others in the group followed suit.

"I told you this would be much better than the stuff that comes out of a can," he said as he put a loving arm around Grace's shoulders.

Danny then reached in and sampled his catch.

"That is so good," Danny commented.

"Good, then I will just leave this with you then," Kamekona said as he passed Danny a bill.

"What's this?" Danny said picking up the paper.

"Looks like the check," Steve said trying, but not succeeding, to holding back a laugh.

"Did you put him up to this?" Danny questioned pointing an accusing finger at his partner.

Steve shook his head.

"Next time maybe you'll get it stuffed."

"Next time? . . . no Steven. . .there will not be a next time. There is not a chance that I will ever set foot on a boat with you again," Danny said pointing his fork at Steve.

"I'll go with you Uncle Steve," came Grace's cheerful voice.

Steve nearly choked on his fish and Danny shot Grace a surprised look.

"You would go fishing with him again?" Danny asked thinking he had misheard his child.

"I had fun," Grace answered honestly.

"You had fun? . . . .Do you not remember what happened yesterday?"

"I had fun up until the time we had to jump in the water," Grace clarified.

"Alright, Gracie how 'bout next time you and I will go and we'll leave your grumpy old man on the dock?" Steve teased.

Grace energetically nodded while Danny furiously shook his head. All knew it would be interesting to see who won this little dispute. Although Danny had sworn to never fish with Steve again all knew that Grace had him wrapped around her little finger. If she really wanted to go, Danny would be almost powerless to resist.

A/N AAAWWWWW! I almost forgot to put in that whole Steve smelling Danny part. I had that idea clear back when Max gave Danny scented sunburn gel. My own fruity body wash reminded me. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Hope you liked it. I won't be starting on my next project until after Halloween. It's my baby's first time trick or treating which means I get to eat most of the candy. AAAAWWWW! And considering the new episode of H50 was cancelled tonight I am going to need all the chocolate I can get. (Insert foul language) Stupid presidential debate last week and stupid Hurricane Sandy this week. Good luck to anyone who is having to deal with that. As far as future postings go I already have two stories typed up on my computer and several others cooking in my head. I haven't decided yet which will be the next project I want to post. Anyway Happy Halloween!