Growing Up

All Grown Up!

Tommy is busy trying to make a real and raw film of High School life, while the others are just falling into their own cliques. What will happen to the Rats? Can they face the harsh realities of High School? T/L,P/K,A/C lol typical I know.

Authors Notes-Okay this story was banned once because I didn't put the right rating 4 years ago. But NOW I know better. Though I will warn that this story is raw and may not be everyone cup of tea. It's challenging but I like a challenge. It's also long because I don't write puny I write Epic. Haha okay well enough of that. I will constantly try to put up warnings and I will try to be on language control as well. If you're a big fan of the All Grown Up, then you'll may or may not enjoy it this fanfic I hope you do. It's kind of a montage of 90's Teen Movies and Teen TV dramas. I hope you like it. Dil is a freshmen, re watching the series I realized how intelligent Dil actually is, no matter how weird he is.



Tommy/Lil/Phil/Kimi-Freshmen Dil (also freshmen skipped a grade)

Warnings: Language

Chapter 1: Camera On

The sound of plastic could be heard as a blurred screen shows a speckle tile floor and part of a locker.

"Is it on?" a kid asks, his voice is raspy than most.

"Yeah I guess," another kid replies.

"Okay good," his friend replies. The camera raises up suddenly in a speedily blur before focusing on a young male with purple spiky hair and big dark eyes. He looks off the the side briefly before clearing his throat.

"Hi... I'm Tommy Pickles and this guy holding the camera is Jake," he pauses.

"Hi," Jake says simply.

"Yeah, well I'm a freshman at James High School and I'm here because I want to be a director and well direct a film..." he finished until his eyes focused passed the camera.

"And?" Jake asks.

"Oh yeah," he starts again blushing. "And I'm going to make the most awesome real film depicting High School life," he said ending with a nod, a sound of a beep and the screen goes dark. Jake hands over the camera to Tommy. Tommy smiles and nods. "Did I come out looking nervous?" Tommy asks Jake, who's also in his Film and Drama classes with Tommy.

"Ehh not too bad," he let out as he think its over. Tommy frowns before turning on the camera and raising it up to his eye level.

"Your turn," he says simply. The little cross hairs and box focuses on a young guy with olive skin and dirty blond hair. He releases a grin.

"I'm Jake Hernandez, I'm also a freshmen at Jame High School. I taking Film and Drama with..." the camera suddenly shifts and focuses on a pretty red headed sophomore that passes by. "Hey dude... not cool," Jake suddenly replies.

"Sorry," Tommy automatically lets out as he follows the pretty red head walk down the hall and enter her locker. She opens the combination lock fairly quick and pulls open her locker. She places a few books in and looks into the mirror, she has a lot of pictures of singers and actors taped onto her locker door. The hallways suddenly gets quieter and Tommy loses focus as he shifts around suspecting the reason of the lowered volume of chatter. He focuses toward the end of the hall the camera loses focus by the bright sunlight from the windows. A group of beautiful,popular, fashion oriented girls turn the hall in unison. Their heels click at almost the same time as they take a step forward. Their long clean shaving, slender legs with their pastel colored mini skirts. They all sport different tops and with different accessories, unique smiles, pretty eyes, yet they were the same in the inside. Conceited Popular Bitches.

"Hey Tommy losing focus here," Jake tries to distract Tommy.

"Shhh I'm capturing a moment here Jake," Tommy replies annoyed. Jake looks towards the direction where Tommy's filming.

"Uhhh you're seriously filming the plastics?" Jake asks. Tommy grimaces.

"Look at the hallway man it's almost quiet. Look at the disgust in all those students faces... this is real! This is life at James High... and plus they're hot," Tommy added quickly.

"Dude isn't one of them your cousin?" Jake asks with a slight tone of disgust.

"Yep, let's never speak of this again," Tommy added in quickly.

"Deal," Jake agreed before letting out a laugh. The group of girls continue walking their heads held high, their faces full of pride as they block the hallway with their foursome shoving anyone who dared step in their path. Suddenly the second to left starts to stare at him. The tall elegant blonde with cold blue eyes, and light pink lipstick turned from a small smile to an obvious grimace. She suddenly sped up walking faster than the rest of her group heading toward the camera. Within a matter of seconds Angelica Pickles face grew close enough to the screen. Her face full of rage.

"Hey! What's the fuck Pickles!?" she yelled out as her hand grabbed the camera covering most of the screen shoving it out of the way. Soon their was a click.

"Shit Angelica you screwed up my shot!" Tommy replied irritated, trying to protect his camera from Angelica's wrath. Soon her other buddies caught up to them and circled around Angelica interested at the scene.

"Did I say you can shoot me? Did you even ask?" Angelica asked angrily. Tommy grimaced.

"No..." he replied simply cleaning the lens with his cotton tee shirt.

"Then don't do it," Angelica said bitterly.

"Just chill Angelica besides you guys looked pretty cool," Jake said in his defense. Tommy opened his screen and turned on the camera and started rewinding. He pushed play and smiled after a few seconds.

"Jake's right you guys totally look cool," he said leaning the screen towards Angelica. "You look like those chicks in that movie," he added in quickly. Angelica and her friends leaned in to look.

"Oh my Gawd! I look so hot," Brianna pointed out excitedly.

"Yeah... you're right we are hot," Angelica agreed. Jake smiled as he gave a glance at Tommy who blushed red with embarrassment, as he rolled his eyes, at their comments of being hot.

"Yeah, sizzle," Savannah added in as well. "Look I gotta roll... so like laterz," she said loudly indicating everyone better follow or else. Savannah started walking along with Brianna and Tamera. Angelica gave a lopsided frown as she gave a look at Savannah and her friends.

"Angelica can you do me a favor?" Tommy asked suddenly.

"Spray it," Angelica demanded quickly.

"Uhh, tomorrow morning will you film you guys coming down the hallway?" Tommy asked quickly. Angelica perked a brow as she leaned back away from them.

"Like what?" she asked confused.

"Like you guys did just now but from your point of view! I want the world to see how Angelica Pickles see's the world," Tommy added skillfully choosing his words wisely. Angelica smirked looking quite pleased.

"Hmm, the world does deserve to see life from my point of view... give them a chance to see how it's like to be popular," she said rubbing her chin. "Okay I'll do it," she said with a shrug. Tommy's eyes widen with shock.

"Really?! Thanks Angelica I'll stop by tonight to lend you the camera," Tommy added quickly. Angelica rolled her eyes and started to walk away.

"Yeah yeah...see ya later," she said as she walked toward her side of the school toward her locker.

"Damn, you lucked out," Jake said in shock. Tommy nodded.

"Well she's my cousin after all," Tommy added as he closed the screen back up.

"Yeah but your cousin is a Plastic, after all," he added. Tommy frowned.

"Hey my cousin has been known to do some nice things. You just don't know her like I know her," Tommy added defensively. Jake smirked.

"You barely even look at each other much less say hello," Jake added bitterly. Tommy rolled his eyes as he continued to class.

The teacher was running late and Tommy took out his camera taking a risk of confiscation and detention.

"Hi, me again... it's homeroom and it looks like Mr. Eagon is running late... again," he added. He picked his camera opened his screen and slowly panned the camera, getting a good look at the class room. "So this is like a typical class at James High," he started "It's like penitentiary, it stinks," he added.

"What the hell are you talking to yourself?" a chick asked Tommy from his right. The Asian girl was dressed in bright neon colors and dressed in Japanese Harajuku street fashion. He reconsigned her as one of Kimi's friends but didn't know her name. Tommy blushed.

"I'm filming so it's different," Tommy said in his defense. The girl raised a brow and nodded.

"Whatev," she said simply as she looked toward the door. Tommy did as well his camera focusing on short middle aged man with a suit entering by the door.

"Hey is that-" Tommy let out suddenly before the camera turned off.

As night comes the camera turns on focusing in a familiar backyard with high wooden fence and stucco two story house. It's late as the stars are out and the moon was shinning bright.

"Me again.." Tommy started. "Yeah you probably wondering why I'm talking to myself... again, in the camera... alone," he mumbled. Tommy sighed adjusting the camera on it's tripod. Okay he said looking at the screen making sure he had himself focused. "This is my house well my mom and dad's backyard to be exact. It's not actually that big... but you know how everything looks bigger when your kids..." he added with a laugh. Tommy smiled briefly before his mouth turned slowly into a frown. He looked down looking at his hands. The sounds of plastic flipping could be heard. Suddenly he lifted up a Polaroid picture. "This is me when I was like one years old, I don't know I was just a baby in diapers," Tommy lifted the old Polaroid toward the camera screen showing a bald, baby in diapers wearing a blue shirt, holding onto a bottle smiling. "Yep, that's me," he added. He looked down briefly pulling up another picture. "This is me and a group of other babies who happened to be my friends... were...were my friends," he ended sadly. The picture showed a him surrounded by a pair of twins in green jumpers and a toddler with a red messy hair and a rocket shirt. There was also a blonde with pigtails and a purple dress in the background sneering in from an angle. "Here's another," he added. The picture showed him with the red headed baby, a young asian baby and a little a smaller red headed baby. "Here... another," he said quickly and showed a picture of the same children but a bit older. "Another," he added lifting it up and the children grew older, their faces almost the same but their clothes and moments captured were different. "Another..." he said doing the same thing. "Here...look..." he added and this time the children looked around their tweens. "You're probably wondering why I'm showing you all this stuff..." the light suddenly turned off. "Damn it Dil I'm shooting here!" Tommy yelled passed the camera.

"Sorry Bro!" came a yell from afar. A few minutes later the light was back on and the filming continued.

"That was my little brother Dil, he's like a year and half younger than me but he's in the same grade," he added. "He's such a freak...but smart you know..." he added. He paused blinking a few times. "Where was I? Oh yeah..." he paused with a small shrug. "I'm showing you all these pictures because there was friend treason caught on film earlier in class today," he said strongly. "I caught my friend or I ex-friend I guess just sitting in class by the door in homeroom. We're in the same class, he totally just transferred into my homeroom and didn't say shit! What the fuck! I mean what happened? What happened to this guy!" Tommy said angrily holding a picture with a pair of twins. "That's Phillip and Lillian DeVille, by the way. They're twins, we all call them Phil and Lil for short," he clarified. "Well I knew them practically all my life. I mean all of us... those babies.. those kids I showed just now. We used to be friends and not just oh see you in school type of friends I mean seriously close friends. Like the Goonies! We were a close group and now we're like nothing!" Tommy said enthusiastically but angry all the same.

"Tommy! Dinner!" an older woman's voice suddenly interrupted.

"I will in just a bit, mom!" Tommy shouted.

"Alright, sweety," Tommy's mom replied.

"Anyways something happened...shit happened. Just during the last year of junior high and summer vacation we just drifted...apart," he added. "I don't know how it happened or when is started happening it just did. And it's like you know it... you see it but you're too afraid to do anything about it because you honesty DON'T know what to do about it," he said sadly. "Anyways I'll explain it more tomorrow I gotta go eat and take the camera to Angelica's tonight, so she can get that killer scene... I have a strong feeling that this movie is going to change things... it's going to make in impact... I know it!" he said strongly and excitedly, with that he leaned forward and turned off the camera.

A/N- Yeah I know slow chapter and you're probably wondering like WHAT! Happened to the Rat Pack! Well you'll see... you'll see.