I don't own one tree hill.

"Come on let's get you home." Lucas took her hand and helped her up off of the bleachers. She felt the electric shock run through her hand at his touch. She knew at that moment that no matter how much she fought it sooner rather than later she'd be falling back into Lucas Scott's arms.

He walked her back to her house. It wasn't the house either of them wanted to see. It was just a generic house with no memories but it would do for now. He walked her to the front door and kissed her cheek. "Have a good night pretty girl." He whispered into the twilight.

"You too Broody." She turned her key in the door she turned back to him as he was walking down her stairs. "I do love you Lucas."

"I love you to." He saw her small smile that flashed over her face as she walked through the door. She shut the door behind her and leaned against the hard grainy wood. What was she going to do. Lucas Scott was always her one weakness and now he loved her again. She pushed off from the door and walked through the house. She noticed Peyton's light was on and her door was open. She leaned against the door frame. She noticed the empty bottle of wine on the floor. She noticed the her friend asleep in her clothes and she wanted to cry. Cry for hurt and heartache. She flipped the light off and shut the door. She made her way up to her room and after slipping into her pajama's she found herself in bed. Letting the tiredness overtake her she felt her eyes drift shut.

Lucas made his way to his door and opened it looking at the black door he vowed that in the morning he'd change it that it wouldn't be black for much longer then another idea got into his head and he smirked. She was going to kill him but it would be fun. He shut the door and stripped down to his boxers and crawled into bed. The morning would be interesting.

The next morning Lucas woke up early showered dressed and made his way to the hardware store. He purchased so many cans of red pain he was sure the clerk thought he was crazy. He knew he had to wait for Brooke to leave for the day so he decided to start with his door. Opening the paint he started once again to paint the door red. Only this time he vowed that no matter what happened. No matter how much it hurt he'd never repaint that door. When its done he steps back and looks at the door, as he remembers remembered long lost words.

"I'll miss the girl behind the red door." Yes he'd always missed the girl behind the red door. Even when he didn't realize it he had missed her. No more running no more lying. He then grabbed another can and walked towards Brooke's house not realizing that he had to walk right past the clothes over bro's store to get there.

Brooke had woken up that morning and didn't want to pull herself out of that bed. The day before still swirled through her head. The wedding that almost was but didn't. The words spoken the emotions and feelings long buried brought to the surface. Lucas Scott loved her. She got out of bed and showered before making coffee. She then made her way out of the house quietly hoping to wake Peyton. She really didn't want to have a confrontation with her best friend at that moment. Well she was still trying to figure out everything that had to do with Lucas. And well she knew that Peyton was a big piece of that past it just wasn't something she wanted to think about at the moment. She made her way to her store. That still sent a tingle through her. Sure she had other stores but this store was hers Victoria had nothing to do with it. Nothing to say about it. It was all hers. She stayed her and it was in the one place she felt safe. Tree Hill. In the one building that always made her feel at home. For the fact that this building once held Karen's Café made the fact that it now held Clothes over bros all the much better.

She unlocked the door and flipped the lights. Smiling she started to go through the day. She had a few customers but was surprised when she happened to look up and see Lucas walking past her store with what appeared to be a can of paint. She almost left the store to investigate but at the last moment figured she'd properly find out what was going on sooner or later and a customer had just walked in the door anyway so she couldn't leave.

Lucas made his way up the front porch of Brooke's house and sat down he pried the top of the can and started to paint. He was half way done with the door when it flew open and he stumbled backwards thankfully not dumping the paint over.

"Lucas Scott what the hell do you think you're doing?" Payton shouted. She'd been drinking coffee trying to forget the awful night she'd suffered when she'd spied Luke on the porch but she couldn't figure out what he was doing especially when he didn't even knock on the door or ring the bell.

"I'm painting." He gestured around him. She froze. Looking at the can of paint, The half painted door and the paint brush in his hand. She went back in time to the day she sat and watched him do the exact opposite as he painted over a red door. She scoffed.

"Do you really think some red paint is going to bring her back to you?"

"No I don't but I do think it will show her that I'm in fact serious about her." Lucas said. Pulling Peyton out of the door way and shutting the door so that he could finish painting. She stood by the steps arms crossed glaring.

"What is so special about her that you must have her?" She demanded.

"Peyton," Lucas turned to her. "I'm not going to fight with you its not worth it. We had our chance we didn't work out we were never met to be." He turned back to his painting and Peyton stalked around him yanking the door open and slamming it back shut causing Lucas to splatter paint over himself. He just shook his head at the blonds temper. He finished the door and left.

Brooke made her way home that night after a successful day at the store. As she walked up her driveway she froze. The door, this morning when she left it was white now it was a bright vivid red. Only one person she knew could have done this. "I'm going to miss the girl behind the red door." She sighed as she walked up the steps. "Well Lucas Scott." She summered you certainly pulled out all the stops.

A/N thanks to everyone that reviewed and please review if you want more.