So... New story...

It was requested by jameis.

It will go on and I'm still writing Raimon's Samurai :)

The night was pitch black with the moon shining in the back. A lone figure stands on a roof top, sword in hand and coat swaying in the breeze. He doesn't move, no expression not that you could see his face because of his hood.

Instantly his eyes open to a far-off sound, a scream, in a flash the figure is gone.

The figure ran to where the scream was heard, by Raimon middle school, by the soccer club… the figure sees another a person, no a demon, ripping the clothes off a small boy, who seemed to be the same age as himself… without any other thought, the figure pulls out his sword, a katana, and strikes the demon. The demon screams before it bursts into flame.

The figure puts his katana away and was going to leave, but felt arms circle his waist, his (quite thin) coat and shirt getting wet from tears; the boy looks down at the other boy, the one he just saved; the figure felt a pang of something as he looked at the boy. He had turquoise hair and was quite small in structure at least compared to the figure he was hugging. They stayed like that for a while before the boy stopped crying, the figure was going to pull him off when he realized… the boy had an iron grip, he could rip the boy off, but that would mean he would have to hurt him… He sighed. The figure pulled the boy onto his back (awkwardly) and walked away.

The figure ended up in front of an apartment building, he walked up the stairs and opened the door, revealing a small living room with two doors leading somewhere, a kitchen was on the side, the figure walked in the apartment and closed the door. During the walk the boy had lessen his grip so the figure put him on the couch, the figure walks to one of the doors and enters a small bed room. He takes off his coat revealing a young boy. His skin was tan, his hair was grey and his eyes seemed to be a light brown…

The boy walks out of the room and set on polishing his weapons. Despite his looks the boy was a vampire hunter, the son of Blade and Mokoto, two vampire hunters… the boy shook his head, he felt sad. He ignore this feeling as he looked at the boy sleeping on his couch… the boy looked about the same age as himself, but why was he outside? The boy shook his head,

He would have to ask when the boy woke up…

So? shall I continue? If you get confused watch the animated show Blade on .

R&R Please XD