Chapter 1

Dodge. punch. dodge. kick. punch combo. kick. pose!

"And done! Melon is the winner!" My karate teacher told us. Standing up, I offered my best friend- Markus- a hand. He gratefully took it, and we both stood up. Smiling, we shook hands.

"Good spar." we both said. We walk over to the wall and sit down, him breathing heavily, while I'm not even winded. I watch as the next two students walk up and start sparring together.

"His posture is flimsy...Her defense is weak.." I mumbled under my breath, frowning slightly. Markus nudged my arm and turning to him, I raised an eyebrow.

"Give us some slack. Were not all perfect." he said teasingly. Sighing, I smile and whisper back;

"Yeah, sorry, I guess I keep forgetting that." I turn back to the fight which was coming to a close.

"And the winner is Jessica!" They shook hands and sat down. The teacher looked at all of us and smiled.

"Line up!" We all stood and walked to our spots on the blue matted ground. Standing in the front row, He gave us some announcements about an upcoming tournament and similar things before he dismissed us from class. We all bowed and walked off to our gym bags. I pulled out a water bottle and took a sip of it, while taking off my gi top, then I place it in my black karate bag. Leaving on my black tank top, my black belt, and my white gi pants. Shuffling through my bag, I sift past my wooden fighting stick, and my extra clothes, until I find my gum. Pulling it out, I toss a pink square into my mouth, and toss the rest back in the bag, zipping it closed. Standing up, I heft the bag onto my shoulder, and slide my feet into my dark blue sandals.

"I'll be leaving now! Bye!" I yell towards my friend and teacher. They wave back, and I leave, starting my long-ish trek to my apartment.

Well, let me explain some of myself to you. My name is Melon Suji, and I'm 20. I have pure black hair that looked similar to Halibel in her release form. Oh, and I had the darkest brown eyes you'll ever see. Almost like black eyes. Now-a-days, I live alone in my cozy studio apartment, far away from the unmerciful, and quick judging eyes of my parents.

I am a quick learner, but only if it's something I'm fully enthralled in, like fighting. I can't really explain my love for fights, nor can I explain the feeling that I don't belong on this Earth. It's a strange feeling, I'll tell you that, but I usually push it to the back of my mind- like today.

'Ugh, my gum is getting old..' I thought. Spotting a trash can I spit my gum at it and it landed perfectly in the hole at the top. Grinning, I walk up the stairs into my apartment building.

"Aye! Look who's back!" Turning my head, I see Don, a friendly Italian neighbor of mine. He was a bit overweight, and he had a head full of grey hair, with a grey goatee to top it off. He was leaning against the wall next to his door, reading the mail. His green eyes twinkled in general happiness.

"Hey Don! How was your day?" I asked walking towards the stairs.

"Ah. The norm, ha-ha, I bet your tired. Get on up to bed, little lady." He said waving his finger and laughing.

"Ha-ha, alright Don. You have yourself a good night." I said smiling and disappearing up the stairs. After unlocking my door, I enter and quickly lock it up again. Dropping my bag and taking off my shoes, I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower. After washing all the sweat off my body, I step out, wrapping the towel around myself and tossing my dirty clothes in my hamper by the doorway. Entering my bedroom I open my drawer and pull out some of my relaxing clothes. They were a pair of very baggy, yet comfortable pair of cargo capris and a black tank top, along with an '1800's newsboy' hat. Grinning and flicking my hat fondly, I grab a can of strawberry ramune (a japanese carbinated drink), and flop on the couch. Taking a sip from the carbinated drink, I grab the remote and turn on the TV, only to notice Dragon ball Z- an old time favorite show of mine- was currently on the air. I love a lot about it, from the fighting, to the characters. Currently, the episode was showing when Goku and Radditz die. Goku was saying his goodbyes with Krillin, when the old TV got all fuzzy. Groaning, I stand up and hit the side a few times.

"Stupid thing. I should get a new freaking TV." I grumbled, leaning back and rubbing my head irritadely. That's when the TV flashed. Leaning back down to look at it, I noticed that the screen turned blue. Getting angry, I hit the screen, only for my fist to hit nothing.

"What the-?" That's when something, I don't know what, grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" I yell flying into the television, my drink becoming discarded in my escapade. A feeling of pure fear, and a strange sense of security was going through my body as I flew through the empty blue space. Up ahead, I saw a small box of yellow approaching me quickly. So, shifting, I managed to turn so I landed on the yellow tiled floor.

"Ooooow." I mumbled, pain laced in my voice. 'Wait.. tiled floor?' Sitting up slowly, I looked around cautiously while rubbing my aching head.

'Oh, I am so getting a headache.' I thought slightly irked. Looking up, I notice a HUGE brown desk, with the all-knowing desk materials littering it, with a GIGANTIC pink man with a huge beard and black hair sitting there, staring at me incredulously. Then, I see an old-looking guy with green skin, a purple cape, and a white.. dress? Standing next to him was a guy in an orange jumpsuit.. gi.. thing, with a blue belt, blue boots, and black hair that spiked up in the front and back of his head, which reminded me of a bed head.

My training took over, and I looked around the large room-seemingly calm. Suddenly, I lock eyes with the three men, whom were staring at me in shock. Quickly, I jump up, brush invisible dirt off my pants, and cough awkwardly into my hands before waving two fingers in the air at them.

"Yo." I said.

'Act natural… Huh, They all seem so familiar..' All was silent for a moment, as I caught eyes with the spiky haired guy, I gave him the same curious look that he gave me, although mine was guarded. Rule of life; my sensei's always said, was to be on guard around unfamiliar people.

"Ah.. Who are you?" The green guy asked.

"And how did you get in here?!" The pink guy's voice boomed with authority. Switching my gaze, I looked behind me, only seeing a tan wall. Looking back swiftly, I point to myself and ask,

"Me?" That seemed to make him slightly peeved, because he frowned, while the green guy looked at me, curiosity plain in his features.

"Yes, you. Who are you and how did you get in here?" I shrug.

"I honestly don't know. Hey, Who are you three and where exactly AM I?" I asked looking around curiously, while strolling casually up to the green guy, arms calmly locked behind my head.

"My dear, you are in judgment hall, I'm Kami, this is Goku, and that is the Mighty King Yamma." Kami said. My eyes widened at that tidbit of information.

'Wait, so I'm in a TV show?' My mind screamed at me.

"Whoa, What!? Judgment hall?! But I'm not dead!" I yell, keeping my knowledge to myself, and looking around the room again in a new light.

"That much is very obvious, my dear, for you have no halo. What a strange occurrence.." Looking up, I compared the empty space above my head to the one above Goku's, who still hasn't taken his eyes off of me.

"This is so freaky.." I said to myself. King Yamma coughed irritably into his hand, causing Kami and my attention to immediately focus on him.

"Why don't we wrap this up then, Hmm?" King Yamma suggested.

"A-ah! Yes King Yamma. Uhm, anyways, Goku just wants to make this one request. All he asks is to be trained. On my behalf, I beg you to let him call upon King Kai to be trained."

'I remember this now! Why the heck can't I remember certain parts of the series though..? Damnit! Why couldn't the stupid TV send me here when I was currently into DBZ, and I didn't nearly forget everything?! All I really remember is most of everyone's names, and what they looked like.. Well, at least I know WHEN I am here. Now all I need to figure out is WHY'. I thought. With the last thought, I somewhat deflated, because all my answers would probably belong to my damn TV. 'F- my life.'

"Hm.. Goku, huh?" He said as he picked up a book. 'I bet that's filled with everyone's information.. How stalker-like..' That's when Goku decided to switch his stare to King Yamma.

"I'm looking at his file" I silently snorted and mumbled an obviously under my breath, thank god he didn't hear me. "And it certainly seems impressive. So let me get this straight." He looked at Kami then. "Even though this friend of yours is sure enough to get into heaven, He still wants to risk Snake Way to meet with King Kai for training?"

"Yes sir." Kami replied.

"Hey, so this is the place where everybody comes when the die, isn't it?" Goku asked Kami.

"That's right."

"Aliens too?"

"Yes. Every living being, human or not comes here to be judged and learn where they will spend their afterlife." Goku hums, then turns back to King Yamma, who was back into reading the book.

"Yo! Did a big guy named Radditz show up here before us?" Kami immediately started to freak out, me just giggling quietly in the background, while Yamma looked up.

"Goku! You do not address King Yamma with a 'yo'!" I snickered behind my hand at Kami's reaction, which, I THINK caused Goku to quickly glance at me, but I can't be sure.

"Yeaah. I remember him." He said flipping through his book scowling a little. "Says here he was your older brother. He's on his way down below. Go figure." He said heartlessly.

"Did he get into any trouble?" Goku asked curiously. Yamma looked back down to Goku as he answered.

"He certainly did. I knocked some sense into him, and managed to calm him down."

"Wow! And Radditz was tough! You must be really strong!" Goku said amazed. Yamma was obviously glowing at the praise.

"Hey! Maybe I outta stick around and train with the big guy!" Goku said to Kami excitedly. I broke out into a grin after hearing this.

"Shh. Keep your voice down. You must show King Yamma the proper respect." Kami replied, raising a finger to his mouth.

"O-oh." Goku said looking down. It was so hard to keep in the giggle at seeing his face. He looked like a kid who was facing the after-affects of stealing from the cookie jar.

Kami walked closer to Goku and 'whispered' in his ear.

"Just keep quiet. Trust me, King Kai is MUCH stronger."

"Hey." King Yamma boomed. Kami immediately looked up, and I couldn't help but face palm.

"Kami, You need to learn how to WHISPER." I quietly said. He glanced to me in horror, before turning back to Yamma, who spoke again, whilst shaking his fist in the air.

"What was that, Kami of the earth?" Kami literally jumped three feet back while yelling incoherently.

"Maybe you need a little demonstration of just how STRONG I AM!" He boomed. I, deciding on saving his old butt, walked in front of the sweating Namekian and changing the subject.

"Uhm, King Yamma? Sir?" He immediately switched his angry gaze from him to me, where he emptied it of emotion, save for the slight irritation.

"I was wondering, where am I supposed to go?" I asked. He stares at me, rubbing his beard, before asking me a few question.

"Well, are you a fighter?"

"Yeah.." I said not sure where he was going with this.

"Would you like to become stronger?" He asked again. To this, I only nodded happily, imagining being stronger than I already am.

"Well then. You can train with Goku at King Kai's place. After that, do whatever you want." Kami's mouth dropped, but he quickly regained his composure, while Goku stared at me curiously.

"B-but King Yamma! Don't you think that she might not b-" recognizing the insult ahead of time, I quickly cut him off.

"Kami.." He stopped and looked at me, while my fists were slowly clenching and unclenching. "Please don't tell me you think that this.. training will be too much for me to handle?" He was silent for a moment, so I continued, quieting down my cocky attitude. "Don't judge a book by it's cover. I'm tougher than I look." I said looking back up to King Yamma who was watching this conversation. "Thank you." I said bowing. Straightening up, I smile sweetly at King Yamma.

"Y-yeah. I'll summon a guide for you both." He said coughing into his hand, a bit flustered. "Just.. Go wait outside or something." He said waving us off.

"Miss, are you sure you want to train with King Kai? He's not going to go easy on you.." Kami said putting a hand on my shoulder. Smiling, I give him a thumbs up.

"Don't worry about me! I have been through worse! And besides, I need a better trainer anyways!" I said happily. Goku smiled along with me, and motioned for us to go. We both start jogging, but stopped when King Yamma spoke to us.

"However, if you fall off of Snake Way, I don't want you to come crying back to me."

"Uh.. okay.." Goku mumbles blinking at him. Kami walks so he could see us head on.

"Goku, Miss, have a safe journey. This will be a most challenging year for you, Goku."

"Well, I'm not sure what you mean by that, but if King Kai is as great as you say he is, I'm sure he'll be worth the trip." Goku said smiling. Kami only nods, and Goku starts jogging towards the doorway again.

"Say hi to Mr. Popo for me!" He said waving at Kami.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I say running after him. "Bye!" I shout back, after disappearing after Goku in the doorway. Running with Goku down the brown path thing, We stopped at the end of the building, where a bunch of other white spirits were following the brown path, or following those demon people to shuttles.

"Whoa! Neat!" I said looking around in wonder.

"Yeah, It is cool." Goku said rubbing the back of his head and nervously chuckling.

"What's your name again?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Oh! I'm Goku!" He said sticking his hand out and smiling cutely.

"My names Melon. Its a pleasure to meet you." I said slightly laughing. Shaking hands, he grins back.

"So, Melon, Where are ya from?" He asked curiously.

"I'm from Earth!" I said, gladly leaving out the whole dimension aspect.

"That's neat! So am I!" He yelled excitedly. "Wait.. actually, I'm a Saiyan.." He said thoughtfully placing his hand on his chin. "But I've been living on earth my whole life!" He said emphasizing the whole life part. I couldn't help but giggle at his childish antics, causing him to grin.

"Okay, so your a Saiyan?" I asked curiously. 'I barely remember what a Saiyan was.. Craaap. This whole memory crap is going to annoy the hell out of me.' He nods and looks back out at the people passing by.

"So, does that make you an alien?" I ask again.

"Hmm.. I guess so..." He says thoughtfully again.

"That's so cool!" I said excitedly. He quickly turns his head to me in shock. He then grins embarrassedly and rubs the back of his head, chuckling quietly.

"Excuse me, But are you Goku?" A man asked kindly. He had light blue skin, black hair cut short, with horns nessceled in, and a dressy shirt and brown pants.

"Yep! Are you our guide?" Goku asked while I stayed quiet.

"Right you are! If you would follow me, I have a shuttle ready for you two." He said approaching a red hover-craft. The demon thing opened the glass part of the craft, and stepped in the front. Goku stepped in, and sat down. Cautiously, I stepped in and gingerly sat down on the leather upholstery.

"I'm terribly sorry for the wait. But don't you worry, I'll get you to Snake Way before you know it. Your in good hands with me." The demon said. The glass lowered down, and the man... demon started up the craft. Unconsciously, my hands started clenching the seat. Apparently, Goku noticed but before he could ask the hovering car took off, causing me to 'eep' quietly and clutch the seat for dear life, curling into myself slightly in fright.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Goku asked concerned at my behavior. I warily opened my eyes slowly, nodded and managed to give him a small smile. Frowning, he obviously didn't buy it. "Are you sick? You act like you've never been in a hover car before." He asked. Pondering my answer, I let my loose hair fall, creating a curtain between me and him, then I give out a quiet answer.

"N-no...I've never been in a hover car before.."

"But how could you have not been in a hover craft before if you lived on earth?" He asked astonished.

"I-I...uhm...well..." I said tightening my grip on the seat. Goku just stayed quiet, causing me to get nervous.

"I-I just haven't been in one ever, alright! I-It's not something I like to admit.." I said coming up with that on the spot.

"Okay, okay." He said raising his arms in a surrender pose. I sighed.

'Dodged the bullet there..' I thought relieved.

"Okay. So, your dead?" I clarified.

"Yeah." He said, pointing up at his halo.

"Sorry, dumb question. How did you die?" I ask.

"My brother, Radditz, took my son, Gohan, and I fought him. I ended up dying with Radditz, once Piccolo shot him." He said staring out of the window.

"Your son?" I asked, hoping to cheer him up a bit. He nodded.

"How old is he?" I asked.

"He's four years old." That brought a smile upon his face, causing me to smile too. "He's really smart, and has great potential to becoming a warrior like me. Although Chichi would rather him be a scholar rather than a fighter." He said sort of sadly.

"Who's Chichi? A girlfriend?" I asked curiously. I remembered that annoying chick, who cared for her kids more than Goku's life, and mentally scowled. 'I so wouldn't like meeting her when she's on a rant..'

"She's my wife." He said. I nodded and looked out the window, for a moment.

"Wait, your married?" I ask suspiciously. At his bewildered and confused nod, I continue. "How old are you, exactly?" I ask.

"I'm 24.." Depressively, I drop my head onto the seat.

"Dang it! I must be getting worse and worse at judging people's ages." I groaned

"Uh.. How old did you think I was?" Goku asked with a child's curiosity. Opening one eye, I looked at him.


His eyes widened, and I let out a depressive sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I never was good at guessing ages." It wasn't silent for very long, before our tour guide decided to ask us something.

"So, Snake way is extremely low, and extremely treacherous. What kind of shape are you in? Good?" He asked politely. I Sooooo wanted to point out all the wrong things he said in that last question, but I kept quiet, snorting quietly to myself.

"Me? No. I mean, I was pretty healthy when I was alive, but I don't think so now that I'm dead." I bit my lip trying to hold in my laugh.

"And what about you miss? What type of shape are you in?"

"I think I should be fine." I reply happily.

"Oh, hey! what's King Kai like? You've met him before, right?" Goku asked smiling widely.

"Oh, sure! Lots of times. He's surprisingly down to earth, considering he rules over every other deity in this region of the universe." Goku was obviously awed by that, and looked out at the clouds, obviously daydreaming a bit.

"He's got to be strong! I can't wait!"

We continued down the purple road, with me smiling at Goku's oblivious child-like nature. He is kind of cute when he acts like that. Maybe that's why he was my favorite character in Dragon Ball Z, besides Vegeta. While we drove closer and closer to the beginning of snake way, I couldn't help but think; 'What the hell have I gotten myself into..'

A/N: PS: I edited it. I just realised that I gave this chic two different last-names, hopefully no one noticed.. o.o