My Own Alternate what if I not specifically me but someone who could be me entered Mass effect in some way or form, and knowing I shouldn't be here.

A semi retake and rewrite of Soldiers out of place

Disclaimer: I don't own anything bioware has done and make no profit in this

Corporal Ryan Sheppard, U.S. Army, Bravo Company, Second Platoon, first Squad

October 6th 2014, early in the morning

Before Operation flaming boulder begins

Foxtrot base, on the border of Iran

Ryan was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he nearly died last night. If the sergeant wasn't there, than that could have been lights out permanently. The lieutenant learned of the past events, and gave him the opportunity to contact his family on one of the bases laptops, where he could use the webcam.

Ryan sat down on a foldable chair in the communication tent on the base. It was early morning here, but it was probably late back home. He fiddled his hand over his short black hair, trying to get his mind off other things. 'I probably need to get my hair shaved soon' he thought to himself. Without thinking he quickly contact home, he was quick about doing so, since he had little time before Ryan had to report to his unit.

The Video feed on the laptop went through almost instantaneous, as Ryan could see his mother probably couldn't get any sleep at all. After all it's hard for a mother to sleep, when one of her sons is about to go into combat.

"Ryan?" Samantha Sheppard, his mom said in confusion, as she wasn't expecting a call from him.

"Hi ma" Ryan replied, trying hard not to look straight into the webcam, as he didn't want to worry his mother.

Ryan was trying to concentrate on the video call, as it was hard to pay attention when the base was so active, after all an invasion was about to start.

"Its…Its good to see you, how've you been?" His mother asked, Ryan got a quick glance at his mother, seeing she was trying hard not to break down into tears.

Ryan finnaly gave up, and he looked directly towards the feed. "Good" he replied quickly, giving a sigh. "Listen ma, I…..I don't have a lot of time to talk….."

"That's fine, It's just good seeing you again Ryan" His mother quickly said, cutting Ryan off med sentence.

"Ma…" Ryan said looking down again, trying to find the right words. He wanted to tell her he loved and missed home, but doing so could reveal the fear in his eyes. He knew his mother would see right through his lies, and the last thing he wanted to do was worry her further. "Tell dad I'll make him proud" Ryan said trying to make her think something else was on his mind, like wanting to prove his former Marine father that joining the Army was the right choice. "Tell my brothers that….."

"Ryan it's okay, I understand" His mom said, showing Ryan that he didn't need to say much of anything at all. "You know, your younger brother enlisted in the Army last week" His Mom added smiling.

Ryan couldn't help but snicker to that. "Dad must be even angrier at that"

His mother gave out a slight laugh, but the tears in her eyes, at the thought of bother her sons in the military couldn't be held back. "Your father couldn't be any more proud of you all; you know he supports all his sons. No matter what decision you make"

Ryan let out a small smile to that, hearing the sound of someone clearing their throat, Ryan looked over to see Jackson. He was waiting for Ryan to finish, so he could talk to his family. They both had little to no time at all, because of what was about to happen.

"Ma, I have to go….I...I'll be home safely, I promise" He said, knowing damn well he probably couldn't keep that promise.

"Be home soon Ryan, we all love you" She said before the Feed was cut off.

Ryan sat up from the chair, walking towards the entrance of the tent. Jackson didn't even look at him. They were never friends sure, but they been together since boot, and Ryan knew Jackson was still blaming himself for what almost happened last night.

Private first class Taylor Jackson, U.S. Army, Bravo Company, Second Platoon, first squad

Jackson didn't look at Sheppard as he left the tent. He didn't want him to know how sorry he was, how could he? Jackson's own carelessness nearly got him killed, before the invasion even began. He knew if Staff Sergeant Hamilton never came along Sheppard would be long dead.

He quickly made his way over to the seat Sheppard was once sitting on, ready to contact his own Wife. Jackson waited as patiently as he could for Sheppard, hell he probably took more than half the time they had. But Jackson knew that was more than likely the only thing he could do for payment of his mistake.

The camera feed took almost a minute before it was answered. Jackson couldn't help but smile at the sight of seeing his wife again. They had little time before he enlisted, but they knew each other for so long, marrying her only seemed right.

"Taylor? His wife said, half confused, and half happy. She looked well rested, hell she looked way to surprise to see he had called.

"Hay Babe, how you been?" Taylor asked smiling. 'god she's always so beautiful' he thought to himself

"Good…didn't think I hear from you…so soon, is everything alright?" She asked, looking somewhat concerned. How could she not, her own husband was halfway around the world, about to go into a war zone.

"Listen babe, I have like little to no time at all, I just wanted you to know I love you, and The answer to the question you asked me before I left" Taylor paused, thinking back to their small disagreement before shipping out after leave.

His wife's smile faded at the mere thought of the memory "yes Taylor…don't…don't worry about it, I…"

"My answer is yes" He said, cutting his wife's chatter with excitement.

"You…your serious" She blustered out, looking happier than that day he proposed to her.

"Yes I am, now I'm real sorry, but I have to go. I love you"

His wife was tearing up, not of sadness from what could happen to her husband soon, but of happiness. "I love you too" She said chocking up, before the feed between the two was cut.

Taylor sighed, looking up at the ceiling of the tent with a smile on his face. He was going to make it home; he would stay alive at any cost. He owed his wife and himself that.

Lieutenant Commander John Shepard, Alliance Navy

2183, at new posting of the Normandy

Preparing for His new Job as the Ships XO

Shepard was waiting for the airlock to open, as the decontamination was in progress. All he had on him was the Alliance fatigues he wore, and his duffel bag on his back. He never owned much, hell he didn't even have a home, ever since after Shanxi and the orphanage the alliance was his home.

The Airlock finally opened, raveling the familiar dark skin captain. "Captain" Shepard Said, dropping his back, and standing at attention.

A half smile came on the captains face, as he shook his head. "At ease commander, you don't have to be so formal around me"

Shepard came out of attention, grabbing his bag back up. "Sorry sir, force of habit" He snickered.

"Understandable, you can take your belongs below deck. Afterwards I want you to get suited up before we begin the shackdown run" Captain Anderson ordered, he was tense about something the Commander could see that.

"Something I should Know Sir, Shouldn't I get myself acquainted with the Ship and crew first, after all this is just a shackdown run?" Shepard asked, looking confused as to why the Captain was in such a hurry to get the ship underway.

"Sorry Shepard, but No. You will be fully briefed later I assure you" Captain Anderson answered, as they were both now walking down the long corridor between the Cockpit and the CIC. When they reached the door at the stairwell the captain looked back towards the commander. "I have business up here for now, so make sure your suited up in twenty minutes, Understood?"

"Crystal Sir" Shepard replied saluting, as the Captain returned one.

Shepard quickly made his way below deck, as the marines nearby saluted. Now on the crew deck Shepard could see what looked like a mess hallo. Looking towards his left he could see a locker with his name on it, So Shepard made his way towards the locker.

Throwing his duffel bag on the ground a picture fill on the floor. Shepard froze in horror at the sight of the familiar picture. He tried to look at the photo as little as possible, as it brought back nothing but bad memories. Quickly he grabbed the photo, but he couldn't help but look at it this time.

He could see his two Parents, Hannah and Jack Shepard, his parent, with him as a little boy between the two. He didn't want to think of how his father died that faithful day, how his mother went missing for years before she was presumed dead. How he would never have a sibling that he was so happy about when he was a little boy, His mother was pregnant when she went missing. And John Shepard would never know wither he would have a brother or sister, all because a stubborn General refused to give up sooner than he eventually did.

He spent the rest of his child in an orphanage, living his early teens as a cultist bent on revenge. If it wasn't for Captain Anderson, he would have never enlisted and set his life straight. Shepard was brought back to reality, as he felt the ship moving. It was time suit up, and get ready for a new beginning again.

Corporal Ryan Sheppard

Invasion of Iran

It only seemed like yesterday, Ryan was sitting on his chair, playing video games such as mass effect. Now the sight of him would surprise any old friends. He had joined the army to help pay for college, like a lot of people did. However, it just so happened that about the same time he finished his training, our country decided to go to war with Iran.

Now he was here in this APC with his new squad, tasked on some crazy mission to attack some Base that Command think may be constructing WMD's. Ryan could only think if he had just started at community college. Sure he loved war games and movies, but to think about actually going to kill someone within the next few minutes would mess with anybody's head.

The only soldier Ryan knew in this piece of junk APC was Jackson. They have been together since basic. Jackson had always shown hate towards Ryan, yet he could never figure out why. Ryan closed his eyes, thinking of home back in Texas. He was only chatting with his mother a few hours ago, but he still couldn't help but miss it all. Ryan never considered himself as a Texas stereotype. He was more of a nerd than a redneck, unlike one of his brothers. Hell Ryan didn't even have that Texas accent most people thought they had. Ryan didn't even have a girlfriend, or anything else back at home, just his caring family. They were shocked when they heard he was going to war. His dad had finally shared some stories of his days back in the Vietnam war. He was in first recon in the marines, so yeah he had some crazy stuff tell. Thinking of better things Ryan could feel himself passing away.

"Corporal" A voice said from the other side of the APC "Hay Grunt Snap out of it, where five mike's out"

Ryan was brought back into reality of the voice of Sergeant Hamilton screaming like always. Taking in his surroundings again at the slightly red lighted APC, Ryan could hear the sound of the tanks around the APC, as they were opening fire on the base. He was just praying at that moment, hoping to god they didn't get hit. Funny thing was Ryan wasn't religious; the first time He prayed in years was last night. This reminded him of that one line Shepard said in mass effect, how there's no such thing as an atheist in a fox hole, or something like that. Ryan found it funny how he thought of his favorite video game in a war zone. Looking around he could see the rest of the squad was as well. We were all green, none of us had seen any combat except the sarge who served a few tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. They all heard that he was considered something of a hero.

"So Sheppard, you're not going to chicken out on us all are you," Jackson screamed in Ryan's ear. Ryan couldn't help but wonder why of all times he finnaly was talking to him, as if nothing had happened last night. Something about him was different ever since he left the communication tent.

"Screw you" Ryan replied cursing, as he started having so trouble breathing in this tight space.

"Sorry Sheppard, I'm married" Jackson replied laughing.

"Just try not to get me killed again Jackson" Ryan said with a straight face, reminding him of last night.

"Cut the chatter lovers" the sarge ordered from the other side of the APC.

The rest of the squad laughed, not looking to take anything serious. The noise of battle had began to fade away.

"First platoon must be giving them hell" Ryan muttered to himself.

"Yeah, they're taking all the fun away" Jackson joked

Ryan took the time now to look threw his gear, checking his ammo and everything else that was important. And another mass effect thing came to his mind. 'Wouldn't it be cool to have an Avenger or something? The only thing I would have to worry about was overheating' he thought to himself. It all still seemed messed up to him that he had mass effect in his head, especially when he could die on this very day.

Ryan could feel the APC coming to a stop, as the door slowly opened. He remembered that they were just a support unit. As soon as first platoon cleared the main building, wthey were tasked to move in and check for any Intel on whatever was going on in this place.

Ryan heard The Hatch finally hit the ground with a loud thumping sound "Move, move, move" The sarge barked to everyone.

As the rest of the squad, and Jackson rushed their way out, Ryan hesitated staring out in a blaze of smoke. 'This could be it for me' he kept repeating over and over in his mind.

"Sheppard if you don't get your ass up, I'm going to kick it for you" Sergeant Hamilton yelled, looking back into the APC, as everyone but Ryan was now outside. And knowing what he had did to Jackson the other day, he probably would too.

Without replying, Ryan simply ran out to cover the next man in the squad. "Man Sheppard, already on the sarge's bad side I see" Jackson commented, as Ryan got down in cover next to him.

"I just can't believe I'm really in this crap" Ryan said looking towards the base, seeing the fighting rage on in the distance. He couldn't help but think of the sight, as if he was watching a war movie, but this was real life and he knew that.

"Relax, we probably won't even get to shot anyone today" Jackson laughed, he had always been that guy who was itching for a fight.

"That's what I'm talking about, today, what about tomorrow, or the day after that" Ryan replied to him, while checking his weapon again to make sure he wasn't being too green, by leaving the safety on or something.

"You really don't want to be here, do you?" he asked rhetorically.

Maybe in all honesty Jackson didn't want to be here either. He never talked to me to much before; in fact I think he hated Ryan. Maybe he was just trying to calm himself. They scanned their sectors, as the fighting had been dyeing down. What was minutes felt like hours, and it wouldn't be long until the sarge orders someone to check one of the first secured buildings.

"Alright Jackson, Sheppard" The sarge said pointing at the pair "You two will set up a perimeter in the north east lab, it's already clear" The sarge ordered as he had his hand on the radio, listing in on first platoon.

"Why us sir" Ryan asked, knowing it was probably stupid to get on his bad side anymore

"Because you two ladies like flirting, plus you still owe me one for last night corporal" The sarge replied, reminding Ryan again of how he saved his life, and put Jackson in his place.

Ryan remembered how the sergeant saved his life last night. Not being dumb enough to say anything, they both motioned their way towards the building, while the rest of the squad was covering. Jackson and Ryan jumped cover to cover; even though the shooting mostly stopped they weren't taking any chances. Ryan motioned Jackson in the building first, as he followed covering his six.

"Good job Sheppard, now I'm on his bad side again "Jackson joked with some anger, as they were now both inside the abandon building.

"Think will find any top secret weapons in here?" Ryan looked around, seeing what looked like the inside of some warehouse, rather than a lab.

"Nah, I bet you 50 bucks this is just some store house, or something." Jackson walked off and turned towards me "I'm going to set myself on that catwalk, see if you can find a weapon stashes, or something"

"For a second there that sounded like you cared Jackson" Ryan commented jokingly.

"Knowing you, you're probably just going to jerk in a coroner"

"Screw you Jackson" Ryan replied, while he had been flipping him off.

"Whatever, I'm not the one who's single" he laughed ,as he was climbing the ladder to get to higher ground.

Ryan began walking around the lab, weapon in hand at the ready. The building may have already been cleared, but he wasn't about to let his guard won. Ryan started checking box from box, all of it looked like crappy office supplies or something. Taking his last search around the room, Ryan's eyes got gaze of one particular glowing crate.

"Hay Jackson, you seeing this" Ryan called out, but heard no reply. Jackson was probably smoking, or listing to his music like he always did. He had always been a slacker back in basic.

Ryan's body felt contempt to open the crate, for some unknown reason. He looked around to find a crowbar on a nearby shelf. Quickly he grabbed it, as he walked towards the crate, prying the crate open to reveal something he swore he's seen before.

"What the hell is th..." Ryan thought for a moment not finishing the sentence

'I've been playing too much mass effect to think this is….' His thoughts were interrupted, as a flash came from what looked like a Prothean device. He felt his body being sucked in, as the building had also started collapsing around him.

"Sheppard" Jackson screamed, jumping from the catwalk, trying to grab hold of Ryan, as he was sucked in with him.

"Shepp-ard" the voice of Jackson calling turned into what sounded like a voice of a women. Ryan suddenly collapsed to the ground, next to an unfamiliar body wearing some kind of black armor. Someone else in white amour came to that parson's aid. Ryan looked around, and could see Jackson lying on the ground just a little ways over.

Barley conscious, he looked up towards a fire blazing sky, yet something was different. Ryan tried to turn his head, but the pain was unbearable. Everything was different, but familiar. he could swore once again that he's seen all of this beforehand.

As Ryan motioned to reach his M4 Rifle next to him, he suddenly got a foot stomped on his hand. Ryan started cursing himself, groaning in pain. The person in white armor looked over him, pointing what looked like a gun directly at Ryan's head, with that same woman's voice from earlier, screaming at him.

"Who the hell are you?" The voice barked with a demanding voice.

'No that's impossible, I must be dreaming' Ryan thought to himself, as that looked just like "Ashley Williams" He said faintly, and she was surprised he knew her name.

"How do you know my name?" She questioned, while pointing her gun further into his forehead.

"Sheppard" Jackson screamed reaching for his weapon. Before he could barely get his hands on his rifle, another one in armor, what looked like Kaidan knocked him out cold.

"How does he know the commanders name?" she asked, looking towards Ryan again. She continued to press her foot further onto Ryan's hand.

"What question do you want me to ask first?" Ryan joked still groaning in pain

"Ok then, tell me who you are?" she asked with her demanding voice.

"Corporal Ryan Sheppard US Army" Ryan said with a grin on his face "You want my serial number too, because that's all your getting Ashley" he laughed at the mention of knowing who she was. Moments later everything turned black.

Gunnery chief Ashley Williams

Eden Prime

Ashley hit the butt of her weapon at the man, knocking him out cold.

"LT, you okay over there?" She asked, looking back towards the lieutenant.

"Yeah chief, this one is out cold as well. Ill radio the Normandy of the commander's condition, and that we have two unknowns." Kaidan replied, while motioning his ear for his comm.

Ashley picked up the man's weapon. She thought of how strange it was, and why the weapon looked like something from an old history vid.

"Normandy is on its way chief" Kaidan said, standing next to the chief now.

Ashley looked up and saw the LT standing over her. She searched the man, also noticing his strange clothing.

"These guys look like they just game from a Modern festival" Kaidan joked looking at the two unconscious men.

"What do you mean LT?" Ashley asked, standing up next to him.

"That's really old earth military clothing, and their weapons, I've seen them from some old vids."

Ashley looked down towards the man she knocked out "He looked confused, like he shouldn't be here."

"What do you mean Chief?" Kaidan asked, confused at what she was getting at.

"These guys came from the beacon, didn't you see" Ashley stated, remembering how they fell from the air the second the commander had also fallen.

"I don't know what I saw chief, for all we know they're working with the geth"

He was right, and she knew that. That was little to no explanation for where these two men came from. All she knew was that one man's name, and how strange it was that he knew her. Knowing the commanders would be one thing, but her was quiet another.

"Maybe, but that doesn't explain how this one knew my name. And I think the other one might have been calling to this guy" Ashley Explained.

"I'm pretty sure he called out Shepard" Kaidan replied, remembering what the other man said.

"No, when I asked who he was he said he was Corporal Sheppard and that he was with the US army or something like that LT"

The sound of the Normandy came in; as the hanger door opened a security team came out.

"Don't dig too much into it Chief, you coming on the Normandy with us, we could use you" Kaidan asked.

"For what, the commander was pretty clear on how much he didn't want me. In fact he's probably going to blame me for this" Ashley remembered how Shepard told her how could she left her unit behind, and the LT had to convince him to let her join.

"I'm sure we can put the blame on these two, and I could convince the captain to make you one of the crew."He grabbed the commander, and signaled Ashley to grab the other Sheppard, as a security detail came to help the pair. Ashley couldn't help herself but wonder what was going on.