Chapter 23: The End.

I feel so happy when I am with him.. I looked at Yahiko while he was reading a book. We were in a park, resting under of a big lime tree.. My head was lying on his legs.

"In fact, I want to look at your face instead of this words." He smiled, without looking away from book. I felt my checks became warmer and I shut my eyes happily.. Being loved.. I am, I am very lucky about it..

Yahiko sighed while he was turning the page..

"Is that book boring?"

"No, actually I am in the middle of an un-put-downable murder."

"So, why did you sigh?"

"Because, I miss you.."

"I am right here.." I held his hand ".. lying on your legs." I chuckled.


A soccer ball was rolled near us after a while. Yahiko lowered the book and looked at where the ball came from. There were a couple of children, looking at us.

"Uh, Excuse me, can you send it back?" A child asked maidenly. Yahiko put the book on grass and straightened on his foot.

"I have a suggestion!" He shouted happily. "Why don't you all playing against me!?"

"Do not underestimate the power of children." I warned him jokely. Children looked each other then nodded happily.

"Alright then! GO!" He kicked the ball and ran towards children..

They were laughing, running around, making cool moves with ball, but the most important; Yahiko was having so much fun.

He really loves children.. I smiled but then sighed sadly.. I think he had planned to have lots of kids for future.. But if we continue living together, he would never have... Because I can't get pregnant.. I can't give him babies.. I pulled my legs to my stomach and leaned against tree.. I think I love him forever, but will he love me that long?... I shook my head.. I am doing it again.. Damn.. Why I am so mistrustful.. I sighed and touched the book he was reading.. I wanna keep everything he touched.. I think he is becoming my obsession..

"Hiroki!" I heard a woman shouted to his son.

"Yes mom?" A child from the football group shouted back.

"We are leaving!"

"OKAY!" He ran towards his mom and held her hand. Woman looked at Yahiko for a moment and smiled slightly, Yahiko replied her with a wide grin.

"We lost a player." The oldest child said, crossing his arms.

"Ah, c'mon!" Yahiko laughed. "You're 11 person."

"But you're too good!" One of them protested.

"So, What will we do?"

The oldest child lifted his hand and pointed me with his finger. "I want him"

"ME!?" I shouted in shock. ME!? FOOTBALL?!

Yahiko looked at me smiling.. "C'mon what are you waiting for?"

"T-trust me!" I shouted at child. "I suck at football."

Yahiko frowned. "Did you ever play it before?"

"I-I tried.." I replied timidly..


"9-10 years ago.."

"You gotta be kidding me!" Yahiko walked towards me with fast steps and pulled me on my feet.. "Just kick the ball!"

"I can't Yahiko, Oi, Oi are you liste-"

Yahiko hit the ball and children began to run behind it.


"See you guys!" Yahiko waved the children and we headed to our tree..

"Ohh, damn.. Every inch of my body are aching.." I rubbed my shoulders.

"Hahaha! You're a sedentary guy Itachi.. That's why your body aches.." He sat near tree and I sat next to him. "We should move more often.. For example we should go dancing, do some sports and some active games.."

"Sounds frightening.." I smiled slightly.

"Oh, why?"

"Because, I don't know how can I do these.." I crossed my arms blushing..

Yes.. Looks like my favorite activity -I am talking about moving actively- is having sex... Uhh.. Actually I am just lying supine and waiting for Yahiko to give us pleasure..

Ahh damn.. What an useless man I am..

My thoughts were interrupted when Yahiko pulled me into his arms, and wrapped them around my body..

"I don't know what do you think.. But please get rid of that thought. I can see that it's bothering you.."

"Y-Yahiko, we are in a park, and there are children.." I fluttered desperately to escape from his arms.

"I don't care it anymore.. Love isn't wrong.." Yahiko smiled warmly.

"O-Oi..." I looked at his sweet pink lips while his head was coming closer..

Our lips met each other as Yahiko lifted the book up to prevent people to see us. The kiss wasn't passionate or hot, it was just an innocent, tender touch of lips. Still, it was hot enough to give me goose bumps...

"I love everything about you.." He huskily exhaled into my ear.. "I love your weak body because It's one of the things that what makes you who you are.."

Ah, God how he can do this? I lowered my eyebrows. He always can make me feel better.. He is perfect at this..

"Thank you.." I smiled bitterly and looked at darkening sky.. "Seems like it'll rain soon.. We should go home..."

"I'm gonna go to kitchen, Itachi.." Yahiko smiled after he took his shoes off.. "Would you like to eat anything special? Just tell your super chef Yahiko-sama!" He lifted his chin and lowered his eyelids with a fake arrogance.

"Okay, I'd like to eat chargrilled octopus.." I smiled back.

He headed kitchen with a slight smile, I went straight our bedroom. When I entered in I sat on bed and began to rub my temples nervously..

I wanna do it.. But I don't want to know.. What if he writes something I don't want?.. I looked towards my drawer and stood up slowly. I decided it days ago.. And promised myself to do it..

I should do it..

I have to do it..

I must do it..

Or these suspenses about Yahiko will kill me..

I pulled the drawer and took a clean, white sheet and a pen.. Okay.. That will be the last.. the last thing I force Yahiko to tell his true feelings..


"Yahiko.. Can you come here for a minute?"

"Of course.." He washed his hands and came into living room. "Something happened Itachi? You look pale.."

"Y-Yahiko can you.. Can you write your feelings about me on that sheet?"

"Ha?" Yahiko arched an eyebrow. "What it means?"

"I..." My cheeks and ears began to burn again.. "Please Yahiko, j-just write them on sheet and I can read them later.."

"B-but Itachi.." Yahiko looked very stunned. "This is pointless.. B-Because I tell them to you everytime.. You don't need papers for this.. Itachi look at me.. Can you please look at me?"

I lifted my head little bit and forced my eyes to look directly into his chocolate brown ones.. I am feeling so damn ashamed.. Shit, "O-okay, it was already a childish thing.. Let's forget it.." I reached to pen but Yahiko caught my hand suddenly..

"But still.. It doesn't matter how weird it looks, I'll do it for you.." He sat on chair and looked at me. " But I have a condition.."

"W-what is it?"

"I want another one like this..."


"You'll write a page for me. Unlike me, you're very quiet about your feelings.. It's kinda scary for me.."

"Ahh, I.."

Yahiko took the pen and began to write something with a smile on his face.. "It should be like a love letter, Am I wrong?"

I took another sheet and a pen but nothing was in my head.. Why.. Why I can't find anything to write?.. Does it mean I don't have enough deep feelings for him?

How.. How should I begin? I desperately fluttered to find a first word.. Should I start with Yahiko, or Dear Yahiko? Inngghh.. No! No! They don't work.. I sighed and shut my eyes.. Yahiko's sheet was almost full..

Huh.. Okay.. It's better than nothing.. I won't ponder on words anymore.. I'll write them as they come to my mind..

And I started with;



"Yeah.. I think that's okay.. Want you see now?" he handed the page to me.

"O-okay.." I took it.

"So, what about mine?" He looked at my side curiously.

"It's over.." I handed it timidly..

He pulled the page excited, almost torn it, and burried his face on it.. I smiled nervously and looked at the top of the page.

" To my sweet raven..

Honestly.. I don't even know you're okay with this 'raven' nickname, but I love it.. Like everything about you.. I don't know why you want me to do something like this, but it doesn't matter if you want.. You should know that I can do everything you want.. Without a hesistance.. It doesn't matter how crazy it looks..

Anyway.. If you want to know my feelings about you, I'll tell them then..

I love you..

I love you Itachi..

I love you with my whole personality..

If it isn't enough, let me expand it..

I love how deep your eyes..

I love how smell your body is..

I love how your heart warm is..

I love your how cute your voice tone is..

I love you.. I love YOU.. I think I'll write it again.. I love YOU, ITACHI.. I love you because you're Itachi.. And It will never change.. Even though I became an old guy that cant walk without a walking stick, Can't see clear, Can't hear clear, Can't remember clear.. It doesn't matter.. There will be only you always in my brain and in my whole heart..

Until the day that I die.. I promise..

And I know that..

You love me too.. You don't often say it, but , I don't need words to know that.. Everytime I touch you, everytime I be a part of you, I can feel your love the way you touch me, say my name..

You don't need to afraid..

.. Because I'll always love you..


I smiled and can't help it but pressed the page on my chest, while my eyes were hurting with tears.. When I turned to Yahiko, I couldn't have seen his face but.. his shoulders were shaking with sobs, his hands were trembling.

"Y-yahiko?! Are you okay?"

"I-i-ita-chi.." He lowered the sheet down.. Tears were flowing all over his face..

"W-What happened?!"

"T-that was the- m-most beautiful thing I-I've ever had!" He put the sheet on table and pulled me into his arms, burried his face on my neck..

"N-No one *sob* No one loved me t-this way.. I-I *sob* I never ever beloved like this.. Itachi.. Itachi.. Itachi!.." He hugged me tighter... "I love you! I really love you! I'm *sob* I am glad I found someone like you.."

I put my head on his shoulder and hugged back..

I cannot believe myself..

.. how silly I am..

"I love you, too.." I whispered while he was sobbing silently..

I don't need any words spoken or written..

..his tears already says it all..

"You're my light of life.." he whispered.. "I embrace you and like this and never let you go.. Forever.. I am gonna be yours and you're gonna be mine.. I promise.."




I don't know what should I say.. So I am writing these words as like they come to my mind.. I hope I can tell my feelings truly..

I grew up in a huge family and I thought I learnt everything about life.. But I was wrong.. I had never tasted love.. True love.. Honestly.. I don't know how it feels like.. But if the thing called 'true love' means when somebody touches you, says your name, looks into your eyes; you feel like your heart beats like it'll burst into pieces, yes, you're my true love..

And I am glad it's you...

You've told me that I was very quiet about my feelings.. it's because of fear.. fear of losing you again.. I am very, very naive about relationships and I am afraid of saying something to hurt you.. This is the last thing I want..

Before we met, I was feeling like a sparrow in snow.. I was struggling desperately for you to realize me. And then.. You did realize me.. That was like a wonderful dream for me.. I couldn't help but addicted to your eyes, to your hands, to your face, to your touch.. I couldn't help but addicted to you...

But then something, that I don't want to remember, happened and we broke up for a while.. I can't describe how my heart ached while you were far away from me.. I tried to fill your pleace with another person, but then I realized that my heart belongs 'only' you..

Meanwhile, I faced with the prospect of losing you completely.. Oh my God, it still gives me goose bumps.. You almost died Yahiko, I think I can never get rid of the scene of you rescued me from that truck.. I can't forget it until the day that I die.. When I remember it, I feel urge to hug you tight and stay till I am convinced that you're okay..

So.. When things go wrong and we don't have anything to do about it, all I need is you embrace me and tell 'everything is gonna be okay..'

Please hug me when I need.. Please know the time when I need you... Because I am very unsuccessful about explain what I feel..

The only thing I need is your love now.. Please remember this everytime.. Please love me Yahiko..

By the way, please forgive me for being a giant selfish.. I am about to steal your future from your hands.. I can't help it Yahiko because...

I love you... I love you that you can't ever imagine..



w-wow.. It's too hard to believe that it ended.. (o.o)

I hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for people who reviewed favved and followed.. I love you all! :)

I and one of my friends, we decided to make this story a doujinshi! Surpriseeess :D
