Ok this is it, the last chapter. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone that has read, reviewed, favourited or followed this fic. The response has been amazing and I love you all! :) There will be more fics from me in the future so to anyone interested, keep an eye out, this won't be the last you hear or see from me. Once again thank you all for reading and here's the last chapter. xoxo

Six months had gone by and a lot had happened. Mick never turned up at Red Bedroom, but he had left a note for Peyton before he'd left town. He told her what a lovely girl she was and how she should forget about her real Dad and focus on the one that had brought her up. It was obvious that even if Mick was her real Father, he wanted nothing to do with her, but she didn't take it personally. He'd been nice enough to her when she'd gone round to his house, he never pressed charges when she'd crashed into him and he'd called her a lovely girl in his note. If he was her Dad, at least she could say that she'd met him and even if he wasn't, she could still say that she'd met one of her idols.

Another guy who'd come back onto the scene in the last six months was Julian. He was working with Lucas on the movie and Luke had actually managed to get along with him this time around and he wasn't the only one. Brooke had also been getting to know him since he'd been in town and Peyton, who'd made it her duty to find Brooke a man, had managed to set them up together one night. It went really well and the pair of them had been on many dates since, Julian was even staying at Brooke's until he had to go back to L.A which meant Peyton didn't have to worry about her being home on her own.

When Julian had first come back to town, Peyton was expecting Lindsey to come with him, just like before, but Lucas had got a new editor. He'd been thinking about getting a new one from the moment Lindsey had first called him about the movie and he knew it was for the best, especially since he'd got back into writing. Ever since Peyton had come back into his life, his house and his heart, he'd been inspired again and he was halfway through writing a novel about her, appropriately named The Comet.

As if life hadn't been crazy enough, the last six months had also been taken up with wedding planning. When Lucas had first proposed to Peyton, he'd told her that as much as he wanted them to get married, it didn't have to be straight away. They'd only just literally moved in together after all, but Peyton told him how she wanted to be his wife, how she'd longed to be his wife and that they'd waited long enough as it was.

Today was the day that she was finally going to become Mrs Scott and as she stood in Brooke's boutique in front of a full length mirror, the smile on her face couldn't have been a bigger or brighter one.

"It's so beautiful!" She gushed as she looked at herself in the dress that Brooke had designed and made herself.

"No, you're the one that makes it look beautiful." Brooke said as she stood behind her and then Peyton just turned around and hugged her.

"Thank you and...not just for the dress or the compliment, but for being you Brooke Davis. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend." Peyton told her and Brooke nodded as she hugged her back.

"Right back at you P. Sawyer." She replied and both girls pulled away as they heard the door go and Haley walked in with Karen and Lily who'd returned with Andy for the wedding.

"Wow, look at my soon to be daughter in law." Karen said and then held her arms out and gave Peyton a hug.

"It's so good to see you." Peyton told her and felt her eyes filling up with tears, today was already feeling like an emotional day and they hadn't even arrived at the ceremony yet!

After a lot of catching up and finalising of their hair and make up, the girls were almost ready to go, there was just one more person they needed to wait for and when he walked in, he looked at Peyton and felt his heart soar with pride and love.

"Look at my little girl." Larry said as he embraced her in a hug and then kissed her cheek. "You look so beautiful angel." He told her and she smiled, trying not to let her eyes water too much, having only recently had her make up put on. "I wish your Mom was here to see this." He added and that was it, that was all it took for a few tears to start escaping her eyes. "Sorry." He said, before handing her a tissue and she shook her head and dabbed her eyes.

"No, it's ok. I was thinking it myself when I woke up this morning." Peyton said with a small smile.

"Actually..." Karen spoke up and then handed Peyton a box. "Both your Mom's can be with you today." She said and Peyton looked confused before opening the box and seeing a gold necklace with a small heart locket attached.

Opening it up, she then gasped as there was a picture of Anna on one side and Ellie on the other. "Karen...I...thank you...thank you so much." She told her and Karen just smiled before putting it on for her.

Larry then looked at his watch and then at his daughter. "Ready to get married sweetheart?" He asked and Peyton just nodded. She'd never been more ready.

Lucas was stood at the front of the Church, he'd been fine all morning, hadn't been the least bit nervous, but now as he stood waiting for his fiancée and love of his life to turn up, he couldn't help but feel worried. What if she didn't show, what if she thought this was all too fast, what if she'd suddenly got cold feet?

"Hey, you ok?" He suddenly heard and then looked around to see his brother and best man looking at him.

"Yeah...just nervous. She's...she's coming right?" He asked.

"Well Haley's not called to say she's done a runner yet." Nathan joked, but Luke didn't find it funny. "Sorry man. Of course she's coming, she loves you." He told him and Luke just let out a deep breath and nodded.

Much to his relief, the bridal music started up about five minutes later and Lucas looked around to see his little sister throwing flowers out of her basket as she walked up the aisle, followed by his best friend and Peyton's best friend who both looked amazing as bridesmaids and then finally with Larry on her arm, he saw Peyton. She looked more than beautiful and he was glad he'd taken his heart medication that morning or he'd be a dead man right now. It was like they were the only ones in the packed out Church, their eyes only on each other and as Larry finally left Peyton at the alter, the vicar got the proceedings under way.

A few hours later and they were husband and wife, it couldn't have been a more romantic ceremony, the vows and the speeches afterwards hadn't left many of their guests with a dry eye, but they were all happy tears.

"Have I told you how beyond beautiful you look today Mrs Scott?" Luke asked as they shared their first dance and Peyton just nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, about the same amount of times I've told you that you look amazingly hot and gorgeous." She replied and Lucas laughed.

They celebrated way into the night, Brooke even being the one to catch Peyton's bouquet when she threw it and not long after that, they left to go on their honeymoon.

It was on their honeymoon that they ended up conceiving. Lucas had whisked Peyton off to Paris and even though they'd done a fair amount of sightseeing, they'd also spent a fair amount of time in bed.

It was a few months after they'd come back that Peyton got her symptoms. At first, she thought it was flu, she'd been feeling tired and then she got sick, but on her third morning of throwing up, Lucas got worried.

"Baby, I think you should go to the doctors, this seems more than flu?" He told her as they sat on the bathroom floor and she nodded.

"I think it's more than that too." She admitted and then looked at him with slight fear and panic in her eyes. "I think I might be pregnant?" She told him and Lucas sat there for a few seconds, taking in what she'd just said and then he let out a huge smile.

"Really?" He asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know, but it would add up? I'm nauseas all day, but only sick in the mornings, I'm tired and...I'm late." She finally realised. "Oh my God I'm late...I am...I'm pregnant Luke, we're having a baby!" She said, but Luke could hear the worry in her voice.

"Hey, hey calm down." He said as he grabbed her hand in his and then stroked her pale face with his free one. "We don't know for sure, you could just be stressed and that's why you're late, but if it turns out that you are pregnant then it's ok babe." He told her and she let out a sigh.

They'd never talked about kids, not really anyway. They'd mentioned how they wanted them in the future and they always enjoyed looking after Jamie together, the little boy himself had even told them how he'd love a cousin to play with one day, but that's what it had always been, one day, one day in the future, not right now!

"Isn't it early?" Peyton asked. "We've only been married a few months and there's still so much going on in our lives with work and stuff...are we ready for this yet?" She asked, voicing her fears to Lucas who just looked into her eyes and nodded.

"I think we've been ready since you moved in. I know everything that's happened since has been a bit of a whirlwind, but I still want everything with you Peyt." He replied and she let out a small smile.

"And now we can have it right?" She asked. "If I'm pregnant that is." She added and Lucas just nodded with a smile before kissing her.

That afternoon, they went to the doctors and found out that there was going to be a new little Scott in town and neither of them could have been any happier.

Six months later and they welcomed Sawyer Brooke Scott into the world. She was beautiful just like her Mother and she already had her Father's eyes. Everyone knew the squint would follow as she got older and Luke reckoned curly blonde hair would too. She was perfect and such a content little baby. She rarely cried and whenever she did, a quick cuddle with Lucas would soon calm her down. She was sure to be a Daddy's girl.

As Peyton walked into the living room of their house, she found Lucas laying on the couch, bouncing Sawyer up and down on his chest and she smiled as she watched them from the doorway. Everything had fallen into place, everything she'd ever wanted was now right here in this room, her dreams, her husband, her daughter, her life.

She couldn't believe that she'd nearly lost the last one on that fateful night when she'd literally seen red and she realised how lucky she was in not doing so. She'd gained so much since and wouldn't have been able to experience any of it if things had been different.

Seeing Peyton walk in and come over to the couch, Lucas lifted Sawyer up high enough for Peyton to lean down and kiss her and then he blew Peyton a kiss of his own.

They'd been through a lot in recent years and even in their High School years, but one thing had always remained and stuck, their love for each other and the words that were now framed on one of the walls in their living room echoed it. 'True Love Always.'