Will finish off Coming Home in a week or two, but in the mean time I've had this in my head.

Chapter One

The gang entered the safe house located somewhere woodlands, the whole gang practically dragged themselves inside they were all exhausted. The vampires were starving and the humans were starting to get nervous. Pam was brushing gooey entrails off her corset with a look of disgust as she shuffled through the doors. Tara was on her heels and eager to be where ever she was, always fretting and touching ever since that fucking kiss, and it was starting to get on Pam's nerves.

"For fucks sake Tara back off for a minute. I gotta wash off the dead vampire, see you tomorrow night." And with that she zoomed out of sight, a distant door slammed shut. Tara's shoulders slumped.

"What the fuck did I do?" She was at a loss, she thought she'd been reading the signals right.

"Fucking Pam," Tara growled before she too stormed off, following the scent of Tru Blood that Eric said he had stock piled somewhere in the mansion. Lest she drink Jason dry, and she didn't think Sookie or Jessica would appreciate it.

The rest of the gang looked at each other uncomfortable, not sure of what to make of the situation.

"Who thought Pam had a heart?" Jessica mused.

"Hey," Eric scowled, "She has plenty of heart, it's just been out of action for over a century so let's give the women some space and get some rest, I'm sure it'll all blow over by tomorrow night."

Everyone groaned his or her agreement, each too tired to make issue of the matter. "All rooms are available to you apart from mine and Pamela's, we have separate quarters in the East Wing. Jessica all rooms are light tight so don't worry."

"Thanks for getting us out Eric." She spoke softly, still coming to terms with her newly evil maker.

"That's alright Jessica, I will do all I can to keep you safe, you're part of our family now." He offered a smile and Jessica's shoulders finally relaxed.

Meanwhile Pam was in her shower luxuriating as the hot water practically burnt her flesh, but the pressure was so good she simply didn't care. She looked down at her feet, and watched entranced as bloody pulps slid down her legs diluted in the water and disappeared down the drain, she wondered idly who it was that was. Maybe the bastard that pulled on her hair when she was being walked to her cell.

"Ha ha fucker." She smirked before turning the water off. She stepped out of the shower, to step into to an enormous bath. It was her only request for the safe house. Pam loved her baths they gave her time to sort all the shit out in her head. She was just about to sink below the water when she heard pacing in her room.

She could feel her progeny's turmoil as she paced and muttered to herself. If Pam concentrated she could have probably made out what the hell Tara was bickering about but she sensed she should probably give the poor woman a little privacy. But thought better of it.

"You know I can feel you right." Pam called out.

"Shit." She clearly heard Tara from her bath. Tara continued to pace before coming to a stop at the bathroom door, she knocked softly.

"Come in." Pam sat up, she had no qualms about her body, the concept of modesty always puzzled her, but Tara still had Sookie's grandma's voice ringing in her ears. "It's just not proper." She couldn't help but ogle for a second before she respectfully averted her eyes to the bathroom tiles.

"Now, now you don't have to be bashful with me Tara, fill your boots doll." Pam drawled clearly pleased about the effect she had on her childe.

But Tara kept her gaze trained firmly on the bathroom tiles, studying the gargoyles and hags, and odd choice for bathroom attire Tara thought, but then again this was Pam's room, she shouldn't have expected anything less. In a barely controlled move Tara trained her sight from tiles to her makers eyes without straying south, but it was no easy task. Her balled fists and crunching knuckles could testify to that.

"Pam why did you brush me off like that? What did I do?" She came straight out with it, not one to pussy foot around an issue.

Pam raised her brow and took a moment to consider her answer.

"I'm not used to this Tara, this is the first time I've had feelings…" But Tara interrupted her.

"So you admit that you do have them then…" She pushed, Pam sighed but carried on nonplussed.

"Since Eric, and that was a fucking long time ago, so just be fucking patient with me okay?' She all but pleaded, she hated hurting her progeny but she needed to be honest.

"Well it's not as if I'm a fucking expert on feelings, most my relationships have ended in death and destruction."

Pam cut in.

"Well at least we're at the dead stage already." The blond muttered with a smirk. It only incensed the younger woman.

"Pam be serious for a minute." But Pam wasn't listening she had raised her leg out of the water and running her hands up and down it from calf to thigh, before gently scrubbing it with a flannel. However she was soon floored by the potent waves of arousal stemming from her progeny.

"Um… Jesus woman…" Tara all but moaned as in that moment she would give anything to get in that tub and join her maker feelings be damned.

"Yes sweetie pie?" Pam asked sweetly, her eyes twinkling mischief.

Tara couldn't utter a word she was so aroused, and she now took the time to really leer at the maker, her large breasts that elegant elongated neck, her glorious legs. "I could lick you all night long." The words were uttered before she could censor herself.

"I don't think so sweet pea, I'll only break your heart." Pam uttered quite cruelly her gaze on Tara was sharp.

"Fuck my heart, fuck feelings, I want you." Tara strode towards the bathtub, her arousal leading the way as she stripped nude in a blur of motion.

Pam froze.

'Shit she's hot, like really fucking hot.' Pam mused, honestly not expecting the woman to be able to have such an affect on her. Her nipples immediately hardened and she sank back in the water to hide them hoping her progeny wouldn't see.

No chance, Tara's eyes were fixed on her goal, she stepped forward…

"Uh uh, if you're doing this you've got to have a shower. Thems the rules, you're not bringing dead vampire into my tub ya hear." Pam sighed well she may as well make the best of the situation, consequences be damned.

Tara took a quick account of her body, not too bad, but yep there were definite trails of blood and gooey mess, she concurred and slipped into the shower.

"Shit." She scowled as she tried to figure out the temperature.

"Oh yeah, sorry I like it hot." Pam called out as she calmly went back to scrubbing herself down. Anything to keep herself focused and gaze trained away from that shower glass. It hid nothing. There was no frosting or print, to hide her progeny from view.

Tara figured it out and muttered nonsensically as she cleaned herself up.

A moment later she turned off the shower and stepped out. Pam kept her eyes trained on her legs.

Tara paid the woman no mind and graciously got into the tub. There being plenty of space she slipped in between Pam's feet and settled down, moaning as she did so. It had been so long since she last had a bath and it felt good for be fully clean for once. Pam adjusted her legs so that hers were on one side and Tara's ran along side them on the other. She tried to pretend she didn't like it but she did, Tara's skin felt so soft and good against her own… it felt right.

"I still can't believe what you did back there, it was fucking stupid Tara."

"Shush woman, let me enjoy this." Tara drawled lazily as she finally let her self relax in the water's warm embrace.

Pam sighed. Tara was right it did feel good, just to sit and soak, and unwind after so much tense bullshit.

For a while neither woman made a sound they simply closed their eyes and basked in the peace and quiet.

Half an hour had passed before Tara started running her fingers up and down her makers calves, fascinated by the smoothness, she simply couldn't resist.

"What do you think you're doing?" Pam opened her eyes slowly but couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips as Tara's touch wound up higher, and higher.

"Explorin'" Tara replied. Her gaze focused on her work. With Panther like grace she rose to crawl up Pam's body until the two were face to face, Tara leant on her arms for support, silently seeking permission to continue.

Pam groaned her own disapproval before she gave in and enclosed the young vampire in her embrace and drew her down onto her chest.

"Aww shit." Tara moaned, Pam felt so good, so soft, yet firm, curvy in all the right places. She could do nothing to stop her hands from roaming; from nipple to knee everything within reach was searched and touched, like she was mapping out Pam's contours and features in her mind.

After a while Tara settled a little on her side to give her other hand room to work as she fondled Pam's breast, feeling the weight of it in her palm, stroking the nipple with the pad of her thumb before leaning into suckle it strongly.

Pam groaned and shifted her legs, her pussy was hot and ready, she needed to alleviate the ache. She tried to distract herself by running her palms up and down her gorgeous progeny's back, and upon reaching her delectable ass gave it a few good squeezes for good measure.

But it was too much, too much and not enough all in one go.

Before her mind thought better of it Pam reached for Tara's jaw and drew her in for a kiss, it was tentative at first both cautious and reading the others response, but Pam alone was too turned on the turn back now and didn't hesitate to take control. Thrusting her tongue in to find it's mate and explore to her hearts content, Tara moaned and acquiesced to the kiss, giving back all that she took.

Water sloshed and slopped around them as vampires kissed, now both seeking to dominate and control, holding jaws and cheeks to direct each other as their tongues battled on.

'God I love this woman.' Was the mantra that sailed through Tara's mind, as with each kiss she drank deeper and deeper, trying to take Pam's essence and flavour into her very being.

Pam didn't hear this mantra but she felt coming along in strong palpitations through their bond and it unnerved her, she couldn't deal with that just yet. So she did what she did best put her feelings to the side and made most of the situation.

She wound a hand between their bodies and found her prize, she grazed it softly and felt Tara sigh in response before returning the favour. Tara pulled back from the kiss and their eyes locked as they entered each other in sync.

The pair shuddered at the sensation but swiftly adapted and were soon thrusting and grinding away, each woman wanting to push deeper and harder wanting to push the other to the precipice and keep her there.

Pam drew Tara in for another punishing kiss and the pair quickly made their ascent.

"Nearly there" Tara panted out, as she gasped in needless breaths.

"Mmn Harder!" Pam demanded.

"Yes Ma'am."

And in seconds they came, groaning and wreathing about as half of the water from the bath was now in puddles around the tub.

Tara continued to grind her hips through her orgasm, trying to make it last but in a moment she fell against Pam and was out cold.

Pam caught the vampire deftly in her arms and sighed, her body still buzzing.

They'd lost track of time, it must have been dawn already. Pam looked down at her prone progeny, and couldn't help but feel a wave of affection for the baby vampire. She reached between them and gently removed Tara's hand from her pussy before she got up out of the bath, grabbed a couple of towels and blurred to her room.

The movement stirred the baby vampire who awoke in a dozy state, mumbling to herself.

"Didn't get to taste you, wanna taste you now." And she tried to reach forward as she lay on the bed but Pam evaded her touch and instead ran a towel through the women's hair and gave her body a quick pat down.

"Hush you, baby vampires need their sleep." Pam countered softly as she tucked her vampire into her bed. Tara only groaned in comfort and was soon out cold again.

Pam sighed as she studied her progeny her expression bemused at best.

"What am I going to do with you Tara?"

Pam hadn't the slightest idea, but it was too late to be worrying about that now, she could feel dawn's pull herself and didn't want to get the bleeds and ruin her fine silk sheets. So after swiftly towelling herself off Pam slipped in behind Tara and pulled the vampire towards herself, spooning her. She left a kiss at Tara's nape and was soon fast asleep too.

The following night Tara woke to an empty bed and a note on the bedside table. It read.

"Last night was a mistake. It cannot happen again."

Tara studied it for a moment perplexed by it, and all of a sudden infuriated by it. In a minute she was up and dressed and on the hunt for her maker.