A/N: Hello back readers! This is the third and last instalment of my saga called By the moons!

If, by any chance, you would stumble upon this for the first time, do not forget to read Debts unpaid and Another time first, or you could find yourselves lost! :)

Underlined speeches: Chewie

Bold lines: Tani's visions

Italic speeches: mind speeches

1. Back to Tatooine

I woke up in a daze, startled as usually by a nightmare involving loss of limbs and excruciating pain.

As it happened almost every night then since that day on Bespin.

It had been almost a year then, since Han had been frozen in carbonite and sent to Jabba the Hutt lord.

I had spent most of my time on Home One, the huge Mon Calamari battleship owned and piloted by General Akbar.

I had been promoted Knight General, as Leia had been keen to remind everyone I had intended to save each and every of my friends alone.

She had forgotten, maybe, that I had failed.

"Miss Kenobi, how good to see you awake!"

I turned around and noticed a well-known golden droid, carrying, as usual now, my daily dose of painkillers.

Losing both a leg and a hand had been a horrible experience for me. Both physically and mentally. But I was on my way to recover.

"Thank you 3PO." I grabbed the drink and swallowed it in one go. "Could you ask Chewie to be easy on it next time? It really is disgusting."

The droid tilted his head, as he always did when he was surprised. "I doubt that the Wookiee would listen to me Miss, but I will ask."

I chuckled. "No, let it drop, I will ask him myself."

"Thank you Miss. Do you wish for anything else?"

I shook my head and launched my legs over my bed.

I winced in pain and adjusted the metal knee. It cracked and I sighed of pleasure.

"If I can advise you, Miss, you really should ask a medic to adjust your leg in a more permanent way."

I glared at him and he pulled back. "You very well know that if I did talk about it, they would never have allowed me to go."

He nodded. "Very well then." He turned around but I stopped him.

"Wait, 3PO. I'm coming with you."

I stood up and walked, a little unbalanced but better than a year prior, towards my quarters' door. Well, Han's quarters when you thought about it. It still was his ship, after all.


The mission had been planned months ago. Lando had been sent to Jabba just after our "rescue mission", and had been sending us valuable informations on how to infiltrate his circle even more.

A week before, it had been said that 3PO and R2D2 would go next, pretesting a message from Luke, while they would really scan the whole place and hack the codes (well, they, more like R2 really). Leia and Chewie would be next, then Luke. I would stay and look after the Falcon.

I really felt useless.


I entered the cockpit and sat opposite Chewie, who was piloting, as he did every night, and as I did every day.

He didn't turn his furry head to me while I sipped on a tea 3PO had made for me. "You're up early."

I huffed. "I'm always up early."

He huffed back. "We'll be there around midday."

Who knew Tatooine was that far from the Maw!

I nodded. "I'll take the wheel, Furball, go and take a nap."

He pushed on the automatic pilot button and unfastened his seatbelt. "Very well. See you later, Tani."

I nodded and launched my legs on the arm of my seat, sighing deeply.

Chewie and I hadn't been the same since. It was as if every single of my friends walked away from me.

While only one really had a reason.

I still cried some nights when I thought about Luke.

I still loved him, and that was painful when he dared not spending too much time with me.

"Oh. I didn't expect to see you here this early, Tani."

My head snapped at the very object of my thoughts.



He smiled sadly but still sat himself in Chewie's seat.

I decided to take the commands in a poor attempt to forget he was there.


"I felt your pain when you woke up. Another nightmare?"

I shuddered in surprise. "Since when do you feel when I'm in pain?"

He chuckled darkly. "Well, you do broadcast strongly these days."

I huffed. "As you say." Then I took a deep breath. "I hope it doesn't bring back bad memories."

From the corner of my eyes, I saw him lean in. "I have those nightmares as well, you know."

I whirled my head around and met his blue eyes, lacking those twinkles he had not so long before. "I'm sorry. You know I am."

His fake hand extended and took mine. Two prosthetics. Two limbs lost at the hand of the same man. "I know you are."

We stared at each other for a long moment before I dared speaking again.

"It's good to speak to you after so long. I've missed you."

He smiled a little lighter than before and got up, his eyes still locked on mine. "Well, as we're going to spend two days all alone, I thought it'd be more comfortable to let aside my damn pride."

I smiled back. "I'm glad you did."

He smiled again and walked away.

Just before he closed the door behind him, I heard his deep voice one last time.

"I've missed you too, by the way."

A tear fell from my eyes onto my hand.

I know you hate me. Don't you?

Well, anyway, told you it's get better and it does. Luke and Tani will once again play cat and mouse, I swear.

Now, go on and fill that box down there. It needs filling. ;)