Pam's eyes widened and her mouth fell open.

"Tara?" she exclaimed.

Tara gazed up at her and blinked.

"Oh my God, Tara," Pam cried. She moved her arms under her back and picked her up, pulling her into her lap. She clung desperately to her, never having felt more relieved in her life.

Tara was quiet. Her senses were overwhelming her. Her vision, her hearing, her sense of smell… they all consumed her. But nothing compared to the overpowering hunger that plagued her. It was almost debilitating. She could smell human blood in the air and it made her mouth water. She sat there, enwrapped in Pam's arms in confusion and awe. She attempted to overcome these new overloaded sensations to recall everything that had just happened.

I'm a vampire… I died…

Pam squeezed Tara tighter, then pulled away so they were looking at each other. Pam's face was covered in tears, dried and fresh ones. What was most startling to Tara is that she didn't even need to see this to know what Pam was feeling. She felt it at her very core. She could feel an abundance of love, joy, and relief flowing from Pam straight into her.

Pam brought her hand to Tara's face, caressing it as she continued to cry.

"I can never lose you," she choked out.

Tara stared at Pam in wonder. The reality of this all was still sinking in. But as she looked into her eyes, she brought her own hand to Pam's cheek.

"I'm here," she said softly.

Pam's face crumpled and she moved to embrace her again. She held her as tightly as she could. Pam could feel Tara's presence within her again, her every emotion again. They were connected.

Pam never wanted to let go. Those few minutes of thinking Tara was gone forever were still mercilessly haunting her. She had to continuously remind herself that they were false, that it was all okay now.

She buried her face into Tara's neck as tears continued to fall. Tara reached her arms around Pam's back, gently rubbing in a soothing manner. She was very happy to be in Pam's arms again, but this was all so much to adjust to.

Tara could still breathe, but only when she consciously decided to. She looked around and could clearly see the beady black eyes of an opossum from hundreds of feet away. She could hear the faint rustling of leaves from the very tops of the trees. And she could smell. Everything.

But she wanted to taste. She was starving. She had never felt so famished before in her life.

Pam knew that they would have to move eventually. They were covered in dirt and blood, and she knew Tara needed to feed. She just needed time to calm down. She needed to feel Tara's embrace a little longer. She needed to gaze into those eyes that were now so full of life again. She was no longer alone.

Pam wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and stood up. She set Tara down and tugged her dress down her thighs.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," Tara answered softly.

Pam nodded. She then used vamp speed to sprint a hundred yards away, and immediately sped back.

Tara watched and realized that this was an ability she had now. That Pam was demonstrating it for her.

"Try it," Pam urged.

"How?" Tara answered.

"You'll know," Pam replied.

Tara looked at her for a moment, unconvinced. But sure enough, the instant she took off, her body naturally propelled in a flash to the other side of the lot.

Pam smiled. "Come on," she affirmed, and the two of them took off into the distance.


They arrived at Fangtasia, and Pam gave Tara a handful of bottles of Tru Blood before doing anything else. Tara was so hungry she didn't even mind the unpleasant taste. She swallowed each bottle in three or four gulps and was ready for the next one. Pam watched in marvel. It was a radical change, seeing this vehement thirst for blood within Tara. It was unusual, but it just took some getting used to.

Tara set down another empty bottle and Pam grabbed her hand. She guided her to the bathroom, then handed her a towel and a clean pair of clothes.

"Go on," Pam pressed.

"Aren't you coming in?" Tara asked.

"I'll be back in a little while. Go get clean." She leaned forward and pecked her on the lips. She couldn't help but move in and kiss her again, this time allowing their lips to overlap. She would never get tired of this.

Tara closed the door and began to get undressed. Pam walked into the office where Eric was sitting. The moment they saw each other, they smiled.

"I told you," Eric said as he raised his eyebrows.

Pam's eyes teared up again. She nodded.

"I didn't come to you at sundown because I could feel your excitement. I wanted to let you two have your time together," he explained.

Pam nodded again. Eric stood up and moved to pull her into an embrace. She rubbed dirt all over his shirt but he didn't mind. He bent down and kissed the top of her head. Pam then had a thought, chuckling as she looked up at him.

"You're a grandfather now," she giggled.

Eric's lips turned in a wry smile. "Indeed. And you're a mother," he added.

Pam let this realization sink in. She was, she supposed. An idea that for so long filled her with disgust and dread now brought her a warmth and elation. She was whole-heartedly ready to accept this role. It simply meant she and Tara were connected in one more way. Tara was her child, her lover, her best friend, her everything.


Tara showered and drank what felt like 100 more Tru Bloods. Her hunger still not satisfied. Her hormones were in a frenzy. She was a vampire. It was so strange. It was one thing to hypothetically ponder being turned, or to witness other vampires feeding and fighting. But to now literally embody one was a huge transition. She had fangs. Her heart no longer beat. Silver and the sun were her worst enemies. She was now a creature of the night. And she was immortal. That one was still hard to fully grasp. She could live forever if she wanted. Tara didn't even understand what that truly meant.

Pam had bathed soon afterwards and came out to see her again. Eric had left to comfort Sookie and tell her the news. Tara knew that her transformation would come as a huge shock to Bon Temps, but that was the least of her concerns.

An hour passed, and soon Fangtasia was open. Pam sat in Eric's throne, searching through the crowd of fang bangers for someone she deemed acceptable. She picked a short, curvy blonde in a royal blue, strapless dress and brought her into the basement. She beckoned Tara, who followed them down the stairs.

Pam taught her how to feed, and more importantly how to stop. She even glamored the woman to give Tara a brief introduction on it. Pam sent the woman on her way when they were done with her, and Tara proceeded to ask question after question as they sat on her bed. Pam answered patiently, despite the fact that she knew that Tara would have just as many questions the next night. When Tara's curiosity was satiated for the time being, they fell silent for a while.

"I'm going to have to buy you your own coffin," Pam said with a smile.

"Can it be purple?" Tara grinned.

Pam laughed. "Pink and purple coffins. We are such girls."

She leaned her head against Tara's shoulder and placed her hand on her thigh. She caressed her lovingly and her eyes slipped shut. She was then surprised to feel a rush of arousal course through her, coming straight from Tara. Feeling Tara's emotions wasn't new for Pam, but she decided to send her own heavy wave of desire straight through their bond to Tara.

Tara's jaw fell open as she did. She had never experienced something like that before. Feeling someone else's arousal literally inside her. It turned her on so much that her fangs clicked in an instant.

Pam chuckled. Tara growled and moved to sit over Pam, pushing her down hard on her back. Pam knew Tara was about to go crazy on her, so she swept her hand lightly down Tara's cheek. Her movements were lulling and romantic, and Tara felt herself calm as she met Pam's eyes.

Pam was now projecting so much love towards her that it made Tara swell, warming every inch of her. Tara leaned down and kissed her gently. When she broke away, Pam ran her thumb across Tara's fangs. Tara suddenly became self-conscious of them, but Pam shook her head.

"They're hot," she murmured. "Especially on you."

Tara kissed her again, slipping her tongue inside Pam's mouth. Pam reciprocated, and they kissed like this for a while, hands roaming everywhere. Tara gripped Pam's thighs firmly, and just from this Pam could feel Tara's new immense strength.

Tara suddenly grew impatient, and she unbuttoned Pam's pants and pulled them off hastily along with her underwear. Tara felt another rush of arousal flow through her from Pam's end. Tara wanted her so fucking badly. She ran her hands up and down the insides of her milky thighs and groaned into her mouth. She pulled away only to tend to the rest of her clothes, and Pam looked up admiringly at her. She was turned on, but she was happy simply with the fact that Tara was here with her. She would have been content holding Tara, or watching her doing anything. But when she felt Tara push her shirt up and pull down the cup of her bra to suck on her breasts, she realized that this right here was very much what she wanted to be doing.

Tara ripped Pam's shirt down the middle and tore it off. She moved her hands to the clasp of Pam's bra that sat right above her sternum and unhooked it, dragging it down her arms. She kissed, licked, and nipped everywhere and Pam ran her hands down Tara's toned back and arms. She wanted retribution, so she swiftly ripped Tara's shirt and pulled it off with a smirk. She palmed her abs and felt a tiny twinge of regret with the realization that Tara was no longer ticklish.

They were both soon free of all clothes and resumed their kisses and touches. This was a very different experience, yet it was familiar and comforting at the same time. They felt both safe and free in each other's arms.

They made love, then they fucked, then they made love again. In one instance when Pam was climaxing, Tara followed her impulse and bit her. She sank her fangs into her neck, right where her pulse point would have been. Pam cried out and gripped Tara harder. She eventually reciprocated, aware that Tara didn't taste the same anymore, but as they drank from each other they only grew closer. They were one.

Tara had always been in shape, but she had a new stamina that would have allowed her to keep going for another several hours at the minimum. But eventually they had a desire to rest, to simply lay there in silent bliss.

And that's exactly what Pam felt. Bliss. Purely and utterly. They turned on their sides to gaze at each other, and Tara's lips curved into a small smile. She reached for Pam's hand and clasped it gently inside her own. Love, trust, and joy flowed freely between the two of them, radiating through every expanse of their bodies.

Tara was Pam's and Pam was Tara's. Forever.

A/N That's all, folks! It's been a hell of a ride. Thank you for taking it with me. And I just posted chapter 1 of a new fic today, so check that out if you are sad that this one is ending! Don't worry, I am far from done writing about these two :) Love you all! xoxo