Title: The New Employee

Pairing: Harry/Draco... sorta

Rating: G

Summary: Draco's co-workers observe and discuss him.

Prompt: For awdt's "It's not our fault she's/he's and idiot"

Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and publishers. No offense is meant by this fan fiction and this is made purely for fun.

Word Count: -500

"What is he doing?" Gerald asked his hiring staff. The new recruit, while excellent at political strategy and quick with handling sudden problems, was dreadful with little things like appliances and everyday items. The man was currently glaring at the vending machine as if he did not know how to operate it.

Marceline shrugged and tilted her head as she watched the man. "I have no clue. He's an odd one isn't he?" she said. "When we hired him Leanne had to get him a new wardrobe. It was... You don't want me to describe it."

"I just don't get it though," Gerald said in wonder. "He's absolutely brilliant at his job and then... this." He gestured at the man.

"The other day I had to show him how to use a retractable pen," said Mervin.

"Are you serious?" he asked in shock. "Gods, someone needs to fix this, quickly. We can't start bringing him to events when he's like this."

"It's not our fault he's an idiot," Marceline complained.

"I don't care. Fix it," Gerald repeated firmly.

He caught sight of a messy haired man walked the building and looked around as if in search of someone. When the man caught sight of the newbie he smiled and went over to him. He seemed normal enough from the looks of him. No radical attire and no glaring at the vending machine.

"Draco," the man said. "Are we still on for lunch? What are you upset about?"

"This Muggle contraption doesn't make any sense," Malfoy said. Gerald was not sure what a Muggle is but he would not be surprised if the man had his own terms for things. He seemed the type.

The brunette man laughed and pulled some change out of his pocket. "Here, you just put the coins in and press the code for what you want. What is it that you wanted? The Maltesers?"

Gerald assumed that Malfoy had muttered a yes because the mystery man got the candy for him and soon they were exiting the building. Malfoy was no longer glaring.

"Seems as if he already has someone showing him how to be relatively normal," Mervin said. "So we don't have to do it."

"I'll still do it if it means I get to see that bloke all the time," Marceline murmured before sipping her coffee. "Malfoy's off limits because of work but nothing says I can't date his friend."

"I'm pretty sure that's his boyfriend," Mervin said.

"Malfoy's gay?" Marceline asked.

"I reckon he is," Mervin nodded.

"Brilliant, now the other corporations can't spread propaganda about us being homophobic," Gerald smiled.

"And they're both so fit," she woman mourned before sighing. "At least I have eye candy."