"So Miss Romanov, tell me little bit about yourself," Clint Barton said smiling and sipping his vanilla coffee.

"Not much to tell really," Natasha Romanov answered, avoiding eye contact with Clint, "I guess it just depends on what you want to know."

Clint raised an eyebrow intriguingly.

"Alright," he said sitting forward, "Tell me 3 things that you have never told anyone before, and make them good!"

Natasha had to think for a moment.

"Okay," she sighed heavily, "I've studied ballet since I was a kid."

"Not bad, but a little obvious. You move like a viper, Nat," Clint laughed.

"Ha ha," Natasha sarcastically laughed, "I was orphaned when I was little… my parents died in a fire and some secret agents found me and raised me up to be what I am now; a killer!"

Clint's smile dropped from his face.

"Nat, I'm so sorry about you family," he said gently grabbing her hand and looking her in the eyes, "And you are not a killer! You made mistakes, and you did what you had to too survive and that is what makes you a stronger person."

Clint's smile resurfaced, making Natasha blush. She loved his smile, and it's warmth and comfort. It made her feel truly safe and secure.

"Okay, one more," said Clint leaning back in his chair again.

Natasha looked around the small café, almost to make sure no one was listening to their conversation. She leaned into the table and Clint did the same.

"I love chocolate," she whispered in Clint's ear.

"Really?" Clint asked pulling back surprised.

"Yeah, I could eat it every day," Natasha nodded sheepishly.

Natasha embarrassingly covered her face as Clint flagged down a waiter.

"Kérek legyen szíves hoz, rávesz hölgy, úrnő Somlói Galuska?" he whispered into the waiter's ear.

The waiter nodded and headed for the kitchen.

"So, you speak Hungarian, huh?" Natasha commented impressed.

"Yep! Most people would think that it would be useless to learn to speak, but it certainly comes in handy when you're staying in its capital," Clint remarked, blowing on his coffee.

Natasha giggled silently to herself.

"Any other languages you speak that I should know of?" Natasha asked, stirring some honey into her tea.

"French and Italian," answered Clint.

"Interesting," Natasha said sipping her warm tea, "How many partners have you had?"

"Sexual or Agent?" Clint said smiling and fighting back laughter.

Natasha tried not to laugh.

"You know what I mean!"

"I've had 2, but they both died," Clint said.

Natasha smiled.

"You must have been too rough!"

They both burst out into laughter. The waiter Clint had flagged down came to their table with a platter of what looked like fried dough balls drizzled in a dark sauce and covered with whipped topping and sprinkles.

"For the lovely lady," the waiter told Natasha as he set the dessert in front of her and left.

Natasha eyed the food set before her and glanced at Clint, who smiled eagerly to her.

"What is this?" Natasha asked cautiously forking the food.

"It's Somlói Galuska dessert! Trust me, you'll love it!"

Natasha slowly raised a forkful of the dessert to her mouth. It was and took a bite. Her face instantly lit up.

"Oh my god, there's so much chocolate on this," Natasha beamed and forked up another bite and downed it.

"Clint, you have to try some of this; it's amazing" Natasha said excitedly, forking up a bite for him.

He smiled and let her fed him the bite. She was right; the fried dough tasted exactly like doughnuts and the drizzled sauce was a perfect mixture of dark and milk chocolate.

They continued to devour the delicious dessert. Clint scooped up a fingerful of whipped cream and tapped Natasha's nose, making her smile. When the dessert and drinks were finished, Clint paid the check and they headed to their hotel down the street.

"Thank you for everything tonight, Clint," Natasha said as she stood in front of her room door smiling at him.

"Hey, no problem. I had good time learning more about you Natasha," he said returning her smile.

"You can call me Nat," Natasha said staring at the floor.

Clint walked up close to her and lifted her chin to look at her; blue met green.

"Nat," Clint whispered softly, giving her goose bumps.

"Thank you," Natasha said and she kissed him gently on the cheek and turned to go into her room.

Clint turned and went into his room directly across Natasha's. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep so he took a hot shower, changed into flannel pajama pants and a white t-shirt, and laid on his bed, unable to stop think about Natasha.