Hey everyone, So I love soccer, playing and coaching. I couldn't get this idea out of my head, so Ive decided to do a new AU with Jane being a huge professional soccer star turned prestigious high school soccer coach. Maura is a doctor/ soccer mom, who has a daughter who loves soccer, who trying out for the team. Depending on the reviews it could be a long story. So let me know what you think about the new story. This chapter is just an intro to Maura and her daughter Natalie, and a little into their lives. Thanks everyone, your awesome.


It's the first time I've seen my daughter so excited to play soccer again, since we moved back to Boston. We moved here from New York, about three months ago. Natalie and I needed a fresh start after my husband left us for his secretary. He is a lawyer and I'm a doctor, we met at Harvard and got married after college. I got pregnant during my senior year, so my mother suggested a shotgun wedding, to not cause speculation and rumors, ruining the Isles reputation. We had Natalie and we were an extremely happy family, so I thought. Natalie is a good girl, makes good grades and is very interested in extracurricular activity. She volunteers at soup kitchens, is on the student council, plays soccer and loves science. I'm Maura Isles I was a doctor at New York City Central Hospital, and I loved my family. I was born in Boston, and moved to New York with Greg after college.

Natalie and I came home one Saturday afternoon after her game, and found my husband and his secretary in a compromising situation. I was heartbroken, but Natalie was completely devastated; she worshipped her father. I asked for a divorce the following day, he gave me one, said that he was going to leave me and Natalie anyway. I got really down and depressed, late for work and lost friendships. Natalie was worse off than me; she quit soccer and was falling behind in classes. I decided that Natalie and I needed a new start, so I moved back home, hoping it would get us out of this funk. I put in a request to transfer to my old hospital for its sister hospital; Boston Central. Natalie has now been in her new school for 3 months now, I decided to let her finish freshman year in New York and start her fresh this fall. She seems to be doing fine, and is really excited for soccer tryouts for her school.

We decided to enroll her in a public high school, but its rated first in Boston and seventh in the country; for academics and athletics. I did the research and found that East Manchester High School has more Ivy League graduates then some of the top private schools in New England. I've been working for about 2 months, and had no trouble finding my place; I practice general surgery at Boston Central. I don't have many friends they're more like acquaintances, but we all get along. I have always been a soccer mom, ever since Natalie was four. Her father tried to make it to her games, but never could; now we know why. Us moving and getting our lives back together, it's brought me and my daughter closer.

So now I'm getting off work to head to Natalie's tryout, there's a coach/parents meeting right after. I was so excited to here that Natalie wanted to try out for soccer. I was so proud of her, and couldn't wait to go shopping. Natalie was excited too, because she was getting all this new gear for soccer, she was a little timid because she knew about the school's reputation with its sports programs. So I told not to focus on that, to focus on her game, and the right gear would just be a bonus. All this reminiscing from the weekend, I didn't even notice I was at her school already. I park the car in the garage, and head over to the field, its cold so I bring a bleacher seat and my jacket. I'm just taking my seat on the bleachers when I spot my daughter warming up, I don't say anything; because I don't want to be that parent that embarrasses their children. I just watch her warm up and talk with the other girls, I'm so proud of her. Then I see this beautiful woman and a handsome man walk up to the girls, which must be the coaches, wow she is gorgeous. Yes, I was married to Greg but I dated woman before him. She seems very familiar and apparently my daughter thinks so too. She looks like she can't breathe, but I stay on the bleachers; she looks to have calmed down. I'm going to have to ask her about that later, she seems really excited to meet the coach.


I'm so excited for soccer tryouts; I quit soccer last year because of my family problems. Me and my mom walk in on my dad having sex with secretary. I knew my mom was heartbroken, but I was completely broken. I love and worshipped the ground my dad walked on, I couldn't believe he cheated on mom. It took a toll on both of us, my mom with and me with school and soccer. My grades were slipping because I couldn't focus in class; I was too busy trying to find out why my dad would do such a thing. I love playing soccer, it's my life, but I couldn't even focus on that. I was one of the star players on the team, but my performance was taking a hit. I was missing shots, making back fouls; it got so bad that my team started turning on me. I couldn't deal with the pressure of my performance and my team hating me anymore; so I quit the game I love.

My mom finally had enough of this depressing life, so we decided to move back to Boston, my mom's hometown. I thought it was a great idea but I wasn't too sure about where to go; private or public. My mom wanted me to finish my freshman year at my old school, so it would be easier for me to transfer over the summer. We both did a lot of research, my mom wanted a school with great academics and I wanted that along with a great soccer program. There was only one school that stood out from the rest, East Manchester High School. It was a public school but it was a top rated school for both academics and athletics. My mom was on their website for hours, looking up the different facts. I read that they have won the last three state championships in soccer for both women and men teams, my mom found that they have the most Ivy League graduates. So obviously we fell in love with the school, and I've been at East Manchester High for about three months now.

I thought being the new kid at school, would make things awkward for me, but I fit in just fine. I'm an A+ average student, so I'm in all honors classes but no one seems to care about that. I'm treated like everyone else, so far I love my new school and classes and I can't wait for soccer tryouts this afternoon. It will be the first time since quitting last season at my old school. But this school has an excellent program, and I've been practicing all summer for tryouts, I'm so excited. Mom took me shopping for some new gear, I told her I needed to make the team first, but we still went out any.

I'm just getting out of class, I send my mom a text letting her know to come to the field when she gets off; there's a meeting after tryouts. I head to the locker rooms so I can change into my soccer gear, and walk out to the fields. I get to the field and most of the girls participating in the tryouts are here and starting to stretch and warm up; I've decided to hop right in. "Alright ladies let's start a couple warm up exercises" someone says behind me. I turn around and can't believe who is in front of me, my idol, Jane Rizzoli. I stop breathing but quickly recover when everyone starts to get up, and start warming up. I can't believe Jane Rizzoli is the soccer coach. She's like the greatest soccer player to play on the US Women's National Team. I hope I prepared myself enough for tryouts, fingers crossed, as I get together with the team.

What do you think, do you need more or less. Don't worry we'll have Jane in the next chapter, a little of her background story. Follow, make it your favorite, and please review, it would be so helpful. Thanks :)