"Right," Morgan responded. "Me and Reid are dating now."

Rossi and Hotch stared at Morgan while JJ and Prentiss completely ignored him as they began to chatter excitedly about the 'couple'.

After a few seconds Rossi and Hotch looked away and started their own conversation about Jack's most recent soccer game. Apparently they weren't that shocked.

When Reid finally woke up a few minutes later, no one noticed at first except for Morgan.

"I need to talk to you now," Morgan whispered urgently.

"What?" Asked a confused Reid.

Morgan sighed; of course the kid was too tired to follow the conversation.

"Come on," Derek said, getting up and dragging Reid by the arm.

"Where are we going?" Reid asked, rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

JJ and Prentiss smirked as they saw Morgan leading Reid to the back of the plane by the arm.

Morgan stopped as soon as they were out of earshot of the girls. Reid barely noticed in time to stop before walking into him.

"You need to wake up right now," Morgan told him. "This is important."

"What is?" Reid asked, trying hard to pay attention.

Morgan really didn't know how to sugar-coat it, so he just said it. "The entire team thinks that we're dating."

"What?" Now Spencer was fully awake.

Morgan sighed, "You were asleep on me and JJ and Prentiss started guessing that we were together. My options were either go along with it or tell them about your secret. So now we're 'dating'."

"Thanks, I guess," Reid responded.

"At least you're socially awkward enough that we'll be able to say that you don't like PDA when JJ and Prentiss, who are weirdly excited about this, start bothering us about it," Derek pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess," Reid responded, usually he would have glared at his friend for the socially awkward comment, but this time he really did have a point.

Neither man brought it up, but each worried about what would happen the first time that they saw Garcia in person after she found out.

"For a plane full of profilers, they're alarmingly unsurprised by this," Derek commented.

"Well you do touch my hair a lot," Reid pointed out.

"Shut up," Morgan said as he playfully pushed his friend in the shoulder.

"I'm just saying, this is probably your fault that they believe it so easily," Spencer continued. "They probably assumed that your love life was just blatant over-compensation."

"Oh really?" Derek asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well then I guess that you should be thanking me."

"I already did, didn't I?" Reid asked with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah, you did," Morgan agreed. "I was just kidding."


When the pair returned to the main area of the plane, everyone was staring at them. Some were making their gazes more obvious than others, but it was clear that they were all watching them, which made Spencer a little uncomfortable.

"So Derek told us about you two," Prentiss commented with a smirk.

"I, uh- heard," Reid replied awkwardly as he sat back down.

"How long has this been going on?" JJ asked curiously.

Neither of the men was exactly sure how to answer that.

"Not long," Morgan spoke up. "Only around a week."

"What happened to change things?" Prentiss asked eagerly.

"I think that we should save the questions for later and discuss the case instead," Hotch commented.

Both men felt a wave of relief as the focus was, at least for the time being, removed from them.

"Well we know that all three of the victims were single women who were pregnant with their second child at the time," Rossi spoke up, seeming to agree with Aaron.

"The fact that it's the second child suggests that the unsub is someone who is an oldest child and feels anger towards their own mother for having another child after him," JJ commented. "This is someone who felt abandoned by their mother and less loved than their sibling."

Morgan placed his hand on his friend's knee to comfort him as JJ talked about how the unsub wanted revenge on their own mother.

"But then why make the first child watch?" Prentiss questioned. "And why would he take away their mothers the way that he thinks that his was taken from him?"

The unsub had worn a ski mask and snuck into the victim's houses at night. He would then restrain both the child and the mother before murdering the mother in front of her kid. He would then drug the child so that it would remain unconscious for a few hours before calling the police.

"He thinks that he's doing them a favour," Reid spoke up, struggling to keep his voice steady. "He thinks that he's saving them from having to go through what he did… By killing the mom he gets rid of both the child and punishes the mother who he sees as being unfit to parent anymore."

A/N: Please read and review! I'm super sorry that it took so ridiculously long for me to update this story! I promise that I did not give up on this and that the next update will be much sooner! Also sorry that this chapter is short, the next one should be longer. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope that you guys liked the chapter. :) An extra thanks goes out to all of the incredible reviewers of the first chapter for their support!