As the children of Hogwarts slept, a meeting was in the process in the headmaster's office. The circular room was crowded with adults desperately fighting over chairs so they could hear the headmaster, in the front Row sat the Potters and their friends.

James had his arm around his wife's shoulders as he cuddled her closely whispering sweet nothings to her in a vain attempt to calm her down. The hope of being reunited with his first born son had taken a horrifying nose dive when Harry never appeared and for the best part of two long hours he had held his own tears as his sweet Lily cried.

Thankful Albus had dismissed the children from the great hall and alerted the order, Sending Remus and Sirius to King's cross station to double check. But after a chat with the guards both magical and muggle they came back with news that the missing boy hadn't been seen before or after the trains departure.

As the headmaster spoke to the surround crowd, James couldn't help wonder where his son was. Was the boy hurt laying in some ditch somewhere? In his current state he hadn't noticed the whole room watching him with pity in their eyes.

Only when Sirius elbowed his side did he pay attention, James opened his mouth to say sorry a fake cough silenced the room.

With a glance around the room no-one could place the sound. The paintings where asleep and the only object in the room that it could have come from was none other than the sorting hat. Needled to say Said object sat high on the top shelf looking somewhat amused at the gathering below him.

Addressing the headmaster the patched bugger calm stated. "You know headmaster that things that are lost have a habit off being right under your noses the entire time. Now I think it's time for bed it's been a long day and I find tomorrow always looks rosier."

A stunned silence followed but fortunately someone near the front had a sharp mind had already decoded the extraordinary significance. It took a mare moment before his mouth could catch up and in a slightly higher voice asked.

"Are you telling us that the Boy-Who-Lived is currently inside the walls of the castle, having been sorted earlier by yourself?"

"As much as I would like to tell you which student he is, I can't, you see the child is un-ware of who he really is but given his thirst for knowledge of his past it will not take long before someone will connect the dots."

Lily and James hugged each other tightly now they knew that their baby boy was safely tucked up in bed in one of the four houses, But slightly sad that Harry was un-ware of his status and family history.

"But which first year is he, I mean the boys didn't look like James or have Lily's eyes."

"Could he have used muggle hair die or even wearing contract lenses instead of glasses?"

"Maybe the boy could be even a Metamorphmagus, James your mother was a Black and your second cousin Nymphadore Tonks is one. Maybe the black genes have skipped to Harry."

The rest of the room silently agreed with each other the headmaster raised his hands in order to get their attention.

"All these theories could be all true but in the mean time I reckoned that all professors watch the first year's boys of all houses, I remember Harry as a baby had a unique ability to control his magic."

Lily nodded with a weak smile as she remembered the trouble her young son had got up to as a child. One humorous event always stuck to her mind, She had let James and Sirius babysit Harry as she went to St Mungo's because she thought she could have been pregnant (thankfully it had been a false alarm) only to arrive home to find her dopey husband glued to the couch while Sirius was found in his dog form whimpering in a large cage as her son sat happily on the rug playing with his teddy bear and a discarded wand nearby. It had taken several weeks before she found out the truth of what had happened and to this day she tormented the two over it.

While Lily was lost in memories the headmaster carried on with a smile on his face know full well what Lily was thinking after all he had seen the photos of the undoing of the marauders.

"For now we shall watch in-till Harry shows himself I have a feeling it will happen sooner than later with this happy news I think it is late and most of you have work or lessons tomorrow. We will meet again at Halloween for updates and possible students could be our missing savour."

In the earlier hours of the morning an eleven year old boy tipped toed around his best friend bed trying carefully not to wake the boy.

With a quick glance around the room he noticed that no-one was awake and placed the bucket of ice cold water above the curtain slit after he placed the bucket he moved the cord and connected a similar cord to the stable bucket. Gracefully dropping to the floor James slid across to the other side of the bed and placed a blocking charm he had found on the Curtin.

Contented with his work he slipped back into bed placing his camera under his pillow, smiling as he closed his eyes hoping morning would arrive quickly."

A girlish scream echoed around the room had awoken the entire dormitory curtains snapped opened to reveal their fellow Gryffindor shaking violently having just been dosed in icy cold water.

A flash of light from a camera lit the room up as the rest of the boys laughed uncontrollably on the floor.

Within seconds the soaked boy had launched himself at his clone, which was running quickly towards the door with the damn camera in hand.

The chase had woken every person in the tower as shouting and giggling could be heard though out the whole ordeal, after ten minutes and many near misses the two boys exited the tower in their boxers as the continued their little game thought out the castle. The chase had only ended in the great hall by their head of house who quickly escorted both boys back to the tower to get dressed while she confiscated their camera.

"Davis, Evans report to my classroom at six clocks for detention."

"Yes Professor." Both boys responded looking unashamed of them-selves.

"Get some breakfast in the great hall and I am down to hand your timetable for your lessons." She dismissed the children with an uneasy feeling that the marauders were back, these two boys had been at school less than 24 hours and they had already broken the detention record set by Potter and Black.

At the Gryffindor Table two set of twins could be seen sat together, one set congratulating the other on their record setting detention.

"Well Forge it seems we have been bested by two newbies…."

"It seems so Gred oh the horror…"

"Off being embarrassed by two novices."

"So Newbies let us introduce ourselves he's Fred and I am George weasley resident pranksters of Hogwarts School."

The twins shook hands as the younger two introduced themselves.

"James Evans"

"Owen Davis"

"Pranksters in training." They shouted together. Unaware of another set of twins walking up behind them looking somewhat annoyed.

The Girls learned in closer to James and Owen and whispered into their ears "we're on to you Davis, Evans so watch your sorry backside or we hex you both." And without a single glance back at them they headed off for breakfast with Ravenclaw table.

"Well that's was completely unexpected….."

"What was that about?"

"Oh we played a harmless prank on them during the summer which I didn't think they would figure out it was us."

"No idea." James replied as he tucked into a decent breakfast for a change. "Then again come to think about it we did prank them just days before we left to head back to the orphanage."

"Oh maybe we weren't that smart." Owen laughed as he looked around the table looking for eggs and bacon.

"Maybe eat your breakfast, we have lessons today and you will need your strength for them."

"Hey Owen looked at that teacher up there the one with grey eyes…."

"Yeah I see him what about him…."

"Why is he smiling at us?"

"How do I know oh watch out Professor McGonagall coming with our timetables."

"Davis, Evans timetables don't forget tonight six clocks sharp." And without a second glance at the two troublemakers she headed down the table to give others their time tables.

"Yes Professor" they watched her leave as Owen asked. "What our first lesson?"

"Potions with Professor Slughorn, followed by Transfigurations with Professor McGonagall then Defence against the dark arts with Professor Black for the remainder of the day."

Breakfast soon finished James and Owen followed their dorm mate Neville as he headed towards the dungeons. The closer they walked the colder it became. The three boys soon found the rest of the housemates lined up ready to head inside.

Once seat they found a table in the middle of the classroom perfect to be seen by the teacher but far enough from the front to be up to no good. Quickly the register had been taken and their plump teacher Slughorn had shown them their first potion that they would create.

For the first hour Slughorn had shown them ingredients and given them a lecture on brewing safety, before they were allowed to start anywhere near a heated cauldron.

30 minutes later Neville, James and Owen stood around their cauldron looking at the glop inside.

"I think it is wrong…." Neville stated stirring the spoon around in it as Owen looked completely lost.

James however looked thoughtful maybe it wasn't too late to save it according to the book at this stage the potion should be runny. Theirs wasn't it took a moment to conclude they added to fewer snake fangs and one to many horned slugs, grabbing the snake fangs from his left he checked his notes and found he had only added 4 so he had two more into the cauldron and stirred the required number of stirs.

Leaving it to boil he asked Neville to grab the container and gloves from the professors table, as Neville left he ordered Owen not to touch anything. Which Owen happily obeyed, remembering to add he put the two porcupine quills into the boiling cauldron counting as he stirred and the effects was instant.

The book said it would have pink smoke rising from the cauldron, the smoke was given off was a bright pink unsure if it was right James took the glass container from Neville using the spoon to pull. Once corked the placed their names onto it and James strolled towards the professor who had just returned to his seat after a tour of the class room.

"Mr Evans Finished already." The enormous man leant with some difficulty across the desk from his seat and put the flask to the light.

"Yes sir, here is our potion sir I hope it ok." James could only watch as his potion came under scrutiny.

A response never came as the large Potion master as he grasped at the finest boil cure ever made by a first year, unlike the rest of the class the potion was prefect. It had been years since he had seen a student with such promise; the last two had been Lily Evans and Severus Snape. Both had gone onto co-owning the best shop in Digaon alley while supplying St Mungo's with potions created by both of them.

"Mr Evans did you make this yourself or did your friends help you." Knowing full well that the boy in-front of him had rescued a total mess

"The guys helped sir."

"Of course lad head back to you seat and write down the next potion." Peeping at the clock Slughorn was looking forward to a break. "Ten Minutes your potions should be corked up and on my desk. Mr Malfoy ten points from Slytherin for calling Miss Granger a know it all and detention with me tonight."

All too soon break had ended and the masses of students stampeded back into the castle.

Yet again the Gryffindor's lined up outside the Transfiguration classroom, only to be joined by the Slytherins moments later. The blond James had met during the train ride had kept his distance but unfortunately for them, Blondie had decided to pick on their friend Hermione.

"Hey Mudblood, I get you for the detention with fatty." Then shoved the crying girl into the wall

James felt a hand grab his shoulder wondering why Owen was stopping him kicking the teeth out of this kid.

"James remember on the train your zombie impression, do it man."

With a nod of his head he smirked at the brat and felt his body change into the classic undead zombie. "Brains Malfoy Brains." Raising his arms and stumbled forward.


Half the Slytherins ran as fast as they could down the corridor screaming blue murder, while the remaining lot cried with laughter. The sound of hurried footsteps from inside the classroom caused James to reappear as Owen's clone just in time as Professor McGonagall stuck her head out of the door.

"What is going on out here?"

"Please Professor Mr Malfoy was making fun of Hermione and then he and half of the Slytherins ran of that way."

"Is this true." All the remaining students nodded their heads. "Inside now."

Like Slughorn, Professor McGonagall lectured them on safety about using their wands before turning her desk into a pig.

Much to their annoyance James and Owen soon learnt that they would not be turning anything or anyone into a pig for a long time.

They all watch as a single match was handed out to each student.

"Watch me carefully." With a flick of her wand the match was now a shiny needle. "Ok you will start now."

Soon they classroom was filled with flying wands, as students waved them in all directions.

James ignored the rest and concentrated on the match, in his mind he pictured a sliver needle. Deep inside he felt his magical core response and before he knew it a sliver needle sat on his desk.

He glanced around to find some of his classmates just staring at their needle, Neville included. Hermione had what could only be classed as a sharp ended match and Owens was he same as Hermione's match.

Feeling slightly pleased with himself he picked it up to inspect it carefully. As the boy inspected it a shadow of a shocked teacher loomed over him, grabbing the needle from the boy she could see how it changed.

Traumatized by it she rewarded him 30 points before she moved off to see Owen and Hermione's attempt.

Finally the bell rung for lunch Gryffindor had won enough twenty points putting them level with Ravenclaw.

Sling his rucksack over his shoulder James headed out the door as fast as he could headed in the direction of the great hall. On break he had overheard a group of seven years talking about roast chicken for lunch.

Stepping over the threshold he quicken to his pace mouth-watering at the sight of a roast chicken.

He had barely tucked into his chicken when Hermione, Owen and Neville Appeared taking the seats next to him.

Hermione Filled her plate as she watched the boy eat, it seemed crazy but James had found the use of magic easier than the rest of the class in both lessons today. Normally she would be jealous of someone smarter but he was different. Instead she focused on enough issues she had with both Owen and James.

Playing With her Folk she looked up uncertainly. "Can I ask you to a question?"


"How can you be identical twins if you have different surnames?"

They had expected this question which was rather idiotic of the two, But neither wanted to answer fearing they would have to do the homework if they spoke.

Both lads noticed no one else listen in and mouth "Later" to the girl. With a smile between the three they continued to eat lunch before their afternoon lesson of defence against the dark arts.

While the children laughed as they tucked in, up at the teachers table two Professors shared a bottle of melt whiskey. Both of them had told each other of the day so far and the astonishing feat performed by a Gryffindor first year.

They had yet to inform the headmaster as he had been dealing with the absent Slytherins, with Sirius black.

Their tiny colleague Filius had been listening in on the day's events looking forward to seeing the boy in action tomorrow in his first lesson. While the rest of the staff gobbled down their lunch.

Sirius Black was in a bad mood, thanks to his cousin's son he had missed a wonderful lunch, just this morning he had been enjoying teaching the elder years duelling with them as they got ready for their exams at the end of the year.

All day the man had watched the first years with hawk eyes trying to find any hint of his Godson. James and Lily had spoken to him this morning about their crazy kids.

He had already had Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs today and not one of the boys fitted the characteristic of either James or Lily. Hopefully His godson was a Gryffindor like his parents and earlier today he had watched two boys he suspected of being him.

They acted so much like him and James at school it hurt, plus both boys already down in Hogwarts history as the quickest detention setters in history. But as Dumbledore said it was still too early confirm anything yet.

The names James Evans was too close but like lily had said Evans was a fairly common name in wales like Smith was to England.

Finishing off his sandwich he could hear the first year's line up outside the classroom. Heaving his body off his chair he walked to the door and threw the door open making the kids jump in the process.

"Everyone inside now" He stepped back allowing the children into the room eying two boys who sat at the back trying to look as innocent as ever. A smile graced his face as he ordered the slytherin into their seats.

"Settle down when I call your name you reply yes sir no funny comebacks or insults here."

Lord Black grabbed the register from his desk rushing though the names in order to start the lesson.

"Ok welcome to your first lesson of defence of the dark arts or DADA for short. As it's your first lesson we are going to be reading up on theory yes yes I know boring but the quicker we get though the fast we can hex each other."

"We shall be reading pages one to ten. Then a little question and answer section at the end."

An hour Later and Sirius smirked as he caught James and Owen banging their heads on their desk board silly of theory. He had watched them have several games of hang man and a quill fight as the others read their books.

By the end of the lesson both boys was covered head to toe in ink along with everyone sat around them.

"20 points to Gryffindor for reading ahead Miss Granger, Mr Davis and Mr Evans Professor McGonagall has asked me to remind you of your detention tonight. Class dismissed."

Author's note: hi guys I am back and will be updating again next week on Friday.

Hopefully you have enjoyed this chapter.

Review if you wish or private message me on fanfiction, I will answer quickly as I can.