Chapter 1.

"I love my bestfriend..."

Clare's POV-

She couldn't stand the sight anymore... She just couldn't. It's been over three months since Eli, her bestfriend and her worst enemy, Julia got back together. But why her? Out of all of the people, why her? She knew she had to stop these feelings for Eli until it was to late and she couldn't...

"Boo!" Alli yelled, obviously scaring Clare.
"Alli! You scared me..." Clare said excitedly.
Whoa, Why so jumpy Saint Clare?" Alli giggled knowing it had something to do with the strange goth boy Clare loved.
"N-nothing.." Damn it, I stuttered... Clare thought to herself. Not wanting to tell the excited High School girl, Alli Bhandari, which was also Clare's other bestfriend.
"Oh my god!" Alli squeaked out "Spill it! Now!"
"It's nothing, Alli. Lower your voice..." Clare said obviously embarassed.

Eli's POV-

Me and Adam were on our way when I couldn't help but noticed Clare and her weird friend... Alli, I think her name was. My usual smirk appeared...
"When you and St. Clare going to go out already?" Adam obviously knew Eli had a crush on Clare even though he was to scared to admit it.
"I don't know what you're talking about, My dear friend." Eli chuckled as they made their way over to the two girls.
"Adam! Eli!" Clare waved and smiled sweetly.
"Hey, Clare." Eli smirked, She's so beautiful. Wait did I just think that? I can't have feelings for my bestfriend, I can't do that to Jules.

Clare's POV-
Eli and Adam walked over to Alli and I and I noticed Adam had a weird smile on his face..
"Hey Alli, how about we leave Clare and Eli to talk.." Adam said, still holding his smile.
"We shall." Alli giggled and they left for the school doors.
"Alli!" Clare heard herself practically scream and she couldn't help but blush as Eli chuckled.
"Calm down, Edwards. It's just me, or am I to much to handle for you?" Eli whispered in her ear, causing her to shutter. Eli liked the effect he had over the helpless teenage girl. But he didn't know why...
"N-no... It's just that.."
"Just what?" Eli cut her off, still whispering in her ear. "Can't be around me alone?"
That word...Clare thought...Alone... Clare smirked and turned to Eli, their lips brushed one another causing them both to blush. Not even noticing Alli and Adam were gone. "I-I'm sorry." Clare stuttered.
"It's fine." Eli smiled and chuckled.
Did he just smile?! Clare's heart was doing jumping jacks...

Eli's POV-
Why? Why couldn't Clare be mine instead of Jules? Eli knew these thoughts were wrong, But it felt so right when he was Clare. Clare gave him a different feeling than that of Julia.
"So uh... Wanna skip school today?" Clare smiled
"Y-yes!" Eli heard himself say before he could think and he blushed as he found himself stuttering infront of his bestfriend and he saw a strange smirks come over her angel like face.
"Whats wrong, Goldsworthy? It's just me" She whispered in his ear. Getting the same actions as she gave him. She giggled softly. "Scared to keep up with me?" She smirked and pulled him along to The Dot.
I get it now. I love my bestfriend...