Warning: This story contains mentions of past rape, kidnapping, stalkers, M/s, disturbing love felt confessions, 1950's household, no zombies (sorry), fiery brunettes, disturbing beginnings, and a completely edited (and changed) chapter. For those the chapter that this once was, I'm completely sorry! I really did not like how the chapter flowed, and I felt like I was jumping the gun way too fast.

ReWarning: This is the third edit of the first two chapters, although nothing changes in terms of what is going on in them. I just took the rocks out and turned them into a smoothie. Strawberry, anyone? Oh yeah, I've decided to take the first two chapters and combine them. It just didn't make sense otherwise anymore.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**To Love**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

File Case: 001A

Potential Paternal Figure's Name: Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Potential Maternal Figure's Name: Lovino Vargas

Chance of Possible Adoption: Documented psychotic breaks from both parties make adoption extremely unlikely and would be considered an ill judgment on my part. With all due respect to the potential parental figures I must deny them the chance of adoption, and among compliance with the country's laws I must request that they remain off the clinic's property for now on. (Dr. S'In)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**Is To Not Have Lost**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh Dios..." Wretched sobs emitted from Romano's lips, tugging mercilessly into the Spaniard's heart.

"Please mi amor, please listen to me." Kneeling before Romano, Antonio took the sobbing Italian's hands and sweetly kissed his knuckles.

"I will give you your child. If it takes making every man in the world fall to their knees, I will do it. For you Romano, I will do anything. Please do not cry, you will have your child. Te lo prometo." Shifting to his feet Antonio stood before Romano, bringing him up to stand. Slowly kissing the Italian's tears away, Antonio continued.

"If anyone in the world were to deserve such a precious gift, it would be you Romano. You have been so patient with me over these last ten years, so loving. You've stayed by my side when no one else knew my name. I owe you everything, bella, and I ask for nothing in return but your unending submission to me. Can you do that for me?"

A smile.

"Sì, bastardo."

"There is my hotheaded diosa! Trust in me, and you will have everything you've ever desired. Do you understand"

"Sì. I will be loyal to you, mio marito, but if you want to still keep your penis I would advise you to STOP CALLING ME A WOMAN!"

"Nuh uh uh!" A calloused finger wagging in the Italian's fuming face. "I didn't call you a woman, Romano. I called you my goddess. That's a compliment, not an insult. Besides I call you my wife all the time in the bedroom and you never seem to mind."

Blush. "That's not fair you bastard!"

"Ahhh you look like such a cute tomate now! It's so ADORABLE!"

"I'M NOT ADORABLE YOU NO GOOD, STUPID, EVIL, what are you doing, SELF-RIGHTEOUS, stop touching me while I'm angry, UGLY, not there, DIFFICULT, no-ooh yes, STUPID, oh fuck yes, SEXY, oh y-yeah right there..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**But Stolen**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

File Case: 001A

Potential Paternal Figure's Name: Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Potential Maternal Figure's Name: Lovino Vargas

Chance of Possible Adoption: I must reinstate my past judgment to deny Mr. Carriedo and Mrs. Vargas their request to adopt from the clinic. It was based off false documents that will be confiscated and destroyed to avoid any further incidents. I apologize immensely to this couple and demand that they be able to adopt in the future.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**Just For**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

One Hour Later. One Body. One Bullet. Reported as an accidental suicide by the media, although there is nothing accidental about blowing a hole in the side of your head.

Dear family,

my life has been one of lies and disceet. I have (by my own decree) falsified documents that have made their lives a living hell by not allowing them to adopt a sweet, beautiful child. After all these years I have discovered the error of my ways, and I believe that my life must end today. I am sorry if I hurt anyone in the process, but be aware that your life will be much easier after I am gone. I love you all, and I hope you lead decent, God-fearing lives.

Dr. S'In

Too bad it was his 2 year old daughter that found him first, huh? Poor thing will probably never be anything close to functioning ever again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**That Moment**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ten years before. Freshman Romano and Senior Antonio.

Upon opening his locker one rainy day, Romano discovered a beautifully written note.

It read: Through the walls, and to your ears I shall always hold you dear. Allow me to introduce myself...

Suddenly Romano felt a tap on his shoulder, surprised Romano jumped. Turning around Romano saw the most beautiful creature that he had ever laid eyes on.

Curly brown hair, gleaming green eyes, skin tanned by the most gifted of gods, and a body that was all man.

"I'm sorry, mi amor, I didn't mean to scare you." The image of perfection looked worried...why would such a being be worried. He should have people worry for him, Romano decided.

"Oh, n-no. It's fine. You just surprised me is all..." No curse, no threat. What had he become?

"Sí, but it is. I should have given you a moment, but stupid me got a little too excited." His smile, went straight to his eyes, and somehow reached Romano.

"T-the note? You wrote it?"

"I did. But first, these are for you." Behind him, the man held a dozen various flowers. Flowers. Roses, dandelions, sunflowers, violets, white ones, red ones, orange ones, blue ones. Oh mio...

"I hope you like them. I'm no good at picking out flowers myself, but my friend Francis sai..."

"They're beautiful." Romano decided.

"..oh wow. I'm so relieved. I actually kept my mom up last night trying to decide which ones were best...but she's as clueless as I am haha!"

"Thank you for them, they are incantevoli."

"Beautiful, right? My Italian is still a work-in-progress but I'm working on it."

"Right. Your learning Italian?"

"Yeah, I just started very recently. But I'll be fluent in no time!"

"I'm sure you will..."

Awkward silence.

"Oh well...I wanted to ask you..."

"Yes?" Why was this man so flustered? Shouldn't he be the one sweating like a pig? Not the other way around?

"W-would you like to go out with me?" ...wow.


Smile. "So, that's a yes then?" The giddy man cheered.

"Uh huh."

"YES! ...oh right. I thought perhaps we could go tonight. Maybe 7 o'clock? We could go to this small cafe I know about? Does that sound alright?"

"Sounds good. I'll give you the directio-..."

"No need, I already know where you live. I'll see you tonight!"

Romano looked back, but the man was already gone. Strange.

How did he where he lived?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**Of Complete Submission**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Present day.

"Hola, preciosa! Estoy en casa!" Antonio cheered as he walked into his home. Placing his gun into the unlocked drawer, he locked it and waited for his dear wife to parade him with kisses.

No sooner had he begun waiting, came the sound of heels hitting the wooded flooring.

Appearing before him was his beautiful Romano.

Having been fairly ill, Romano had opted out of wearing a corset. Instead he had worn a short sleeved fitted jacket with a full skirt.

Still as elegant, just a little less sexy than a corset in Antonio's opinion.

Although anything the hot-headed Italian wore would end up being instantly sexy just by association.

Hell, Romano could make a potato sack look hot.

"Hello husband, how was your day?" Romano asked sweetly, submissively.

"Wonderful, but it's even better now that I'm back with my beloved!" Lifting up his arms expectedly, Antonio waited while Romano took off his jacket.

While Romano was hanging his husband's jacket up into the hall closet, Antonio drifted off into the direction of delicious food.

Once inside his fully decorated (as his angel requested) kitchen, Antonio couldn't help but to jump a bit in excitement.

Plates among plates, bowls among bowls of delicious, well prepared food waited upon the kitchen table.

In his own excitement Antonio almost forgot to pull out Romano's chair before taking his own...almost.

"Ahhh beautiful, you really outdid yourself this time!" Antonio praised happily.

"Thank you, husband." Lovino smirked. "But it's not like I have anything else to do around here..."

Frowning Antonio began. "Is there something you are not telling me? Is there something I have not accommodated you with yet? If so, let me know this instance!" Antonio fumed.

Wincing slightly, Romano spoke. "...I'm just bored. I have nothing to do all day but to do the chores, make breakfast, lunch, and dinner, shop, read, watch TV, do more chores...and that's it! I'm tired...I need to wor-"

"Romano, stop right there. No wife of mine will work. You knew that before we started this relationship, and you were fine with it then. I can find you hobbies, things you'll enjoy. But you may not work. I love you dearly, but these hands must not be soiled by any hardships outside our home. Do you understand?"

Head bowed, Romano nodded. "Sì, Maestro."

Grasping Romano's hand, Antonio smiled. "Besides before you know it, you'll have a little baby to look after. Want that be fun?"

Romano starred back at his husband, and smiled brightly. "Yes, soon I'll be a mommy..." Romano replied dreamily.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**And Control**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To Love Is Not To Have Lost But Stolen. Just For That Moment Of Complete Submission And Control.