Authors Note 1: Okay, this a sequel to realizations because I just didn't think the story ended there and I got a few really lovely reviews.


She had lost. She had known it was a long shot to start with, but it still hurt her to know that she had failed; not only with the dead young girl who now resided in an oak casket six feet under the ground, but also with the father who had just lost the last person in his life. She could feel the small pin prick of pain to her heart again. She could feel the eyes of her best friend resting on her back as she tensed her muscles, knowing it would be stupid to even try to hide the pain from the brilliant detective.

Alex cringed almost unnoticeably in front of Olivia's eyes as the gavel hit the small wooden circle in front of the judge. Olivia waited patiently, oh so patiently for the court to empty, and for her and Alex to be left alone so that she could offer comfort to the distraught woman.

The clacking of expensive stilettos on the Lino woke Olivia from her dream. She groaned, voicing her disapproval at the thought of being woken before the dream could finish the way she had wanted, rather than the way life had gone. She listened carefully to the clacking heels, noticing that they sounded different from the way her love's or Abbie's did; the strides sounded shorter, less demanding. She wondered if it could be Casey, or Serena's, but that didn't make sense because the four attorneys were with Petrovsky working on another angle to the case.

Her pondering ceased as she caught a glimpse of Elizabeth's cropped blonde hair. The judge's presence, while unexpected seeing as neither Alex nor Lena was there, was not unwelcome. She had been expecting a visit from the older woman all day so that they could discuss the case that was currently being worked by more Ada's than any other singular case that was at trial.

"Hello Elizabeth, how are you?" Olivia asked as the door to her room was opened lathe way and then shut firmly with a click as the lock slid into place.

"I would venture to say a fair sight better than you though those girls are driving me nuts with there incessant nagging about putting you on the stand even though Lexie, Lena, and I have told them repeatedly that its a bad idea due to the Amaro thing. I interviewed him last week whilst you were still in a coma and it is painfully obvious that he still blames you for his removal from duty," Elizabeth told her as she slumped herself into a chair by Olga's bed side.

"Okay, is there anything we can do to keep amaro off the stand if they force me to testify?"

"Well if I remove myself from the bench and temporarily return to the DA's office I could in theory go around the agreement made between the NYPD and Nick and prosecute him for the incident."

At that Olivia sat up stiff as a board as she growled in harsh tones, "Are you insane?! You would be breaking confidence not to mention the fact that there is no way other than me breaching contract for you to get him."

Elizabeth didn't look the least bit worried as she sat up a bit straighter, "no I won't be and neither will you because the police department heads are not the brightest people. I put a clause in the contract that said if another person was to come forward as a complaining witness then any other persons involved would be allowed to testify. Also I won't be the complaining witness I will be the prosecutor so it will work."

"Alright. You're the law expert after all. Now on my end it looks pretty tight, the evidence is solid and all of the interviews are clean. We managed to get our hands on the original tapes as well as all of the original photographs so there shouldn't be any problem there. Rollins is okay on the stand but her accent makes her sound stupid to a lot of New Yorkers so you need to give her questions that she can sound intelligent answering. Fin and Munch should be fine as well but don't let the defense try to out do Fin and most importantly try to keep Warner on a leash."

"Olivia I know how to prosecute..." She trailed off leaving herself, unwittingly, wide open to one of Olivia's famously vicious young lashings.

"You may know how to prosecute Donnelly but you don't know how to handle my team from the prosecutions table. They do not tolerate being made a fool of while on the stand and they will become a very large, very icy, extremely bitchy extension of me if the prosecution causes it. Now to a big bad judge like yourself that probably doesn't sound so bad but you should know that your only allies in the entire NYPD will turn against you. No other cop in the city is on your side and this will take the ME's office, FBI, and about half the DA's office. You have no idea how much power I wield in the like or dislike but not as much power as my squad does. The special victims unit is typically regarded as the toughest group by the other detectives and as the weakest by patrol, in reality we are the ones that will make or break detectives. If they can survive with us then they are good, if they can't they need to go white collar. We are the transitional group and we hold the power." Olivia had said the entire thing in a harsh whisper frightening Liz.

Olivia let out a harsh laugh. No one ever noticed the power dynamic until they were forced to be a part of it, Alex had shown her that she in reality held a great deal of power. It had been forced onto her by her former captain before he had died in his sleep after naming her as his successor for when he retired in a weeks time.

Two pair of clacking heels startled them from there silence. This time it sounded like Alex and Petrovsky. They had probably brought dinner for their partners. Elizabeth and Olivia quickly switched from their puppet master selves back to normal.

Olivia didn't want to think about the trial anymore so she put on her best smile, the one only Alex could pull from her, and turned to greet the women.

Authors note2: Okay, I know this is confusing and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but the trial is a complicated time so I decided to see what would happen if they were to endure the trial as a couple.