Idea by The Grinning Psychopath!

Eden Prime

"Ooh, gasbags!"

Shepard used the floating creatures to sight in the standard issue sidearm.

"Commander, you probably should be careful with -"

"Nonsense, Jenkins. You said yourself they were harmless."

Another gasbag floated close from behind a tree.

"Quickdraw … and … "

Shepard drew his Kessler lightning fast, obliterating the bulbous creature with one good shot.

The organic tissue browned, then smoldered, releasing clouds of acidic vapor that stung his eyes.

He never even saw the geth drone.

A/N: Wow, almost at 50 chapters!

Thank you all for your reviews, follows/faves, your submissions, and your dedication! Chapter 50 is going to be of epic proportions, I assure you. Be on the lookout!