*These characters are the property of Wataru Yoshizumi. **This is a fanfic I started about a month after I got the first volume of the manga of marmalade boy. Its now one of my favorite anime manga series, but even then, my loyalty goes to Samurai X and Fushigi Yuugi. This is a mushy fanfic, but I hope you enjoy it. Criticisms are encouraged!

There was something out of place.

Yuu looked over at his companion. Miki was in a state of happiness, obviously, from the way she kept humming to herself. Yuu had to frown.

"Why are you smiling so much?" he asked. There was a casual note to his voice. He couldn't help noting that she had been in a great mood since the night before as well.

"Huh?" Miki looked at him with wide eyes before they filled with excitement. "Oh, THE coolest guy asked me out yesterday. Do you know Shin Wyoming?"

Yuu just stared at her and hid a small smile. Yes, in fact, he did know this Shin. He was one of the high school populars, rich and outgoing. Also a heartthrob. Yuu looked back at Miki. He decided that it would be all right that Miki could date Shin, as long as she didn't fall for him too hard. It was true, that Shin had a reputation for dropping his girlfriends like frying pans, no matter how much they bawled at his feet for the next few weeks. Yuu compensated. All he had to do was to make sure that Miki and Shin were never alone inside a room for too long, and if Shin would try to pull some moves on her, then she'd have to know that Yuu would be there to protect her.

See, Yuu liked Miki. He always had, for as long as he could remember since moving in with her family. He adapted his devil-may-care attitude, but even then, he knew that he couldn't hold Miki at an arm's distance forever and still expect to win her heart in the end. Yuu let out a sigh, and then he turned to her.

"Be careful with the guy," he said, in a light tone. He injected some humor into it. "I hope you two have a great time together."

A shadow in the back of his mind fell: Yeah right.

Miki's eyes took on a similar shadow, but it disappeared as soon as it had come. Yuu thought that it had been something like hurt, then surprise, but Miki's bright smile a moment later made him change his thoughts.

"Yeah!" Miki said, pumping her fist into the air. "I cant wait, Yuu, he's just so handsome and charming!"

She didn't notice Yuu's wince as he paused then picked up his pace again. Since when had she fallen for a guy so hard?


Meiko glanced at Miki and tried not to grimace.

"Uh, Miki," she started. "I know you might not like hearing this, but I think Shin is bad news, like all other me."

Miki smiled.

"Meiko, that is so like you. Come on, how hard can it be to fall in love with the most popular guy in the whole school?"

Meiko broke into a sweat. "You're right," she said then laughed. "If you break your heart and cry your eyes out, then it's not my fault now, is it?"

Miki didn't find it the least bit funny.

Ginta suddenly appeared from behind.

"What's this I heard about Shinizo Wyoming dating Miki?"

Meiko didn't even look back, but Miki did, her eyes dancing.

"He asked me out yesterday," she revealed, as if Ginta didn't know that already. "He wants me to watch a movie with him this Saturday."

"You mean tomorrow," Ginta said, not bothering to even try to hide the disgust in his voice. He knew Shin's reputation just like everyone else knew that Ginta liked Miki. So he said nothing. Why would Miki have reason to believe him when she knew in some corner of her heart that he was in love with her? Miki's short skirt jumped up and down her legs as she walked down the street to her house.

Ginta was too busy thinking to notice it that much. Did Yuu know about it? Most likely no. If Yuu would even TRY to have SOME decent brotherly feelings towards Miki, then at least he would check up on Shin to see what the bg deal was. Ginta pondered further.

What if he could just show up at the date the next day, and make it appear as id it were by complete accident?

What would be the use then? Ginta thought. To stop his best friend from kissing her date? Or to stop her date from kissing her? It was all so confusing.

Yuu leaned out the door and called over to Miki:

"Come on inside. The jerk's an hour and a half late. He's not coming."

Miki refused to believe Yuu. Shin had seemed so sincere, so honest. She had just realized the Thursday before how much she wanted someone to actually care about her the way a special couple did. The cold seeped through her jacket and to her skin, and she knew that she looked terrible. How was it? Her eyes puffy, and her nose red from the crying that she had tried to stop.

Maybe she had always had a secret crush on Shin, ever since she had seen him in junior high, right after she had confessed her feelings to Ginta through that letter. Then again.why was she so bitter that he had stood her up? The rational part of her mind told her to get in and to remove her high- heeled sandals and to just plop into bed.

Pride held her back. She had practically boasted to Meiko and to Yuu that she was going to have her date tonight, with one of the most popular men in school, aside from Yuu.

Her dress was light green; Meiko had lent it to her, saying that the shade made her eyes look more jade like. Her sandals were plain black and had several small straps. Her shoulders had been bare, aside from the jacket that Yuu had made her take earlier in the evening.

"Come on, it's cold," he had insisted, as Miki had stood on the porch for the first half hour. She had declined, twice, until he had dumped it over her head and that was that. She was too cold to argue anymore, and he could see that.

She wondered, as she looked around the empty street in front of her, where Shin could be. He had promised. She pulled Yuu's black jacket closer to herself. It had a nice smell of aftershave, something like earth. It was much too big for her, but it was warm. The path of her thoughts came to Shin. What if he had said the next Saturday?

Was that the promise he gave to so many other girls? Was she really the fool for believing that he could actually care for her? She heard another call from Yuu.

"Miki, he's not coming! I told you, you'd get a cold if you stay out. It's nine forty five. At this rate you'll miss even the last show."

He leaned against the door in his nightclothes, his arms across his chest. Actually, he could see from the kitchen clock that it was getting nearer to ten than had said. When Miki didn't acknowledge that she had heard, he started to walk towards the porch where she had sat on the stairs. Then she spoke up:

"Go inside, Yuu. I know he's not coming.just give me a moment here. I'll be inside in a few minutes."

Yuu hesitated. The calloused attitude that he was supposed to portray towards her pulled at him. "That's what you get for trusting him." He gave a small halfhearted chuckle, which even to him sounded just the least bit mocking.

"You'll wake our parents up," Miki said shortly, bitterly, as if she had already expected something like that from him. Her brownish red hair leaned against the post. Yuu heard the hurt in her voice, and wanted to kick himself. But, for her pride's sake, he let himself back in and closed the door.

It was ten after eleven on the kitchen clock; the last cinema show must have been playing for more than thirty minutes. Yuu ran a hand through his blonde hair. Getting up from his leaning position from the doorway, he opened the door. Miki was where he had left her more than an hour ago, her arms tucked into her lap. Her head still rested against the post, and Yuu could see that she was sleeping.

Without a word, he gathered her up in his arms. With ease, he passed through the door and closed it shut with his right foot. Then he made his way up the stairs and into her room. He lay her on her bed.

Annoyance ate up some of his fatigue away. He knew that Shin couldn't be trusted, but then, at least he could have called. Yuu walked out of the room into his own room next door.


"Miki," Meiko started in an exasperated voice.

"I don't care," Miki stormed. "I don't care if I make a fool of myself or whatever. I just want to get this over with."

Miki almost rammed into the lunchroom. A few populars were laughing. Shin was among them as they stared at her from across one corner of the cafeteria. They all drew Miki's gaze, like a magnet. She stalked towards them.

When she was face to face with Shin, she shouted:

"You jerk! I waited for you the whole night Saturday, and you never came!"

Shin's green eyes flashed. His dark brownish black hair swayed slightly. Then he grinned.

"Why? Because you wanted to go out with me? Do you really feel that strongly for me?"

He adopted a slacker position; he stretched out his long legs in front of him and he put one arm behind his head, which was a signal for his friends to laugh. Sure enough, they did, and Miki turned red, but she didn't back down.

"I just want to know why," she said, sounding calmer.

By this time, many of the cafeteria stares were directed towards them.

"Why? Why?" Shin said, softly imitating her voice. "Because I wanted to make fun of you, that's why. I didn't expect you to wait that long for me. Hehe! All of you girls are the same! You never learn!"

Miki's hands clenched into fists, and Meiko put her arm on her friend's shoulders.

"Why.You." Miki's voice shook with rage.

She looked down and then backslapped Shin, on the right cheek, where she knew it would hurt. Shin stood up, one side of his face a slightly red. There were many things on his face, anger, annoyance, and surprise. He took in a breath as he stood before Miki. She struggled not to shrink back and not to avert her eyes. She held his gaze for what seemed to be an eternity. Then anger and annoyance pushed out the surprise. From somewhere in the growing audience, Yuu stood up at the same time Ginta did.

Shin gave a wry smile and turned to his really hot chocolate that was on his lunch tray. Before anyone knew what had happened, he turned back and spilled it on Miki's white uniform and her uniform skirt.

She flinched, as the scalding liquid seeped through the uniform, but she refused to grab at her left arm, which stung.

"An eye for an eye." Shin said quietly, ignoring the feeling that he had done something very wrong. He hated the fact that he had done that to a girl, but then he had to keep his reputation for a bad boy. Sure, some girls would be repulsed by now, and they wouldn't stray near him, but he would find a way into their hearts. He would, eventually, like always. He started to turn away, and sit down, when a pair of strong hands grabbed his collar. When he turned back, there was surprise on his face.

"You bastard," Ginta muttered as he landed a punch on Shin's face, the same side where he was slapped. Once, twice. He was released, and Ginta walked away normally, as if he had done nothing except exchanged pleasantries with him.

Shin had the overwhelming urge to run after him, but one of his friends grabbed his arm. "You're popular; we can regain your pride. Understand?"

Shin watched the four retreating forms. He nodded. He did understand.

"Are you alright?" Ginta asked as soon as the four were out of the cafeteria. He stopped Miki from continuing to walk and put a hand at the side of her face. "Are you alright, Miki?" he repeated. She gave a small laugh.

"Of course I am. I just stood up to Shinizo Wyoming," and I watched you beat the light out of him, if only for two punches."

Ginta gave an angry glare.

"He poured burning liquid on you," he frowned. Miki sighed. "It was just hot, Ginta. It was just hot."

Yuu interfered then, making it a point to push away Ginta's hand from Miki.

"Listen," Yuu said in an even voice. "Tell Ginta if Shin ever bothers you again."

Miki looked away.

She couldn't just let Shin get away with what he had did. There was just something so nice about him underneath the surface, and she just wanted to know wht it was that made him tick. She knew that she wasn't very good at hiding her emotions, so when she gave a small nod of her head, she was shaken by her shoulders to look at Yuu. He looked at her with even eyes.

"Alright?" Yuu said in a deceptively calm voice.

Miki shrugged.

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

The next day, Miki was late for school. She walked quickly to her locker, wanting to get her books right away and then go to her class. Yuu had gone off to his class ahead. As Miki neared the locker, she heard something like a whistle. She turned back, and found herself staring into the eyes of a black hooded man. She wanted to scream, was about to, when a hand clamped over her mouth. There were three of them. She was dragged to the men's bathroom. Her eyes started to fill with tears of fear. Frustration pushed itself into her mind. She was struggling almost wildly, but one of the men held her fast. With her mouth covered, she couldn't make a sound, even as she tried to kick something-anything. The men's room locked with a hollow noise in her ears.

Yuu looked at the clock. It was almost the middle of the first period, and still Miki hadn't come in yet. They had the first same period, but while he had taken his books along with him from the night before, she had needed to make a stop to her locker. He could almost hear Ginta's voice from behind him: "Is Miki sick today, Matsuura? Do you think I can visit her today?"

There was a strange ring in his ears. Yuu sighed as he asked the teacher if he could get something from his locker. He exited the classroom, feeling stupid. He was being paranoid. Already he was rehearsing a reason the tell Miki in his head, that he needed to get something from her locker, that the teacher made him look for her, anything that showed that he didn't care what would happen to her.

He approached her locker, which was across the hallway to his. When he reached there, somehow, his ears and eyes were averted to the men's room nearby. There was a faint jiggling and some small sobs that came from the door. They were silenced quickly, though. Thinking it was his imagination, and feeling that he needed something to distract him, he turned the combination to his locker and he stuck his head inside to get a book to show the teacher when he'd come back.

The leader of the three pushed open the bathroom door and started to look out. Better safe than sorry was a hoodlum's motto. He peered into the hallways when he saw a figure standing. He took in a small breath. What was he supposed to do? He had heard someone in the halls for some reason, he could just feel that there was someone standing, and he was right. There was a student there, whose face was blocked off by the metal locker. The leader only caught a glimpse of a high school guy's legs.

He looked back into the bathroom, where the girl lay on the floor with her blouse almost fully opened, her arms bruised, and her skirt was ripped.

Abandon? Or not? He thought, as he wondered if he should just trust that nothing would be heard and he could just lock the door. Safety and fear of being caught got in the way. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. He gave a fierce whisper: "Fall back!"

The two men looked up with a surprised look, and then stood up. They followed their leader to the bathroom window.

Yuu looked at the men's room again. He had thought he had heard a noise. The door was open already, but aside from that, there was no change. The wind opened the bathroom door, he decided, shutting his locker closed. He heard a faint sob. He looked back, and to his surprise, he saw Miki. She was on he bathroom floor.

'My god.' he thought as he rushed forward. He half expected, half-HOPED that it would be someone else, not Miki, just someone else with red brown and read hair. He approached quickly, and noted with dismay that prayers were not answered. He whipped out his cellular phone and called an ambulance, then he shouted for help across the halls. Miki stirred.

Yuu grabbed at one of her hands.

"You're going to be alright," he said. Miki started to cry hard.

"Don't look at me," she said. She tried to lift her arms to cover herself, but she found that she was too weak. Yuu didn't know what else to do. He removed the outer polo of his school uniform and laid it over her.


"I heard that Miki Yoishikawa nearly got killed this Monday."

"Yeah, she was attacked by some guys."

"They haven't got a clue who did this to her."

Rumors spread out through the school. Miki walked among the students, feeling conscious and hot. Bandages were around her waist and around her arms where she was scratched with a knife. There had been no real complications, just several skin wounds and bruises and a small stab in her right leg. She had got it from resisting the drags of the goons. They had held her down.

Miki looked down on the floor. She felt Ginta behind her right shoulder, and Meiko beside her. Yuu wasn't anywhere to be found. He was never 'anywhere' to be found. She could feel curious stares all around her, but she couldn't bring herself to look up.

She knew that she had almost been raped the other day. How could someone do such a thing? She knew that the goons had somehow aimed for her specifically. She was too ashamed to tell anyone about that part, and Yuu, who had found her, had good sense not to bring it up to anyone who asked.

During lunch, she realized that she had forgotten something in the classroom. She was walking with Ginta, Yuu, and Meiko. She turned to them.

"I forgot something in the classroom. You guys just go ahead."

Three glares were faced her way.

"I'm coming with you," Yuu said. Miki saw relief on Ginta's face.

"Hey," Miki said, laughing a little. "I can take care of myself. Leave me alone."

But she was already being pushed by Yuu to the classroom. She leaned lightly on Yuu on her way there, her leg forcing her to do so, and her pride preventing her from leaning too heavily. When she reached the classroom, she immediately let go of Yuu.

"I'll wait outside here," his flat voice saying what she was already about to tell him. She nodded. She entered the classroom.

She looked around and saw Shin. He was sitting on her table, her pocketbook that she was supposed to retrieve in his hands. Miki held her head up high, limping a little as she made her way to him.

"I can have the book now," she said.

Shin handed it to her without a word. Then he surprised them both by blurting out:

"Im really sorry, I had no idea Jira would have gone this far."

Miki stared at him for a long moment, then understanding dawned in on her mind. She gave a strangled gasp. Then she backed up. She had no idea who Jira was, but she could tell that h wasn't from the school. He was probably just some guy hired from the street. Miki backed up and bumped into a table. She started to make some noise, knowing full well that Yuu was outside, waiting for her.

But her parched throat only hurt. Shin looked at her with alarm in his eyes. Then he said:

"If you say anything about me, then I'll just deny it," he said evenly. Calm was restored in his face. Miki found something akin to indignance as she looked into his face. Her voice came out in ragged puffs, but the message was still clear.

"Fine," Miki said. "But if something happens again, and i know that youre behind it for sure, then you can bet that i'm going to tell someone-anybody who will believe me."

Shin's eyes flickered uncertainly, and Miki gave him a short nod. Her face was red from anger. The jerk had sent someone named..Ah, she didnt remember his name. All she knew was that it was unimportant. She walked wiht as much grace as she could muster, just to spite him, as she made her way out. Yuu looked at her as soon as she exited. Miki hastily closed the door behind her, as if she wanted to eat lunch already. Yuu seemed to be preoccupied anyway to notice.

"Where's your book?" yuu asked suddenly. Miki glanced at her right hand and she noticed that she had forgotten to get it.

I must have dropped it when on the way out, Miki thought, even if she had no memory of doing so. Yuu gave her a peculiar glance. Miki realized that she had said the thought out loud.

"I'll get it for you," he offered, already starting to open the classroom door. Not to appear so desperate to have him close the door, Miki let her knees give way. She fell into Yuu's arms.

"I'm sorry," she said into his surprised face, feeling surprised herself. She didnt make a move to get up. All she knew was that she had to protect Shin, which was actually a strange thought. What could Yuu do anyway? Well, they were both muscular, and strong, they could get into a fight somehow, she thought. Wait...as if Yuu would care what would happen to me anyway. But...

"Let's just go," Miki said out loud. "I didnt see the book in there. It must be in my locker."

Miki saw that there was no facial reaction on Yuu's face when she said the word locker. Inwardly, she gave a small sigh. She took his hand and pulled him forward to get him moving. Then she let go as soon as he picked up his pace. There was an uncertain look in his eyes when she turned her back to him, but it disappeared quicky.
