Updating time!

Oh my god! It's finall ending! No! I'm very sad right now :( But also very happy! :) I've now completed my next crossover! Please tell me what you think of this story overall, give me ideas of what you like for example;

Humor, Twists, Description, Storyline (though I can't take credit for all of it you know!), Replying to reviews, ect...

Ryou: Speaking of those, you have to reply to LOTS!

Amme: Yes! I'm so sorry for not posting, but I have recently had a bit of trouble, schooling pressures and some overall family stuff. But I've been writing down a paragraph a day and now my story is complete! Also Dear Yami stole me for a few weeks... hee hee.

Yami: This is the chapter I finally get my happily ever after with my aibou!

Yugi: *smile* at last.

Amme: :) you two go off and have a cuddle or something while I reply to the many reviews, ahem:

I know, but that's the story.

More is here!

Thank you, Yami's showing up now. :)

Thank you.

You go and hurt Vivi more, she deserves it. Yugi'll be alright, just wait.

Thank you, her death was very satisfying.

I'm glad you liked the crystal coffin, I spend three edits on that. :)

Magi Magi Magician Gal
I'm glad you liked Vivian's demise! Muhaha! It was very satisfying to write, though I'm not good at action. :( Yami's here, calm down girl! :)

I'm glad you liked Vivian's death. I wanted something very full of Karma for her, and I must have got it. I know Yugi's death was slow, and to be honest it was hard to write, dying or sleeping? I was so confused, so I wrote it how I thought it, how I normally do.

I criticised you? Wow... sorry? Sorry for making you cry too, I hope you liked it.

Order and Chaos1
Ding dong the witch is dead! Yugi'll wake up in a minute...

Oh good, I missed more yelling :). I wasn't sure what to put for Vivian's death. I didn't want to make anyone a murderer so I made her own magic come back at her, I think it's fine as it is, she's dead either way.

Don't be too hard on Disney, it's where I got the inspire after all. But I'm glad you liked how I killed the wicked witch.

I'm sorry for your troubles, here's a chapter for you! Thanks for saying it's wonderfully written, because I know I stink at writing action.

Thank you.

Yeah, the apple's delay was something that I pinched from a joke "Witch feeds her apple, OMG it's the wrong one, keeps offering her apples until the drawfs come and kick her out, she sits alone in woods and eats apple from her pocket, Oh no! It's the poisoned one!" LOL, I couldn't help but use some of that in this. I'm glad you liked Vivian's death, it was very satisfying. Don't worry about happy endings, I'm completely loyal to them :)

Her Dragon will be okay, Vivian's death is always good, and don't cry!

I'm glad you liked the coffin and the death scene, it felt good to write.

I'm sorry! *hides behind sofa* don't hurt me... There will be a happy ending!

Don't worry, I'll make sure Yami kisses him!

Yami over reacts a lot in the authors notes, sorry about him. (Yami: oi!) Yep, Vivian got her just deserts.

Ding dong the witch is dead! Oh damn, that's not the right song either... Vivi is dead, Yugi will return and Yami, get over there and kiss him right this minute!

Everyone likes how Vivian died! Thank you.

Yami will save him!

I'll turn them back the only way I know how... randomly. LOL, no, this time it will have some sense to it. :)

I'm glad you liked the last chapter, Yugi's death was hard, Vivi's death was booya!

I think I've turned everyone into a vivi hater... ah well! Nobody likes her! I'm glad you liked it, sorry for making you sad :)


Amme: There, we have it! All my lovely reviewers! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Ryou: Amme-chan doesn't own snow white or any other content that's not her imagination.

Yami: Please enjoy!

Yugi: Please give a nice overall review for the entire story!

Six months later…

Yami, Seto, Bakura and Marik road out of their Palace and into the forest; they had returned from their first search after two months, Bakura had gotten his leg gashed and it had become infected. They were forced to return and wait for him to get better, otherwise he would have only gotten sicker. They hated to leave their lovers but they couldn't lose Bakura either.

When they returned Bakura was in a bad way and nearly had to have his leg removed, if the healers hadn't of been so reluctant they would have chopped it off. But Bakura bounced back before they came to that decision, thank the gods…

Yami was heavily scolded for running away by his Father, but Yami explained that his lover was Prince Yugi, who had been missing for weeks, he begged his Father to allow another search. In his very words "Every second not knowing if he's alright is like being tortured for a year"

The Pharaoh saw how very in love Yami was, and so allowed him to search again, on the condition that he go armed and that he send word every week. Yami looked around the gold green forests and sighed "Yugi where are you?"

Seto looked across at him and chuckled sourly "Muttering to the wind won't find him" he pointed out bluntly. They had been riding for hours and where getting irritated fast.

Bakura growled and looked into the gloom of the woods. "But it's better than listening to your voice" he snapped.

Marik snorted in agreement before dismounting "Ouch! I'm getting saddle sore!" he complained, rubbing his buttocks insistently.

Yami laughed despite himself. He was sore himself, but he was used to ignoring such pains, "Maybe we should camp for a bit?" he suggested "We'll see if there are any signs of humans around here, it could be them" he added wistfully.

They dismounted, and after a bit of wandering decided that this wasn't a place that their hikari's had passed through. Just as they were about to carry on Seto saw a flash of gold. He paused in mounting and turned to look at where the colour had caught his eye.

Yami looked back at his cousin. "Seto? What's the matter?"

Seto made a face before taking a few steps in that direction "I thought I saw… never mind" he trailed off and mounted again "Probably nothing, defiantly nothing we're looking for" he added to make sure that they moved on.

Yami shrugged and with a confused look behind him followed at an even pace. They stopped to make camp a few hours later, Marik insisted that they were travelling in circles, and Yami was half agreeing with him. The trees all looked the same, and whenever they tried to go one way they'd all get ridiculously dizzy, even the horses got unsteady!

They sat around a warm fire and began idly chatting, but soon a little scuffle in the undergrowth drew their attention. With hands to their hunting knifes they listened to the approaching creature. But what emerged shocked them enormously!

It wasn't a beast or rabbit or even a toad! It was a golden Labrador puppy.

Bakura relaxed and snickered "Hey little guy, what you doing scaring us?"

The puppy looked at them all with an expression of shock. It was as if it was surprised to see them. It stared at Seto the most. Seto glared at it "What?" he demanded snappily.

The puppy whimpered in joy and launched itself into the lords arms "It is you!"

The four teens stared at the pup in amazement!

Seto picked it up under its forelegs and looked at it strangely "Did you… speak?"

The puppy nodded "Yeah… what? Are you surprised rich-boy?"

Seto paled. Only one person had ever called him that. He slowly set the puppy down "J-Joey?" he asked, hardly believing what he was asking. Asking a dog of all things!

But the golden puppy whined in happiness. "You remember me! It's me Seto! It's Joey!" Joey nuzzled his head against Seto's hands and licked them affectionately.

Seto scooped up the puppy after a moment of silence, hugging him gently, but very securely, as he was only small. "Joey…" a smile nearly graced the icy man's face. Joey kept trying to hug with his paws, his paws were a little dirty but they didn't care.

Yami, Marik and Bakura exchanged a few glances but didn't interrupt their moment. Seto finally put Joey down again. Marik leaned over and looked at Joey closely, he laughed after a moment "A real little dog isn't he?"

Joey bit his nose. Marik complained while Bakura laughed "It's Joey alright. Good to see you"

Joey smiled with his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth "You too, though I miss being taller than you" he added with a pout.

Yami reached over "I'm Yami, Seto's cousin, it's nice to meet you" he said.

Joey shook his hand with a large puppy paw "Nice to meet ya, your highness"

Seto rubbed his temples and said "Before I lose my mind; what happened to you Joey? How are you a pup?" he asked, not that he didn't think that Joey looked dead cute like this, but it was a shock to see his lover as an animal.

Joey pouted again "Evil cursed berries. A witch, Queen Vivian actually, tired to kill Yugi but ended up cursing me, Malik and Ryou instead" he snorted huffily.

The other teens leaned forwards at the mention of their lovers. Marik picked up Joey by the scruff of his neck "Malik's okay?" he asked, delighted.

Joey squirmed "Yeah! Ryou too, if you put me down, I'll take you to our home" Marik at once dropped him. Joey scratched an ear before bounding off into the trees, the teens led their horses right behind him. Joey ran in a circle three times when they reached a clearing.

Seto raised an eyebrow "Puppy, it's not the time to be chasing your tail"

Joey ignored him and then sat expectantly. After a moment a house shimmered then appeared. The teen's jaws dropped. Joey smiled up at them "We've been staying here; at the house where Seven Magicians of the order live. You'll like them" he ran forwards yapping loudly.

The door opened and a young woman with blue eyes looked out "Joey? Why'd you lower the barrier?" she asked.

Joey sat at her feet "We've got guests! This is Seto and his friends. Bakura and Marik are Ryou and Malik's lovers, and this is Prince Yami" he nodded at each.

The woman blinked in surprise "So that's why you let them into the barrier… Welcome gentlemen. I'm Isis, please come inside, I'll get Ryou and Malik for you. Joey please take them into the living room" she asked, she looked a little tired, like she had been crying recently.

Yami didn't ask as he was lead with the others into a blue themed living room. Joey left shouting for Malik and Ryou. Ryou appeared first; timidly stepping inside and blinking at Bakura. "Kura!" he cheered happily, trotting over and butting his head into Bakura's chest, "I knew you'd find me!"

Bakura hugged the little fawn "Ry…" he pushed the fawn back and looked at him "Wow, that curse really is a curse. Have you been here all this time?" he asked, petting his ears and slender neck.

Ryou nodded "Ever since Y-Yugi ran away" he stuttered over his friends name but managed it, he let Bakura fawn over him, pet his head and call him cute, while silently regretting Bakura seeing him as an animal, he'd never forget this now!

Malik flew in and bombed Marik at once "You jerk! What took you so long!" the bird snapped, partly clawing into his shirt.

Marik stared at his lover for a moment before snatching him out of the air and grinning manically. "You're a bird!" he shouted delightedly. "I love feathers" he chuckled and hugged Malik tightly whilst the poor animal struggled.

"Get off me! I'm still mad at you!" Malik complained, not liking the fact that Marik had taken weeks to find him. Marik ignored him and continued admiring his new body.

Isis stepped back in with a try of drinks. She set them down on the table before sitting on a coach and taking her cup. She smiled at them "We weren't expecting visitors, if we were I'd have made something a bit more… suitable" she murmured.

Yami took his tea with a smile "Thank you for letting us stay here" he said graciously.

Isis nodded "It's a pleasure. It's been a while since we've had guests" The door opened and three heads peeped around. Isis smiled "Come in girls"

Mana, Girl and Silent all stepped around the door with polite smiles. Isis introduced them and each offered their own greeting, all three of them perked up at the sound of Yami's name and title. Silent looked at her older friends and tilted her head at them.

They shrugged before Girl timidly asked. "Um… Prince Yami? Have you lost a lover too?"

Yami blinked in surprise before nodding. "Yes"

All four girls at once sobered and Isis lowered her head to hide her tears. But before Yami could comment or even form a question in his mind the door opened again. Three tall men walked into the room.

Two were twins of different colouring and the third was older, and the scariest as he had a very lose human structure; blue skin and brown-red eyes in black eyes instead of white. Isis stood up "Mahad, I didn't expect you back so early" she said, wiping her eyes and tucking her hair behind her ear.

Mahad, the Egyptian looking man, came over to her and took her hands "We thought we'd surprise you all, but it seems we've got a surprise as well, who are our guests?" he asked, he sounded very nice, like a friendly Father.

Isis introduced them all again. The Purple themed Magician jumped at Yami's name. "Yami Prince of the South?" he asked, almost in shock.

Yami nodded "Yes, the Pharaoh's my Father"

The magician and his twin smiled "We were once court sorcerers there, this is Mahad and I'm Dark. I'm not sure you'll remember us, but you used to beg us to teach you magic when you were small" he had his hand to show just how little Yami had been at the time.

Yami frowned as he tried to remember. After a moment he smiled "I remember, I haven't thought about that in years, it's nice to see you again" he said with a smile "Have you been well?"

Dark shrugged "Not bad" Behind him, Chaos grunted. Dark jumped "Ah! Sorry, Chaos. This is our older brother; Magician of Black Chaos. Don't mind his grumpiness, he's always like this" the man smiled at his brother in a mocking way.

Chaos shot him a sharp glare until Silent jumped into his arm, Chaos caught her. Lately he'd been acting very Fatherly towards her, Silent had been crying a lot for the past few weeks, missing him. Chaos had broken his emotional dam and had started caring for her.

Girl and Mana smiled when they saw Silent hugging him. They looked at Yami and began whispering to each other franticly, nodding and shaking their heads and finishing each others sentences. It looked dizzying. Finally they looked at Yami and said "Prince Yami? Can you tell us the name of your lover?" Girl asked.

Mana added her own ending to it "The one you've lost"

"And are now looking for" Girl added again.

Yami and his friends looked a little confused by their methods of talking. Joey smiled at the girls "Stop that, you'll only confuse them" he scolded playfully form Seto's lap, the said man had been cuddling him sweetly whenever no one was looking.

Mana and Girl bowed and apologised. Yami chuckled at their antics "It's alright, Mahad and Dark did that a lot in Father's old court" he said, remembering what jesters they could be. He turned back to the girls and said "My lover is Prince Yugi" Everyone save his group of searchers stiffened and saddened. Yami looked at them all and said "Do you know where he is?"

Chaos nodded "A witch passing off as a Queen tried to kill him twice before he came here, and twice more within the safety of our home" his expression darkened "Our revenge was barely justice"

Yami gasped "Vivian? The Queen who's also missing?"

Chaos snorted "Dead under a rockslide" he corrected. "She was fleeing after… after we found her by our house, and my brothers and I chased her. She used black magic to try and kill us, only it turned on her"

Girl and Mana whispered "Whatever you chant, whatever you brew, sooner or later comes back to you"

Isis nodded at them "Well remembered. In short karma caught up with her, we told the Palace court of this and they've been ruling on her and Y-Yugi's behalf until someone comes to claim the throne"

Yami had a bad feeling when they avoided what happened to Yugi entirely, his heart jumped in his chest, he stood up and said "What happened to Yugi?" knowing that they couldn't avoid a direct answer.

Everyone looked pained and sad. Mahad squeezed Isis's hand "Vivian…k-" he swallowed before finally spitting it out. "Vivian killed him"

Yami's heart clenched painfully, his legs fell out form under him, he fell back into his seat; pale, shaky and yet full of denial. He looked up at the sad family "It's not true" he gasped out, covering his face in an attempt not to cry. "Please tell me you're lying" he gasped out.

He was filled with so many emotions, but the strongest were fear, pain and longing.

Silent appeared before the Prince and held out a hand. Yami blinked at her for a moment before taking her tiny hand. Silent pulled gently and Yami stood up. She led him out of the living room and the entire family followed him, Joey and Ryou walked next to Yami while Malik stayed put on Marik's shoulder.

The adults held back when they reached to door, the girls kept going. Ryou and Joey approached a high hedged area, tall trees leaned over and protected it from the outside, and many flowers bloomed there. Yami looked around in a bit of wonder, the place was magical but he still felt a lump in his throat.

Silent took him through a hole in the hedge, a gateway almost only it was a bit overgrown. Yami stepped inside the secluded glade and gasped in wonder; the glade was beautiful.

The colours were vibrant and unearthly, the willows looked silvery, and the cherry blossoms seemed to glow in the darkening day. The flowers were still open and blooming though it was getting close to dusk, everything about this place was beautiful and magic.

Ryou, Malik and Joey all bowed their heads sadly as they looked into the centre of the clearing. Seto, Marik and Bakura all stiffened as they saw what it was. Girl and Mana were crying silently, every time they came here they found tears. Silent was the only one composed, and yet she was the one who had been most upset in the early weeks. Chaos' composure was rubbing off on her.

Yami's breath was stolen, his heart froze and was stolen and his blood chilled at the sight before him.

A golden coffin with a glass top and sides lay carefully placed in the splendour. And there, sleeping on the silken cushions, was a person. Sleeping was a better word, because dead couldn't look so peaceful.

Yami let go of the silent child's hand and took several hesitant and terrified steps forwards. When he reached the coffins side he couldn't deny it anymore. With tears slowly working up in his eyes he reached out to try and touch the face of a sleeping angel. He only met the cold glass.

Yugi hadn't changed; he was still breathtakingly beautiful, still childish and still held an aura of peace and gentleness. Yami tried to find his voice, but it was gone with his heart.

Yami's friends watched him worriedly. Was this his lover? Yami fell to his knees, one hand still on the coffin lid, and that was all the answer they needed. Only Yugi had the power to break Yami like that.

Chaos and his family offered to have the travelling group stay the night, the woods were dangerous around here and they didn't need another Prince less kingdom. Each had bunked up with their animal lovers; Yami had taken Yugi's old room, though Isis hadn't told him that.

Yami lay awake, staring at the ceiling in dulled pain. He couldn't get the image of Yugi in the coffin out of his head; it hurt so much to think that his wonderful lover would never open his eyes, or laugh or sing ever again. Yami's heart ached again, or the space his heart used to be ached.

Yami could honestly say he'd lost it when he'd realised that Yugi was truly gone. Yami curled up on his side and closed his eyes, only to have Yugi's smiling face appear behind his lids. The Prince sat up, sure he'd not sleep tonight, and pulled on a warm shirt.

Yami stared at his boots. Yugi… he covered his chest with a hand at the thought of the beautiful boy he had hoped to share his live with. Now he was gone everything seemed pointless! Breathing, talking, smiling, being a Prince… what was the point? Yami covered his face with his hands and sniffed quietly.

Seto, Bakura and Marik had had to support him back to the house when he'd collapsed. Yami had been such a mess, he hadn't sobbed or screamed, having been raised to keep composure, but he was very broken inside. Yami slowly stood up and unlatched his door. His body was on auto while his mind was blank or running in circles; circles that either avoided or directly confronted the fact that his lover was… gone.

Yami found himself leaving the back of the house and stepping through the portal into the enchanted glade. He felt a slight peace here, as if the aches of his heart were being numbed for a moment.

Yami moved to Yugi's resting place and laid both his hands over the glass. Yugi, my love… Yami thought longingly, his red eyes prickling with tears and his mouth pressed into a hard line to try and keep himself quiet; it was too peaceful here to break it with sobs.

The Prince's hand traced patterns over Yugi's coffin lid. He sighed deeply, regretfully. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, Yugi" he whispered softly. He knelt by the coffin's side "I can't imagine how scared you were, I hope you weren't alone" he murmured.

Yugi's face glowed in the moonlight, Yami smiled painfully, "Angel…" he voiced his thought. "You're so beautiful Yugi, I love you, I still love you, always" he promised softly.

The moonlight glinted off the glass and made it hard for Yami to see Yugi's face. So he reached down and unclasped the lock on the side, he carefully took off the lid, so Yugi's resting place looked like an altar. Yami sat next to him and carefully held his hand. After a moment he moved the bouquet of flowers to see Yugi's hands; his ring, the one he had made for his future lover, was on his left hand. Yami sighed in contentment "You remembered me" he sighed in a small happiness.

Yami hesitantly reached out to Yugi's face, cupping his cheek, stroking his skin, running a hand through his smooth hair, running a fingertip over his red red lips. Yami sighed, dreaming of another lifetime when they could have been together. "I have dreamed, that your arms are lovely" Yami sang lowly, something he's heard before, but couldn't remember where he'd heard it.

"I have dreamed; what a joy you'll be" he took Yugi's hand, surprised at how warm it was compared to the coolness of the night. "I have dreamed, every word you'll whisper, when you're close, close to me" Yami kissed Yugi's hand.

"How you look, in the glow of evening. I have dreamed and enjoyed the view" Yami felt a tear fall from his eye but didn't stop it "In these dreams I've loved you so, that by now, I think I know; what it's like to be loved by you"

Yami smiled at Yugi's face, whishing that he could see Yugi's eyes open again. "I will love, being loved, by you…" Yami trailed off and gave into his one last temptation. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to Yugi's in a final kiss.

Yami pulled away slightly and hugged Yugi tightly, he gasped in a painful breath, chocking on a sob. "Goodbye my love…"

Yami pulled away and slowly made his way towards the exit.


Yami gasped.

Yugi drifted and dreamed in his blackness. It seemed alright to call it 'his', like cushions and warm water. The young prince heard a lot of 'outside' as he had called it. But not too often, the blackness was everywhere; he just wanted to sleep…

Yugi felt a cool air brush over his face, he imagined someone pulling back a cover, telling him to wake up. But instead of a rude awakening from the blackness he heard a beautiful song, sung by an achingly familiar voice. The lullaby seemed to gently pull Yugi to the surface of his sleep.

Yugi felt a kiss to his hand, his ring hand. Yami's ring. Yugi remembered suddenly. Yugi felt warm at the thought of his prince. But who was kissing him? "How you look, in the glow of evening. I have dreamed and enjoyed the view" Yugi listened closely. The song is beautiful… but the voice sounded sad, very sad, like they were crying. Yugi felt sad too; Please, whoever you are, don't cry.

"In these dreams I've loved you so, that by now, I think I know; what it's like to be loved by you" Yugi felt a little light in his brain. The only person who had said such beautiful things to him before had been… Yami?

The young prince's heart warmed and jumped suddenly, as if it had stopped and now was trying to beat again. Yugi tried to call out, tried to ask if it was truly his handsome Prince who was singing; though there was really no doubt in his mind. At all.

"I will love, being loved by you…"

Yugi felt like crying at such beautiful words. I'll love that too.

Suddenly Yugi felt warmth over his mouth, the warmth spread all the way through him, like it was breathing for him; giving him his very first breath, chasing away a blanketing frost, sweeping aside a cover of dew and filling him with sunlight. His heart leapt again, and Yugi felt the strong pounding once again from within his ribs.

The sleepy layer pealed back and off like an old snake skin, the inducing mist evaporated out of his blood and off his skin, Yugi felt revitalised; like being lifted out of warm water into the cool, awakening air. Yugi breathed in and his fingers twitched. But he was so tired…

"Goodbye my love…" Yami's strong but sad voice wove into his mind through his misty, sleepy daze.

Goodbye? No! Come back! Yugi felt the arms unwind and the warmth withdraw. Yugi at once tried to find it again. He sleepily dragged his eyes open, he weakly turned his head to the side and saw a figure's retreating back.

"Yami?" he tried to shout, but it came out as a whisper.

The man froze with a loud gasp, his posture stiff and Yugi thought he saw him trembling.

Yugi's eyes slipped shut, it was so hard to keep them open. He blinked them open again and found that the man had turned and was staring at him like he had seen a ghost. Yugi yawned cutely and rubbed at one of his large eyes.

"Yami? Is that you?" he whispered sleepily.

Yami felt the world under him crumble as Yugi moved, spoke and lived. Yami's heart leapt and sang, by feeling alone he should have been on cloud nine in joy, and depth valley for deep shock.

Yami staggered over to Yugi and grasped his hand as he sleepily, adorably rubbed at his droopy eyes. Yami felt how warm the hand he held was, he felt it hold him too, and felt a large, disbelieving smile grow on his face.

"Yugi" he gasped, only just realising that he was crying too. He rubbed at his eyes quickly but only choked up slightly as he tried to speak again. "You're alive!" he whispered, gasped and partly sobbed out.

Yugi looked up at him like he was talking crazily, yet he was clearly only half awake. "Why wouldn't I be?" he held Yami's hand and reached up to pet his wet cheeks dry. "Shh… it's alright" he murmured before his eyes slipped closed and he almost fell back into sleep's arms.

Yami saw Yugi's eyes shut and grasped his shoulders to give him a little shake. "Yugi! Don't close your eyes!" he gasped out in panic. If he had been dreaming it would destroy him.

Yugi nodded and opened his eyes again "'Kay" he agreed as he gazed into deep ruby, he weakly tried to sit up. Yami saw what he was doing and put his hands behind Yugi's back to help him, Yugi smiled at the help and leaned on Yami's shoulder as soon as he was upright, feeling slightly dizzy. "You're warm…" Yugi murmured before shivering lightly.

Yami took off his cape at once and draped it around Yugi's thin shoulders. He cupped his little one's face before laughing in relief and disbelief "You're alive… thank the gods. But… how?"

Yugi just murmured and leaned more into Yami's body and touch "I'm so tired…" he whispered.

Yami chuckled and kissed Yugi's forehead. "Little one"

Yugi smiled and woke up a tiny bit more "My Yami… came back for me?" he asked, but didn't wait for an answer, he just nuzzled closer, nearly falling off his altar as he did so. "How'd you find me?"

Yami held Yugi close "I heard that you were lost, so I ran away to find you. I'm so glad you're here"

Yugi nodded, his dazed amethyst eyes sparkled though they were still misty with his deep sleep. "Yeah… me too… missed you" he said with a smile. Behind Yugi's eyes images flashed.

An old woman, his animalised friends, an apple, his cruel step-mother, Chaos, Isis, Mana and Girl, Silent… then darkness.

Yugi slowly raised a hand to his head and gave a low groan, the memories were patchy and the rest he was sure were dreams. "What happened to me?" he asked, slowly realising that there must have been something wrong to have been asleep in the middle of the day, and in all that drama.

Yami shrugged around him "You… I thought you were dead" he gasped out, holding Yugi so tightly he found it difficult to breath for a moment, Yami pressed his face into Yugi's neck. "But you were just asleep… just asleep" he whispered again as he unconsciously rocked them both back and forth, trying to convince himself as much as Yugi.

Yugi nodded and wrapped his slender arms around Yami's broad shoulders "I'm sorry" he whispered "I must have scared you"

Yami nodded slightly before leaning back and cupping Yugi's face again. Yami leaned in slowly before pressing a tender kiss to his red lips. Yugi smiled and kissed back, relaxing into Yami's touch. Just as they were about to let passion take its course they were interrupted by an ungodly sound.

Yami and Yugi broke apart and yelped in fear as someone screamed in the house, the first was quickly followed by others. Yugi sat up, wide awake now, and kicked his legs over the altar he was placed on "What's happening? Mum?" he called, he stood up and took a step. But weeks asleep had left him weak and he quickly fell to his knees with a small cry.

"Yugi!" Yami knelt by his side and picked him up into his arms, before carrying him in a brisk jog over to the house. Yami kicked the door open and stepped inside to see what could simply be described as chaos.

Bakura, Seto and Marik were partly running down the stairs towards Isis and the girls who were shouting at the top of their lungs to be heard, there were several boyish voices also sounding rather hysterical and above it all the three men of the house were talking loudly to each other in order to be heard, but they were clearly talking about the subject of the shouting.

Yami growled, Yugi feeling rather than hearing it because they were so close. "What's going on?" Yami bellowed, his authoritative voice only just being able to command silence in the chaotic mess.

Everyone turned and looked at him… before staring at the beautiful boy in his arms. Isis paled, along with most others. From behind her Ryou, Malik and Joey emerged, human again and looking very ruffled.

Yugi gasped softly before saying "Ryou… Malik, Joey… you're back to normal" he smiled in disbelief, a feeling that was quickly becoming common in this household.

Ryou was blinking like an owl, staring with a dropped jaw and looking like he was bout to pass out at any second. He must have only recently turned back into a human, because what he was wearing was clearly not his bathrobe. Judging by the pink colour, it must have been grabbed in a hurry.

Joey was similar, he had a oversized shirt pulled over his head, it went down to his knees, Yugi guessed it was one of Mahad's or Dark's, Chaos was too skinny and smartly dressed for that type of baggy shirt.

Malik… he must have woken up last as he was just holding a towel around his waist with one hand. Marik wasn't complaining it seemed.

After a tense moment everyone rushed over to Yugi's side and grasped at his hands, feet, whatever they could reach. All of them asking what happened or how this was possible. Yugi kept asking his own questions back and it was clear that no answers would be gotten soon. Silent had finally had enough of the noise and stomped her little foot, magic shooting out in fireworks and shutting everyone up, before she jumped up and flying her arms around Yugi, and just cuddled like a baby koala.

Isis regained her voice first. "I think… we'd better sit down and, um… explain what happened" she said in a daze. Happy, confused and completely overwhelmed. She was surprised that she hadn't fainted from this ordeal.

Yami nodded and took Yugi into the blue living room, setting him down on his lap, as he was reluctant to let anything come between them now. Silent was plucked from their moment by Chaos, who earned one of her famous pouts and glares. But the man just tucked her under his arm and stood in a corner to observe the situation and listen to the story. It would be a long night.

"I felt all warm… " Yugi said, a sleepy smile back on his lips as he spoke. "I heard Yami telling me goodbye and I tried to wake up to stop him going. But I was so tired… I'm still tired…" he complained slightly, his head drooping as his eyes did.

Yami pulled his head to rest against his chest. Yugi murmured happily and said "Then you were all screaming…" he trailed off as he fell asleep in Yami's arms. A happy coo was the last awake thing he managed to do as Yami kissed his forehead, then he was captured in sleeps embrace once again.

Isis smiled as her adopted son slept in his lovers arms, after a quick examination she had found him in perfect health, he was merely tired from fighting the curse. A light bulb went off in her head and she gasped "I understand now. He went into suspended animation when he bit that apple, not death"

Mana and Girl smiled widely, their family was back together! "But how would that of killed him? If that's what the witch wanted?" they asked at once.

Chaos scowled darkly and found the answer "Because she expected us to assume him dead, and bury him alive"

The girls let out horrified gasps of denial and Ryou whitened so much he looked like a ghost. "But that's…" he couldn't even find the words for it.

Bakura rubbed his back "It's alright Ry, it didn't happen. He's alright" he assured the teen softly, not letting his guard down too far, but down enough for Ryou to be there.

Malik smiled at them, before growling and smacking Marik's hand away from his midriff yet again. "Hands off!" he snapped, Marik pouting like a sulky child. Malik held tighter to the fabric wrapped around his waist and said "But how are we back to normal? Not that I'm complaining" he added quickly, but just as quickly continued as he smacked away another intrusive hand "Or maybe it would be easier to hurt you as a bird..."

"I love you too Malik-pretty!" came the defeated whine.

Chaos chuckled deeply, the first laugh in ages. The other Magicians looked at him in astonishment! Chaos shrugged as Silent beamed up at him "The answer is simple, Vivian cursed you three and Yugi, separately, but it was definitely her doing" he nodded at the sleeping Prince "Yugi's death must have been her strongest spell, then again most death curses are. When a spell that powerful is cast, there is always a risk"

Dark nodded as his lessons came back to him "It's like gambling, you have to have the right abilities and the right state of mind amongst other things for it to go right, but even if it does there's still the risk of someone undoing it, breaking the spell if you will"

Mahad continued without a pause "Because death curses are powerful black magic, there is nearly always the risk of every spell they've ever cast being undone if this one is broken. Using the gambling metaphor, if you lose badly because of your high risk, nearly everything goes. If Vivian was alive, she'd be powerless or extremely weak, possibly even dead if the curse put her in power/life-force dept"

Joey blinked "So… because Yugi's curse was broken, our curses also broke too?"

Chaos shrugged. "Basically, though it's more subtle than that, you probably won't understand fully as you've never used magic" the three boys nodded respectively. Chaos smirked suddenly "Think of it this way. Spells are like chain links, simple ones are easy to break, so they're the weakest links. If you've got the power to break the strongest link, as Yugi's curse was, then the rest will be breakable too. And so the entire chain breaks with the strongest one"

Isis snorted "Which is why only the desperate go for the black arts, it's dangerous and evil, only those with nothing to lose go that far, or they're just insane" she added, making her family laugh slightly.

Ryou smiled "I get it. So, Prince Yami? How did you break the curse?"

Yami frowned as he thought of what he had done. "I'm not sure, I just… I was so upset that he was gone. I had to see him and hold him one more time before…" he trailed off and held Yugi's sleeping form a little more securely to remind him that he was here, and alive.

Silent jumped up and ran to his feet, holding a notepad, to take notes on his story. Everyone chuckled at her antics; she hadn't acted this way since Yugi had fallen into his enchanted sleep. Chaos nodded at her "You should tell us exactly what you did, maybe the trigger will become clear" he suggested.

Yami nodded, Silent scribbled something though Yami had yet to talk. Yugi nuzzled Yami in his sleep and Yami paused for another minute to squeeze his body in a hug comfortingly. "Well, I couldn't sleep upstairs, because I was too upset that Yugi was gone" he started easily. "I went down into the gardens to see him, I wanted to say goodbye. I spoke to him, I told him how much I missed him, how sorry I was that I wasn't there for him" even now Yami still felt bad for being absent.

Silent scribbled again, concentrating so hard her lip was stuck out of the corner of her mouth.

"I took the coffin lid off to see him properly, I held his hand and found my ring" he ran a hand over the ring with a smile, Yugi had remembered him! "And I … I kissed him" he admitted, blushing a little. "When I turned to say goodbye, he woke up and called after me"

Dark thought with a wry smile for a moment "Detective Silent? What is your conclusion?"

Silent held up her notebook with an impish grin. A sketch of a bunny instead of any notes on the paper, the adults sighed with a few chuckles, Chaos face palmed, Girl and Mana laughed. Silent looked at her page in confusion before turning it around to the right page. This one had a drawing of lips.

Dark nodded "That's more like it" he praised slightly. He looked at the prince and his friends "I believe that the curse could only be broken by a kiss from a lover, something the rest of us are not, because we did the same things as you even the kiss, though not on the lips" he added with a thought.

Chaos nodded "Yes. So in short, only you had the power to break the spell, it's a good thing you stopped by"

Yami blinked in surprise "How could I stay away? I had to find him and make sure he was alright" he held Yugi protectively. Chaos raised an eyebrow but nodded in approval.

Isis chuckled and stood up "Come on, let's get some more sleep, we can see him again in the morning"

Yami tucked Yugi in next to him, with Isis saying he'd better keep all his funny business to himself, thus leading to the short explanation that Yugi had been adopted into the family. That scared Yami a little, if he upset Yugi in any way he'd have Seven angry Magicians knocking on his door! But besides that, it also offered big opportunities for combining the magical world with the normal world.

Yami tucked Yugi into bed next to him, feeling him cuddle back into his chest though he was sound asleep and recovering fast form his curse. Yami ran a hand over his hair and kissed his cheek "Sleep my love, I'll see you in the morning" he promised softly.

Yugi's eyes fluttered open slowly, he stretched leisurely like a cat being stroked wake, and nearly purring as warm hands smoothed his back and shoulder. Yugi looked upwards with heavy eyes and saw a handsome face with a warm smile.

The person holding him chuckled "Good morning" he whispered softly.

Yugi hummed slightly and closed his eyes again, he was too tired to be awake…

The person chuckled again and kissed his forehead "Yugi"

Yugi's eyes shot open and he sat up. He stared at the man who had been sleeping beside him and blinked again. "It wasn't a dream" he gasped, seeing his handsome prince beside him.

Yami smiled and sat up to curl his arms around Yugi "No, you're back with me, at last" he sighed and chuckled again as Yugi blushed.

"Er… d-did you sleep with me?" he asked softly. Yami burst out laughing, Yugi blushed some more, and glared. "Stop it!" he whined.

Yami did and shook his head "Not in that sense, I slept beside you, there wasn't enough beds, all your friends slept in their lover's rooms too" he pointed out.

Yugi nodded slowly then gasped "They turned back!"

Yami agreed with a smile "When I broke your curse, they all turned back to humans, though Seto liked Joey as a puppy, he hardly stopped staring at him" he laughed at the memory.

Yugi smiled and held Yami's hand "I'm so happy you're here" he whispered.

Yami leaned in so their foreheads were touching "Me too. When I heard you were missing I rode out immediately to find you. Will you come home with me?" he asked, hesitating as Yugi had a family here now.

Yugi hesitated "But… what about Queen Vivian?"

Yami blinked, remembering that Yugi had been in an enchanted sleep for so long he wouldn't have knowledge of recent events. Yami took hold of both of Yugi's shoulders "She's dead, Yugi"

Yugi gasped, a hand went over his mouth in shock. Yami winced "On the day you fell into the enchanted sleep she died, apparently your family chased her into a rockslide" he summarised.

Yugi lowered his eyes to his lap, not sure what to feel. He was so intensely relieved that he wouldn't have to be put under her tortures again, or her cruel stare, but she had died. And she was technically family… wait. "H-how long was I asleep?" he whispered.

"Six months" Yami replied.

Yugi squeaked in alarm! That was a long time! The world could have changed while he slept! His kingdom was left without a ruler for so long! "My Kingdom!" he gasped, thinking and fearing that it was now in ruins because he had been absent and Vivian had died.

Yami soothed him with a kiss to his forehead "Your Kingdom is fine, Yugi. The counsel has been running it. We received your ambassador a few weeks ago, asking if we had heard anything from you. I promised them that I'd find you, and now I have"

Yugi sighed in relief, before stretching and sitting up. Yami followed and pulled on his daytime clothes while Yugi changed behind him. Yami waited until Yugi was dressed before turning and holding him. "Yugi? Will you come home with me? Will you stay with me?" he asked softly into his shoulder, his head pressed there with the fear of rejection.

Yugi leaned back into him. "What about my family?" he asked softly.

Yami squeezed his waist "They can come with us, my Father and I would be happy to have them live in the Palace with us…" Yami trailed off with a sigh, seeing how flawed his idea was. "Or you… you could live here with them"

Yugi gasped.

Yami refused to let him turn around as his eyes were stinging a dangerous amount. He pressed his forehead into Yugi's shoulder a little more. "You can stay with them, I'll visit whenever I can…" Yami felt his heart ache, giving Yugi up hurt so much.

Yugi felt Yami's uneven breaths and gentle turned to Yami and raised his head with both hands. Yugi gasped when he saw Yami's watery eyes. "Yami… but what about you? You'll be sad" he whispered.

Yami nodded reluctantly before covering Yugi's hands with his own "But I want you to be happy" he said.

Yugi thought about it. He couldn't be happy anywhere knowing that Yami was sad, and here he'd soon be rather lonely as his newly human friends would most likely return with their lovers, they had no ties to this place anymore. His family would love him, but he had other responsibilities…

Yugi looked at Yami and said "What about my Kingdom? I can't stay here if they're waiting for me" he pointed out.

Yami nodded slowly and said "I… may have an idea" he said with a happy yet nervous glint in his eyes, Yugi tilted his head adorably. Yami smiled and kissed Yugi's hand, the one with his ring glittering on it "Yugi? Will you marry me? Combine our kingdoms and live happily together with me?" he asked, his heart about to burst from his chest and yet at the same time, about to plummet through the ground.

Yugi gasped, and didn't think twice about it. He flung his arms around Yami and half cried, half laughed "Yes, yes!" Yami sagged in relief and picked Yugi up as he returned the hug, spinning around and laughing like fools until their lips met in several loving kisses.

The door suddenly flung open. Yami and Yugi turned to see everyone smiling through the doorway at them and, though blushes appeared on their faces, they smiled back. Yugi raised his hand and said "We're getting married…"

Mana, Girl and even Silent all screamed and ran in shouting at the tops of their voices about how great it all was, Silent just bounced around and off the walls and ceiling instead of shouting. Isis rushed in and gave Yugi a hug and kissed him all along his forehead and cheeks "My little boy" she laughed out.

Yugi's friends crowded around Yugi, and Yami's did the same to him, all offering their congratulations. Mahad clapped Yugi on the shoulder before moving to have a word with Yami about taking care of him. Dark lifted Yugi into his arms and squeezed tightly, Yugi let out a strangled noise at being squeezed but enjoyed the open affection nonetheless "Ah, gods I'm cracking up!" Dark said thickly.

Chaos rolled his eyes and stood in the corner. He locked eyes with Yami at one point and said in his mind, Take care of him, or you'll deal with me, young man. Yami tensed but nodded "Yes, sir" he said aloud, not sure how to mind talk.

Chaos nodded once and went back to his distant scowling, though it lightened whenever he saw one of his family members smiling like the world was perfect. Yugi managed to stand before him at one point and Chaos put a hand on his shoulder. The simple act meant a lot. Yugi hugged him before being rushed downstairs to be given breakfast and to catch up with his family.

Silent leaned on Chaos' legs and smiled. Yugi'll be fine now, right? She asked Chaos worriedly.

Chaos grunted, and only Silent heard what he said. Of course, who do you think's watching over him?

Silent beamed and rushed off to join in with the others. Chaos was reminded of the first time she spoke to him.

A white haired girl, barely older than a toddler, sat small, dirty and dejected on a stool in his study. Chaos had just finished rechecking her injuries, thought Isis had repaired her magnificently, he needed to know himself that the little girl would be alright. He nodded to himself as her healing wounds appeared fast on the mend.

He stood up and looked at her. "Do you have a name?" he asked her.

The girl shook her head.

Chaos frowned "Where did you come from?"

The girl shrugged, looking at the floor, at her ankles that had clearly been in shackles most of her life.

The magician bent down and tilted her chin up. "Do you speak?" he asked her gently, though he'd readily deny it if anyone overheard him.

The girl nodded hesitantly and opened her mouth "Yes…" though she cringed in pain and tears appeared in her eyes, she held her throat and winced. Her voice was raspy, pained and barely audible, a breathy, rusty whisper at best. Clearly talking cost her much pain.

Chaos gently pried open her mouth, Isis had found nothing wrong with her throat and voice, but obviously something had been missed. "Why can't you talk?"

The girl fiddled with her hands and made a gesture of someone pouring something down her throat. Chao's blood boiled. He's heard of the cruel treatments of slaves before, but he never thought anyone was evil enough to do it to a child. He suddenly didn't feel so bad for burning the traders alive…

Chaos didn't really think of his next action until he'd done it. He touched her throat and transferred her voice to her thoughts, she was now and forever a permanent mute, but she would be able to talk. Later he realised that doing such a thing to an undeveloped brain would affect a child so young, she developed magical and metal powers for one…

"Speak" he commanded.

Silent opened her mouth and spoke, but no sound appeared but inside their heads. I cannot- she looked alarmed when her voice sounded without help of her throat. How can I speak, but not speak? She asked, slightly alarmed, without moving her lips.

Chaos patted her on the back. "I've given you a voice. You can talk to people through your thoughts"


Chaos smirked a little. Anyone you want. He replied in kind to her new way of speaking. You'll need practice talking with none magic folk though.

The girl smiled. Thank you mister!

Chaos patted her back. You're welcome Silent.


The tall man nodded. Yes, that is your name, Silent. The girl beamed and began jumping around like crazy before running out of the study to the others. Yet for some reason she never spoke to them with her mind… only Chaos.

The man shook his head with a rare fond smile, and followed his family downstairs.

Yugi returned to his Kingdom with Yami, leaving Seto and the others to return to their home and inform the Pharaoh about recent events, and the counsel was delighted to hear of Yugi's engagement, even more so than his healthy, happy return.

Yugi took control of his Kingdom and, with Yami and the counsel's help, soon began to rule like the King he always wished he could be for his Father. Eventually he ventured into Vivian's old rooms and found her mirror, and her witchcraft tools in the basement. He wasn't sure what to do with them, so packaged it all up and sent it off to the only people he knew of that would know what to do with it. His family.

Chaos had the witchcraft destroyed and kept the mirror, saying it would be useful. The Komodo dragon was going to be cast out into the forest, but Silent managed to tame it and insisted on keeping it as her pet. Much to Chaos' grief and annoyance.

Yami, had to return to his Kingdom to arrange things with his family and his people, not to mention surrounding Kingdoms, because they'd be combining they'd have to have a permanent path linking them together so that they'd be one. The only path that was logical was the Enchanted Forest, which also included Yugi's extended family, so it was perfect. After lots of negotiating, the surrounding Kingdoms agreed to this and soon all the ambassadors were invited to witness Yami and Yugi's marriage.

Yugi bit his lips and fiddled with his hands, they were getting married at the centre point of their meeting Kingdoms, the enchanted forest. Lots of tents had been set up to house the guests, large ones for important guests while servants got smaller. Yugi was sitting in the cottage, fiddling with his hands and trying not to hyperventilate.

Girl, Mana, and Silent had just finished preparing for being bridesmaids while Ryou, Joey and Malik were trying to get Yugi ready. Trying being the key word as Yugi's nerves made him fidget and tremble.

Malik groaned and slapped Yugi's arm "Stop moving! How are we meant to make you suitable for your man if you keep fidgeting?" he ranted, applying kohl to Yugi's eyes.

Yugi hesitated before sighing. "I'm sorry, I just- I'm so nervous!" he squeaked out.

Ryou laced up Yugi's shoes and tilted his head "Why?"

Since Yugi had woken Joey, Ryou and Malik had been freed from their servant status so that they'd be able to marry their lovers and be free.

Ryou lived with Bakura, Bakura wasn't as rich as the others, his family had been tradesmen, so they owned several shops and trade lines. Ryou often worked in a tailors shop, having been raised a servant, fancy embroidery wasn't very difficult to learn. Ryou also helped out in their leather stores, making boots and saddles. Bakura insisted he didn't have to work, and Ryou insisted twice as hard that he wanted to help Bakura. Ryou won in the end.

Malik started off living with Marik in the Palace, he was unused to being waited on and so quickly became uncomfortable and bored. Marik saw this happening and so moved into a smaller house nearby with only a cook and two maids. Malik was a lot more comfortable and often stopped by Ryou's shops to help out when Marik was working at the Palace. But, on occasion, Marik too Malik with him and they caused their normal chaos in the halls.

Seto and Joey lived in the Palace, Joey amused himself by training with the hunting hounds, having once been a dog literally, he knew how to bring out the best in them. People often called him childish as he'd play as dogs played, causing Seto's nickname to stick. Soon Joey's hounds were the best in the land and people would pay a lot of money to have him train or to buy one of his pack. Joey was reluctant to part with his animal friends, but never objected to training another.

All in all, the three were happy, they wrote to Yugi often as their reading and writing had improved thanks to a few spells by the girls when they visited. Yugi tried to visit as often as he could, and his friends in turn visited as much as they could as well. When Yugi's wedding invitation appeared, they at once dropped what they were doing to see him.

Yugi shook his head at Ryou's question and began biting his nails. "What if I make a fool of myself? What if I fall or forget my lines or-"

Joey flicked his ear "Stop it. You'll be fine. Yami's going to be waiting for you, and you'll have nothing to worry about as soon as he kisses ya" Yugi rubbed his ear and breathed, though he was still very tense.

Isis peeked through the door "Ready?"

Ryou giggled "Yugi's got the 'before wedding jitters'" he explained. Yugi bit his lip and offered a sheepish smile.

Isis didn't laugh. She just reached over to hug him "I felt the same on my wedding day… but Mahad was worth it, and I'd do it all again for the wonderful man" she said as she let him go. Yugi blinked. Isis chuckled "You look beautiful, Yugi" she said after a moment.

Yugi had traditional white kimono on with sandals and his eyes outlined in kohl to match Yami's. Yugi blushed and it made him look lovelier. Ryou and Malik nodded when he glanced at them, and Joey shot him a thumbs up.

Yugi relaxed and smiled "Thanks Mum"

Isis nodded, before letting out a little wail "My big, brave boy all grown up and getting married!" she sloppily kissed each cheek.

"Mum!" Yugi whined.

Isis winked cheekily and ushered the boys out. "Come on, Girl and Mana and Silent have been waiting for you" she said. The girls wore blue kimonos with lilies patterned onto them and they each help a bouquet of white roses.

Girl and Mana rushed up to Yugi and began chattering like birds "Oh my god! You look amazing!"

"He's such a lucky guy!"

Silent smiled and handed Yugi his bouquet while leaning up to kiss his cheek. Yugi smiled "Thanks Silent" and kissed her cheek back. Silent silently squealed and jumped six feet in the air.

Ryou, Joey and Malik took their places and Mahad appeared at Yugi's side. "Ready?" he asked his adopted son.

Yugi breathed and whimpered "No…"

The magician's laughed and soon their march was heard. Mahad put Yugi's hand on his arm to lead him down the aisle in place of his real Father. Mahad had secretly crossed into the spirit world and asked Yugi's parents for this permission. They had, of course, granted it.

As the light touched Yugi's face the crowds of people gasped in awe, the boy was an angel…

Yugi blushed heavily, and hesitantly looked up at Yami. He gasped.

Yami was staring at him as if he was the most precious thing in all creation, such clear adoration in his eyes. He wore black trousers, a white shirt that showed off a little chest and a black cape with a red underside. Yugi's breath caught and he suddenly felt all his fears fall far away…

Yugi beamed at Yami and the man smiled broadly back. Mahad placed Yugi's hand into Yami's and stood to one side, the bridesmaids followed neatly in line with him. Each one was so well behaved and happy that it was perfect.

The glade where Yugi had been under enchantment was where they were tying the knot, the altar that had once been Yugi's dais was now where they'd speak their vows. The glade couldn't' have been more beautiful. It was in the full bloom of springs end and had the warmth of the summer.

Yami squeezed Yugi's hand and they shared a dreamy smile for a minute before. The priest ordered their vows. "Do you, Prince Yami, take Yugi Moto, extended relative of the Magician's order, to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?"

Yami smiled "And for much longer" he vowed in a deep, rich voice, making many girls swoon and Yugi nearly went with them.

The priest chuckled before repeating the line to Yugi. "Do you, King Yugi, take Yami Sennen, future guardian of the shadows to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?"

Yugi gazed into Yami's eyes "I do, forever" he returned shyly.

"I pronounce you husbands for life, you may kiss" the priest granted. Yami pulled Yugi into a deep kiss, Yugi throwing bouquet and all around his neck to kiss back.

Dark smiled from the side and dabbed at his eyes with a drenched hankie. Girl giggled "Aww Dad…" Dark shrugged and quickly zapped Yami and Yugi's left hands, making their rings appear.

Yugi and Yami parted, foreheads touching and smiling like love struck fools, lightly swaying on the spot. Yugi grasped Yami's hand and together they ran down the aisle to their carriage, courtesy of Mahad and the girls.

The crowds cheered and clapped, a few disappointed girls cried, as the two newlyweds ran to their ticket to their honeymoon. The Pharaoh chuckled as his son raced to 'freedom' he was tempted to shout out some embarrassing advice, but quickly decided against it as it may make Yugi's limp a bit more sore in the morning.

Yugi paused by the carriage and threw his flowers over his head. The girls all reached up screaming, but a little blur of white got there first.

Silent grabbed the flowers as she jumped in her gravity defying way and landed on her bum in the grass, beaming happily, not fully understanding why so many people were glaring at her, she didn't care either. She waved them at Yugi, who was laughing helplessly at her eagerness.

Chaos raised an eyebrow. Isis was nearest and she heard him say "If any boy tries to hit on her, he'll have to face me" Isis merely rolled her eyes and waved.

Ryou, Joey and Malik waved form the arms of their lovers as Yami urged the wooden horses to move. Ryou shouted "Come back soon!"

Joey howled "What did I tell you Yugi?"

Malik smirked "Remember to use protection!" Marik burst out laughing.

Seto rolled his eyes and simply waved.

Bakura snorted "Mature… see you soon Princey!" he teased.

Yami chuckled and waved over his shoulder, speeding up as they continued down the path. They trotted off into the forest, vanishing into the gloom and away from the cheers of the crowd that followed them.

Yugi sighed and leaned into Yami's side, Yami at once moved an arm around him to hold him closer. Yugi smiled "So… what now?" he asked.

Yami smirked and stole another kiss before saying "Now? I don't know" he admitted, the light of the edge of the forest showing in the distance. "Why not start our 'forever'?" he offered.

Yugi smiled, blushed and cuddled closer.

"I like the sound of that" he admitted softly…

Please tell me what you think of this story overall, give me ideas of what you like for example;

Humor, Twists, Description, Storyline (though I can't take credit for all of it you know!), Replying to reviews, ect...

Amme: and that's the end. *cries* I'm going to miss this so much! I miss all my lovely stories!

Yugi: Next coming up is a team effort story with the Winged Sapphire Wolf "See Through The Dark". Keep an eye out for that appearing soon.

Yami: Also coming up is another Dinsey Crossover. "Yugioh Mulan" But, just to warn you, it won't be as you expect, Amme's going to try something a little different with this story... NO SPOILERS!

Ryou: Just so you aren't too sad about this one ending, remember there's nearly always another work in progress story. And finally there will be a oneshot dedicated to her recent performance, as well as finishing off "Dear Yami".

Yugi: busy girl.

Amme: that's how I like it! Please review! Bye!