Title: I've got Friends in Low Places
Author: Ash Gray Kitsune
Fandom: Avengers Movieverse
Chapters: 4/?
Pairings: FrostIron
Warnings: Some PTSD mentions, and some sexual torture. Don't worry, Tony and Loki both don't take that crap. :D LANGUAGE IN THIS CHAPTER. Because Tony is totally a Regretsy stalker.
Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel's The Avengers, nor do I make any profit off of it.
Tony was very, very glad for Loki's insistance that they sleep in a tree that night; the dogs howled all through the night, and what looked to be Hydra goons prowled their trail, confused by the swift cut off that was all Loki could manage as they curled up, the mage's head resting against Tony's reactor, hiding the glow quite effectively. Part of it was for warmth; the wind was a touch too cool for his tastes, and damn, but he hated being cold...for the first time in four years, he desperately missed the desert heat. Loki was fast asleep, his bruises half-healed, his arms and legs curled up in the hollow that Tony was stretched across, and Tony smoothed his hair back, sighing.
...He's been nothing but kind, even...even though they tortured him, hurt him...and when he's like this, in his element...he's actually pretty awesome. And easy on the eyes...oh, fuck it, Stark, you love a good piece of ass...and when there's a brain to match, you always fall a little bit in love. It's the adrenaline and the hormones...not...not... A loud crack filled the forest, and he stilled, hands gripping Loki's shoulder and head close, suddenly freaked that the glow had leaked...had shown through the night...Another branch followed, and Tony all but stopped breathing, fear making his pupils blow wide...when a blaze of hateful white light seared up from the ground, and he threw an arm over his eyes, roaring with pain.
His motions jarred Loki enough that the mage followed suit, hissing and pressing back into Tony, trying to get his bearings...when ropes closed around his wrists, and the pair was yanked apart, dragged out of the tree by Hydra's infantry, and forced to kneel before a dowdy little man, whose heavy German was barely intelligible, then they were forced up and hooded, leaving Tony to struggle, his mouth gagged by a dirty rag, as they were taken away...taken back to the hell that waited them.
Loki woke, bleary and full of pain, once more in the manacles, though these ones were on the floor, and he laid back, sighing tiredly. Damn...we were close, too. How did they find us? His thoughts wandered to Tony, and he winced, hoping that the genius wouldn't antagonize them too much. He remembered when he had done so...though he was thankful that the scold's bridle was off, and broken beyond repair. That, that had been a humilation he could not bear...
A distant scream brought his head up, and Loki strained against the chains, sudden rage bleeding his eyes dark red. Tony...
The engineer snarled, panting as the fat man gazed over at him dispassionately before turning back to his data, shuffling through thick stacks of heavy paper, something that Tony took as a personal insult. And there was a fucking rotary phone sitting on the desk. Even Steve didn't like using the old ones; once he figured out his Starkphone, he was playing Angry Birds all the fucking time. This was just...fucking insulting as hell.
"Hey, fucker." Rustle-rustle.
"Yeah, you, ugly fucker." Nothing.
"Toad-sucker?" Nada.
"Ass-fister." That got him a twitch, and Tony smirked, bowling right into the entire list of swearwords he'd gathered years ago. Bless April Winchell...
"Cock-monkey." Another twitch, and he was on a roll.
"Bitch bucket. Dog-faced spawn of a boil-ridden anus. Do you have a moose taco? Your friends look like shit-drippling cuntweasels, fuckers had to blind us like that...You know, you remind me of a 'fuck me' drunk, but I'd have to be fucking dead of alcohol poisoning to even consider that shit...or are you a herpes sniffing monkey fucker? I mean, it takes all kinds in the world...or are you a sodomizing goat herder?" Snap. The ugly bastard turned on him, and Tony grinned, that manic smile that meant he didn't care anymore...and a fist rocked across his face. Thankfully, the dumbass didn't know how to punch, but Tony acted winded anyway, tensing against the ropes on his arms.
"You...foul little man...you will pay for that..." He hissed out, and stalked away, slamming the door behind him...only for Tony to smirk. Amateurs.
It took him a few minutes to work the knots looser; he had a lot in common with the great escape artists back in the day, and practice always did make perfect; with a sigh, he had his arms free, and soon enough, his hands spreading across the desk, pocketing anything he could use; paper clips, stapler...and he almost sang out. A cellphone. Not, sadly, one that was even remotely up to date, but it had a signal, a strong one, and with a gleeful, manic grin, he dialed the special number set up to contact the rest of the Avengers, SHIELD, the Fantastic Four, and the X-men. Pepper had made him do the last three, and for once, he was grateful...and that was when a roar of rage filled the building, startling him enough to almost drop the phone.
"The hell...?" That was when an armored and bright blue Loki, glowing red eyes filling the room, tore through the doorway, panting.
"Let's go, Stark."