Authors Note: so this is an idea that I had that would not go away. I welcome any feedback. Also, I want to apologise in advance for any information that is incorrect, I am only 18 so know nothing about babies and their development. I will do my best to research things but I cannot guarantee it will be perfect. Anyway on with the story:
Saturday 10th September 2011.
So my therapist thinks that this will help as I do not enjoy talking about my emotions. I have been told that it might help to write to someone about how I am feeling but there is no one else so baby it has to be you. Today you came into the world after a good 12 hours of established labour and nearly 3 days of contractions. I have waited so long to see you angel and although it may just be us we are just fine. The point of this is that I talk about how I feel and to be honest princess mummy is petrified. They have flown us across the country to a small town in Washington called Forks. We are all alone but we will be fine together.
One day you are going to ask me where your father is and I am going to have to be honest and tell you that he wasn't a very nice man. That's how we ended up here in the middle of nowhere. When we met he was the nicest person ever but once we moved in together things changed. Looking back I should have left a long time ago I just couldn't bring myself to do it. That is until I found out about you. He could do what he liked to me but I will be damned if I let him lay a finger on you. As a result, when he was at work I packed up my stuff and ran. At 17 there are not many places you can go. I ended up at the police station where they contacted my parents. They both turned up with my step dad in tow. I got a lecture about everything that had happened and they hadn't even found out about you yet. I contemplated not telling them about you but decided it would probably be best to get everything out in the open. So to cut a long story short mum did not want the responsibility of a baby and that is how we ended up here with Charlie.
He has gone to get some fresh air apparently the blood doesn't agree with him. We have been left here on our own for the first time baby girl and I must admit it is a little bit scary. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that at 17 I would be a single mother without a high school degree. I wouldn't change you for anything in the world always remember that. Everything I do I do it for you angel; absolutely everything to make you happy and proud. I am going to do my best to be the best mum that I can possibly be for you. Due to my age social services have to be involved to ensure that I don't do anything that is detrimental towards you.
Mary is really nice a lot nicer than my social worker in Phoenix. Mary gets me to some extent. She too comes from what she likes to call 'a broken home'. She is keen that I talked to someone but it is so much easier to just write it down in this journal as if I am writing to you.
I love you so much my little sweetheart and I know you love me too. Our bond is unconditional and will last forever. Aimee Louise Swan. Aimee: from the French word meaning beloved; and that you are my beautiful. Louise: a famous warrior; something that you will need to be as you grow up sweetheart. Whatever happens we will be fighting together and I will always be on your side no matter what happens.
The doctor here is really nice. His name is Dr Cullen, or as he likes me to call him Carlisle. He knows my dad, your granddad, very well and has taken to us too. He is making sure that we get the best care possible. The nurses here are great too; they are ensuring that I know everything that we need to before we go home.
So far they have taught me how to nurse you; burp you; bathe you; change you and swaddle you in blankets. Trying to remember it all is a little overwhelming right now but I am sure that soon we will get the hang of it and everything will be fine.
Carlisle's son turned up at the hospital today with something from his wife, that is Dr Cullen's wife, not his sons. His son looks about the same age as me but far better looking. He has this beautiful bronze hair that he kept running his fingers through. The deep green pools that you could get lost in. He didn't have huge muscles but you could tell he was well-toned. He wore a tight black t-shirt and figure hugging jeans. He had to be the best looking guy I have ever met. I blame the chemistry on the hormones though. They make you do lots of crazy things.
Since I have been in Forks I have met Carlisle's daughter Alice. Alice is a force to be reckoned with. She is feisty but loyal. We met and became instant best friends; I have never really had very many female friends before but this is a refreshing change. I have yet to meet their son; Edward is his name but he never seems to be home when I am round there. I have to admit that I am a little cynical and that part of me thinks that maybe he is avoiding me. I mean I know that I am not the prettiest girl but I am not ugly. I suppose that I probably am now that I am a mum. Not many guys are going to want me now.
Anyway baby you are calling for your mummy to feed you so I must go. I shall write again soon.
Love you always and forever,
Isabella Marie Swan (that's mummy to you)
Authors Note: let me know what you think. Any advice is welcomed. I do not have a set update time as I have a lot of college work at the moment. The more reviews the quicker the updates. Xxx