Hello to everyone. It's the Last chapter and it's the first story I finished. I want to sent big thanks, love and hugs to every single one of you who read this little story and loved it. To everyone who favorited, followed and reviewed, I want to say that you made me smile. It was a great experience. This story had stacked into my head and I wanted to share it. Klaus and Caroline are so interesting that you can put them in every fantasy story and they will fit.
Special thanks to my fb friends that had supported me tremendously:
Alexadra, Maria, Vera I love you girls. Stella, Jenny, Xristina, Olga, Vasia, Venia and whoever else I had forgotten.
And here Justine thank you my love for the love you had given me and commenting on every chapter you kept me going.
And to Lily94 *hug *Kurisutori618 *kiss* redbudrose *adore you* XxLost-In-The-EchoxX HotHybridSex LibbyLue24 and all the Guests!
This tale was about pain, loss, love, change, hope, reunion. I wanted to show how love doesn't just stop no matter what other people do and no matter how much hurt this love brings. They were united the moment they helped eachother and became a family. I think that is very important and family built our character. That Caroline helped him defy his father and that he helped her forget the loss of her parents bound them for eternity.
Elijah, Klaus and Caroline were explaining the plan again but I couldn't concentrate cause all my thoughts were focused on Rebekah.
I couldn't lose her too...not when finally found someone that took my loneliness away and loved only me.
I heard Elijah mentioning Katerina and my head turned.
''What the hell has Katherine to do with any of this?'' I asked them confused.
''It seem my dear brother was withholding things from us like how he was bedding dear Katerina all this time.'' he answered and had an annoyed expression on his face.
We all knew that Klaus hated secrets.
''Elijah...I'm so happy that you have someone even if it's her. I mean I was ready to set you.'' she giggled and clapped her hands.
''Caroline your inner fangirl is showing.'' Klaus teased her.
''You know that I want everyone to be happy! And Elijah deserves someone that would take his loneliness away and Katherine is a perfect match to make him losen up.'' she said and looked at Elijah with puppy eyes.
''You do know I'm standing right here right?'' he told her ''And Katherine won't be here for another 3 hours. She was nowhere near Mystic Falls when I called her.''
''And we don't have time to wait for her.'' I said and gripped Klaus arm to make him turn his attention towards me.
He looked up and I saw him put the mask of Klaus the Original hybrid on.
''Stefan is right. It's time Tatia to get what she deserves.'' he growled and we all started moving towards the house.
When we reached her home and I saw her waiting for us in the doorway with her raven hair lose around her shoulders.
I remembered the time that I found her attractive that I let her into my life to forget Caroline.
It was a mistake...I still pay, a mistake that nearly destroyed us.
If only I had realized my feelings sooner maybe none of this would have happened.
But I had already to many sins on my back to know that I could not turn back time...only ensure that our future will not be tainted by her presence.
Today was the day all will end.
I moved towards her stopping in my tracks right across from her.
''Tatia...'' I whispered making her name fall from my mouth like blood.
''Welcome Klaus.'' she said and smiled like all this was a game and for her it probably was.
''Tell me a good reason I shouldn't just rip your throat right now.'' I said and I heard Stefan and Caroline move to stand beside me with Elijah behind my back.
''I will tell you two reasons...Kol and Rebekah.'' she replied and my head turned as I saw a male witch dragging my sister from her hair and throwing her in front of Tatia who caught her by her throat.
''Let her go now.'' I heard Stefan growling, his fangs emerging but he didn't move in fear of Tatia hurting Rebekah.
''Stefan... always so protective. Maybe that's why she called your name as I tortured her.'' she whispered to him and I could see the ripper rising in him.
Rebekah looked at Stefan and gave him a broken smile
''I only called your name cause you're late as usually.'' she said and Tatia tighten the grip on her neck.
''She can't heal. My witches made sure of that. So if I stab her with my knife she will go meet Fin on the other side.'' she said and looked Stefan right in the eyes.
That damn woman knew that Stefan would do anything for Rebekah.
She knew he had the white oak stake...she knew I had given it to him.
''Touch her and you will find why they call me the Ripper.'' he said and I knew he had closed all his emotion except his love for Rebekah cause even in his darkest hours his feelings for my sister never left him.
''I want the white oak stake Stefan.'' she stated and we all froze looking at Stefan.
''Stefan don't you dare.'' Rebekah started to say but a scream left her mouth instead and she fell to the floor.
All of us took I step forward and was on vampire mode ready to attack.
She had stabbed her...she stabbed her above the waist with her knife.
And she wasn't healing...She had hurt my sister...My only sister.
I swore I was gonna make her suffer.
Blood was flowing for the wound and her mouth.
''Now if you don't want me to make a matching wound on the other side, you better give me the stake.'' she said and extended her hand.
I was starting to feel weak from the blood loss.
Everything was hazy except Stefan's face.
At least if I was dying I could say that at least once someone had loved for who I was...that there was someone besides my brothers that wanted to spent eternity with me.
Stefan was frozen unable to deal with seeing me in pain.
I had blood in my mouth so I tried to make him understand with my eyes that I didn't want him to give the stake
Klaus, Caroline and Elijah were on the verge of attacking when Stefan pulled the white oak stake out and moved inside the house.
Tatia took a step back dragging Rebekah me her.
''Let me heal her. Take the stupid stake...'' he screamed and thrown it to her ''...and let me heal her.''
Tatia snatched the stake in the air and laughed feeling victorious and letting me fall to the floor.
Stefan moved towards me and took me in her arms while he cut his wrist with his teeth and put it on my mouth.
His body against mine was as warm as his blood.
I felt so safe as he hold me close, stroking my hair lightly and whispering that he would never let me out of his sight again.
I released his wrist and cupped his face when I was all healed.
''Late and not listening to me. What would I do with you Salvatore?'' i said but I knew my tone was sweet and my eyes almost teary when i looked at him.
I didn't want him to hand over the stake but I couldn't help but be happy that there was still a chance to have a hundred more years with him
''Try no to die on me again ok?'' he said his voice weak and he hugged me even more tightly before he moved us outside.
I watched the scene in front of me and I couldn't be mad to Stefan.
I would have done the same thing for Klaus.
We all would have done the same for the person we loved.
I didn't want anyone to get hurt, I didn't want this fight to happen.
I didn't want to see someone else suffer lost.
''Tatia.'' I called and he looked at me like she was noticing me for the first time.
''Please give us Kol and a little of your blood and I swear I'll let you go. I don't want to see anymore blood and death. I don't want a fight. Please stop all of this.'' I begged trying to reach her but Klaus pulled me back shielding me from her.
Tatia's witches and werewolves gathered around her.
''I'll spent my whole existence trying to get rid of you and now that I'm this close you think I'll just walk away? And do what? Fall in love and be weak like you? No Blondie...this is my life. This has always been my life.'' she said and I saw that time for talk was over as both sides were preparing for the combat.
I knew that something was happening outside even though I couldn't make what they were talking about cause the fucking spell was still upon me.
Being human was so fucking dull.
I had to break free...my brothers and sister were out there.
Bonnie was there!
Who would protect my little witch if not me?
I heard footsteps and then someone was trying to open the door.
I tried to hide in the shadows and find a weapon but the door open and two men walked inside.
They got closer to me and I stepped back but then I saw their faces.
''Wait aren't you the witches that work from my egotistical, stubborn, all my life revolves around Caroline brother?'' I asked when I recognized them from seeing them in Klaus's study?
They laughed quietly at my description.
''Yes we work with Klaus. He's distracting Tatia so we could sneak from the back and take you out.'' he said and cut the ropes that was around my hands while helping me to get up.
''So that she lose her only leverage and Klaus can attack her freely without being afraid that she would harm me. All he wants is her blood and that he could take even if he spills it all over the floor. Mmm he's clever my brother...I'll give him that.''
''Come Kol'' the other man said and moved towards the exit.
''Sorry darling but I can't leave I have someone in the other room that needs my help.'' I said and moved towards the other direction...towards Bonnie.
''But Klaus said...'' he started but I cut him off.
''He said to released me and you did. He didn't say where I should go after that.''
To say that things were crazy where an understatement.
There were vampires, werewolves and witches finding in every corner of the house.
People and furniture were flying in the air with the same frequency.
I could see Klaus ripping up heads trying to reach Tatia but more and more came to protect her.
Elijah I had to admit had style as he calmly disposed the hearts of his victims trying to not stain his suit with blood.
I was beside Bonnie fighting some werewolves but my eyes always strayed to Klaus and his was half the time fixating on me.
We growled at the same time when one werewolf girl broke my hand when my attention was elsewhere.
I turned around and attacked her aiming for the neck so I could rip her head off.
I succeeded and I heard a male to call her name ''Hayley'' and run towards me so he could avenge her.
But Bonnie was faster and stopped him in his tracks and then Stefan took his heart out and thrown it to the ground.
''Go to him Caroline. You're useless here not to mention easier to kill.'' Bonnie said pointing at where Klaus was fighting.
''I can't leave you alone Bonnie.'' I told her cause I was worried for her as much as for Klaus.
''I can't handle myself. You two won't concentrate if you're not side by side and you need to be there to kill the woman that haunted you all these years.'' she replied and smiled at me while crushing two more vampires to the wall.
I smiled back for a second and run to him.
I haven't understood how I much I needed him until I reached him and he seemed relieved that I was in his radar of protection.
Even in death and pain I wanted us to be together.
I wanted all of him the monster, the artist, the protector, the destroyer, My lover.
He was mine and I was his for this life and the next and I wouldn't die here.
Tatia was going to feel my ruth for all the things she had done to me and the devastating pain she made Nick suffer.
When I saw her behind me ripping the heart of the vampire that was attacking me I felt like I could finally breath.
Being separated was a fatal mistake. I was no good at fighting while she was away.
I needed her there so I could no she was safe but more than that I needed here cause it was just calming to hear her heartbeat clear and know she was still here...that the thing I was fighting for was still alive.
That her heart was still mine and it's every beat made her love me more.
Cause if it ever stopped this battle had no meaning...nothing would have meaning.
''You're here. Now you can watch the Alpha male in action.'' I said and grinned at her disposing a vampire's head with one hand.
''Did you just do that to impress me?'' she said and smiled at my childhood behavior.
''Maybe... Did it work?'' I asked and looked away to see that Elijah was getting closer to Tatia.
''I would have you on this floor right now until you begged for mercy twice...but we have a battle to win.'' she said and I felt my body getting hotter and harder at her words.
''That's a way to make me finish this battle even faster'' I whispered and we both shivered from the passion.
A werewolf took advantage of our state of distraction but I hold him from the neck before attacking Caroline and she staked him immediately watching his veins darken.
''We're a fucking good team.'' she stated and starting looking for Tatia too.
''I couldn't agree more.'' I replied and watched as Elijah and Tatia started fighting.
''We have to get to him'' I told her and we started moving towards them.
I was exhausted.
I knew I couldn't fight for much longer but I had too.
Why the hell did she have so many witches?
At least Kol was somewhere safe...Klaus made sure of that.
I was fighting with a witch when I felt someone behind me.
I tried to dodge the attack but it was too late as a felt him kicking my back and I fell to the floor.
I turned around and saw the witch and vampire looking at me like I was just pray to them which I probably was.
They knew I had power to fight only one of them.
Nut if I was going down I'll not go alone.
I closed my eyes, gathering my last powers and tried to think of my friends, my grandma, Kol.
I laughed remembering how much happiness this crazy vampire had brought into my life.
I opened my eyes and I saw both of them to the floor and Kol holding their bloody hearts to his hands.
''I learned that from Elijah...'' he said and smiled at me so sweetly that I forget where we were and I fell into his arms.
''You're here you bastard...you're here.'' I said and felt do safe in his embrace.
Nothing mattered that him and me.
We were together again and that was enough.
''First Nick is the bastard of the family. Second you're lucky the bloody spell was lifted a minute ago or I would have been the one in the floor and third...'' he said and he pulled away from my embrace, cupped my face and tucked my hair behind my ears.
His face was serious now...it was a face he only rarely showed and only to me.
'' I'll always be here with you. I'll always find a way to be there when you need me.''
''I love you.'' I whispered and I could feel his breath stop.
He had told me this words before but I never said them back to him until now.
He looked at me searching my eyes to see if there was any doubt.
When he found none he throw at me that smile that had made me fall in love with him and captured my lips.
He kissed me with a heated fervor and I forgot everything but his rough yet tender lips that were creating a sensual dance that made my whole body shiver.
I grabbed the back of his head and brought him even closer and he moaned as my body melted in his strong arms and my scent took over his logic.
''And while we have killed almost everyone Tatia send to us those two are making out! How is that fair?'' said Rebekah and hit Stefan on the chest.
I realized what I was doing when I heard Rebekah's voice and quickly untangled myself from him putting a distance between us.
''I hate you Rebekah.'' Kol growled and looked like he was about to murder her.
''Do you want me to kiss you too?'' asked Stefan Playfully and throw her over his shoulder.
''Hey what the hell are you doing?'' she almost screamed.
''First I want to protect you cause Kol was ready to attack you and second Elijah is fighting with Tatia in the other room and only 3 vampires and a witch are all it's left to protect her.'' he said and made a notion for us to follow.
''Come Stefan...put me down.'' she said but even I could understand she was enjoying this.
Stefan and Rebekah was always so different when they were around eachother.
''Nope. I rather enjoy you here and I know it was one of your dreams with all those 80s movies you watch.'' he said and we all laughed.
We were moving in a deadly Dance around eachother both knowing that we only needed one good move to end eachother.
She had the white oak stake but I could just rip her heart and all this would be over.
I couldn't risk staking her cause then there would be no blood to give Caroline.
And it was essential for Caroline to be free of the curse.
I have watched my brother for years suffering, being so broken that I had to force blood in his mouth, so angry that after killing whole cities he even attacked us.
If I wanted my brother with me and happy...Caroline must be at his side.
And I wanted to do it for Caroline's sake too.
She was my sister, we had grown uo together.
She was part of my family and to me family was the most sacred reason to fight.
''Elijah...This isn't your fight. Step back please.'' she said and for the first time I could see the girl I had fallen in love centuries ago.
''It's my fight as long as you're attacking people I care about.'' I answered her and I reached for her chest but she was quicker and moved behind me.
''I don't won't to kill you Elijah. You were the only one to ever love me even for a short while.'' she said and I noticed she wasn't attacking me.
''I mourned your death for many centuries Tatia and I still wish you wouldn't chosen this path that you would come to me.'' I said and took a step closer to her while she seemed taken back by my words.
''I...I hated Klaus too much. He had used me like Agron has done when he left me alone and pregnant. He left me with no honor. They all just used me and I couldn't not make them pay. They should suffer as I had.'' she said and they were tears in her eyes.
''End it Tatia. Give us your blood and start again. Forget all you've been through..we can all found happiness again. I did with Katerina...you can do it too.'' I said and I was standing right in front her not attacking cause I really wanted to save her.
I heard a loud noise and I saw that the stake has fallen from her arms.
She seemed genuinely confused by her own behaviour but didn't do any move to catch it and I didn't either.
''If you take my blood will you let me go?'' she said and wrapped her hands around herself.
''I swear Tatia and I always keep my word.'' she was ready to do it when Nicklaus and Caroline walked through the door.
They saw that she was unarmed and were ready to launch at us before I made a move and got infront of her.
''No more blood Nicklaus. She would give us her blood willingly.'' I said but Klaus was only looking at her with more fury that I have ever seen.
''Caroline I know you don't want any more death.'' I said and I saw the veins disappear from her face.
''Nick...'' I started but Nick looked at me with disbelief.
''Not a chance she survives this love.''
Klaus moved towards them, Tatia hold Elijah's arm tighter, Elijah shield her with his body and I took a step towards Klaus to calm him.
The thing we all missed was the other figure that entered the room and was standing behind Tatia reaching for the Stake.
When I saw him...it was too late.
I could only scream in synch with Tatia.
Tyler shoved her aside and staked Elijah from behind.
Tatia yelled''No'' as she felt to the floor but the most agonizing sound was Klaus.
I had never heard such a soul tearing growl again.
It saked us all to the core.
And Elijah...Elijah was looking at the stake like he couldn't believe that his fate was sealed.
''For my family...'' Tyler said and it was the last sound ever made before I run towards him.
I felt no remorse for him, no love...I felt nothing.
Nothing but rage as I reached for his head.
''And this is for my family.'' I said and my hand came in contact with his neck in such a force that the bones broke.
I held his head in my hands for a second and all the memories from our moments together crossed my head before removing his skull and throwing it across the room.
I couldn't move...my muscles were frozen.
This isn't happening I repeated to myself.
My brother, my big brother was dead.
It was a different kind of pain than losing Caroline..it was numb.
It cut me deeper...he was my blood, one of the few person that never left me.
My big brother, my big brother.
I saw his eyes as he realised he was dying and they were wide from shock and fear...fear of dying...want to stay in this world.
If he was killed months ago he may welcomed it but now he had finally found love, acceptance, Katerina, us.
He had everything he wanted for centuries and they stole it from him.
I didn't care about Tyler right now...I juat wanted Elijah to be saved somehow.
I forced myself to his side and I knew I had a little time before the fire started.
Before it took away my...
I couldn't say it.
Not again...I killed him...Like I did Henry.
''Klaus'' he whispered as I kneel beside him and cried over his body.
''I died for our family that's all I ever wanted.'' he said and screamed as the stake reached his hearts and black veins started to appear on his body.
''Katerina...tell her Klaus...tell her that...'' he said but the flames started from his heart and his words stopped.
I was still holding his hands while the flames spread and I heard him murmuring ''As long as it exists'' and then he was gone...gone from my side...gone for the world and I should be in his place.
The flames were everywhere consuming his body but I didn't let go even when they reached me.
''NICK'' I heard Caroline screaming but I didn't care.
Nothing mattered why should I be happy and my brother dead.
''Nick get away...NICK PLEASE...NICK...DON'T LEAVE ME...NICKLAUS.'' she cried again and again and tried to move me but I pushed her away.
I could feel the fire at my upper hand but the flames felt purifying, liberating.
I could see Elijah's face anymore and I tried to remember his face.
His last words hit me again. ''As long as it exists''
''Come Nicklaus'' Elijah said as his was dragging 6 year old me inside the Forrest.
''I had found a place for you.'' he said and smiled at me.
I followed him running to catch up to him.
He stopped and then I saw it.
It was a lake...a beautiful lake hidden from the world because of the trees and rocks.
''I found it by accident and it's for you Nicklaus. Everytime our father hits you or you want to be alone you could have a place to call yours.'' he said and looked at the horizon.
I couldn't speak cause noone has ever give anything to me.
Only Elijah showed me Kindness. Finn and Father hated me...really hated me.
I did everything I could to win his favor, make him proud but it didn't work.
The worst was my mother. She just looked at me but never touched me...never spoke a kind word to me...Just looked.
I had also Rebekah he was just two years old and I swear I would never left her alone.
That when she grow up she would always know that I love her as Elijah did to me.
It was just the two of us against everything.
''Thank you Elijah.'' I said and I couldn't convey all my feelings.
It was something I was never good at but he knew...he always knew.
''You'll always have me Klaus as long as this lake exists.''
''As long as it exists.'' I whispered and for a moment I loosen my grip on his arms and I felt hands raising me up and moving me away from his body.
I could see Kol and Stefan dragging me away as Rebekah put out the fire on my sleeve.
We fell to the floor both of them exhausting from trying to move me.
I looked up and show that the flames had stopped.
I looked around the room and I saw it was a mess.
Rebekah was still holding my hand and cried at my side.
An Caroline...where was she?
I needed to see her...i needed er touch to remind me to stay and not follow Elijah.
I spotted her beside a beheaded Tyler and I vaguely remembered that she had done that.
She killed him for Elijah.
She wasn't crying but was curled like a ball in the corner.
I got up and sat in front of her.
''Caroline...i said but she just throw herself at my arms.
''I thought I had lost you too. You...you were leaving me. Elijah was gone and you were leaving me too. She said and cried at my shoulder.
I didn't say anything and just hold her, hold her closer than ever before.
I wanted to bury her inside me.
We didn't need words just this was enough.
It was the only way to really convey my feelings.
''Home'' I whispered in her ear and she tighten her grip around my neck as her tears stopped.
Blood was everywhere in our faces, in our clothes, in my mouth.
Death and blood was all we knew at this moment.
I wanted to stay at his arms forever, the only place I could forget but he suddenly let go.
''You.'' he said and pointed his finger at Tatia.
''I won't run Klaus. My only chance at starting again is gone.'' she said and got up standing infront of him with her head tight like A queen.
''I dreamed of this moment for years.'' he said and gently cupped her face.
''My other servants will still haunt her.'' she said coldly.
I got up, we all did and got closer to them.
''She will become an Original sweetheart...the only thing that would kill her...'' he started but she completed his sentence.
''Is the stake that killed Elijah.'' she said and I could see Klaus eyes darken and hear her cheekbones break.
''Don't say his name.'' he whispered deadly and she shivered.
''You'll always had one Problem Klaus. You led your heart, your love for her rule you.''
she said and gave him her crazy smile.
''And you always had no heart to give to anyone.'' he replied and shoved his hand in her chest, reaching for her heart and pulling out in one quick move.
Her eyes wide from a moment before she fell to the floor.
She was gone, my death was gone.
I couldn't believe it after all this years that it was over.
Klaus hold her heart above his mouth and squeezed it letting her blood fall slowly to his mouth.
He reached for me then placed his hands on each side of my neck and kissed me
deeply while Tatia's bloos was entering my system through his mouth.
Suddenly, his kiss intensified as if he were trying to prove something to both
of us.
Trying to prove that we were free, that finally we could be together forever.
He slid his hand down my arm to capture my hand in his.
He nipped my lips with his teeth I felt my whole body trembling.
He laced his fingers through mine and I felt it then.
It wasn't something magnificent like the wind opening all the windows or lighting circling around us...It was simple.
He kissed me some more and I tasted her blood as our tongues were dancing together and then I felt stronger and it was like something was lifted for my chest.
We didn't stop though we just continued our sensual dance.
He lost his hands in my hair whispering he loved me and I run my hands through his face, wiping the blood on my way and murmuring that he was my life
It was fierce, demanding, a kiss of longing. And one of promise.
He was gone. The only man that ever saw past my façade was on the other side away from my reach and touch.
I had come back late, finding them crying over his body.
If only i was here a little sooner then I maybe be with him laughing than standing over his dead body.
I missed him, missed myself when i was with him, missed the trust he gave me, the soft kisses before we fell asleep.
He had changed me and she couldn't go back.
I hadn't talked to them or cried from the moment I saw him lying there burnt.
''Kill me Klaus'' I said calmly.
Everyone's head shot up looking at me with shock written in their faces.
''What are you talking about?'' said Caroline and tighten her grip in Klaus's shoulder.
I hated it.
Why did she still had her love and I had lost him?
''Why'' he said with his voice under control.
He was the only one that wasn't surprised by my words.
''He's is not here and he was my salvation. I run from you for years not really living. The only time I felt alive was with him. Who else could love me? Who else would really know me and accept me? How can I love after him? If I have to run then I would run to him. He's on the other side Klaus and I want to be where he is.'' she said and tears formed in her eyes but never fallen.
''What if you don't find him?'' he said and walked up to me
''I have eternity to look.'' she said and put his hand over her hand.
''Elijah told me to tell you he loved you. Before he died he whispered your name Katerina''
''Nick don't'' Caroline said but I still looked at him...pressing his hand deeper in my chest.
''Tell him that he's still with me as long as it exists'' he said and then his hand was gently stopping my heart as I fall into my deeper sleep to wake beside my love.
Klaus and Caroline
They were in their room trying to get over all that happened, holding their hands like they're life depended on it.
Lifting the curse came with the price of losing Elijah and that still haunted them.
Both of them blamed themselves for his passing.
''Why did you kill her.'' she asked softly and moved closer so she could be in his arms.
''Cause if you died I would want someone to kill me too, to give the chance to follow you.'' he said and pushed her hair out of her face kissing her head.
''I wouldn't want you to do that.'' she said and cupped his face tracing it with her hands.
''Still I would.'' he said and kissed my cheek lingering there.
''So would I.'' she said ad kissed his jaw multiple times.
''I know what we've been through but I want you to know that I don't regret choosing you over and over again. Your love kept me alive. Everything you are is a part of me. Every side of you is a side I love. I don't care if you are a sinner or a saint Klaus. I love you just the same. I love when your hands destroy everything that comes in our away and I worship them when they touch me so gently as if could break. I fell in love with you from the first time in the lake as we watched the stars and I never was happier than when you made me smile. My world is you and I know that losing Elijah is killing you but I would mend you like you did when I lost my parents. I will see your smile again cause I LOVE you Nick. Always and forever.'' she said and kissed him on the mouth slowly savoring his taste.
''Care...You're everything to me. All this century my only goal was to live one more moment under your shadow. The reason I don't join Elijah is you. I love my brother more than you can imagine but you...you're me Caroline. Killing myself will mean to kill you. We cannot escape eachother, we're trapped in the same golden cage. Every though I do has you in it. You saved me in more ways than one. I would burn the whole world down to have you in my arms. When you throw your first smile at me I was lost...everything became clear. With your every death I just love you more and more. I love you my light and you're always gonna be my destiny.'' he said and the time for words were over as we kissed with a different pace than usual.
Making love now wasn't just to satisfy our desires.
It was redemption, it was healing.
His tongue entered her mouth and lingered there moving agonizing slow over every part of HER.
She run her hands on his back making circles, soothing him.
They were in a sited position as he entered her feeling her to the core.
They didn't move at the beginning enjoying their unison.
They were only complete when they were one.
She could feel him all over her body and he felt like he was coming home when he was inside her.
He moved inside again slowly but unbelievably deep.
He was so hard that it made even that move almost painfully pleasurable.
She sat up making him almost pull out of her and then again took him in her moaning from the perfection of the move.
''Look at me'' he said and Caroline met the eyes of the love of her life blue as the morning sky looking at her with pain, affection, need.
''I always looked at you'' I answered and he seemed to lost it remembering all they times they made love, all the times that she looked at him like he was the most precious thing to her.
That's why he wanted her yes on him when the made love.
He wanted to see he face as he filled her, as he brought her to pleasure, as he was making her mine and show her that she was his medicine.
Only moments like this he could forget about Elijah about everything that him and her.
He thrusted some more time inside her so deep that he hit her soul and then they were coming around eachothter more hard than ever before cause it was more than sex it was two souls becoming one.
They both tangled their hands in the other one's hair and whispered ''Home''.
Cause that was all they were looking for all this years.
A Home, a family things that were taken from them.
And they found it when they first looked at the stars together and they looked back at them.
I can't believe this is over *even if I have a small extra chapter*
It was so great writing this and you supporting me.
I really can't say how much I love you!
For Klaus in this story I wanted him to stop hurting. He was the one that watched her deaths over and over again. The one that remembered and fight for they love. The one the stayed behind.
Now he will finally have the happiness he deserves and the love of his life forever by his side.
Caroline never had control over her life and she experienced a different kind of pain. The pain of emptiness, of always feeling half and not knowing what was missing. Her lives was so sort, the moment she was happy..she was gone and she left the people she loved behind. Now she remembers everything, she controls her fate, she found Klaus...the piece of her heart that was always missing.
They and all the others characters/couples that I truly love are together and the will be always and forever.