So many follows and fav's…. not a bad amount of reviews…. And an EmberMclain13 who apparently wants to be called The Scrypt Keeper now….

Fine xD


The Scrypt Keeper: TOO BAD!

Me: *le types up angst*


Danny bolted up from his bed and screamed, only after a while realizing that he was awake.

"Oh… it was just another dream….." He said out of breath, while wiping the brow of sweat that developed on his face.

He got up and walked to the other side of the room, where he had a glass of water, Danny contently drank all of it. When he put down the cup he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. It's been almost two years since he got his powers, and now he wakes up in the middle of the night screaming from nightmares because of them. His face turned into a scowl as he picked back up the cup and threw it at the mirror, the glass cup shattered. Danny waited a few moments to see if the sound had woken anyone up, it thankfully didn't. He took a few steps closer to the mirror.

Maybe there was a reason he was having all these dreams. Maybe the things Dan said in his dream were…. True?

No. It couldn't be.

But… it's possible isn't it?

Danny glared as his reflection as he crawled back under his covers.

"I'll never turn into him…" He said, as he felt his eye lids growing heavy again.

That's what you think.

Danny's eyes shot open as he scanned the room to see where the noise originated from.

"Who's there…?"


Danny sighed and pulled the covers back over his head and went to sleep.

Danny rubbed his eyes as he walked down the stairs to receive breakfast.

"Good morning…" He mumbled to his parents, his mother was making an omelette while his dad was tinkering with another ghost invention, which eating a chocolate omelette of course.

"Good morning Danny! Would you like an omelette? Decide quickly, or else your FATHER will eat it all…."

"What can I see honey? They're delicious!" He said, with that usual childlike joy.

"Eh... that's okay mom. I'll just have a granola bar…" Danny replied, still half asleep as he made his way over to the fridge to get some orange juice.

Authors note:



MJ: Yes….?

Scrypt Keeper: Get back to the story.

MJ: Fiiinneeeeee.

"Jazz!" Maddie shouted up the stairs "Come downstairs for breakfast before it gets cold!"

Danny went back upstairs to get dressed for school. When he passed his sisters room he noticed the door was wide open. Cautiously, he walked back towards it.


No answer.

"Jazz, you're normally the early riser. Mom's calling you down for breakfast." He said as he wandered into the room looking for the light switch. When he found it. He dropped his glass of orange juice on the floor.


Sanity Muse: …Are you gonna keep pausing everytime something OJ related comes up?

MJ: Yup.

Sanity Muse: -.-

The room was in shambles. Jazz's multiple brain books that she would never let Danny even breathe on were strewn across the floor and torn. Posters were ripped with claw marks through them. Her bed sheets reduced to nothing but scraps of pink fabric, and Berburt looked like Edward Scissorhands got a hold of him. Danny stumbled out of the bedroom, the damage wasn't what left him weak, it was the message on the wall in what Danny hoped was ketchup that terrified him.

"Your fault."

When Danny's back hit the door of Jazz's room that was when he started screaming. Jack and Maddie Fenton came running up the stairs with weapons ready to kill. When they saw the state of Jazz's room they refused to believe it. Danny just stood there trying not to pass out.

After recovering from their shock, Jack and Maddie went downstairs to call the police. Soon reporters and anyone who was even remotely involved with the media was outside their house.

Ironically, Danny was the only one out of his own house. He was up on the roof trying to clear his head when a certain Goth joined him.

"Hey D…."

No reply.


Still no reply. She sat down next to him, it was four in the afternoon and the breeze was still blowing.

"You know… it's not your fault."

Danny could still see the red "paint" as he'd taken to calling it. Because he refused to believe it was anything other than that. It was mocking him really; he knew it was his fault. The strange and mocking part? He didn't even have a reason; he just didn't have a reason for blaming himself this time.

"The paint in Jazz's room begs to differ." He said, with a dead tone. As if all the life had been drained out of him.

"They're trying to knock you off guard Danny…. "

"Sam you don't get it. Anyone could've taken her, and when I say anyone I mean ghost OR human. The fact that my parents called the police just SCREAMS that! The last time they called the police was when our neighbour's cat got stuck up in our tree! The fact that they can't find their version of a logical explanation means…" He trailed off. He didn't want to finish that sentence.

"Danny. Jazz is smart, and she can handle her own. If Tucker didn't have detention, he'd be right here agreeing with me. They'll find her…"

"No Sam. They won't. Because I'M going to find her."

"Danny, you-"

"No Sam. I'm serious."

Sam exhaled in frustration and sadness, she knew it would be useless trying to change Danny's mind.

"Alright….. Look, I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure…" Danny replied, but looking over the city from on top Fenton Works, he looked like he was in his own world. So when Sam was walking towards the door to go back downstairs, she turned around, ran up to Danny, kissed his cheek and went back downstairs.

Only after she left did Danny's mouth twitch in a small smile.

Yeah…. I realize this was a kinda of boring chapter. But it should start to get interesting from the next chapter… I hope.

On another note? Let me know how you like the story so far! Please? Or else…

MJ: *ties up Danny and Sanity over a pit of snakes* I'll be forced to drop them in there! :D


Sanity: PLEASE.

MJ: Till next time! This is MJPhantom8998, signing off~