Yess, my beloved readers, it is so good to be BACK!

Okay, first things first please allow me to sincerely apologize for not updating this story in seemingly forever. Sidetracked and all of that aside, I think I will try to continue this story and all the others to the very best of my ability. No flames please, keep them all to yourself, as I simply do this for fun and in my free time - which hasn't been a lot nowadays. I also do not have a computer and need to go to the library to type all this up, so please be considerate of all of these elements that I have been trying and failing to work through.

Someone amongst the reviews, bless you all for your feedback, mentioned about starting at season one. Yes, I did this out of the reason to build up Iris's character and make you understand why she is the way that she is, doing the things she does.

There will be character bashing.. alot. This is a very big warning here, my beloved readers. I love Bonnie, I really do, and I enjoy reading stories that show here being badass and actually reacting in ways that she should have reacted within the show. However, the fact that Dear old Julie made was that Bonnie is Elena's witch.. much more than what could be categorized as being friends. It was just like Emily being Katherine's servant and Lucy being played by Katherine as well. I hate that Bonnie is their go-to witch whenever they want a magical fix, but she allows them to continue to do so, continue to treat her that way.. and I believe you only can allow so many things to happen before you yourself are to blame as well. I love strong Bonnie stories and have written some that you are welcome to check out.

I also favor and enjoy stories that Klaus is paired up with Caroline, I love the bad boy/good girl dynamic.. However I wish things were different then what the show gave. In it, Caroline only flirted with him when she needed to be a distraction. There is one of my stories that I will hopefully update soon that is titled : Darkened Bliss, and will show exactly what I wished would have happened between them. They had so much chemistry together and she didn't act on it because of things that didn't even happen to them. They happened to Elena. I could understand them hating Klaus for the things they did specifically to them. -.-

I have been going through my story list to determine what I want to keep, delete or revise. My writing has gotten much better, if I do say so myself, since I first started and will be editing my stories to make them better. They are hereby under construction.

This story 'Tainted' will be changed to the title 'Succubus Mine' very soon, as I feel that would be a more fitting title. While Iris Bennett `can very well be considered a much darker, tainted version of Bonnie - she is first and foremost a powerful succubus/witch hybrid with a hidden agenda. She is tied to both Tyler and Klaus, and is their mate in ways and reasons that will be explained in due time. She is feisty, sarcastic, fiercely loyal to the very few that she allows into her heart.. and will hate anything and everything that is in regard to Elena Gilbert. Which, sadly involves Bonnie who loves and protects Elena just as fiercely, will be bashing. I am sorry but this is not one of the stories that will be pro Bonnie.

They won't get along at all because of the fact that even before Bonnie knew about the supernatural, she took her grams' statement of Iris being a 'demon' and a figure of doom as if it were law and absolute truth, regardless if she didn't know or understand the reason why. There is a gap between the two of them that neither of them want to make amends of. Bonnie - with her judgement and suspicion towards Iris as well as angry with her constant attitude towards Elena.. and Iris - who within her confusion and heartbreak towards the sister that she had once been extremely close to would treat her as if she were not of blood. Iris act cold to cover up the hurt, and has no problem with acting like the bitch that Elena makes her seem to Bonnie.

Caroline will be Iris's friend and will not be apart of the scooby doo gang with a life membership. She will be strong and will be paired up with.. most likely Enzo. THIS IS A PRO REBEKAH STORY -if you don't like where I am going with this at any time? Please feel free to leave.

I do hope that you still care for this story and are ready for updates. I will, once again, try my best to update my older stories when I have the time. Please be on the look out of them as I do hope to have time to type up more chapters soon. :)

Sorry for my rant that was supposed to be short.. oops, but I felt that you should know where I am going with this. I hope you like it.


Deep aquamarine orbs narrowed ever so slightly from Iris's place in front of her locker, which she slammed shut with more force than what most people would deem necessary after she grabbed what books she knew she would require for her first and second period classes. There was something about the new kid that seemed completely off to her, though she couldn't seem to identify exactly what it was about him that made something within her stand up on edge. Unlike every single teenaged girl within radius of them, she did not fall victim to his mere presence. One she was very faithful to her boyfriend Tyler Lockwood, and two - even if she didn't have a boyfriend - she would hardly be like these desperate bitches around her that swooned over a complete and utter stranger.

There was something about him that assaulted her sense the wrong way just by the one glance that she had offered his form as he swaggered past them with a permanent air of self entitlement. It was in the way he flitted his forest green orbs over them all as if he were above them, a higher being on the food chain. His muscles were clenched as if he were restraining untold power underneath his skin that anyone beside herself would turn a blind eye to. It was in every single movement that he made towards the main office, absent was the first day nerves that anyone else would have if they themselves were in his place. There was no 'New town, new school, new chances' type of vibe that rolled off of his indifferent form, as if he had moved a few too many times to even pretend to get excited about the prospect of it.

Something within her that laid in slumber had awoken abruptly by his presence as he walked past them, as if a pair of predatory eyes snapped open and regarded the new kid with wariness. Iris couldn't help but ponder if it was the magic she had come to realize when she was younger, pulsing through her veins and offering comfort from the inside out, was the cause of such abrupt feelings. If it was, however, than yet another question came spiralling towards the forefront of her mind.. What was the matter with the new kid that made such a feeling engulf her emotions? What was it about him that made the sudden adrenaline pulse angrily within her veins?

She knew she couldn't really judge him, no matter what the wayward feelings his presence gave her, because she didn't know of him. Everything about him was a mystery to her and everyone else that resided within this backwater town, but it still didn't cast away the emotions that plagued her when she looked at him. Iris decided to remain silently offensive/defensive toward him, like she always did when she analyzed a possible threat, able to switch from one phase to the other in less than a half a second. Maybe in the midst of it would be able to answer some of the questions about him, not going so far as to ask them herself since the mystery around him sure as hell didn't engulf everything within her life.. but Iris made a mental note to ask Ty to be careful around him. That something just didn't sit right with her about whatever-the-hell-his-name-was.

She started to walk down the noisy hallway of her fellow peers catching up, discussing their summer with smiles curving their lips and a distantly fond look entering their eyes - before she purposely slowed to a stop in front of one of her friends. His bright blue orbs expressively holding a weird mixture of dejection and longing as he stared distantly a crossed the hall, as if he were trapped within his mind and in a memory that tortured him now to think about. It was something that she easily identified yet twisted something within her heart - painfully.

His name was Matt Donovan, quarterback of the football team and one of the very few people that were still her friend despite the fact that others had a much different opinion of her. He was a friend that turned out to be family, always looked out for her even when her own blood turned their backs on her for no apparent reason. He loved with his whole heart and it may very well be the only flaw that she knew him to have, however it was his ex girlfriend that ripped his heart out of his chest, shattered it into a million pieces and stomped on it with the sole of her white tennis shoe that she was required to wear for cheer leading - that pissed Iris off beyond words.

Mainly because not only was said ex girlfriend Elena fucking Gilbert, the she-bitched beauty queen that suckered mostly everyone in with her big doe 'I could do no wrong' eyes one minute and tortured Iris since the very first day of the first grade because Iris didn't treat Elena like royalty, but also Iris was pissed because Matt was actually a really good guy. Working more often than not at The Grill, literally the only restaurant/bar in town, to pay for the bill and take care of his druggy little sister that was just as flighty as Iris remembered their mother to be. It was such a heartbreaking shame to witness the train wreck that Matt went through while having Elena Gilbert as his girlfriend, the manipulative bitch playing with him and pretending to like him when Iris truthfully thought that Elena never really did like Matt other than being his friend. ...Bitch.

Yet, despite the torment that Iris went through because of Elena over the years, she kept her opinions to herself and didn't voice them to anyone else besides Tyler.. mainly because she knew he would be the only one that actually listened to her rant about how she had no doubt that Matt could do soo much better than the likes of Elena. She also didn't want to chance driving Matt away because she didn't like his girlfriend… even if the both of them knew where she stood on anything that revolved around the olive skinned brat. Iris remembered a time when she at least tried to pretend to like Elena for Matt's sake, only to be bullied yet again.. and when she finally had enough, when she responded back?

It was then that Elena magically produced crocodile tears and pointed the finger towards Iris, claiming that Elena was the victim all along and that it was Iris that was bullying her when all Elena wanted to do was 'try to get along with her'.

Manipulative.. Fucking.. Cow.

Iris didn't care any more to play nice with anyone, refused to conform to anyone else's will but her own. Iris behaved towards others .. just didn't give a rat's ass if she behaved in a way that others may have considered 'well'..

A playful smirk curved on her lips as she looked up at his frame with a raised eyebrow, stopping in front of him and waited for him to notice her. It didn't take long for him to snap out of his daydream turned nightmare of his time with Elena Gilbert, and copied her expression while completely missing Elena's half hearted wave in his direction. "Hey Mattie.." A glint of mischief entered her orbs when she saw him roll in own in mock exasperation. Emphasis on the word mock because she had no doubt that deep down he loved the added I and E that she took upon herself to attach to his already shortened version of 'Matthew', she was sure of it even if he didn't open his mouth to confirm or deny such a thing.

Her previous pity that she felt for him was cast away by triumph as the sadness within his orbs dimmed a little and amusement slowly replaced it. She was damn sure going to help Matt, little by little, get over the likes of Gilbert.. because as she said multiple times before, Matt deserved so much more. She shook her head a little bit to cast away the thoughts that lingered within her mind, before hugging him gently and telling him that she would see him later. With that, Iris turned to walk down the hall, the gentle squeak with each step of her converse echoing within her sensitive ears as she felt the two all too familiar death glares of her slightly younger sister and Elena. The familiar feeling of her hair standing up on end when she was on the receiving end of one of them, confirming it more than the need to see for herself.

A taunting smirk curved upon Iris's lips as she mused on just how petty they were, just how easily they allowed her to get under their skin even if she didn't speak a single word to either of them. She had no doubt plaguing within her mind that both Bonnie and Elena were gossiping about her right this second and Iris was actually amused with just how much her silence as well as her unbreakable friendship with Matt that bordered on a sibling bond - actually infuriated the two of them to no end.

It was only the first day of school and like Iris had dry predicted - there was already drama lingering within the air.. and it wasn't even eight o'clock in the morning yet. Fan-fucking-tastic..

Others who walked the halls may be feeling despair on Elena's behalf, due to the good lord from above taking her parents over the summer after they drove to pick her up from one of the parties that they held, yet Iris still hated Elena's guts. She wasn't going to plaster a fake smile like anyone else and pretend to have pity for the girl. Life happens, people. The only definite thing is that we are born and we die, what we do within that time span in entirely our own decision. Iris was only sympathetic and loyal to those she let into her heart, a short list that Elena had never been apart of. The world goes on and her life didn't revolve around Elena Gilbert, it never had.. so why, pray tell, would she adjust herself or her attitude to benefit Elena Gilbert? Iris was positive that she would rather choke on nails.. or better yet Tyler's dick, pleasurably torment him for leaving her turned on this morning...

Maybe later sometime this evening, Iris could convince Tyler to raise a shot of Bourbon with her in celebration to yet another year of keeping their sanity despite what life may throw at them, of being the only real people that they knew that didn't hide behind carefully constructed masks.. She was sure that he wouldn't need much convincing.

It was looking up to be an interesting year already…


Okay, if you have a comment or simply just want to celebrate with me that yes, I am not dead. I am still alive and kicking, lol, please feel free to review and let me know what you think. If you still enjoy this story and want me to continue, please let me know, and I will work on what other things I have in store for this story. Thank you so very much for reading and I hope all of you wonderful people like it.