"One more push" The nurse told her

"This is the last baby I am having." She yelled at her husband

"It's a girl." The doctor

"Her name is Sidney." She told them

"Dad are you cutting the cord?" The doctor

"Absolutely" He told them

As he cut the cord, he got a good look at his little girl she was absolutely beautiful.

"Here you go mom." The nurse as she handed her the baby

"She's tiny. Sidney Grace we love you so much." She told her daughter


JJ sat straight up in her bed, she had tears in her eyes, she looked at the clock it was four am. She knew that the next three days she wouldn't sleep it was like this every year for the last four years, she didn't know why she thought this year would be any different. She climbed out of their bed, making sure she didn't wake Will, and went down stairs to the living room. She started remembering again.

"I am going to go take the boys trick or treating then I will be back." Will

"Okay, I am going to sleep for a little bit; make sure that you take lots of pictures and tell them that I love them." JJ

"I will they were excited to see you and her today." Will kissing her head

A nurse walked in the room.

"Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to let you both another nurse will be in to take Sidney down for the test that the doctor talked to you about." The nurse

"Do you know how long it will take?" JJ

"An hour at the most; get some sleep while she's there." The nurse

"Okay, thank you." JJ

"Cher I am going to leave. I love both of you." Will

"Bye, I love you too." JJ closing her eyes

JJ heard the door open and looked up but she didn't get a good look at the nurse who was taking her baby.

"An hour right" JJ asked, almost startling the nurse

"Yes, sweetheart get some sleep." The other nurse

JJ watched still half asleep as the nurse wheeled the baby out of the room; she fell back asleep and didn't wake up until Will came back in the room.

"Cher" Will kissing her head

"Hey, that didn't take long." JJ opening her eyes

"I've been gone for four hours." Will looking around the room

"Four hours, no one woke me to feed Sidney." JJ sitting up

"Did they take her for the test?" Will asked when he realized the baby wasn't in the room.

"Yes, right after you left. Will where is she?" JJ, starting to panic

"They probably took her to the nursery to let you sleep." Will

"I want Sidney. Will please go get her." JJ, she felt sick something was wrong.

"Okay Jen." Will walking into the room

The only thing she remembered after that was hearing Will yell at someone to find their baby. Then the team along with most of the cops Will worked with were at the hospital looking for Sidney and asking questions. JJ couldn't answer the questions she didn't see the nurse, all she did was cry.


Will woke up when he realized JJ wasn't in the bed next to him, looking at the clock it was 4:30 in the morning. He laid there for a minute knowing that he would find her on the couch, neither of them sleep much if at all this week. Sidney would be five tomorrow and it would be another birthday that they would miss, she was a day old when she was taken and as much as he and JJ loved Henry and Chase they both wished Sidney was there. He climbed out of bed and went down stairs, seeing her sitting on the couch.

"Cher" Will

"I didn't wake you did I?" JJ asked

"No, I woke up when you weren't there." Will sitting down next to her

"I started dreaming and I" JJ not finishing

"I know." Will pulling her into his arms

"I keep telling myself that this year will be different but then I hate myself for giving up hope." JJ told him

"Jen, we both love her that isn't changing no matter how long it has been, but we still have two boys and each other. Neither of us is giving up hope." Will

"We have been through so much over the last five years, I know that we have to move forward but I still feel all the pain of that day." JJ

"I still wonder who she would look like or what her personality is like; if she is as stubborn as her mother." Will

"Are you mad that I didn't want to have the picture aged?" JJ asked

"No, I understand your reasons and I would be looking for that face every day too." Will

"I try to picture how she would be with Henry and Chase and how much of a daddy's girl she would be." JJ

"I am sure she would have my wrapped around her fingers just like you." Will kissing the top of her head.


New Orleans

"Do you remember what I told you?" Older man

"Yes, that I can only talk to them." Little girl

"You better listen, I'll know if you don't." Older man

The local cop was at the window.

"Sir you were speeding. Can I have your licenses and registration?" Cop

"Sorry, I don't have those with me." Old man

The cop noticing the small child in the car, debates on what to do.

"Sir I need you to step out of the car. Honey your dad will be right back." Cop

The older man steps out of the car and follows the cop to the back of the car.

"Sir Can I ask why you were speeding?" Cop

"Just in hurry." Older man

"Your name sir." Cop

"Don't have one." Older man

"Sir, I have no choice but to take you in." Cop

"You have no choice; I think you have lots of choices." Older man

"Sir please turn around." Cop

The cop read the older man his rights and put him in the back of the police before he went back to the car for the little girl.

"Honey, I have to take your daddy to the station for some questions. Do you know where your mommy is?" Cop

"He is not my daddy." The little girl

"Your granddaddy" The cop

"No, I don't know who he is. He took both of us and left her there." The little girl

The cop stood there in shock before calling it in, less than ten minutes later there was twenty cops at the scene. The little girl had stopped talking and would scream every time a male detective came near her and the older man wouldn't answer their questions, he finally looked at one of the detectives and said

"You want me or her to talk call in the BAU team that David Rossi is on."

"Why would I do that?" Detective

"Tell them I have the answers to the one case they have been trying to solve for almost five years now." Older man

The detective shut the door, telling the cop to take him to the station.

"Do you know the team; I think the helped work a case here years ago?" Detective

"Over twelve years ago and yes I know them; my sister-in-law is on the team." Detective Shane LaMontagne pulling out his phone.

Shane stood there debating on if he should call Will and Jen or another member of her team, after the kidnapping he had all their numbers, he decided to call Rossi to see if he came up with the same thought Shane did he hit the button on his cell phone.