Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

E/O Challenge: Clip. 100 & 200 word drabbles. #1: John finds Sam quizzing the neighbors. #2: Even the monsters are armed these days. Spoilers for season 8.


Then and Now

"All things truly wicked start from innocence." - Ernest Hemingway


A/N: John finds Sam quizzing the neighbors. 100 words. Teen!Winchesters. Possible ironic foreshadowing of Season 8.

Forewarned is Forearmed

"Whatcha doin', kiddo?"

Sam excused himself from their neighbor and trotted over to his family. "Canvassing."

John plucked the clipboard from Sam's grasp and glanced through the... questionnaires?

"Thought I'd try a more proactive approach to hunting."

Sam sighed in relief when John chuckled, but then looked thoughtful. "Although, I guess some things don't mean us harm?"

When John scowled, Dean spoke to distract him. "See all the angles, dontcha Sammy? Reckon you'll be a lawyer one day..."

At Sam's grin, Dean couldn't resist a jibe. "...or snuggled up with a vampire!"

They all laughed at the ridiculousness of that.


A/N: Even the monsters are armed these days. 200 words. Spoilers for season 8. Having just watched 8.02, let's just say I have concerns about Dean...

Armed and Dangerous

He'd hidden, frozen in terror, after seeing the callous way the intruders had dispatched the guards. Horrified, he'd watched as one of the murderers rolled his shoulders and bared his teeth. Oh God, those teeth!

What's wrong with the world when even the monsters from nightmares are alive and armed?

"Gotta vote for stricter gun control next time for sure," he'd giggled to himself.

When the men had turned back and started towards him he'd panicked. He'd grabbed a gun from one of the bodies and started firing. At least they'd seemed to be vulnerable to bullets; despite his poor aim he'd been able to keep them at bay with a couple of judicious shots.

Now, pinned down behind a desk, his heart sank when he squeezed the trigger and heard only a faint click. He made a maddened, scrabbling search of the guard's body, but there was no spare clip to be found.

He sensed, rather than heard, the looming presence standing over him, and looked up just in time to see a knife slam down hard into his chest. In his last moments he heard the man shout to his companion.

"Sheesh, Benny. This guy wasn't a demon."
