The Season of the Mage

Disclaimer: I own nada. This is for fun. Note: This fic it set right after the Grand Magic Games with a tiny twist that Sabertooth and our dear Fairies tied for first. All that nutso stuff with dragons and gates also never happened and Hector is alive. Ultear and Jiemma are both alive and not missing. Also Sting and Rouge's characters will be a little OOC compared to the show –their characters are based off of their badass intro selves. Anywhooooo onto the revised version where I've switched around quite a few pairings! (PS I'm not quite sane).


Chapter 1: A mountain of mystery


Lucy tossed the green-faced Natsu off the still train, cringing apologetically as he abruptly retched over the grassy platform. Erza, without batting an eye, unhitched the tail luggage compartment and dragged it behind her like a child would her blanket. The remainder of their guild poured out of the opening doors and chatted excitedly amongst themselves; it was finally the Season of the Mage. The Fairies began the trek up the sacred winding path through the Elfwoods to the Dragon Castle. Well –everyone save Erza, who had lifted the multi-ton train car over her head and leapt up the mountain. Pffft show off-

"Blerrrrg-" snapped Lucy out of her reverie, side stepping her zombie-like adoptive brother. Waving over Lisanna and Gray, the blonde handed over her dragon partner to his long-time admirer.

"Lisanna, you need to get used to travelling with him as an official member of team Natsu…" Lucy huffed, a tad peeved at the glacial speed the Natsu-Lisanna relationship was moving. She'd never get to be an Auntie at this point with how dense Natsu was. The fire ball was lucky to have a persistent girl like Lisanna at his side. If only the take-over mage could get over her 'sympathetic- vomiting' condition. Nasty bit of business, that is. Lucy pushed away those thoughts with a grin as Lisanna greedily carried off the rose-haired slayer up the mountain with ape arms. "Ne, Gray. Don't you think those two are cute together?" She chuckled when the ice man grumbled something akin 'gross'. The pair –er trio if you count the stalker water mage- joined up with the Raijinshū and began their ascent.

Master had earlier explained the traditions that went with the season of the Mage; the dress codes, the protocols and many events. Most importantly, he explained the original significance behind the season.

"Children, gather 'round," Master hollered atop the bar ledge to the full-house of Fairy Tail members. The room went curiously quiet as they turned from their seats. Master rarely said 'children,' only when there was something more serious to talk about.

"It is good to be back after seven quick years," he began jovially, secretly enjoying the apprehensive looks on everyone's faces. They had reason to. The last time he called them all like this was to 'volunteer' mages into a surveillance mission –which, needless to say, did not end well for the seven that went. Jet never did find that part of his missing ear, bless him, but this bomb shell required a little more finesse. It wasn't exactly dangerous and the old man was determined to sell it that way to his crew. "I'm proud of my family for participating in the Grand Magic Games! We've trained hard since then and I'm even more proud with our progress in those few short months." Master looked around the crowded room as nervous murmurs of agreement flitted about. "For this Guild and many Guilds over, this next event is critical to our survival," The old man held an excited twinkle in his eye. He knew the majority of his children were more than ready for this event as very few members were married or too young.

"It's called Season of the Mage-"a sharp, pitched inhale came from their resident bookworm who Lucy could barely keep breathin.

"The whole guild will participate, young, old, single or married –those who are married will bring their spouses. Our Guild has been dormant for too many years and it is time to put Fairy Tail back on the map. I have confidence you will all do well this season." Master bit back a smile at the confused expressions cropping up around the room. Only a few had clued in to what he was talking about. "The Season of the Mage is a two week long celebration. Mages from all around the world mingle and participate in a variety of events held at Elfwoods. There are very few duelling events. Its purpose is to increase the number of mages by creating er- special bonds between people." The old man looked through the crowd, hoping to see understanding faces. He'd hoped he didn't have to spell it out for them. His gaze fell on three equally confused Dragon Slayers followed by a sigh.

"In other words-"

"It's a place to find a hubby n' get laiiiid" Cana called out, currently leaning on a blushing Droy. The guild erupted with fits of laughter and cat calls; many devious grins and shy blushes broke out. Wendy looked horrified.

"That's one way to put it, thank you Cana," the weathered old man chuckled. "It happens every six years. Oh. There's no need to get upset Wendy, there's a kids' section with games. You don't have to get married or find a suitor." The young girl looked immediately relieved at his words and released her death grip on Romeo's sleeve. "As I was saying, the rules…"

The Fairy Tail Guild looked ethereal with their elaborate white and gold garbs made from pure magic. They were all unique in design, befitting story book royalty, courtesy of Levy's research and solid script abilities. The men had various versions of a prince charming suit – white cape, pants, blazer and tall boots. The gold accents took on various forms based on their magic type. The women had on long, white strapless dresses –slim fitting and trailing behind them into a mist. Gold accents came in the form of jewellery, sashes and trailing ribbons. Levy had enthusiastically insisted on magi-attaching large translucent fairy wings tipped with gold on every girl's back which admittedly looked beautiful. All in all, they looked as if they had walked out of a fairy tale.

Lucy couldn't help but sneak a stare at Bixlow. She had never seen him without his helmet before this and by God was he handsome. That was until he winked at her and gestured squeezing her chest. The celestial maiden stiffened, swiftly moving behind Juvia and out of his sight. She inwardly groaned, thinking she walked right into that one.


He couldn't believe how small she was. The average woman came up to his diaphragm. Levy only managed to make it to his navel. Gajeel glanced down again at the blue haired mage tuckered out in his arms. She'd exhausted all of her magic reserves on the train ride here –creating clothes, summoning forgotten items, changing designs, graciously creating iron for him... He didn't think she could get anymore cute when he first laid eyes on her but he was wrong. Now she snuggled sleepily into one of his overly large biceps and he could barely suppress the blush. With her attire, she looked nothing short of a beautiful blessing from the sky. He'd start pursuing her as soon as she woke up. The iron dragon wouldn`t be able to keep his hands to himself much longer this close to the Season. His instincts screamed at him he'd rather die before letting another man touch his pretty bookworm.

Gajeel swallowed and looked anywhere but her to rid himself of the obvious blush. Unfortunately for him, he didn't see her eye peak open or the triumphant smirk spread across her pretty face. Unfortunately for him, he didn't realize that this situation had been planned out to the T by little, innocent Levy.

Innocent my ass thought Levy as she quickly schooled her features back into an angelic, dream-like expression. She added another 'sleepy' nuzzle into his God-like chest for good measure. I've probably had more bedmates in a month than he has in a year. But none of them will even come close to his whale of a – her thoughts fell short as she felt his warm hand draw lazy circles on her neck.

She couldn't help but eventually fall for the giant Iron Man. Or maybe she'd always liked him from day 1 despite his many transgressions. He looked adorably delicious every time he blushed at her smile or fumbled with his words when she crossed his path. She loved to make him nervous but never let on that she noticed. No. She kept up her cutesy everyday attitude until the perfect situation arose to pounce. Which was now. What she wouldn't give to bring this hulk of a man to his knees and beg her. Kami knows how she wants to wrap her legs around his hips and squeeze his ass as he pistons into-

Poor Warren Rocko nearly fell down the lush mountain after receiving the strong thoughts emanating from Fairy Tail's resident genius. The newer mind reading skill he had acquired during training was now more of a curse than a blessing. Mira looked at the scowling man questioningly but Warren mumbled "you don't want to know" before yelling at a confused Gajeel to get a room.


Master watched his guild loosen up as they climbed the twisting path of the densely forested mountain. The surrounding mountains dripped glacial water and were capped with heavy tufts of snow; one could easily tell this green mountain was enchanted and drenched in magic. It was a Mage's haven from the harsh world. The elderly man smiled as he saw many typically serious members of his guild begin to goof off and loosen up. Laxus seemed to be playing with the Exceeds. Bixlow was chasing after their celestial maiden like a rabid dog. Evergreen was laughing with Jet and Wendy. Even Gray was being civil to Juvia. The magic on this mountain was strange magic indeed.


The Sabertooth Guild's elite five hung lazily about in the trees not far off from the 'sacred' path. They had scoped out the strongest competition of the incoming Guilds over the last 2 days as ordered by Master Jiemma. Minerva cracked a malicious grin as she saw the 'Fairy trash' ascending the mountain far below them. Sting watched his nakama's eyes sharpen and hone in on something interesting. The glint of golden hair caught his eye and he couldn't help but return her ruthless smirk. The other three members paid them no mind as the two flew from the tall branches onto their unsuspecting victim below.