(A/N Ok here's the new story I came up with a little while ago.)

It was truly remarkable to find these pictures, paintings, and letters. Mathew Baker stood in an old, old mansion found in the middle of a forest. Abandoned. The locals say it's haunted by the ancient lovers. "So young, yet so old." Matthew said to his friend beside him. Angela nodded looking at a painting dating back to the 17th century. A boy no more than 17 stood with sword in hand and his other arm wrapped around a redheaded girl. It was curious because the boy had the sword raised while the girl held her own sword so it was across her and the boy as if to say 'touch him and die.' Mathew looked at another painting of the same couple but it was from the 18th century. The girl with red hair was sitting down her head rested against the boy from before. He was standing his hand rested on the girls shoulder holding her hand. Angela started going through an old trunk filled with things from World War One. "Oh Mathew look! I found a picture!" she said holding up a very old picture frame. Mathew took the frame and looked at the picture. The same boy and girl. Except that the boy was dressed in military dress and the girl dressed as a nurse. They stood next to each other holding each other like it's the last time they will see each other for a long time. "You should read some of these letters." Angela said holding them up. Mathew took them and began to read.

Dear T,

I hope you are doing ok. Here at the hospital men keep coming and dying. I don't think I can take it anymore. Seeing the light from their eyes slowly going out. I miss you so much. Please stay alive for me. I don't think I could take any more bad news. My friend Margret died yesterday. She was only 17 like me and you her whole is now gone. But hopefully we will make it out alive. When the war is over I want to leave, move some place peaceful. I want to watch children play with the dog and watch the sunset with you. But I know our luck, be careful my love, I pray I will see you one more time before our time in this life runs out. Goodbye for now. I love you.

With so much love,


Dear my sweet beautiful girl,

I really do miss you. I think about you every waking moment. Here in the trenches it's terrible the gas attacks, the explosions, my friends die right before my eyes. In the gas men fall and slowly die, they try to breathe and get nothing. No man's land is dangerous. You have to take your chances to run across and the chances are slim. I Hope to see you again sometime soon. I know our time in this life running out I hope I can see your beautiful face again before it's too late. I don't think I could wait a hundred years like before. I must go my love. I promise to write soon, I love you so very much. You keep me going. You're the one I think about in this hell, you are my heaven.

Love, T

Mathew looked at the letters and shook his head in sadness. The next two pieces of paper were to the families saying they perished in the war. Angela looked up at the paintings, and picture, her brows furrowed. She tilted her head to the side. "Mathew I recognize him." She said getting off the ground. "Really? Who do you think it is?" asked Mathew curious. Angela pulled a magazine out of her bag. "I was reading this earlier. And it had him in it." She said flipping to a page and holding it up for Mathew to see. Mathew's eyes widened. "Tony Stark…" he said then laughed in happiness. "We should pay him a visit. Ok boy's load everything in the truck! We're going to New York!" Mathew yelled happily and left the mansion with Angela in tow.

In the darkness a demonic laughed sounded. "I'll have you this time, you can run, you can't hide though. I will always find you. This time I will have you. You won't be able to kill yourselves this time." The demonic voice said then slipped back into the shadows.

Meanwhile in New York:

Tony laughed at something Pepper said and continued to work on the armor. "What? The charges were dropped!" Pepper said defensive. Tony looked up and smiled at Pepper who smiled back. "Come on Tony we should get out of here. You've been in here for like two day's straight!" Pepper said tugging his arm. Tony thought for a moment and sighed. "Alright, alright I'll go out." He said and Pepper smiled like she won an argument. They left the armory and walked down the busy streets of New York. "What do you want to do?" Pepper asked and Tony thought and got an idea. He took her hand and led her to a small restaurant. They spent two hours talking, laughing, and eating together before they started for Rhodey's house. Tony opened the front door and let Pepper go first. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw two people talking to Mrs. Rhodes. Rhodey sat at the table trying to hold in laughter. The two people and Mrs. Rhodes turned toward them. One of the two people stepped forward and held out his hand. "Hello My name is Mathew…and this is Angela. We have to talk to the two of you."

To Be Continued…

(A/N Ok what did you guys think? Review and let me know if you want me to continue.)