Winter Winds and it's characters belong to me.

ACIII franchise belongs to Ubisoft


Connor smiled as he watched Arlette in front of him, she was bare feet, wearing a light yellow dress that moved gracefully on the soft spring breeze. She looked over her shoulder towards him, that perfect smile forming as her face lit up with a gentle red blush dusting on the pale cheeks...he seemed to always fall in love with her, every single minute, every hour, every moment. As he approached Arlette, his hands engulfed hers and a kiss was pressed close to her left eyebrow, "I love you." he had whispered against her pale skin, letting his nose nuzzle against it while inhaling that sweet scent with a smile, "I love you so much."

"And I you." Arlette said, kissing his lips while standing on her tip toes, both closing their eyes upon the contact. Suddenly, her face got warmer...way too warm, warm like fire. His eyes opened and got wide at the sight of his Arlette burning alive, her small hands broke from his grasp as her pale skin turned into a disgusting gray, her blue eyes were gone and flames bursted on the eye sockets as she screamed in agony. Connor's eyes widened in fear, 'No. NO! ARLETTE!" he tried to hold her but his body was immobile. He groaned, desperately trying to get near her, tears fell from his eyes as he saw her small form slowly decaying into dark gray ashes, " her, not her..." he whimpered, managing to fall on his knees and stare what once was his lover.

Arlette's small torso was slowly disappearing with the wind, the empty eye sockets were the blue irises once rested, was nothing but two dark holes, the only thing he could see in them was a frail line of eerie gray smoke. Her mouth was curved into a scream of agony eyebrows scrunched by the middle of her forehead, her once white teeth turned coal black, "Arlette..." when he was finally able to move, he crawled to her decaying for. His hand rose to touch her decaying cheek, but a large boot stomped down on what once was Arlette's head, making the ashes fly up to his face and disappear into the graying sky.

A laugh.

A cocking of a gun.

Connor rose his head slowly, facing none else than the man he has been hunting ever since the beginning: Charles Lee, "Why?" he asked in anger, his lips teeth clenched and mouth curled in wrath, "She did nothing to you!"

Charles Lee arched both of his eyebrows, "No,she didn't." he pressed the gun's nose on the Assassin's forehead, "But she did something to you, apparently."


Connor sat up on the bed, panting loudly with cold sweat dripping down his temples and into the blankets, eyes wide ; locked on a blank spot at the wall, "Arlette." he turned to his side, panicking when he saw no one, "No,no,no,no!" he whispered, standing up from the bed quickly, eyeballs moving frantically around the room to see if there was any sign of the Irish girl. He grabbed his tomahawk by the end of the bed before rushing to the door but as he was about to leave, he bumped his chest into a unaware Arlette. The girl gasped in surprise, grabbing his arm to regain her balance, while the other held a small cup filled with warm milk. He froze eyes still wide and confused, "Arlette?"

The Irish girl moved the hand from his arm to her chest as she tried to calm down her frantic beating heart, "Jesus Christ." she whispered, closing her eyes while breathing through her nose, "Oh my God you scared me." Arlette said a bit out of breath, her blue eyes moving to lock with Connor's brown ones, her eyebrows knitted on her forehead as she regained her composure "Are you alright?"

He was pale. And he just stared at her as if he saw a ghost.

"Connor?" her small hand touched his cheek, he was cold. Sweat was sliding down on the side of his face, but before she could even ask him what happened, the Assassin hugged her close to himself. Burying his nose on the junction of her neck and shoulder, still firmly holding the tomahawk on his right hand, unsure if this was a dream or not.

Arlette blinked, looking towards the outline of his jaw as he rested against her shoulder. Her hands slid to his nape, she decided to stay quiet, waiting for him to say something. Carefully massaging the right spot, the Irish girl closed her eyes as Connor gave out a shaky sigh, "Did you had a bad dream?" he always mentioned about the nightmares that haunted his mind, most of them would make him rush out of the bed. A silent nod came from the Assassin as he continued to hold her.

"Do you wish to talk about it?"

"No." he whispered, shaking slightly "Just...Just let me hold you."

Those words were enough. She just held him close as he did to her, her small lips pressing a gentle kiss upon his cheek, "I do not know what you dreamed of. But it was just a dream, it was not real." Arlette cooed, grabbing his jaw gently to move his face in front of hers. The redhead kissed his lips in an attempt to comfort him; Connor just let her do whatever she wanted. He needed to hold her and be sure she was still alive, unharmed and safe on his arms.

Arlette pulled him to the bed, smiling softly when he hugged her small form, Arlette placed her head on his chest as he spoke very quietly, "Where did you go?" Connor questioned, wrapping an arm around her small waist as she looked up at him, pressing her chin upon the great expanse of his chest, "I was thirsty, went to get a cup of milk...I am sorry if I worried you."

He hummed, his brown eyes locking on her blue ones, "It is fine." it wasn't, "I worry too much about you." now he was going to be even more worried about her. His fingers ran on her beautiful red hair, watching as it slipped through his fingers ever so gently before falling to the bed, "I will try to worry less if you'd like." Arlette smiled, kissing his lips and placing her head below his chin as she drew swirls on his shirt, just enjoying how warm Connor was, "You do not have to do that. I worry about you as well, it's only fair."

Connor gave her a short smile, "I just want you to be safe with me...sometimes I think I am not good enough for that." those words made Arlette rise her head and furrow her eyebrows, a small smile appearing on her face, "What makes you think that? Everything you did for the people here, in Boston, New York...for me. Connor you don't know how amazing you are nor how much we all appreciate you." Her eyes shone slightly as she continued, "You've saved me and my father… Connor you've done more than you've been asked for."

The Native young man bashfully looked away, only to have his face cupped by Arlette's small hands, a soft smile brightened her features, "My love, you are the savior of many souls in this war...your heart is made of gold and never forget that." she whispered, letting her fingertips caress his strong jaw and cheekbones, "Sleep. I will be right here when you wake up."

She had pressed a kiss on his forehead; her long red hair was resting upon his chest as he cradled her hips on his hands. As much as the nightmare dared to haunt his mind, her words were soothing enough to make the Assassin blink heavily. Connor was fighting his sleep as much as he could before finally drifting into dreamland, with Arlette on his arms.

Arlette walked to the kitchen, filling up four bowls with carrot soup: one for Connor, one for herself, for her father and even if he denied he needed any food at the moment, for Achilles. She gently placed the respective bowls to Achilles and her father, who were discussing the idea of Arthur's new office in the community, "Your help will be most welcome, Arthur."

"I am only suggesting because of the amount of residents coming, some of them need financial help." he sent a small smile to Arlette as a thank you, before continuing his chat with Achilles. "I've talked to my clients in Boston, I've explained I was having difficulties…"

Arlette decided to leave them talking, carefully lifting the hem of her camisole as she walked up the stairs to Connor's room, while skillfully managing to keep the wooden tray steady on her left hand. She smiled sweetly as she approached the doorframe, watching the assassin sleep soundly against the pillows, his body hidden by the mountain of blankets and furs as if he was in a warm cocoon.

He looked like a child, a small boy when he slept, it seemed that he was innocent and pure once again…no worries or fears on his mind. No Templars, no war, nothing.

Adrik was by his feet, curled against Connor's calves as the Assassin slept, flicking one ear as he heard Arlette's footsteps approaching the bed, "Connor?" she had called sweetly, running a hand on his hair as he hummed on his sleep, "Connor, darling, I got you some soup." Arlette sat on the edge of the bed, resting the tray on her lap while watching her love cover his head with the blankets, groaning 'it is too early.'

"You need to eat." she said firmly, "Do not make me feed you." Her quiet voice ringed on his ears as in an attempt of scorning. He rolled on the bed, one arm appearing to rub his eyes before letting it rest by the bed, Connor's brown eyes locked on her slim frame sitting close to his mid-section. She stood up as he stretched, curving his back like a bow, the muscles flexing under the thin shirt he was wearing, a wince was heard as his back popped.

When he was sure he was awake enough, he sat on the bed, running his hand on his hair "Hmmm…alright." He whispered, making himself comfortable against the pillows.

Pleased that her words worked, the Irish girl sat next to her love, handing him a bowl of soup and a piece of bread. Adrik didn't even bothered to get up; he just sprawled himself even more now that Connor was resting his back against the headboard, lying on his back with the paws up in the air. Arlette waited for Connor to grab the spoon and the bread, making sure he was awake enough to do that, smiling when he finally dipped the golden crusted bread on the creamy soup and took a bite.

"Is it good enough?" she asked, smiling softly as she took a bite of her own. Connor looked at her by the corner of his eye, seeing her serene face as she ate, the long red hair on a loose braid resting by her left shoulder. It was a beautiful vision to see after the terrifying dream he had last night "It's delicious. I don't think I ever ate carrot soup for breakfast."

"It's not common." She said, smiling wider now thanks to his positive feedback on her cooking, "My grandmother used to make this for us when we were sick or it was too cold. She said it helped us getting better and happier." Arlette said softly, her blue eyes moving to the soup as she reminisced.

Connor looked at the red haired girl with a soft gaze, moving closer to her to press a kiss on her shoulder, "You miss them, don't you?"

"Yes. But I know they are alright." She whispered, "…I am sure Robert is with the, I shouldn't be worried."

Robert? Oh, Arlette's brother…Connor hadn't met him yet, "How's Robert? Do you think he'd…approve our relationship?" he asked quietly, stirring the soup with his spoon as he awaited her answer. Arlette paused, moving her gaze towards him with a small smile, "Of course, he'd want to see me happy…and you make me very happy."

He liked hearing that, hearing that he was important to someone. It made him feel like an adolescent again. "You make me very happy as well. I wish I could do more for you."

Arlette rested the spoon on the side of the bowl, sighing through her nostrils, "Connor, please, you do not have to do anything to me. What you do is enough and I appreciate it." She snuggled closer to him, a few dark red strands slipping out of the braid and touching his shoulder, "You are an amazing man and I love you so much. Please do not think so low of yourself."

He smiled softly, grabbing her tiny hand and interlacing their fingers, "I love you too." he pressed a kiss on her temple, letting his cheek rest upon her head as the smell of her hair drifted to his nose.

"Are you going to teach me your language?"

"Hm?" his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he was still sleepy and having such a delicious warm soup on his stomach didn't helped on waking him up, "What?"

Arlette moved her gaze to him, "You said you'd teach me your language. Remember?" she covered a giggle with the back of her hand at his confused face, eyebrows scrunched and eyes barely open as he tried to think about it, "You are too tired now. We can always do this later."

Connor blinked, finally remembering what she was talking about. Placing the bowls of soup on the tray, standing up to place it on the drawer he had on the room and sliding back below the covers, the amount of movement made Adrik meow unpleasantly. Arlette smiled, letting him hug her from under the covers, a smile on her face as the two touched noses, their cheeks reddening upon the light contact.

"I can teach you one thing."

She blinked in surprise, "Oh?" the Irish girl smiled a bit before asking, "What would it be?"

His brown eyes held such an intense gaze, Arlette had to remember to breathe, "My real name." the Assassin said, watching her reaction. She went from surprised to curious in a matter of seconds, her eyebrows up to her hairline as she moved closer to him.

"I thought-"

"Connor is the name Achilles has chosen to give me, because he thought it'd made me blend among the people in the Colonies." He said, then added, "And because he couldn't pronounce it." That made Arlette smile sweetly, her blue eyes locked on his face as she took everything in. "Is that what you want?" she asked quietly, "Do not do this is you are uncomfortable, Connor."

The Assassin sighed, "I've waited long enough… and you have the right to know."

She nodded, placing a hand on his arm as he formed the words, saying his native name. Her eyebrows went down, "What?" he said it too quickly and she couldn't capture the sound of his name.

Connor couldn't help but chuckle "Ratonhnhaké:ton." He repeated softly, tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear. He saw her eyebrows furrow and her eyes move to a blank stare; her lips were moving as if testing the words without the sound. The Assassin had never seen Arlette so focused.

"Ra-Ra…ugh." She rubbed her head, pursing her lips as she tried again, "Ratonh-h-" her accent made his name sound even harder to pronounce, but he had to give it to Arlette, she was trying really hard.


"No,no!Wait, I need to try it!" she took a deep breath, closing her eyes and basically forcing the word out, "Ratonhnhaké:ton." Her blue eyes got wide in shock, and soon surprise took it's place as she smiled widely, looking at Connor, "I did it!" she squealed, bouncing on her spot on the bed, making it move slightly and annoy the black cat that was currently trying to go back to sleep.

But she couldn't pronounce a second time, which made the red head girl huff in anger and try again. But the Assassin placed a hand on her shoulder, gently, "We still have time. I do not mind you calling me Connor." He whispered, kissing the bare skin of her neck, "It will take some time to learn, so do not feel angry at yourself."

"Are you…sure?" he nodded, smiling affectionately at her, his hand resting on her pale freckled cheek. Arlette smiled then, closing her eyes as his calloused hand touched her skin, "Thank you, for telling me."

Connor pressed their foreheads together, sighing softly through his nose, "Do not thank me, it was in your right to know."

Arlette smiled, nuzzling his neck as the two snuggled on the bed, listening to the harsh wind shaking the windows and trees outside, the voices on the outside faded as a snow storm started, making everyone rush inside their houses.

"We won't be able to go outside." She whispered, frowning as the windows rattles thanks to the wind. Connor smiled, pressing his lips on her cheek before nuzzling her neck, "I do not mind…do you?"

Her eyes moved to his face, her lips curling into a smile, "No." came her whisper, before the two kissed again. If that was how the two would spend their day, she didn't mind; she hoped it'd last longer however.

"Sir, I do not understand."

Haytham sighed, giving Charles an unamused look, "Charles, you ask too many questions, I tire of them." The Grand Templar said, "The girl, the one Connor cares about. Keep an eye on her."

Charles frowned, "But, sir, she's not an Assassin and I doubt she knows-"the man closed his mouth at the glare that came from his superior. Haytham arched one eyebrow, waiting yet another questioning of his second in command, but he said nothing.

"She is fragile. Connor trusts her. We just need to ask the right questions, Charles…but first." Haytham placed his hand on Charles shoulder, "We must watch her every move, see what she can and cannot do. Make sure she ends up seeing we aren't the enemy."

Charles Lee nodded, "I understand now, sir." He said, bowing his head respectfully at the Grand Templar. Haytham smiled, patting Charles shoulder and walking away from him, disappearing on the crowd in the middle of Boston.

The Templar furrowed his eyebrows; he had people to see and had to come up with a plan for the little Irish girl. And soon.

ÇwÇ hello, um, I am sorry? I didn't meant to take this long to update WW,I've been really busy. I got a job, as a teacher and I don't have much time to do stuff and yeah...I am sorry guys.

Please forgive me! are love?