Arlette Cunningham has just finished to brush her long ginger hair, her cheeks flexing as a smile formed on her face. She adored her hair, mostly because her mother adored it. Arlette never cut it, she never dared to. She knew how much despair it'd bring to her dear mother. You see, Arlette's mother Helaine was a very sick woman, the doctors couldn't explain the reason of why she was kept in bed for so said it was because of the cold, others- the maids and servants- said that 'Someone put a curse on poor miss Helaine!'. She was kept inside the huge estate, on the master bedroom. Her husband, Arthur, slept on the single bed next to her, not daring to leave his wife alone in the night.

Arlette got up from the little stool, smiling at the black cat who was currently licking his paws "Oh,hello I know what are you doing on my bed?" the feline mewled, purring when the ginger girl picked him up to scratch behind his ears "You little thing, you know how Sophie gets when she sees you!" she giggled, pressing her nose to the cat's "You bring bad luck!"

Sophie was a plump french woman who was the most supersticious human being on the planet. She carried a little bag of salt everywhere she went, avoided mirrors and ladders,but most importantly: despised black cats. Adrik purred, curving his body outwards as Arlette let her palm touch his fur "But not to me, you're my friend..." she had a sincere smile on her face befor placing the large cat on the floor "Stay here,I'll get you something to eat."

Grabbing a small kerosene lamp, the young woman carefully walked downstairs towards the kitchen. She smiled at the sight of the fresh picked sardines laying on the wooden counter. Carefully grabbing two porcelain plates and filling one with the sardines while the other was filled with fresh cream. As she was about to go upstairs, she heard the sound of someone gurgling, almost choking on something liquid...

Her hands turned into fists against her chest as she stared out the windows, the tiny voice on her head screamed that she needed to go to bed...while the other simply said.

'Peeking wouldn't hurt.'

Blue eyes peeked outside the window, but tinted glass prevented any vision.

'Good enough!Go back to your room!'

'That's the front door-d-don't you dare...'

Arlette shivered as she walked outside, it'd rain whipped her head to the left as she heard it again. That...digusting sound... carefully and quietly as she could, the young Cunningham made her way towards a small foggy area of the estates. She knew it could be a burglar...or even worse, a British soldier...but her curiosity was taking over way too fast.

The blue eyes looked up at the sight of two blurred silhouettes, one was lying down- apparently crawling away- ,the other shadow was standing straight, hands by his sides- she could see it was a man.- as he looked down at the frail figure on the ground. Arlette placed a hand over her mouth to prevent her gasp as she saw...what was that called?A tomahawk! With a...strange blade shape.

She started to back away, widening her eyes as she saw the bigger shadow swings his tomahawk down. The gurgling had stopped...and the figure had now moved his head towards her. The young woman ran to her house, slamming the kitchen's door shut while panting like a mad dog...she had just witnessed a murder...a murder!

What was she going to do?

She couldn't tell her father...or her brother...or anyone...

Arlette picked the two plates meant to Adrik, noticing how her hands were shaking as she made her way upstairs...The black cat was sitting by the window sill, the yellow eyes staring at the hooded figure outside. "A-Adrik, get out of the window!" Arlette whispered, yanking the curtains closed before sitting on her bed to regain her breath.

Adrik meowed, sitting next to the two plates before savouring his dinner.

The hooded figure stared at the closed window with his hands clenched on the British Soldier's leg. The bastard ran away towards this hooded person had no intent of killing him there, or that someone would see he had to hide the body, far far away...and then,contact the girl.

Really short, but I'm very sleepy.

reviews are love 3

Btw,In Grace's Name isn't cancelled...I'm just...really,really out of ideas for it D: