It has been a late afternoon spent with Astrid and Hetty. Now Kensi was happily curled up on the couch, pigging out on the ice cream as her partner made fun of the girls strutting down the aisle on Top Model. Deeks had come by after dinner for their regular Friday night- a movie, some ice cream and a few beers.

It had become routine now, without prior notice Deeks would rock up around 8pm, a six pack in one hand, a couple of movies in the other. The partners would bask in each other's company until ones eyelids began to flutter closed. It was then that they would call it a night and Deeks would head home to Monty.

There had only been a few occasions when the pair had not spent their Friday night together. Last week for example, Deeks had chosen to spend his Friday night with Jessica, the girlfriend that 'modelled'. That was okay, Kensi had also bailed a couple of times for dates.

For now however, the pair were enjoying each other's company outside of work.

'She's going to kill herself running in those heels! Oh these girls a so bitchy c'mon cat fight! Man this shows hilarious Kens!' The constant babble of Deeks surfer drawl could be heard throughout the lounge area.

'Shut up Deeks.'

'Maybe you should try out for this Kens.' Deeks kept pushing, loving the reactions he was drawing from his partner.

'You can certainly run in heels better than any of them, and you would look equally as good if not better in that outfit. '

Kensi couldn't help the small smile that spread across her face, followed by her typical snort of laughter. Hey shoot her, she was enjoying herself. After the long tense day where her past had caught up with her, it was good to hang with her partner have things return to normal between them.

The banter continued until it was suddenly interrupted by the chime of some old eighties tune, signalling Deeks had received a text. Deeks pulled the phone out of his jeans pocket, a few spare coins coming with it falling into the crack of the couch before Kensi scuttled closer, collecting them all for herself. Reading the message – Come over? : ) Deeks face remained emotionless before he quickly placed in on the coffee table.

'Who was that?' Kensi inquired? 'They don't deserve a reply?'

Deeks was entirely happy where he was, spending the night with Kensi. The last thing he felt like doing right now was ditching his partner to spend the night with Jessica. Sure she was a model – well fitness model, but her good looks were getting old and her personality was pretty boring. Then again if he was honest with himself, most girls seemed dull compared to Kensi.

'Urgh no one, just one of those annoying messages from the phone company ya know?' Deeks replied, scratching his beard in the process.

Kensi of course saw through him straight away.

'I call Bullshit' she stated as she reached over and snatched up the phone, discovering the message from Jessica.

'Deeeks?' his name posed as a question.

'Um yeah?' He returned choosing to play the ignorance card.

'How come you're not going over to Jessica's?'

'Well I'm here aren't I?' was his mumbled reply, eyes downcast to his hands so that the flash of hurt that crossed Kensi's face was missed.

'Well don't let me be a burden on you Deeks, I'm happy to finish off this ice cream on my own. Go enjoy the night with your girl.' As she said those last words she knew Deeks would hear the hurt in her voice. Internally she scolded herself for letting her emotions show.

Deeks now realising how his words had sounded to Kensi immediately began to backtrack.

'No Kens I didn't mean it like that. No. What I meant is...'But Kensi was already standing and heading towards door, to preoccupied in her own thoughts to hear a word the shaggy detective had said. Realising it was a lost cause; Deeks rose and followed his partner to the door.

'Tonight was fun.' he stated.

'Want to hang tomorrow? Go for a run by the beach or something?'

Once again a smile was gracing Kensi's lips. She couldn't help herself.

'You do realise I'll be miles ahead of you after the first couple of minutes.' She boasted.

'Wouldn't have it any other way partner. I'll call you tomorrow.' Deeks replied with a grin before heading out to the car.

'Tomorrow' she smiled to herself before shutting the door and heading towards the bathroom, preparing herself for bed before putting on a movie.


It was 11.13pm, when Kensi awoke from her slumber only to realise she had fallen asleep on the couch. Outside she could hear her partner humming a Beatle's tune, knocking to the beat on her door. Groaning, Kensi managed to get up and open the door, frowning at her partner who stood there with a sly grin painted all over his face. Raising an eyebrow she stood back to let him in.

'Kensi, hey.' Deeks entered the room as if it was a common thing for him to rock up at her door in the middle of the night when he was meant to be spending time with his girlfriend.

'What do you want Deeks?' She was tired and slightly aggravated but mostly curious and a little bit pleased he was no longer with Jessica.

'I think I left my apartment keys here, you know when I uh took my phone out, must of fallen out. You haven't seen them have you?'

'I guess we better get looking huh.' Kensi sighed.

After about ten minutes of pulling couches apart Kensi suddenly halted, turning on the spot to stare at her partner whose current position, looking under the couch for his keys, offered her a very nice view.

'Deeks...' she started slowly not entirely sure whether she should continue.

'How come you didn't just stay with Jessica tonight? You know we could have looked for your keys tomorrow.'

The sheepish grin appeared on his face.

'Welllll...'He paused,

'I may have ended things with her. She thought things were getting serious, ya know. Wanted me to spend all night watching chick flicks with her, be a shoulder to cry on, not exactly what I'm after at the moment.

Kensi didn't miss the fact that Deeks had quite happily watched chick flicks with her on many occasions. Sure he made fun of them, but he was always willing to watch them with her. She decided not to point this out for now.

'Hah!' Kensi scoffed in sarcastic laughter,

'Yeah no I would think things were getting serious too if a guy took me to Vegas.'

'Wait, what did you just say?' Deeks did a double take on his partner's words.


'What makes you think she came with me to Vegas?'

'Well Sam and Callen kinda, might have mentioned it. Wait so she didn't go with you?'

'No Kens' Deeks replied.

'If you remember correctly, I asked you to come to Vegas with me...and you said no. You're not exactly easy to replace.'

Kensi's eyebrows shot up automatically assuming Deeks was making fun of one of her weird habits.

'Yeh how's that Shaggy?' She asked cunningly, looking for an excuse to punch him.

'What it means...' Deeks replied,

'Is that you're the only one I wanted to take to Vegas. It just wouldn't be...actually wasn't that enjoyable without you. Come to think of it, most things aren't as good when you're not around. 'The words had come out of the Detective's mouth before he'd even realised what he was saying. A pink tinge reached his cheeks.

'Oh.' Kensi said as a similar shade of pink colouring her cheeks along with a sweet smile.

'Thanks. I guess.'

Embarrassed Deeks equalled rambling Deeks.

'Uh we should uh probably keep looking for those uh keys hey? What do you say?' he mumbled as he headed towards the kitchen, faux looking for his keys.

Kensi remained still for a few moments, pondering on her thoughts.

'How about...' she began.

'How about we just watch a movie instead?'

Deeks returned to the lounge area, a small smile now gracing his lips.

'I'd like that.' he said slouching lazily on the couch patting the spot next to him.

'What would like to watch?' Kensi smirked heading over to her DVD collection.

'I'm guessing not Titanic or any other chick flick huh?'

'I'll watch anything you want.'

The two partners stared briefly into each other's eyes, both noticing the double meaning of his words but choosing to ignore it for now. Instead they settled on the couch together, ready to watch Kensi's choice – 'Goonies' one of Deeks favourites.


It was soon morning. Kensi's eyes fluttered open and as stretched out against another person's body. From her current position, laying lengthways along the couch her head against Deeks chest, his arm draped lazily over her back, she could see something silver underneath the coffee table hidden amongst some magazines tossed on the floor.

Deeks apartment key.