Hey guys. Here is my other story that I thought about but haven't done anything to so I'm trying to be more active with making stories. This is just going to be the prologue chapter so it's going to be short. On with the first chapter.
No one's POV
"Maka! Where's the remote?" Soul Eater said while sitting with his boyfriend Death the Kid. They both admitted they were gay last year when it was Homecoming. So they have been dating for about eleven months.
"I don't know Soul." Maka said with a small smile on her face. She knew something was coming. She looked out the window.
"Well I haven't used it recently." Soul said to her.
"It's fine Soul. I should be getting home to the girls. Love you." Kid said and kissed Soul.
"Love you too Kid." Soul said. They said their good byes. Soul walked back in and looked at Maka. He shook his head and walked into his bedroom. He told Maka good night and to wake him up in the morning.
When he closed his door Maka stared at it. She then sighed and sat down on the couch. She turned on the t.v with a smile. She couldn't wait till tomorrow. Everyone's going to be in for a huge surprise.
Maka looked out the window and smiled. She saw something move outside and instantly knew what it was.
Outside of the window
"You sure you are ready to go ahead with the plan?" One hooded figure said to the other.
"Yeah. They will hate my guts for this but it's fucking worth it. They have never figured out what my secret is. Tomorrow they are going to find out." The other one said with a smile on their face.
"Until tomorrow my dear Soul."
TBCWoohoo! How good was that? Who do you think is outside? I actually love the Soma but I want to put a bunch of my favorite people in the world in my stories. Botdf is not in this one. You can congratulate me for that. I love reviews. Review, fav, and follow. I love you guys.