I don't own Adventure Time, if you couldn't tell by the way this is FANFICTION!


Chapter 1

This is my first Adventure Time fic! Please R&R!
Pairings: FinnxPB, FinnxFP, maybe a lil' FinnCeline
POV: Bubblegum, first person. MAYBE: Marcy, first person. Finn, first person. Jake, first person..
Rating: T because there's gonna be a little swearing sprinkled throughout this fic. Maybe it'll go down if the swearing stays small. :)
Anyway, PLEASE enjoy!

The chemicals swished in front of my face. I scribbled down a few notes and added a small drop of the red liquid to the right of me and watched it puff into a small cloud of white smoke.

"Hmm..." I said, scribbling more things down before putting a large 'X' over the calculations. I could still read it, but now I knew it was wrong. My basic procedure for chemical work.
"Princess Bubbleguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummm !" A voice screamed loudly. I almost dropped my serum, which had untapped potential and could have killed the entire land of Ooo.

The door burst open and in walked two of Ooo's greatest heroes. Finn and Jake, closely followed by Marceline.
"'Sup Gummy." The vampire asked, floating high above the racks of chemicals and beakers. Her outfit was her blue dress with the pink waistband and her hair was up in a high ponytail.

Finn was in his traditional green shorts, cerulean shirt, backpack and white hat.
"I'd rather you didn't call me Gummy..." I said, closing my research notebook and washing my hands and face of anything that might have been toxic, lethal, contagious, etc...
"Whatever." She said, plucking a few strings on the guitar.
"Hey PB, can I have some fancy candles?" Finn asked.
"Umm, sure. They're in that closet." He immediately hopped over to said closet and flung the door open, taking exactly four of my scented candles.
"Thanks Bubblegum!" He screamed, running out of the room and outside, Jake trailing not far behind.
"So, Gummy," Marceline started. "You really okay with Finn and Flamey?"
"Yeah, you're Gummy, she's Flamey." She replied.

She was obviously referring to Flame Princess, Finn's girlfriend.
"I'm just fine with it. Why wouldn't I be? He doesn't try to chase after me, does he? I'm too old for him anyway." I said, hanging up my lab coat and feeding Science.
"Hey, I'm a thousand years old and I think he's pretty cute."
"He's thirteen years old, Marceline. Both of us, and especially you shouldn't have romantic feelings for him." We walked out of the lab and sat down in the courtyard. The sun wasn't completely set yet, so Marceline sat in the shade of one of the shrubs, waiting for her mortal enemy to leave.
"So why don't you like Finn? Aren't you even a LITTLE jealous of Flamey?"
"I'm not jealous. It's stupid," I replied, crossing my arms. "Finn is my knight, my little brother, my... hero." I came to a slight realization. And Marceline saw it.
"Eh? Eh?! You like Finn!"
"I do not! Finn is my hero, but that doesn't mean that I have feelings and junk!" I replied angrily.
"Oh yeah it does." She replied. The sun had set and she was flying around me, making faces and taunting me.
"Shut up..." I rubbed my arm.
"I'm not gonna judge you for this, ya know."
"Okay... So?"
"So, we both admit we're jealous and do something about it!"
"You mean, break up Finn and Flame Princess?"
"Uh, hell yeah!" She replied, slamming a hand down on her axe bass. "It'll be awesome! Just admit you're jealous!"
"You first."
"I think it goes without saying that I'm jealous. It was my idea..." She said skeptically.
"Say it anyway and then I will."
"Fine. I'm suuuuper jealous of Finn and Fire-chick. Now you."
"I-I guess I'm jealous of Finn and Flame Princess."
"Perfect," She said. "Now let's break those two up!" She showed me a fist and I held mine up and she slammed her fist on mine.
"Yeah. Let's break them up!"

Here's chapter 1! Please R&R 'n junk. :) -Chiharu Kamida