
Elena threw herself on his bed, hugging Merlin's TARDIS cushion to her chest.

"This is my last day before my dad and I go to the Swiss Alps." Elena groaned. "Fuck me."

"You're complaining?" Merlin asked incredulously. "About going to Switzerland?"

"Yeah. Because this time, it's not going to be just my dad and I, he's bringing his lady friend. What the actual fuck, she's like our age." Elena complained.

"Sixteen, seventeen?" Merlin asked.

"No, she's in early twenties. BUT STILL. What am I supposed to do?" Elena whined. "It's embarrassing. Now, you know I don't usually care about embarrassment, as I am the definition of embarrassment. But I don't want to talk to her; you have no clue how awkward it is, honestly."

"Is she nice?" Merlin questioned, sitting beside her.

"I haven't met her yet." Elena muttered.

"Oh okay," Merlin replied. "Maybe you will get along really well with her, you never know?"

"Maybe. Rich people problems." Elena said under her breath.

"Did you just say rich people problems?" Merlin laughed.

"Yes I did." Elena smiled slightly. "You should've accepted my offer to come, so thanks for leaving me alone. And Gwen can't, obviously since she's all off in Paris. I miss Gwen."

"Yeah me too," Merlin replied uneasily. "And I said I'm sorry, Gaius and I are going to Ealdor for Christmas."

"Damn. I wish I could come with you, anything would be better, than this." Elena signalled with her hands.

"I'm sure it won't be as bad as you're making it out to be." Merlin offered a sympathetic smile.

"Anyway, thanks for inviting me for breakfast, but I better get going now, there's five hours till the flight and I better pack the remainder of my things." Elena grinned, leaping up to hug Merlin.

"Alright, well, have fun, yeah?" Merlin returned the hug. "I'm going to miss you, lovely."

Merlin walked Elena to the front of his house, where she hopped on her bike and placed her pooh bear helmet on.

"Bye, Merlin!" She waved him off, before cycling out into the road.

"Bye El," Merlin yelled back, contemplating his own holiday plans.

He was going to Ealdor on the 24th morning, which was two days away, and he would be returning just after New Year's.

Then his phone started ringing loudly in his pocket. It was Arthur.

"My house is all clear." Arthur rushed out. "Come over,"

"Yeah, you prat, I'll be over in ten mins." Merlin replied back, hanging up.

Gaius was working, as usual, so it wasn't as if he needed to explain himself.

Merlin slipped on a pair of slippers and shut the front door, beginning to walk towards Arthur's place. The air was chilly, his toes were frozen but he was determined to get to Arthur's house as fast as he could.

Of course they had seen each other at school over the past few weeks, but it had become increasingly difficult to meet up with each other due to incessant school work that seemed to pile up.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, it was a text from Lance asking him about his Christmas plans. It was strange because ever since Lance had confronted him about his knowledge of their secret, Merlin actually became closer with him.

He'd actually gone to the debate team's debate with the other debate team to support Lance and then he'd gone with Lance to see Gwaine's play at the local theatre, they were performing 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', and Merlin had quite frankly been shocked at the Gwaine's acting. It was really good; there was a passionate ferocity towards it, which really surprised Merlin because Gwaine was reckless as fuck.

Merlin had also been skyping and chatting with Gwen, every couple of nights or so. He knew that it was selfish of him, but he wished that she would return quickly so that Arthur could break up with her.

When he finally arrived at Arthur's house, Arthur dragged him roughly inside and closed the space between their lips.

"We haven't done this for ages." Arthur growled.

"It's only been two weeks." Merlin laughed.

"But it feels like a lifetime," Arthur continued. "Anyway, are you hungry?"

"I've just had breakfast, but I'll have something to drink," Merlin smiled, as Arthur pulled him into his arms.

"Tea?" Arthur offered knowingly, well aware of the other boy's love for it.

"Oh you know me so well," Merlin teased.

"What do you want to do today?" Arthur smirked, his hand trailing down Merlin's arse. "We do have the whole house to ourselves…"

"Watch crap telly and sit by fireplace, drinking tea and relaxing." Merlin contemplated. "Yeah, that sounds good."

"Alright," Arthur pulled away, laughing before he turned on the kettle.

A few moments later they had marched to Arthur's room and were lying on the bed, with a soap playing on the TV, and mugs of hot tea in their hands.

"Merlin?" Arthur asked quietly, staring longingly at the other boy's face.

"Yeah?" Merlin smiled.

"Wait it's nothing." Arthur hesitated. "I just forgot, don't worry."

Merlin rolled his eyes, and turned his attention back to the screen. Arthur wriggled closer to him, resting his head on his shoulder.


He leaned over to kiss Merlin's forehead lazily and link their fingers together.

"It's your birthday coming up soon." Merlin whispered, clicking the 'power off' button of the TV remote.

"What?" Arthur groaned. "No it isn't. Who told you that anyway?"

"Gwaine, when he was whining about the fact that he had to get you a separate birthday and Christmas present." Merlin chuckled.

"Aw how sweet of him." Arthur said sarcastically.

"I'll probably get you a crappy present, so forgive me." Merlin apologized.

"You better not get me a shitty present," Arthur said jokily. "I'm kidding, I'm sure I'll love your present out of all the ones I'll get."

"How nice," Merlin teased.

"I just- wanted to ask you something, it's incredibly awkward and you can say no and know that I won't be offended but can I-" Arthur began.

"Come to Ealdor with me?" Merlin finished.

"Yeah," Arthur looked away, embarrassedly. "I hate spending Christmas with my family, and I hate my birthday even more, it just reminds me of my mother. I honestly don't think I could bear another awkward family dinner- I need to get away from it all, and I was going to spend Christmas with Gwaine but all he's going to do is get drunk and then shag everyone,"

"It's fine. Mum and Gaius won't mind, and it'll be fun. But will your dad be alright with it?" Merlin replied cheerily.

"My Father doesn't care, he'll give me one of this curious, resenting looks and then he'll be off to one of to his annual office Christmas Party up in London. And Morgana will probably spend it with Leon, seeing as she's pretty much moved to his flat now. So, I'm pretty sure it'll be all good." Arthur grazed his lips on Merlin's neck.

He pulled Arthur on top of him, attacking his mouth earnestly.

"Good. It's settled then." Merlin smirked.

"It's settled." Arthur pulled of his hoodie.

I have to apologize for the delay in updating! I'm a horrible person, and I'm so sorry!

I hope you've enjoyed the chapter- it's a filler one but I hope you've liked it all the same. There's some Christmas-y fluff and angst to come- you find out more about Merlin's past and stuff, so there's something to look forward to! :D

Thanks for reading, subscribing, adding to faves etc etc, I appreciate it so much, so lots of love to you. x.

Feel free to drop a review and tell me what you've thought of the chapter :)