Wooooo thanks for the lovely review guys! It puts me in a great mood to see people still reading my stories :) so as I said it's been over a year since I started this story so I'm a little fuzzy as to where this was going, but if there is anything I learned in my creative writing course...make shit up! Lol Jk nah I have something brewin' so I'll get started while my inspiration is still running through my veins.
Chapter 3
Dinner was delicious and by the end of the night, Goku tried to keep himself from licking the bowl. Needless to say he was still hungry, but there was no way he was going to tell Chi-Chi that after all the trouble she went through. He conformed himself with a fifth glass of lemonade (fresh squeezed thank you very much), and patted his belly.
"Oof, that was amazing! I haven't had a meal that great since...well ever!" Goku exclaimed excitedly with his grin stretching at every word. Chi-Chi hummed in approval as she polished off the last of her roll.
"I told you she was the best cook ever." Gohan said smugly, waving his roll around as if it were a surrender flag.
"Gohan what did I say about playing with your food?" Chi-Chi reprimanded, her mind already conjuring all the the different ways that roll could fall and make a mess somewhere.
"Sorry Mommy," he said crestfallen before shoving it into his mouth. Goku noticed his sad expression and added, "Hey, there's nothing wrong with playing with your food buddy." He felt Chi-Chi's stare turn into a glare.
"After all everybody is different and it shows how creative we can be." Gohan cheered up a bit and swallowed the roll roughly.
"But it's messy and uncouth," The mother finished with a humph. Goku sighed inwardly, although a small grin tugging his lips.
"Yes, I suppose so." The three dining members remained in a comfortable silence after that, the soft buzzing of the television humming in the background.
"Oh gosh, it's already eight o' clock!" Chi-Chi exclaimed.
"Gohan it's time for your bath." Gohan groaned and Goku stood up from his chair. The loud screech of the chair catching Chi-Chi's attention.
"Careful Goku, you'll scratch the floor!" She informed while lithely picking up Gohan from his chair. Goku simply scratched the back of his head and wore an impish grin.
"Eh heh, sorry about that. Bulma also seems to get after me when I do that at her place." Chi-Chi notices that he seemed to get a faraway look as if he is reminiscing something worthwhile. She felt her heart constrict at the thought of him thinking of his possible girlfriend. Her eyes widened and the sinking filling turned into mortification. What was she thinking inviting him for dinner without even asking if he had a significant other? Albeit it was a friendly gesture, but it could be taken out of context. She certainly didn't want to cause anymore trouble to Goku or be the cause in a wedge in his relationship with this 'Bulma.' Chi-Chi cleared her throat and realized that Goku had been staring at her with a worried expression. She couldn't help but stare back at his piercing gaze.
"You okay Chi-Chi? You seemed to have zoned out for a bit."
"Y-yeah," she stumbled, "just tired I guess. You know with thinking that Gohan was missing and all," She lied and stepped back a bit to give herself some space. Goku on the other hand failed to notice her odd behavior. He nodded at her explanation, with furrowed brows and crossed arms.
"Oh, okay then," he smiled, "I should be taking me leave then. I had a great time tonight." Gohan who was slipping in and out of consciousness mumbled a sleepy, "bye." Chi-Chi chuckled at her son, "don't forget you need your bath, Sweetie." Another incoherent whine was heard and then silence. Goku laughed at the cute scene.
"Bye Gohan, see you on Monday," he was a little bummed that he won't see Chi-Chi until then (that's even if she comes late again). He turned to the mother, his eyes softening a bit. "Bye, Cheech. Thanks for the meal, it was delicious." Chi-Chi blinked at the nickname. When did that happen?
"Bye Goku, glad you liked the food and take care. " With that said, he opened the door and waved goodbye, effectively closing the door with a resounding click. Ch-Chi exhaled a sigh of relief. Her heart was hammering and her face resembled a tomato. She was in trouble.
The teacher arrived at his apartment, his arms full of fast food. As great as her food was, he needed more! The shoes were off in a matter of seconds and the food was tossed unceremoniously on the table not too long after. As he undid his tie, Goku felt a sort of emptiness in his apartment, which he admits had never bothered him before. He enjoyed his spacious complex, (though having a large kitchen was a waste since he can't cook) because it gave him enough room to do his morning workouts. Yet, as he compared to Chi-Chi's cozy home, he realized just how lonely it was. Speaking of which, his face flushed slightly at the thought of the beautiful woman, he has it bad. Something that also has never happened o him before.
He threw his tie on the cream colored love seat, along with himself. He sighed as he sunk into the cushion, his mind solely on Chi-Chi. He couldn't help but remember his conversation with Gohan. He decided to make a pact to himself then and there that if he were ever to find out who that man was, he would make his life miserable. A whistle buzzed in his pocket, effectively taking him out of his livid mood. His hand fished out the phone and read the message that seemed to flash across the screen angrily.
"Hello Kakarot, you got time for your dear, sweet brother?" Goku's face pinched in displeasure. He hadn't talked to Radditz in years, what is making him suddenly contact him after all this time? Whatever it is, it's probably not good. Despite his better judgement, he began to type.
"What is it? If it's about money you're out of luck." Not to long after, the whistle ringtone was heard again.
"You're heartless Kakarot, is this how you treat your older brother who took care of you after father died?" Goku snarled after reading the message.
"He wouldn't be dead if you guys stopped with the illegal drug smuggling! FYI It's Goku, stop referring to me as Kakarot. You know as well as I do that I hate that name." He was really contemplating in tossing the phone against the wall or crushing it in his hands. Anything that will keep Radditz from continuing this charade. His onyx eyes glanced down at the screen and was not surprised that there was a reply already.
"Listen you little shit, the only reason you're still alive is because Father asked me to take care of you," Goku snorted at that sentence, some raising he did. More like abuse. "Either way, I wanted to tell you that Turles and I will be visiting in a month, so you better have a good house warming party when we get there." A cold chill ran down Goku's spine. No way this was happening to him. He had escaped their hold years ago, why are they doing this now? His face blanched when he read the next words.
"And if you don't comply we will finish off what we started with that old man Gohan." Unable able to keep his rage, Goku punched the wall and the numbers in the phone, zero patience left when his brother picked up on the other line.
"Don't you dare bring him into this you bastard! He is completely innocent!" He yelled, his fist shaking in anger. A low chuckle resounded through the phone line, something the younger brother was very familiar with.
"Oh Kakarot, when will you learn? Nothing is ever safe and there is no way you are ever getting rid of us. Father made see it that we all took care of each other. You wouldn't want to disappoint him would you?"
"He'd roll over in his grave if he knew what you were doing!"
"In a month, we will be there." Radditz said with such a calm finality that Goku had no way to respond to it. It was a good thirty seconds until Goku realized the dial tone had been humming the whole time.
"Son of a-," Goku cursed, tossing his phone on the couch. He ran his hands over his face in hopes to relax himself. What was he going to do? Why were they even coming? These were both questions he had no way of answering.
It was morning and Chi-Ch felt fantastic. After a goodnights rest (she is refusing to acknowledge hr steamy dream about a certain teacher), it's a great day to go for a morning jog. She had dropped off Gohan at her father's house an hour back and was thirty minutes into her workout until she bumped into a familiar face.
"Hey Yamcha, fancy seeing you here." The scarred-face man turned around and let out a whooping laugh.
"Whoa Chi-Chi you scared me there for a bit. I nearly got a heart attack." The woman noticed his red track suit ad asked curiously, "Since when have you ran in this park? I come here every weekend but can't say I've seen you around."
"Well Chi-Chi, I didn't know you were so interested in the 'Y man' if I had known you wanted to gaze upon my gorgeous self I would have come more often." He exaggerated, flexing his arms to emphasize his point.
"Oh, shut up Yamcha!" Chi-Chi laughed, punching his arm playfully at the process. Yamcha rubbed the sore spot, fully knowing a bruise was going to appear soon.
"Puh-lease. I certainly have better taste than that." She declared, not noticing a spiky haired man jogging behind him.
"Come on, you mean you've never been a teensy bit curious how compatible we would be?" Chi-Chi rolled her eyes. Yamcha and her have been co-workers for a few months already, an he never passes any opportunity to hit on her. Although, by this point it was more of a playful banter than actual flirting.
"If can keep a girl more than two weeks then maybe you'd have a chance," a voice interrupted just as Chi-Chi was going to knock Yamcha off is high horse. Chi-Chi nearly fell when she noticed it was none other than Goku, who was wearing some blue sweatpants and a white wife beater. 'That has to be illegal,' she thought deliriously. She could see how the shirt hugged his muscular but slim frame at just the perfect angles.
"Hey man, give me some credit here!" Yamcha whined, helping Chi-Chi snap out of her trance.
"I'm not interrupting anything...," Goku trailed off peevishly. His usual lively eyes now a stormy obsidian. "Am I?"
"Yes. You're ruining my mojo!"
"YAMCHA!" Chi-Chi screamed mortified. He definitely took this banter too far! Although, she certainly understood why Goku looked annoyed, heck she was too.
"Alright, alright Chi-Chi calm down I'm only kidding. See, she and I work together and this is our way of joking." Yamcha fessed up in order to save his hide from the woman's fury. However, as he got a closer look at Goku, he suspiciously looked like he wanted to rip him a new one also, which was odd. Goku visibly relaxed. He wanted to blame it on the stress of his brother, but he knew he was angry for a different reason altogether. He shook his head to knock that out of his mind and grinned like a goof.
"I assumed as much, there was no way you can score a gorgeous woman like Chi-Chi, er-'" Goku blushed as he slapped a hand over his mouth. He totally didn't mean to say that aloud. Chi-Chi gasped, her cheeks also gaining a rosy color. Yamcha stared at the both of them, very intrigued.
"Um, now am I interrupting something?" They two in question simply stared at each other, neither daring to speak.
A/N: Haha...wow this is pretty bad but hey there is conflict now! It was about an hour drive to the zoo so I decided to type this baby up on the ride over there. No worries, there will be more fluff next chapter, this one was more like an introduction of other characters and conflict. I hope ya'll liked it even if just a little :) Until next time R&R!