I don't own Twilight.

Slap, The sound of flesh hitting flesh reverberated across the room, she raised her hand to sooth the stinging skin. "How could you, you worthless piece of shit." He grabbed her arm and flung her across the room. She could smell blood tinting the air and tried not to pass out. She wouldn't pass out she wouldn't let him win. He pulled her off of the ground and started to shake her. She wouldn't look him in the eye. He pushed her to the ground she landed hard on her wrist and heart a crack. He turned away and she prayed he would leave her.

This wasn't the first time he'd hit her and she was sure if he had his way it wouldn't be the last. But if she had her way he'd never lay another hand on her. She scrambled to her feet trying to ignore the pain that was stabbing through her wrist. She grabbed the phone and tried not to be seen by him. She dialed 911. In shaky words she explained the situation and gave her address ignoring the gasp from the operator. He caught her, he threw the phone against the wall shattering it. The next thing to be thrown against the wall was her.

"you think you'll get away from me, never, " he sneered never."

And in some ways she believed him because who would believe that the chief of police would beat his own daughter over a cold dinner. She started to lose consciousness as she heard the sirens going off. She prayed they would take her away from her own personal hell.

He had been working the late shift when the call came through, he couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it. There was no way Charles Swan would beat his daughter but the dispatcher was in tears and he grabbed everything and hurried to his car trying to hurry to the scene as fast as he could. He pulled up in front of the residence and heard the shouting in the house. He didn't even wait he broke down the door and barreled inside. What he found sickened him. Chief Charlie Swan stood over his daughter a look of peer rage on his face as he beat her senseless though it was clear she was already passed out. Edward jumped to action as he heard the ambulance outside and saw the EMT's rush in. He pulled Charlie off of Bella and cuffed him.

"Charles Swan you are under arrest for the assault of a minor you have a right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.

"Screw you," Charlie spat out." Yeah you to Edward thought as he put Charlie into the back of his car and motioned to the EMT's to check on Bella. He refused to leave her. He called Paul the only cop on duty at the time and told him to get to the scene. He crouched down next to Bella trying to stay out of everyone's way. Bella he thought sadly why didn't you tell anyone. He'd known Bella swan since she was little he might be fifteen years her senior but she was best friends with his baby sister and he couldn't figure out how everyone had missed this. Missed the hell she'd been living through.

"Edward," he looked up as Paul came through door and stopped in his tracks. "Shit." He couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"Paul, Charlie is in the back of my car. Take him to the station I'm going to ride with Bella." All Paul could do was nod numbly. He went back outside and the EMT's looked at Edward. "Are you riding with her officer Cullen?" Edward nodded his head as they lifted the stretcher and he followed them out ot the ambulance jumping inside as they shut the doors. Bella had always been pale but he couldn't believe how lifeless and fragile she looked. He wanted to punch something in particular he wanted to punch Charles Swan. They got to the hospital and pulled into the ambulance bay. Bella was unloaded and Edward was beside her every step of the way.

Carlisle met them, he'd been called on a case but he was surprised to see who it was. "Bella," he murmured he left Edward in the waiting room. Edward dropped his head into his hands and tried not to cry. He was thirty two and to old to cry. After what felt like hours Carlisle came out into the waiting room.

"son." He placed his hand on Edward's shoulder. He looked up at his father anguish in his eyes. "She'll be ok her wrist is broken she has a concussion and a small skull fracture and a cut on her fore head. Edward nodded numbly. "I'm going to keep her here a few days and then I'm going to move her into the gust room. I haven't talked to your mother about this but I'm sure she'll agree. Bella's eighteenth birthday is in two months she needs to finish her senior year and basically she needs a place to stay. You know we've always thought of her as another daughter."

"Thanks dad.' Edward knew he'd have to call his younger siblings. Alice was the same age as Bella and Emmett was ten years older but they all loved her like she was their sister. Edwards inner voice chuckled evilly. "Now do you really see her as a sister." He growled and rubbed his hand over his face. This is not what he was expecting when he woke up this morning. That night he slept in the waiting room he didn't have the nerve to call his mother or his siblings he didn't have the nerve to go in and check on her but he couldn't leave her even if he couldn't see her he wanted to be in the same building as her.

A/N new story review if you like it. Also I have a fan page so go like that on facebook under merdarkandtwisty.