Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Requested by anon on tumblr

It wasn't often that they got to do this; that they got to just relax in bed, without the worry of alpha pack, or Kanima, or any other used-to-be-mythical creature that the world could throw at them. Stiles kept his head pressed up against the crook of Derek's neck, pressing random kisses along his prominent adam's apple. Derek hummed low in his throat at the fleeting pressure and nuzzled the side of his younger lover's head, tracing a pattern along the curve of his cheek and the shell of his ear with the end of his nose, taking in his addictive scent.

They were at Derek's apartment – a small place, close to the centre of town, which was less of a safety hazard than the burnt out shell of what would have once been the magnificent Hale home – spread out across his brand new double bed, legs entangled in the sheets. It was becoming a routine for Stiles to spend Friday and Saturday nights at Derek's flat, especially when his dad was working late, and he had to admit that these moments, when he could just lay in bed with the man he may-or-may-not love, were ones that he looked forward to every week.

"I don't ever want to leave this bed," Stiles admitted. When Derek chuckled lowly in his ear, he continued insistently, "I'm serious. If I could spend all my time, in this bed, with you, I would be happy."

"We'd need food…" Derek started.

"I'm pretty sure that pizza can be delivered through windows," Stiles answered.

"…bathroom breaks…"

"Five minute breaks ever few hours; it would be the perfect system…"

Derek drew him closer, arms winding tightly around his lithe waist. "The pack would miss us."

Stiles pressed back, one hand reaching up to trace along his bottom lip, smiling slightly when Derek's tongue peeked out to flick across the pad. "They could survive without us for a while."

"We'd miss them," Derek responded.

"We could bring my laptop in here and Skype them until we're reminded of how much trouble they are and come to our senses," Stiles retorted.

"I suppose you've thought of everything," his lips quirked in amusement before inclining his head downwards so he could press their lips together briefly. "We might not able to stay here for forever, but I can promise you this weekend. Just the two of us and this bed. No pack, no distractions, for two whole days."

"You swear?" Stiles inquired quietly, already tilting his head upwards to pepper little bites along the arch of his jaw line, his angled chin and his perfect cupid's bow, tugging his bottom lip and sucking it playfully.

Derek's eyes darkened and his hands flexed around his hips. He nudged their noses together, before claiming his lips once more. "I solemnly swear," he whispered.

If you have any Teen Wolf prompts, you can PM me or leave a message on my tumblr (WhatIMustWrite) ask - I'd prefer tumblr because it's easier to keep track of what's been asked, but I'll answer prompts from either :)