Sky looked out the window at Alfea, watching as everyone hurried on their way to their classes- well at least, that's what he figured they were doing, he wasn't really sure.

Unfortunately, he wasn't really sure about anything anymore. Ever since he woke up, the world around him was like a blur. The people he was around told him that he lost his memory and that he was the King of a place called, "Eraklyon" and the love of his life was a pretty red headed fairy named "Blossom." Or was her name "Bloom?" He couldn't even remember that.

He sat back down on the hospital bed and rubbed his forehead, causing his already hurting head to throb even worse and he abruptly stopped.


Sky looked up as the door opened a little, a brunette fairy peering inside and smiling at him.

"It's okay, I didn't think you'd recognize me," Flora said softly, stepping through the door and closing it behind her, in her hand she held a small pink bottle with a large flower shaped cork in the top.

Sky watched as the fairy smiled at him and slowly walked over, her long brown hair flowing behind her.

"My name is Flora, I'm one of Bloom's friends," Flora said, pausing near him before sitting down on a small chair opposite Sky.

"Have you introduced yourself to me before?" Sky asked, slightly remembering the girls' face, but not fully.

Flora nodded, giggling a little before quickly hiding her smile, not wishing to offend him.

"Yes, three times now," Flora informed him, gently. "But it's perfectly understandable; you'd remember people like Bloom and Brandon before you'd remember me."

Sky lowered his eyes, a little confused at her statement.

"What do you mean by that?" Sky asked. "Were we not friends?"

"I don't know," Flora responded. "I guess, yeah, but it's more of a working friendship. Anywho, I've brought you something."

Flora held out the small bottle, on closer inspection Sky observed there were little golden gems around the body of the bottle that seemed to catch the light and shimmer sweetly, not to mention the flower atop it looked almost real.

"What is it?" Sky asked, taking the bottle and looking at it intently.

"It's a potion I made," Flora smiled, proudly. "After our attempts earlier, the others suggested that we should try a herbal remedy to get your memory back. We looked for hours, but we couldn't find anything. Instead I figured I'd brew you a calming potion, should help with the headaches."

"How did you know I had headaches?" Sky asked.

"You've lost your memory sweetie, I think headaches are a given," Flora responded, smiling at him.

Sky laughed a little before handing back the bottle to her. Flora lent over and picked up a small glass of water that was on Sky's bedside table. She held the flower top and pulled it out of the bottle, revealing a little dropper attached to it. She took a bit of the potion in the dropper before dropping four drops into the water, stirring it with a nearby spoon and handing it to Sky before placing the top back on the bottle.

"There you go," Flora smiled.

Sky looked at the water. At first it went cloudy with the addition of potion, but it now seemed to be even clearer and purer than it was before.

He took a small sip from the glass, half expecting it to taste disgusting, but it was quite the opposite. It was as if all of his favorite flavors had come together in the one drink- which was pretty impressive considering not even he knew what his favorite flavors actually were. In a few moments, he had guzzled down the whole drink causing Flora to smile.

"That was great," Sky commended, placing down the glass. "How did you get it to taste like that?"

"It customizes to the person drinking it," Flora informed him. "It's a great way to make picky people take their medicine."

"And what does it do exactly?"

"It should just calm you down," Flora responded. "Make you feel like a lily pad floating along a gentle stream. I have it all the time- not to mention Musa requests it by the bottle, Riven can be a bit of a handful sometimes."

"Riven- the guy with the light hair and the big glasses?" Sky guessed, describing the image that had come straight to his head when Flora said the name.

"No," Flora giggled. "More like magenta hair and a sour attitude- although, he can be sweet when he wants to be."

Sky nodded a little, trying to remember one of his apparent 'friends' but with no result.

"Anywho, I best be off," Flora said, standing. "Get some rest."

With that Flora picked up the bottle, turned and began to make her way towards the door.

"Flora," Sky called, and Flora looked around. "Will I ever get my memory back? I just… I hate knowing there's so much in my life, I don't even know. So much, that I love and I just… I just can't… I can't even imagine living the rest of my life like this. Looking at a face, and not even knowing their name. Just… their name. It's just… so…"

Flora slowly moved over to Sky and sat beside him, looking at him with kind eyes.

"We will do anything it takes Sky," Flora said, firmly. "With The Winx and The Specialists working together, anything is possible. You will get your memory back, I promise you."

Sky smiled a little, quickly brushing away a tear that had escaped his eyes before Flora softly touched his shoulder, the nature fairy standing and leaving the room, determined to keep her promise.

Next time, Stella and Riven try to make the impossible happen- actually get along...