Dimmock just stands there as Greg crumbles in front of him. Everything around them seems to be falling apart, decaying, slowly entropying into utter ruin. He can't see it because it's dark and the bulbs in the cheap streetlights here are starting to fizzle out, but he knows it's going on. He imagines rubble descending around them like pebbles sinking into molasses, disintegrating as it sinks to the ground, piling up and up and up until they're surrounded by a wall that separates them fromwhat used to be.
Iain looks up as if expecting to see a circle of light, a ray of hope shining down on them, but the only thing above them is darkness. There's Hope and Good and Real Life out there somewhere, but he knows neither Greg nor himself will find that place soon.
He turns his gaze toward Lestrade again, and Iain realizes for the first time just how utterly tired he is. Without Sherlock, Greg is lifeless. All his greatness seems to have vanished. Dimmock watches him, tears still falling, and cannot take it anymore.
Closing his eyes, Dimmock gathers what little emotional strength he has left and walks over to Lestrade knowing full well how much of an idiot he'll look in a few moments, but he reminds himself that he and Greg are practically in another world right now and that people's opinions don't matter. The older man says nothing as Iain wraps his arms around Greg and pulls him into a hug. The brunette doesn't say a word either. He simply stands there, holding his friend, his comrade, his second father tightly, as if by the effort he can keep the man from falling apart altogether.
The brunette knows that he has little to give to Lestrade. Iain Henry Dimmock has not the skills nor the health nor the bravery of his friend. But right now all of that doesn't matter. He just wants Greg to know that this is not the end. There is life beyond this... somewhere.
Lestrade stands there for a very long time, not moving, not speaking, not even looking at Dimmock. Then, ever so slowly, he pulls away. As he walks away into the darkness, he gives a short nod to Iain. It is one of thanks and goodbye.
Greg is not better.
One hug cannot fix his entire world.
But at least he feels like he is no longer falling. Yes, he is hanging by a string, but it is better than nothing. That's all anyone can ask for right now.