Disclaimer - I own nothing.
krikanalo: Oi, oi! I'm sorry, but cut me some slack! Haha. In my defense, it was late at night! It's not like my opinion matters, but don't change your pen name, I like it, but, of course, it is your decision. Oh, and I did go back and change how I spelled your name the previous chapter since it was wrong.
~ Day 10 ~
It was pouring down hard. The clouds hovering in the skies were a dark gray, and the wind was blowing harshly, whipping the branches on the trees with such force, it looked as if it'd snap at any moment now. The grass surrounding the Son household was covered with a thick coat of muddy water, and the garden that Chi-Chi had worked so hard on was covered as well, weeks worth of vegetables completely ruined. An occasional flash of lightning, followed by thunder, could be heard in the distance as well, indicating that a huge storm was approaching fast...
Chi-Chi sat in her bed, her hair hanging down and out of its usual bun with the covers pulled up to her waist, still dressed in her night-clothes. Her back was against the small headboard of her bed, with a simple pillow in between, and she had a tray of soup and orange juice on her lap, courtesy of Bulma, whom insisted she stay in bed for today. Of course, Chi-Chi had protested that staying in bed all day was unhealthy and how she was feeling much better now, but Bulma wasn't having that. After witnessing her raven-haired friend throw up several times just this morning, she refused to allow Chi-Chi to overexert herself and clean when she obviously wasn't feeling well.
"Finished your soup yet, Chi?" Bulma asked, peeking her head in through Chi-Chi's bedroom door, Trunks in her arms.
Chi-Chi nodded in response, a frown tugging at her lips. Staying in bed all day was completely foreign to her, and she didn't like it. She was usually up and about, cleaning the things that needed to be cleaned and tending to the things that needed to be tended to. As a mother and a housewife, that was basically her job, her responsibility.
"Hey, Chi." Bulma started seriously, walking further into Chi-Chi's room and plopping down in front of her on the edge of the bed. "I've been doing some thinking..." She trailed off, watching her best friend's expression so far.
Chi-Chi raised an eyebrow, her complete attention on the woman in front of her. "Well, what is it?"
Bulma wasted no time telling Chi-Chi what was on her mind. "Has the thought that you might be pregnant crossed your mind?"
Chi-Chi looked taken aback at Bulma's question. "...Pregnant?" She repeated in shock. She couldn't be pregnant, could she? There was just no way. She has been experiencing back aches, headaches and dizziness, but all of those could be from stress as well. "Bulma, there's just no way. I can't be pregnant. I have been experiencing back aches, dizziness and headaches, but that could be from stressing out these past ten days." She admitted, voicing the very thoughts she had been thinking.
Bulma shook her head in disagreement. "If you hadn't thrown up several times today, then maybe I would have believed that. Have you noticed anything else?"
Chi-Chi furrowed her black eyebrows, mentally running over everything that has occurred so far for the past ten days. After a few moments had passed, the younger woman finally shook her head 'no', not being able to come up with anything else that may have seemed out of the ordinary. "I don't think so." She finally answered.
"Are you sure?" Bulma inquired.
Chi-Chi gave a quick nod. "As far as I know of."
"Okay, well, if you throw up again today, I'm taking you to the store tomorrow to take a pregnancy test."
Chi-Chi said nothing in response, not sure how to feel at the moment. She honestly didn't think she could deal with being pregnant a second time. Especially, not now. It was already difficult enough taking care of one child, and she wasn't Bulma, she didn't have a lot of money, nor was she rich. Plus, she still wasn't in the proper state of mind to take care of a baby.
The younger woman snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Chi, don't worry, okay? If you are pregnant, you won't have to go through this alone."
Chi-Chi just simply nodded, at a lost for words. "Thanks, can you give me some time alone, please?"
"Sure. Just call my name if you need anything."
Chi-Chi nodded absentmindedly, caught up in her own thoughts.
~ Day 11 ~
"Chi-Chi," Bulma called out, gently nudging the younger woman in an attempt to wake her up. She had been trying to wake her up for the past several minutes now, and she had yet to get any response. She almost wanted to let her continue sleeping, aware that these past eleven days for Chi-Chi had been extremely difficult, but they had to head for the store later on today. It was already twelve in the afternoon, and if she let her sleep any later, then the pharmacy she had in mind would be closed. Since it was a Wednesday, the pharmacy usually closed around two, earlier than all of the other weekdays.
"Chi-Chi," Bulma tried again, this time succeeding for the raven-haired woman groaned, her eyes fluttering open as she sat up.
"What time is it?" Chi-Chi questioned tiredly.
"Twelve in the afternoon."
Chi-Chi immediately slid out of bed, her eyes wide with shock. "What?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!"
Bulma gave Chi-Chi a stern look. "You needed the sleep. When's the last time you had a good night's rest?"
The raven-haired woman sighed, her eyes returning to its normal size. "It's been a while, but that's besides the point."
"No, it's not besides the point," Bulma began. "You've been stressing for almost two weeks, and if you are pregnant, then that's unhealthy for you and the baby."
"It's not like I'm choosing to stress." Chi-Chi defended.
Bulma rolled her eyes. "Just get cleaned up and get dressed, I already made breakfast for you." She stated, before turning to walk away. "The pharmacy closes at two." She called over her shoulder.
Chi-Chi stared after the door that Bulma had just exited out of moments ago, before getting up and heading to the bathroom to do as Bulma said. It wouldn't take her too long to get ready, probably about thirty to forty minutes at the most. Since it was already around twelve, then she could go ahead and estimate that she'd be done, which was sometime close to one. Then, as soon as she finished her shower, they could head over to the pharmacy.
And then finally, she could put the anxiousness pertaining to whether or not she was pregnant to rest. Just about the whole night last night, her mind was swarming around that particular thought, which was most likely the reason she didn't fall asleep until around one in the morning. It was just that being pregnant was simply a lot to take in for right now, and if she did happen to be pregnant, then she didn't know how she would react.
Deciding to cease her thoughts for the time being, she cut on the water to the shower and slipped out of her clothes, before easing into the shower and sighing, attempting to prevent her thoughts from drifting to anything - she merely wanted to relax for once. Honestly, she didn't think ever been this stressed before, of course she has been stress on plenty accounts, but not to this extent. This was a totally different category in some aspect. About half an hour later, Chi-Chi was finished, now completely dressed in her usual Chinese garb with her hair pulled into the typical bun she always wore.
Satisfied with her appearance, she headed out of her bathroom, grabbing her small clutch bag off of her dresser before heading towards the room Bulma and Trunks were still staying in to see if her blue-haired friend was ready. As soon as reached the room, she knocked a few times, patiently waiting for the older woman to open the door. Moments later, the door swung open revealing her blue-eyed friend carrying Trunks. She was dressed in a simple pair of white Capri's with a salmon-colored low cut shirt, completing the look with a pair of black sandals. "Are you ready to go, Chi?"
"Just about. I'm going to eat the breakfast you made, and then we can head out."
"Okay, great. I'll join you."
The two walked down the stairs and into the kitchen in silence, Chi-Chi leading the way. Within two to three minutes, the two women were sitting at the kitchen table. Chi-Chi proceeded to eat her breakfast, which consisted of a bowl of steamed rice and tamagoyaki (rolled omelet). It wasn't much, but she wasn't going to complain. For once, instead of cooking for others, someone was cooking for her. She wasn't by any means stating that she hated cooking; that wasn't the case. She loved taking care of her family, though it could be a bit stressful of times, but she was just simply stating that having someone cook for her, even if it was a friend, was a nice feeling.
"How does it taste?" Bulma asked curiously, breaking the comfortable silence they fell into. "I'm not that skilled in cooking like you are, but my mom has been giving me lessons recently."
"It's great." Chi-Chi stated honestly. "This is pretty good. Thanks, by the way."
Bulma smiled. "Really? I'm glad you like it, and it's no problem, Chi. It's the least I can do for allowing Trunks and I to stay here for the past few days."
Chi-Chi frowned, "You don't have to thank me for that. I really don't mind you two staying here at all. But, if you don't mind me asking, just when are you planning to go back home? You can't avoid Vegeta forever."
"I don't know when we're going back." Bulma answered, before continuing shortly after, "And I know I can't avoid him, but, honestly, Vegeta's the last thing I want to think about right now."
"You're still upset with him?"
Bulma scoffed. "Upset? Try furious. I'm getting tired of putting up with his arrogance and antics."
"Do you regret sleeping with him?"
"There were times that I did." Bulma admitted, "but after having Trunks, I don't regret it at all."
Chi-Chi nodded in understanding, opening her mouth to reply, but was cut off by the sound of the phone ringing. In response, she hopped up, placing her now empty dishes in the sink, before grabbing the phone. "Hello?" Chi-Chi answered.
"Hey, mom, how are you doing?"
"I don't know." She answered truthfully, deciding to be honest with him.
"Do you want me to come back home, Mom?" Gohan asked worriedly.
"No, sweetie, Bulma's here with me, remember? I just want you to spend some time with your grandpa. It's been a while since you stayed the night at his place."
"Okay," the young boy answered reluctantly, "but I'm coming back home tomorrow."
Chi-Chi smiled faintly, "Okay, that's fine. I'll see you tomorrow, then."
"Okay. Well, I guess I better go. Grandpa's taking me fishing today."
"Alright. Have a great time, and I love you."
"Okay, bye. I love you, too, mom."
"Bye." Chi-Chi replied, hanging up the phone afterwards. She smiled lightly, the sound of her little boy's voice over the phone cheering her up a bit.
"How's he doing?" Bulma asked, causing Chi-Chi's attention to be diverted on her.
"I think he's doing good."
Bulma nodded, suddenly standing up. "That's good. Well, we better go ahead and head to the pharmacy before it closes, eh?"
Chi-Chi's smile dropped. "Yeah, I guess so."
Chi-Chi stared at the pregnancy stick in her hand in shock, tears welling up in her eyes. She and Bulma had just returned back to her house fifteen minutes ago, and as soon as they made it through the doors, she immediately headed for the bathroom to take the pregnancy test. She couldn't wait any longer to find out if she was pregnancy. It took her no longer than a minute or two to follow the directions on the pregnancy test, and the five minutes she had to wait afterwards in order to get a response, felt as if it lasted an eternity. Just a few moments ago, the small device beeped, indicating that it was ready.
And she did not get the response she was looking for.
It wasn't as if she didn't want to have another child. Now was just simply not the right time. She was still stressed, and she wasn't stable enough to take care of her current child, and now she had to raise another child? In the first place, she wasn't gifted like Bulma. She didn't have the money Bulma and her family had, unlike them, she was struggling to make ends meet. Granted, the house was a gift from her father when she and Goku got married, so the house wasn't an issue. But she still had to pay the other bills, such as the water bill, and the light bill. Based on the amount of money she had to put out for groceries every week, that might as well be counted as a bill as well. Paying for groceries that was capable of filling the appetite of two Saiyans were hard enough, but since Goku was dead, she was only paying for groceries that were capable of filling Gohan's Saiyan appetite and hers. But now that she pregnant, she was going to have to pay for groceries capable of filling two Saiyans again. And if Goku ever came back, the grocery prices would be even higher.
Chi-Chi ran her hand through her hair in frustration, dropping to her knees. Did he even know that he left her with yet another child he wouldn't be here for? If he didn't know, would he have chosen to stay if he did know? And if he did know, what in the world would posses him to not come back knowing that she would be carrying his child? Chi-Chi scowled, slamming her fist down on the bathroom floor in frustration. She couldn't take this anymore! This was just too much! How was she suppose to support a child on her own?! What would she tell her child if he or she had to grow up with a father and never got to know him?! For the past two weeks, she has been nothing, but constantly stressed! Worrying. Doubting. Wondering. Ever since he chose to stay dead, things have been nothing but difficult for her! She didn't even know if difficult was the proper term to use! She already had enough to deal with on her plate: realizing that her husband wouldn't be coming home, and probably won't ever come back home; dealing with the fact that her husband was missing yet another part of Gohan's life; she already had to put up with her emotions and thoughts - it was just so much that she had put up with and suffer through.
And now this?
Chi-Chi finally reaching her breaking point, broke down, sobbing loudly, her body shaking from the force. She felt so many things at that moment, the little of the lot of them being: anger, hurt, pain, heartbreak. The raven-haired woman released a scream of frustration, slamming her fist into the bathroom floor again.
"Chi-Chi?" Bulma questioned worriedly, opening the younger woman's bathroom door and rushing to aid her once she saw the position she was in. She had been laying Trunks down, and re-entering the younger woman's room to check on her, only to hear her loud sobs and scream of frustration. "Are you okay?" When the blue-haired woman got no response, she tried again, "Chi-Chi, tell me what's wrong."
Chi-Chi shook her head, still sobbing. "I-I can't take this anymore, Bulma! I just can't! I'm through!"
Bulma pulled Chi-Chi into an comforting embrace. "Calm down, Chi. You've just reached your breaking point. I promise you everything's going to be okay."
Chi-Chi sobs decreased slightly in volume. "You don't know that, Bulma! And, I'm tired! I can't take - "
Bulma gently pushed Chi-Chi away from her in order to sternly look her in the eyes. "Listen to me, Chi! You're the strongest woman I know, and I mean it! I know you're tired and I know I couldn't possibly understand all that you've been going though, but I'm here for you. You don't have to go through this alone. I'll stay with you until your child is born if I have to."
"But what about - "
"Chi-Chi! Stop worrying, and just trust me, okay? I'm not going to let you take this on by yourself. Even the strongest of people need help sometimes."
"I-I don't know what to say." She stuttered out, calming down."
Bulma smiled gently, her eyes softening. "Then, don't say anything. Just think about it, Chi. Our kids could grow to be best friends one day just like we are."
"I wouldn't want to burden you - "
Bulma shook her head, "Have you been listening to anything I said, Chi-Chi? Just trust me, okay? We're best friends, and best friends are always there for each other."
Chi-Chi smiled faintly. "Thank you, Bulma. Thank you so much."
Bulma just flashed her a smile, pulling her in for another hug. "You're welcome, Chi. We'll get through this together...I promise."
A/N: Alright, this is the end for now. Like the summary says, this is simply a glimpse into what Chi-Chi may have gone through. There will be no epilogue because I do plan on continuing this one day, but with being enrolled in college, and all this other stuff you probably don't care about, it's best for me to end it right here.
I want to thank all of my supporters, readers, reviewers. I didn't have much, but I'm confident I'll get more, so I'm going to thank the future reviewers in advance.
Please, let me know your thoughts, and whatnot. I actually care, unless, of course, it's negative.