Author's Notes:

It's me and my crazy ideas again :) I'll try to keep it light this time.

The plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone, so, here is the first chapter. Don't know if I will update it soon. Hermione Granger and the Prince of Serpents has the highest priority.

Summary: Minister Fudge doesn't meet Harry in front of Leaky Cauldron when he arrives by the Knight Bus. After a visit to Gringotts he has to either get back to Dursleys or find another way out. He chooses the later and for three weeks becomes a servant of Greengrass family.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Neither characters nor the world belong to me.

Rating: T.

Anyway, Read&Review!

Another Way Out

by CreatorZorah

Chapter 1

Harry was sitting in the Knight Bus looking at the buildings, cars and people outside. He was cursing himself for losing control and blowing up Aunt Marge. He was a criminal now because of the hag. Harry had no idea what to do. But his first stop would be Gringotts. He would take money and flee, not sure where. Soon the Knight Bus stopped in front of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Thanks," Harry muttered as Stan helped him to get his trunk and Hedwig's cage to the pavement. "Bye."

"Good luck, Neville," Stan said and the Knight Bus disappeared.

Harry sighed and looked at the Leaky Cauldron unsure about the idea of staying there. He was sure that they would snap his wand or worse, send him to Azkaban. He shuddered nervously and looked down at his trunk. Right, the Invisibility Cloak. He opened the trunk and took the cloak. A bit of magic wouldn't hurt, would it? He took the wand in his hand and made the trunk feather-light. Then he looked at the Hedwig's cage. It would be too difficult to drag it around under the cloak. He didn't really need it and could always buy a new one.

Leaving the cage behind he walked to the Leaky Cauldron and stopped before the door. Covered by the cloak he waited until someone opened the door and Harry slipped in. Renting a room at the Leaky Cauldron would be too obvious, so he left it through the archway to the Diagon Alley. Gringotts was still closed and Harry sat down in front of it, still under the cloak.

A sudden noise woke him up and he cursed realizing that he had fallen asleep. Fortunately no one noticed or stumbled over him and the noise he heard came from the door. Goblins opened the bank. Harry took the cloak off and with a hesitation walked into Gringotts.

"I would like to make a withdrawal," Harry said when he approached a goblin behind the counter.

"Do you have your key?" the goblin asked.

"Eh... no, I don't have it."

The goblin frowned and said, "Your wand then." Harry handed over his wand and the goblin said, "Good. Griphook! Take Mr. Potter down to his Vault."

Harry wondered if the goblin was somehow tied to his Vault, because it was the second time he was taken there by Griphook. When the goblin opened the door Harry stopped in his tracks seeing as the pile was considerably smaller than the last time. He turned around and asked the goblin, "It seems that there is less money than before."

"Are you implying that we stole your gold?" Griphook asked angrily.

"No!" Harry exclaimed. "I just don't know where the gold went."

The goblin muttered something unintelligible about wizards and took a parchment out of his pocket. "Let's see... The most went to Hogwarts as a tuition. Two thousand Galleons for the first year and the same amount for the second."

"But I thought it was free!"

"Only for pure-bloods and those who can't afford to pay," the goblin noted. "But the later pay it off later."

"How much money do I have then?"

"Sixteen thousand two hundred sixty seven Galleons, five Sickles and two Knuts," Griphook answered.

Harry sighed in relief. "Then I still have six thousand spare Galleons," he said.

"No," the goblin said. "You have only two hundred sixty seven Galleons. Sixteen thousand Galleons are reserved for tuition. The NEWT years cost five thousand Galleons each."

Now the situation looked really grim. He had always assumed that he had enough money. Apparently it wasn't the case. There was only the money for Hogwarts. But he was a criminal now, wasn't he? Hogwarts didn't matter. He was probably already expelled.

"Can I withdraw the money reserved for Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"No, according to the Will of your parents, you can't unless you're seventeen," with a smile, obviously happy to see a wizard having problems.

Harry frowned. "Then I'll withdraw two hundred sixty seven Galleons."

The smile on the goblin's face grew even wider as he answered, "You can't. According to the Will, you can withdraw only ten Galleons a month without a permission from your guardian."

Harry cursed, but still took ten Galleons from his vault. He knew why his parents set these rules, but it was still stupid. He needed the money, but the gold was just a dead weight now. Ten Galleons wouldn't be enough to rent a room for long. Probably for a week or less.

As he left Gringotts, he stopped in the middle of the Alley. Harry was utterly lost, realizing that he had no idea what to do and where to go. Considering that there was that Sirius Black on the run, it was dangerous too to stay outside for too long. It was useless. Perhaps it would be for the better if someone noticed him.

"Harry Potter?" Harry spun around to the source of the voice and a dark-skinned man. "There you are."

Harry stepped back and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Auror Shacklebolt. We were searching for you," he answered. "Thank Merlin you're alright."

"Are you going to snap my wand?" Harry asked with dread.

A confused look appeared on the auror's face. "Why?" Then his face brightened and he said, "Ah, you're talking about the incident with your Aunt! Don't worry about it. You won't be punished for it."

Harry wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so he said, "And, what now?"

"I have to escort you back home," the auror said.

"Like hell I'll go back there!" Harry exclaimed. He had enough of constant insults.

Shaklebolt frowned. "You can stay at the Leaky Cauldron then, if you want. Just don't leave the Diagon Alley and Leaky Cauldron. I can't forbid it, but it's not safe outside the Diagon Alley," the auror said.

"Alright," Harry answered.

"Do you have enough money?"

"How much is it to rent a room?" Harry asked.

"A galleon for a day, I believe," Shacklebolt answered.

"I have enough," Harry lied.

The auror nodded. "Very well, I'll notify the Minister that you're alright and safe. Remember, don't leave the Diagon Alley."

"I won't, Auror Shacklebolt," Harry assured him.

"Good," Shacklebolt said and disapparated.

Left alone again, Harry sighed in relief. He wasn't a criminal. He didn't have to run. His wand wouldn't be snapped. That made him so happy that he forgot for a moment that he didn't have enough money to live at the Leaky Cauldron.

He was startled as something landed on his shoulder with a loud hoot. "Hedwig!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm so glad that you're here." The owl glanced at him and hooted again. He considered writing a letter to Ron, but decided against it. They were in Egypt. Hermione was with her parents in France too.

Perhaps he could find a job for the rest of the summer, because there was no way he would return to Dursleys. He could contact Dumbledore, but Harry assumed that the Headmaster would bring him back to Dursleys. Not happening. He bought a copy of a Daily Prophet and opened it on the classified section. There were many job offerings, but he could see nothing that would do for him. Some jobs required diverse qualification, he didn't have; others full-time dedication for the whole year. A few jobs required him to be of age. He was ready to give up when he saw the ad.

He was however very hesitant even to think about the job. However it was exactly what he was looking for and even more. The applicant had to be a Hogwarts student with cooking skills. It was a summer job with an opportunity to continue it at Hogwarts too. And on top of it he would get a free roof over his head. But that meant to be a servant. To be a servant was the last thing he wanted, but considering that he had worked as a slave for Dursleys, he might as well earn some gold doing the same thing.

Harry opened his trunk, took a piece of parchment and wrote:

Dear Mrs Greengrass,

I'm interested in your job offer.

I would like to learn more about it.

I'm available to meet you at the Leaky Cauldron at every time.


The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it. Greengrass. Perhaps there was a student at Hogwarts with the name. He was still reluctant to accept the job, but at least he could learn more about it. Maybe it wouldn't be bad.

„Please, take it to Creusa Greengrass," Harry asked his owl. The bird hooted and flew away.

A reply came quite fast. He was eating a breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron when Hedwig got back carrying a letter. Harry gave the owl a piece of bacon he bought for her and unfolded the letter.

I'll be at Leaky Cauldron in twenty minutes.

Creusa Greengrass

Considering that Hedwig needed forty minutes to get to Greengrasses and return, Creusa had to appear about... now. The moment he thought that, an attractive blond-haired woman stepped out of the green flames of the fireplace. It wasn't difficult for her to find Harry as Hedwig was at his table.

"It seems that my daughter was right," the woman said sitting down beside him. "You really are Harry Potter."

"Mrs Greengrass?"

"Yes, I'm Creusa Greengrass, pleased to meet you," Creusa said.

"Thank you, likewise," Harry answered. "How did your daughter know that I'm Harry Potter?"

"There aren't many students named Harry with a gorgeous snowy owl," she explained and suddenly added with sadness, "You look just like your father."

"You knew him?" he asked.

She laughed saying, "Knew him? We started Hogwarts the same year and I dated him since the end of third year until I got tired of his infatuation with your mother by the end of the sixth." She sighed.

"You dated my father?" Harry asked dumbfolded.

"Yes, for three years." Creusa smiled. "Let me ask you first, is that some prank or you are really interested in being a servant? Knowing your father..."

"I really am interested," Harry said, his face was slowly getting red.

"And why do you want it? It's not something I would expect of Harry Potter." He was hesitant to answer and when she noticed it, Creusa continued, "Please answer the question if you really are interested."

"I don't want... to live with my relatives, but I can't... afford to live alone," he answered.

Creusa hummed. "Can you cook?"

Harry nodded. "Yes. I do cook for my relatives often."

"Maternal relatives?" Creusa asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Why do you have to cook for them?"

Harry looked away. "I don't want to talk about my relatives."

"I won't hire you if I don't understand your motives. You're Potter. I can't even fathom why would you want to be my servant."

He shrugged and stood up. "If you don't want..."

"Sit down, Harry," she said with a sigh.

He hesitated for a moment, but did as she had told.

Creusa continued, "We won't talk about your relatives if you don't want to. Our House-elf died a few days ago and we need some time to find a new one. I'm not sure if you know how rare good elves are. Our family is... It's only me, Daphne and Astoria. Neither of us can cook or do other chores. We were used that our House-elf would do everything for us. That's why we need you."

"Why did you need a Hogwarts student then?" Harry asked. "I'll start Hogwarts in three weeks."

"I don't need a servant for me alone," she answered. "Astoria and Daphne will go to Hogwarts with you. By the way, is there a possibility that you'll agree to be their servant at Hogwarts?"

"Well..." Harry hesitated to give a negative answer fearing that she would withdraw her offer. "I'm not sure. Why would they need a servant in Hogwarts?"

"You can ask them yourself," the woman answered with a smile. "You don't have to decide it now."

"How much would you pay me?"

"Five Galleons a day," Creusa answered. "We aren't very wealthy."

"Very well, I agree," Harry said.

Creusa shook her head in amusement. "Not so fast." Then she placed a parchment on the table and said, "This is a magical contract. Please read it carefully and sign if you agree. I'll sign it too. It will protect you and my daughters."

"A magical contract?" Harry asked.

"Don't they teach it in Hogwarts anymore?" she wondered aloud. "If you sign it, once you paid, you'll have to obey me and my daughters. There won't be a way out unless you want to lose your magic and become a squib."

Harry's eyes widened and he asked, "Why would I want to sign it?"

"It's a standard servant's contract. It protects our secrets and the agreement, while it makes sure that we can't abuse you. Please, read it."

Harry nodded and began to read the contract. It was fair, he realized. The both sides would agree to not reveal each other's secrets unless allowed. They wouldn't be able to beat him or force to do something harmful for him or anyone else. And there were lots of other things. However, he felt uneasy at thought of being bound to obey her and her daughters. Who were her daughters anyway? Daphne Greengrass. It sounded so familiar, but he couldn't remember who she was. Still, it was only for three weeks. Three weeks free of Dursleys. And hundred additional Galleons on his hands. He doubted that these Greengrasses would be worse than Dursleys. Creusa was quite nice, besides it seemed that she was close to his father in the past. Perhaps she would tell him more about his father. And considering the contract he was quite safe.

Harry took a quill and signed the contract. Creusa looked at him in surprise and then did the same.

"Daphne thought it was a prank," she said taking the parchment away. "I didn't believe you were serious either. Until now."

"Why?" Harry asked. "You're telling me about pranks and my father, but I don't really know anything about him."

"Your father was one of the Marauders, Harry. It was a very famous group of pranksters at Hogwarts," she said with suddenly pained expression on her face. "He was there along with Remus, Peter and Sirius..." Her eyes darkened.

His eyes widened in realization. "Sirius Black? Was he your friend?"

She nodded. "He was, but I don't want to talk about him. We're even now. I'll tell you more about your father later." Creusa stood up and held up her hand. "Take my hand, I'll introduce you to my daughters."

"Hedwig, would you meet me at their place?" he asked his faithful owl. She hooted and flew out of the window.

"Smart owl," Creusa Greengrass said. "Come on, take my hand."

Harry stood up and took her hand. He didn't have to fear, because of the signed contract. She wouldn't try to harm him. He took a deep breath and the next moment they disapparated. Sensations were horrible. When they appeared at the entrance of an old and big manor, Harry had to put a great effort in holding back a puke.

"Your first time?" Creusa asked with a smirk.

"Yes," he answered.

"The first time is always bad," she said and opened the door. "You'll get used to it."


Harry turned to the source of voice and saw two girls. The younger one had black hair and grey eyes. The older girl had hazel eyes and the same blond hair as her mother. They looked at him stunned in disbelief, unable to utter a word.

"You!" Harry exclaimed, pointing a finger at the older girl recognizing her as a Slytherin from his year.

"Potter?" Daphne glanced at her mother. "Don't tell me it wasn't a prank."

"Apparently it wasn't," Creusa said. "Astoria, Daphne, meet your servant, Harry James Potter."

Review! :)