On Monday, September 8th in Angel Grove High School, Ethan stands in his History classroom in front of the blackboard. Ethan is wearing an unbuttoned over-shirt over his gray T-shirt, denim jeans, socks and sneakers. He smiles at his class of high school senior students.

ETHAN: "You all did very well today, class. Tonight, I want you to read Chapter Two and answer the questions in section one. See you tomorrow."

The bell rings and the class pack up their books and get ready to leave. Ethan smiles as he watches his students exit the room, one by one. As the last student walks out, Ionisos, dressed in civilian clothes, walks into the room and he walks to Ethan. Ethan smiles at his approaching friend.

ETHAN: "Oh, hi, Mr. Olsen."

IONISOS: "Hello, Ethan. How do you like working here at Angel Grove High?"

ETHAN: "Oh, it's been great. It's been almost a year since I last taught a classroom. It feels like I never left teaching. How's your day been?"

IONISOS: "Very good, thank you. I still have some work to finish back in the office, but I'll join you all later for dinner."

ETHAN: "All right. I just need to finish up here and we'll meet up with you at about six."

IONISOS: "Very well. See you later."

Ethan nods and Ionisos waves as he walks out.

At the Lunar Palace, Rita, Zedd and Domminnous stand on the balcony and they look at Earth. Zedd looks on with his telescopic beam, while Domminnous and Rita look on through their telescopes.

DOMMINNOUS: "Look at those fools, working about all day. It's a good time to send down a new monster."

ZEDD: "Not so fast, Domminnous. First we need to think of a monster to send down against the Rangers."

RITA: "Why bother coming up with a new design? We've already got some old ones waiting to go."

ZEDD: "You don't mean..."

RITA: (interrupts) "Indeed I do! Finster has been whining for us to use some more of his monsters and he's already re-made several of my old ones with new powers!"

DOMMINNOUS: "That's not such a bad idea. We saw promise with King Sphinx after Finster upgraded him. And if the monster should fail, then the blame can go to Finster."

ZEDD: "Oh, very well. Go to the workshop and see what Finster has ready."

RITA: "All right. I'll be back as soon as I find the perfect monster, and then we'll make those meddling Rangers pay!"

Rita cackles as she walks off.

At the Angel Grove Plaza, Kimberly stands in her gymnastics classroom, looking at her students. She's wearing a black workout uniform that leaves most of her scarred back exposed and black slippers. Her students all walk out of the classroom, one at a time. She smiles and waves at her students.

KIMBERLY: "Excellent job today, everyone. See you tomorrow."

As the last student leaves, Jason walks into the room and he walks up to Kimberly. He is wearing a red tank top, black pants, black socks and black sneakers with red laces. The two smile at one another.

JASON: "Hello, Mrs. Scott."

KIMBERLY: "Mrs. Scott. I really love the sound of that."

JASON: "How was class, sweetie?"

KIMBERLY: "Fine, thanks. I'm making real progress teaching them. Today was also the first day my pupils had successfully comprehended my instructions due to my enhanced intellect."

Jason gives her a puzzled look. Kimberly smiles and she shakes her head, realizing her error. Slipping into techno-babble was becoming more frequent for her since gaining her new knowledge from Rynar's caverns.

KIMBERLY: "I mean, today was the first time since I started teaching again the class was able to understand what I was saying due to my techno-speak."

JASON: "Oh. How is that coming along?"

KIMBERLY: "Ionisos wants to continue going over lessons with me so that I can better understand all of this new information that I got from the Orb of Knowledge."

JASON: "No kidding. I'm still trying to adjust to all of my new detective skills. I'm pretty much aware of everything around me and Ionisos says I've gotten a photographic memory from my Orb. I can remember everything in vivid detail, down to the last nook and cranny... in some cases, literally."

Kimberly looks at Jason, intrigued by his confession.

KIMBERLY: "Can you give me an example?"

Jason looks at Kimberly for a moment, from top to bottom. He looks at her hair, her clothes, and finally he stops as he sees her shoes and socks.

JASON: "Like the loose strand on your left foot's shoelace? Or that the right shoe's laces are a fraction darker than the left? Or the ant bite on your left ankle, above your sock?"

Kimberly sits on a chair, she lifts up her left leg and she looks at her ankle. She sees a small ant bite on her ankle, just above her sock.

KIMBERLY: "Huh. I didn't even notice that."

Jason frowns at her.

JASON: "I did. I've been noticing everything, big and small. I feel like Sherlock Holmes. I just wish I could turn it off, or at least get some better control over it."

Kimberly looks at Jason and gives him a reassuring smile. She knew what it was like to have a new talent she didn't fully control or understand yet, and she was beginning to wonder if her teammates were undergoing the same experience.

KIMBERLY: "Don't worry, you will. It'll just take practice. Maybe we can visit the Command Center after dinner and get some help."

JASON: "That sounds like a good idea. We can grab some drive-thru and go over in the lab to meet up with Ionisos and Alpha."

KIMBERLY: "Then it's settled. I'd better finish making preparations for my next class. I'll see you later."

JASON: "Later, Kim."

The two kiss on the lips and then Jason turns and walks out of the classroom.

Elsewhere, Kat stands in her ballet classroom, wearing her ballet outfit. She is getting ready for her next class when her friend, LISA – mid-20s with shoulder-length brunette hair – walks down the room to join Kat. Lisa is wearing a long-sleeved shirt, jeans, socks and sneakers.

KAT: "Hi, Lisa. How's your day been?"

LISA: "Good so far. How about yours?"

KAT: "It's been pretty good, thanks. What's up?"

LISA: "I came by because I wanted to let you know the good news. I get to put on a performance of the Phantom with my new theater class."

KAT: "Wow, congratulations! That's a great play to perform!"

LISA: "Thanks. I also wanted to ask if you wanted to grab some dinner after class and hang out."

KAT: "Yeah, sure. I'll catch up with you later. I'm sorry to cut this short, but I've got a ballet class to teach in a few minutes."

LISA: "Yeah, sure. I'll see you later, Kat."

Kat smiles and nods. Lisa waves and she walks out of the room.

Back on the moon, Finster is in his workshop, hard at work on a clay monster sculpt which looks like a Mummy. Baboo and Squatt watch him work, impressed by his latest clay model. While Finster is hard at work, Rita is looking over Finster's monster sculpts on his workshop table. There are several new sculpts of Finster's old classic monsters that are mixed in with several new monster designs he'd recently finished.

BABOO: "Ooh, that new one looks so creepy, Finster!"

FINSTER: "That's the idea, Baboo. It's not quite finished yet. But once I finish a few more details on it..."

RITA: (interrupts) "Can it, Finster! You said you were improving one of your old sculpts and that was over an hour ago!"

FINSTER: "I am, my queen. It just needs a little more time to..."

He is interrupted as he hears a timer bell ding. Finster walks across the room and to a small microwave-shaped Power Machine.

SQUATT: "What's that sound? Is it dinner time already?"

FINSTER: "Actually, it's the clay monster. I've just finished giving a new coating to the Bones model."

Finster opens the Power Machine's door and he gently pulls out the Bones clay model with both hands.

FINSTER (CONT'D): "I've given him some new powers during combat and a protective force field to his head once it detaches from his body."

RITA: "Excellent! I'm giving you a second chance with this monster, Finster! Don't blow it!"

Finster walks over to the Monster Matic machine and he sets the Bones model gently on the conveyor belt.

FINSTER: "Don't worry, my queen. With these upgrades, I'll make sure Bones does not fail you again."

Finster turns the wheel, moving the clay model into the Monster Matic. The doors close, Finster pulls a lever back and then up again, and the exhaust pipe spews smoke as the Monster Matic starts cooking. After a few seconds, the large exit tube spews out smoke and standing under the tube is the newly-revived Bones monster. He looks just the same as before, down the black-on-the-outside, red-on-the-inside cape tied around his neck.

BONES: "Ah, Empress Rita. Thank you for giving me this second chance."

RITA: "He looks so much nastier and uglier than last time! Well done, Finster!"

Zedd and Domminnous walk into the workshop and they see Bones look at them.

DOMMINNOUS: "So, you've finally made a decision, Rita. I must admit, it's a rather creepy-looking selection you've made."

BONES: "Allow me to introduce myself."

Bones removes his head and holds it by his chest.

BONES (CONT'D): "I am Bones, at your service."

Squatt scratches his head, a little confused, as Bones puts his head back on his neck.

SQUATT: "Hey, didn't he say that the last time too?"

BABOO: "That's right, he did. Good memory."

RITA: "Oh, shut up! Let's see how powerful you've become, Bones! Head on down to the city!"

BONES: "With pleasure, my queen."

Bones teleports out of the room.

Near the mountains, Bones teleports onto a stage in an abandoned amusement park. He holds up his green-bladed sword and the lights of the stage switch on.

BONES: "Now, let's see if the Power Rangers can come out to play!"

Bones laughs wickedly.

Back at Angel Grove High, Tommy is seated at his desk in his classroom, grading papers. The word DETENTION is written on the blackboard and underlined. Seated at their seats in the classroom are three seniors, each looking bored at having to stay put and wait. Tommy looks at his watch and then he eyes the students.

TOMMY: "All right, detention's done. You guys can go."

Much to their delight, the students stand up and walk out of the room, one by one. Tommy watches the last student leave and he smiles. He was finished with class, detention had been nice and quiet, and he'd finally finished grading his last class' papers. Tommy puts his newly-graded papers on a shelf, and then his communicator beeps. Tommy frowns. His day had been pretty quiet up until now. Tommy stands up and he looks around, making sure he's alone. He walks to the door and closes it. Tommy taps his communicator button to talk.

TOMMY: "This is Tommy, come in."

ZORDON: "Tommy, please report to the Command Center. There's a monster attack in progress."

TOMMY: "I'm on my way."

Tommy taps a button on his communicator and then he teleports out with a streak of green energy.

In the Command Center's main control room, Tommy beams into the room and he finds that Kat, Zack and Ethan are already waiting for him. Kimberly and Jason teleport in, landing near their friends, and the six Rangers face Zordon. He is typing on a keypad of the eastern control console, while Alpha 5 is typing on the western control stand.

TOMMY: "What's going on, Zordon?"

ZORDON: "Rangers, we have discovered another one of Rita's old monsters has been sent down to the abandoned amusement park near the mountains."

KIMBERLY: "Look! An image just went up on the Viewing Globe!"

The Rangers turn and face the Viewing Globe. The image shows Bones at the abandoned amusement park. All of the rides are now switched on and in motion - the Ferris wheel is spinning, the Merry Go Round spins around, etc.

KAT: "Who is that?"

JASON: "That's Bones. He was the very first monster Rita ever sent down to fight us."

KIMBERLY: "He appears to be equally as grotesque as he was during our previous confrontation."

ZORDON: "Rangers, our sensors indicate that Bones has been given several new powers than when you first faced him."

ZACK: "Just like Finster upgraded King Sphinx when he gave him those new powers."

TOMMY: "What can this guy do?"

KIMBERLY: "Bones can shoot these eyeball-looking energy bolts from his eyes, he can leap long distances and he can turn himself invisible. He also has his own skeleton henchmen."

ZACK: "Well, we stopped him once. We can do it again, new powers or not."

ZORDON: "Since we don't know what his new powers are yet, use caution when you confront him. May the Power protect you, Rangers."

Jason stands in front of his friends and the six Rangers reach behind their backs for their Power Morphers.

JASON: "It's Morphin Time!"

The Rangers hold out their Power Morphers, they push the red button on the side of their Morpher cases and the cases pop open. Red LED lights flash in the Morpher's red center layer, indicating the Morphers are now active.

TOMMY: "Dragonzord!"

ZACK: "Mastodon!"

KIMBERLY: "Pterodactyl!"

ETHAN: "Triceratops!"

KAT: "Saber-Toothed Tiger!"

JASON: "Tyrannosaurus!"

A fiery red grid appears over Jason's face. The grid splits vertically, forming the Red Ranger helmet around his head and morphing him into his Power Ranger uniform.

At the amusement park, the six morphed Mighty Morphin Power Rangers flip through the air, one at a time. Red Ranger leads, followed by Black, Pink, Yellow, Blue and then Green Ranger. The Rangers land several feet in front of the stage and get into fighting stances.

ALL SIX RANGERS: "Power Rangers!"

Bones walks forward on the stage and he looks at the Rangers.

BONES: "It's been a long time, Rangers. I can assure you that this will be our last encounter."

BLACK RANGER: "You've got that right, bone-brain! We're going to put an end to you!"

BONES: "You're welcome to try, if you can find me. It's show-time!"

Bones laughs as he turns invisible. The six Rangers look around, puzzled.

GREEN RANGER: "Where'd he go?"

Fiery red, eyeball-shaped energy bolts are shot from Bones' eyes and they hit the Rangers with a burst of sparks. The Rangers are knocked to the ground.

BONES: "First, we'll play some games together. But then, once I've finished toying with you, you will all be destroyed!"

The invisible monster laughs as the six injured Rangers manage to stand up. They weren't expecting a game of hide and seek, but they also didn't expect those energy bolts to hit them as hard either.

At the palace balcony, Domminnous and Rita are looking at the Earth with their telescopes, while Zedd watches with his eyebeam. Zedd ends the eyebeam and he looks at Rita, growling with frustration.

ZEDD: "Bones shouldn't be toying with the Power Rangers! If he's as powerful as Finster says, he should finish them off now while he has the advantage!"

RITA: "Just wait and enjoy the show, Zedd. I want to see what Bones can do."

Zedd looks back at the Earth, clutching his Z-staff tightly with his left hand.

ZEDD: "I hope you won't regret that decision, Rita."

Back in Angel Grove, the Rangers look around the amusement park, trying to find the invisible monster.

BLUE RANGER: "This creep could be anywhere! We need to find him!"

RED RANGER: "I agree. Everyone split up and look around the amusement park. Use your communicator if you find him. Let's move!"

The six Rangers split up and wonder off into different areas of the amusement park. As they split up, Pink Ranger passes by a water fountain and she approaches the bumper cars. She looks around, seeing nothing. Pink Ranger turns and she looks at the ring toss booth.

PINK RANGER: "All right. Where did that ugly excuse of a skeleton go hide?"

Bones suddenly turns visible as he leaps past Pink Ranger, he sparkly slashes her chest with his sword and she is knocked down. Pink Ranger gets to one knee and she sees Bones look at her.

BONES: "It's been a long time, Ranger!"

Bones slashes his sword at Pink Ranger's direction and from his blade he creates a four-foot-tall wave of blue energy that glides above the ground at super-speed. Pink Ranger somersaults to the side, barely dodging the energy wave and it hits the wall of the bumper cars' driving stage. She pulls her Power Bow from behind her back with a flash of pink energy, she puts three arrows in her bow and they glow with pink energy as she fires them. The arrows hit Bones' chest and ribcage, raising a burst of sparks off his bones, and the monster turns invisible.


She looks around, but finds she's alone. Pink Ranger taps her communicator beneath her glove-covered wrist.

PINK RANGER: "Guys, I found Bones by the bumper cars, but he vanished again."

Elsewhere, Red Ranger is standing a few feet away from the Loop the Loop ride and he is holding onto his communicator's talk button.

RED RANGER: "Keep your eyes open, guys. He's here, somewhere."

He hears Bones laughing and Red Ranger turns to his right. He sees the monster is on a horse on the Merry Go Round. Bones waves at Red Ranger.

BONES: "What's wrong? Don't want to ride?"

RED RANGER: "Guys, he's on the Merry Go Round!"

Bones chuckles as he turns invisible. Red Ranger shakes his head, frustrated.

RED RANGER: "Aw, man! Never mind! He's gone again!"

Bones leaps by and he slashes Red Ranger's chest with his sword, raising sparks. Red Ranger hits the ground rolling, he turns and he gets to one knee as Bones' eyes glow with red energy. Red Ranger grabs his Power Sword from behind his back, which materializes in a flash of red light. Bones fires his red eyeball-shaped bolts at Red Ranger, but he leaps into the air and he slashes Bones' chest with his Power Sword. Sparks fly off Bones' chest as he stumbles back and then he slashes his sword at Red Ranger, who blocks it with his Power Sword. Red Ranger and Bones begin a short sword-fight, with Red Ranger blocking Bones' sword slash attack and he slashes his sword at Red Ranger's neck, who ducks under it. Red Ranger manages to sparkly slash his sword across Bones' ribs and he stumbles back, but he recovers and he blocks Red Ranger's next sword attack with his own sword's blade. Bones pushes Red Ranger's sword back with his own sword and he sparkly slashes his sword across Red Ranger's chest, making him stagger back. Bones quickly strikes again, raising sparks off Red Ranger's chest as he is knocked to the ground.

BONES: "You're good with a sword, but I'd much rather settle for eliminating the one who destroyed me!"

Bones vanishes, teleporting away. Red Ranger gets up to his feet, clutching his chest with his free left hand.

RED RANGER: "Aw, man!"

Red Ranger holds his sword in his left hand, as he uses his right to tap his communicator's talk button. He knew exactly who Bones was talking about before.

RED RANGER: "Kat! Bones is headed right for you! Stay put until we get to you!"

Elsewhere in the Amusement Park, Yellow Ranger stands a few feet in front of the Spooky Haunted House ride. She has her hand on her communicator.

YELLOW RANGER: "I'm at the Haunted House ride. I'll let you know if I see him."

BONES: "Does this help?"

Yellow Ranger turns to see Bones standing on the grass. He slashes his sword, creating a wave of blue energy and it slams against her at super-speed. Sparks fly off Yellow Ranger's suit as she's knocked back a few steps. Yellow Ranger holds up her hands, her Power Daggers appear in her hands a burst of yellow light.

BONES: "I understand you're not the same Yellow Ranger that destroyed me, so I'll just have to settle for eliminating her successor!"

Bones charges at Yellow Ranger, holding out his sword, and she returns the charge. As they get within striking range, Bones slashes his sword at Yellow Ranger. She blocks the blade with her right hand's Power Dagger, while simultaneously using the other to sparkly slash across Bones' chest. Bones stumbles back and Yellow Ranger attempts a strike with both Daggers, but Bones blocks it with his sword. He retaliates by diagonally slashing his sword across Yellow Ranger's chest, raising sparks off her suit as she stumbles back.

Bones chuckles at Yellow Ranger, deciding to put his new powers to good use. Bones opens his mouth, he spews out a baseball-sized fireball from his mouth and Yellow Ranger does a series of back handsprings to dodge it. The fireball hits the ground with a burst of sparks, Yellow Ranger stops her back handsprings and then she leaps forward to attack. Bones shoots first, firing another fireball that hits Yellow Ranger's abdomen in mid-air and sparks fly as she is knocked to the ground. Yellow Ranger gets to one knee and tries to get up, but Bones shoots his eye bolts at her and Yellow Ranger grunts as she's knocked to the ground. Yellow Ranger moans with pain as she manages to get to all fours and Bones points at the ground.

BONES: "Hold her!"

Several skeleton hands punch up through the ground and they grab Yellow Ranger's ankles and wrists. Yellow Ranger struggles to get loose, but she can't. For skeletons, their hold was stronger and sharper than she expected. Bones walks to Yellow Ranger and he lifts up his sword to get ready to strike.

YELLOW RANGER: "No! Let me go!"

BONES: "And now, for the final blow!"

GREEN RANGER: "I don't think so!"

To Yellow Ranger's surprise, Bones turns his head around so that it's backwards and he sees Green Ranger leaping at him in mid-air, with his Dragon Dagger firmly held in his right hand to strike. Bones quickly shoots his energy bolts from his eyes, sparkly striking his Dragon Shield chest armor and the hits knock Green Ranger out of the air. He hits the ground and Bones' head faces forward again, just as two red beams are fired and sparkly hit him in the ribs and shoulder. Bones stumbles back as the other four Rangers run over to join her. The four Rangers have their Power Weapons in their hands, though Red and Pink Rangers are also holding their Blade Blaster guns, revealing they're the ones who'd open fire on him. The Black and Blue Rangers help free Yellow Ranger from the grip of the skeletal hands and she stands up.

BONES: "Arise, my Skeleton Warriors! It's time to exact our revenge!"

Parts of the grassy ground break open and crawling up and our from underground are the same Skeleton Warriors that helped Bones before. Each Warrior has its own sword and they fight with the five Power Rangers. Bones, however, turns to face Green Ranger, who has gotten to his feet.

BONES: "You interrupted my attack on the Yellow Ranger! For that, I'll make you pay!"

The two opponents charge at one another and, when they get close enough, Bones slashes his sword at Green Ranger, who blocks the blade with his Dagger. Bones quickly strikes again, raising sparks off Green Ranger's stomach with his sword's blade, but Green Ranger recovers and blocks the next sword slash attempt with his Dagger. Green Ranger pushes the blade back, he sends Bones reeling back with a kick to the sternum, and then he lets loose a spinning heel kick that knocks Bones' head off.

The five Rangers continue to fight the Skeleton Warriors. Pink Ranger handsprings forward and she kicks one Warrior back as her feet hit its chest. While fighting his own Skeleton Warrior, Red Ranger blocks his sword attack with his Power Sword and he sees Bones' head float in mid-air.

RED RANGER: "Tommy! Destroy his head, bro!"

GREEN RANGER: "You've got it!"

Green Ranger nods and he leaps up to Bones' head. He slashes his Dragon Dagger at Bones, but a fiery red force field suddenly appears around Bones' head and the Dagger's blade hits the force field instead. Bones is able to spit out a fireball from his mouth that hits Green Ranger's Dragon Shield and sparks fly off the armor as he's knocked to the ground.

GREEN RANGER: "Aw, man! A force field?"

To Green Ranger's surprise, Bones' headless body lifts its sword and charges to attack. The headless skeleton starts slashing the sword at Green Ranger, but he's able to dodge the attacks. Nearby, Black Ranger is dueling with a Skeleton Warrior, blocking the blade of his sword with his Power Axe. Black Ranger saw the force field around Bones' head and it had given him an idea on how to take care of it.

BONES: "You can't destroy me this time!"

BLACK RANGER: "Maybe he can't, but I think I can!"

Black Ranger knocks a Skeleton Warrior aside with a high kick, then he switches his Power Axe to cannon mode and he pushes a purple button. The barrel of the Power Axe shoots out a frosty mist which hits the force field. Within seconds, the force field is frozen solid and Bones' head is trapped inside.

BONES: "No! No!"

RED RANGER: "Kat! Finish him off!"

Yellow Ranger nods and she runs to Bones' direction, while Blue Ranger blocks a Skeleton Warrior's sword. He quickly strikes back with his Power Lance, making the Warrior fall apart. Yellow Ranger runs by each of the remaining Skeleton Warriors and she slashes them with her Power Daggers, with a trail of yellow light following the blades. The Warriors fall apart and hit the ground in pieces. Yellow Ranger leaps in the air, the blades of her Daggers glow with yellow energy and she lets out a karate yell as she slashes the force field with her Daggers, with a trail of yellow light again following the blades. The strike from the Power Daggers cut through both the force field and Bones' skull, effectively destroying both. Bones' headless body stops attacking Green Ranger, it falls back and explodes.

On the palace balcony, Rita, Zedd and Domminnous stand on the balcony and are livid by what they've just seen. Even with his new powers, Bones was failing her, again. Rita holds up her Magic Wand angrily.

RITA: "Magic Wand, make my monster GROW!"

She throws her Magic Wand and it heads to Earth.

The Magic Wand magically drops down from the sky, it lands stabbed in the ground, shooting red electric blasts into the ground and it creates a large pit in the ground. Smoke rises from the pit, resurrecting Bones and making him grow into a giant. The Rangers move back as the giant Bones looks down at them.

BONES: "Thank you, my Empress! I'll crush them all like ants for you!"

The Rangers all leap aside as Bones stomps his foot at the ground. The Rangers have dodged Bones' foot and they move aside.

RED RANGER: "We need Dinozord power, now!"

GREEN RANGER: "I need Dragonzord power, now!"

Green Ranger holds his Dagger like a flute and he plays the Dragonzord fanfare tune from his Dagger. Bones lifts his sword back and then he slices it down at the Rangers. The Rangers leap away, barely dodging the blade as it stabs into the grassy ground. Bones lifts his sword up and he turns around. He sees that the five Dinozords and Dragonzord have already met up and they are approaching fast. The Rangers use the distraction to run off and to their Zords. The Rangers, except Green, leap into the air and land in the cockpit of their respective Zord.

RED RANGER: "Log on!"

BLACK RANGER: "Zack here, ready to groove!"

BLUE RANGER: "Ethan here, powering up!"

YELLOW RANGER: "Katherine here, all systems go!"

PINK RANGER: "Let's incinerate this skeleton!"

RED RANGER: "Rangers, power up your Crystals!"

In his Tyrannosaurus Zord's cockpit, Red Ranger has created his Red Power Crystal with his Power Coin. He inserts it in the outlet of his control console. In the cockpit of their respective Zord, the other four Rangers do the same with their own Power Crystals.

FOUR RANGERS: "Two, one, power up!"

RED RANGER: "Let's switch it to Megazord Battle Mode!"

The five Dinozords draw close and combine, preparing to form Megazord as they always do. The Saber-Toothed Tiger and Triceratops lock on to become the right and left legs respectively, Mastodon connects onto the Tyrannosaurus' back to form Megazord's arms and the Tyrannosaurus' head slides into its chest compartment to reveal Megazord's head.

COMPUTER VOICE: "Megazord sequence has been initiated."

The Pterodactyl flies over and becomes Megazord's chestplate. The five combined Zords stand up, the horns simultaneously lock onto either side of Megazord's head and the change to Megazord's battle mode is complete.

COMPUTER VOICE: "Megazord activated!"

Back at the palace balcony, Rita watches the Earth through her telescope and she smiles.

RITA: "Bones has moved to the mountains for the final showdown! Good! Now those Rangers have had it!"

At the mountains, Megazord gets into a fighting stance and Dragonzord stands beside it, also battle ready.

BONES: "I swore Empress Rita I would not fail again, and I intend to keep my word!"

Bones breathes out a stream of fire and the flames make Megazord and Dragonzord stagger back. Bones ends the flame stream and then he spits separate fireballs, one at a time, at Megazord and Dragonzord. The fireballs hit both Zords in the stomach and sparks fly off the Zords as they staggers back from the hits. Bones charges at both Zords with his sword aimed forward. Green Ranger has teleported down and he stands on a mountaintop. He holds up his Dragon Dagger to use it as a flute.

GREEN RANGER: "Dragonzord, use your tail-whip!"

Green Ranger plays a tune on his Dragon Dagger and then Dragonzord whip its tail at the charging Bones. The tail whip knocks Bones back and he hits the ground rolling. Bones stops rolling, he gets up and he charges at the Zords to attack again. Dragonzord tries another tail-whip, but Bones blocks it with his sword and then he sparkly slashes Dragonzord across the chest, knocking the Zord back a few steps. Megazord moves up next to defend Dragonzord. Megazord punches at Bones, but Bones sparkly slashes the Zord's chestplate. Megazord stumbles back, but recovers and Bones attempts another slash attack. Megazord catches the blade with its hands and the Zord kicks Bones' ribs with its Saber-Toothed Tiger leg. Bones stumbles back and Megazord moves in, delivering a punch to the monster's face. Bones is knocked down and hits the ground rolling. These Power Rangers were just as annoying as before. And though this was the first time Bones had ever fought Zords, he wasn't about to let two overgrown toys get the better of him.

BONES: "That's it! I've toyed with you long enough!"

Bones shoots a series of red eyeball-shaped energy bolts from its eye sockets which hit Megazord. Megazord stumbles back as sparks fly off from the hits and the Rangers are simultaneously shaken in their seats in the cockpit. Blue Ranger's computer suddenly goes to static. Yellow Ranger eyes her own computer as Blue Ranger pushes a few buttons to get the computer online again, but to no success.

YELLOW RANGER: "Shields have dropped to sixty-five percent!"

BLUE RANGER: "I've lost my computer!"

RED RANGER: "Let's wrap this up! We need the Mega Power Sword, now!"

The Power Sword drops down from the sky and lands with the blade stabbed in the ground. Megazord walks up, it grabs the sword's handle and it pulls the Sword up and out of the ground. Bones moves in to attack again, but Megazord blocks the blade with the Power Sword. Megazord sparkly slashes Bones across the chest and he stumbles back. Bones recovers, it blocks Megazord's next sword slash attack and then he sparkly slashes Megazord's chestplate. Bones tries again, but Megazord again blocks the blade with the Power Sword. Both unsuccessfully try to push back the other's blade back.

RED RANGER: "Mammoth Shield!"

The Mammoth Shield appears over Megazord's free left hand with a burst of neon green grid lines. Megazord uses the shield's sudden appearance to punch Bones on the chest, making him stumble back a few steps.

GREEN RANGER: "Let's finish him, guys! I'll give you a clear shot! Dragonzord, fire your missiles!"

With that, Green Ranger plays a tune on his Dagger flute, missiles appear in Dragonzord's fingertips and the Zord shoots the missiles at Bones. They hit Bones' body with a large burst of sparks, making Bones break apart into pieces and his head hovers up into mid-air. Bones' headless body starts to rise up to reform, just as the Rangers raise their right arms up.

RED RANGER: "Oh, no you don't! Sayonara, bone-head!"

The five Rangers simultaneously karate chops their right hands down. Megazord's eyes strobe with yellow light as it lifts up the Power Sword to the sky. Reddish-white lightning bolts shoot down from the clouds and energize the sword with new power. Megazord chops the sword down at Bones' hovering skull and it glows with energy. Bones screams from the hit, his skull drops down from mid-air and the skull explodes as it hits the ground. As before, Bones' headless body collapses into a pile of bones and they too vanish in an explosion. The Rangers cheer their victory from within Megazord's cockpit.

Back on the moon, Rita groans and she rubs her forehead. Zedd and Domminnous look over at her in annoyance.

RITA: "Not again! Oh, I've got such a headache!"

DOMMINNOUS: "A fairly simple task to accomplish, I'd say."

ZEDD: "I told you that Bones should have finished them off before!"

Rita pushes Domminnous and Zedd aside as she walks off the balcony to the throne room. She knew he was right, but then she didn't expect the Rangers to win against her upgraded monster.

RITA: "Oh, shut up! Baboo! Squatt! Somebody get me an aspirin!"

Zedd shakes his head. He knew Rita would get over the destruction of Bones eventually. But now he was going to have to listen to her whine about her failure for the rest of the night, and the thought of hearing Rita screeching was already starting to give him a headache.

Back in Angel Grove, Tommy walks with Kat into the Juice Bar. Lisa is already seated at a table for two.

KAT: "To think, even with that Bones monster showing up, I actually made it to my dinner with Lisa on time."

TOMMY: "You two have fun. I told Ethan and Zack I'd hang out with them anyway."

KAT: "You guys have fun. See you later, sweetheart."

TOMMY: "Later, Kat."

The two kiss on the lips and then Tommy turns and he exits the room. Kat walks over to the table and she sits on the chair in front of Lisa's.

LISA: "Hey, Kat. You made it right on time."

KAT: "Did you know what you wanted to order?"

The two hear a sudden loud clanking sound and they quickly look at the bar. Margaret, Bulk and Skull are behind the bar. Margaret and Skull are tending to customers, while Bulk is scrambling to shut off a cake decorator machine. The cake's frosting is starting to ooze up and out through the cracks of the shut cooker door.

LISA: "Well, I know what I won't be ordering."

BULK: "I thought you just got this thing out of the repair shop, Skull!"

SKULL: "I did! The repairman said it was finished!"

BULK: "Clearly not! Which button shuts it off again?"

SKULL: "Maybe it's this one."

He pushes a red button on the keypad and then the back of the mixer starts to smoke. Bulk and Skull's eyes widen with shock.

SKULL: "Uh, I mean... maybe it's this one."

Skull pushes a button and the cake mixer's door opens wide. Frosting shoots out of the open cake decorator door and it spews out all over Bulk's face. People at the bar start laughing as Bulk is hit with the frosting and Skull starts laughing. The last of the frosting splatters over Bulk's face and he wipes it away from his eyes. Margaret walks over, she looks at the controls and she closes the cake decorator's door. She pushes a red button and she switches the machine off.

MARGARET: "There. The red button shuts it off, remember?"

SKULL: "Oh, yeah!"

Skull looks over at Bulk and then he laughs all over again as he sees the frosting all over Bulk's face. Bulk gives Skull an angry look and Skull quickly stops laughing. He shrugs.

SKULL: "Well, uh... it's only frosting, right? Could've been worse."

BULK: "Oh, it will be, Skullie... for you!"

Skull quickly starts to back away. He was fairly sure he knew what was about to happen next.

SKULL: "Wuh-oh!"

Margaret quickly moves aside as Skull turns and he quickly runs off from behind the bar. Bulk gives chase after him and several seated customers are still laughing. Kat shakes her head and Lisa starts laughing.

BULK: "Get back here, numbskull!"

Skull runs out through the open back door and Bulk angrily runs after him. Margaret starts wiping off some of the frosting from the machine and from the bar. She had a feeling that this was going to be a long night.